Elphos Erald: Krause Enjoying School Spirit

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Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869

50¢ daily SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2010 Delphos, Ohio

Upfront Krause enjoying

Optimists offer
speech contest
school spirit
The Delphos Optimist staff@delphosherald.com
Club is offering area stu-
dents a chance to speak on DELPHOS — In a town
the topic “If I were leader with two schools rich in spir-
of the free world, the first it, it’s hard to believe there
issue I would address are schools out there where
would be...” as part of students just go to learn and
the Optimist International participate in the occasional
Oratorical Contest for 2010. activity. Talk to any German
Speeches will be exchange student and they
judged based on con- will tell you this is the case.
tent and presentation. Melanie Krause, 15,
Two winners will be says after school is done
picked, one boy and one for the day, it’s done.
girl, and awarded a $100 “In Germany, school
savings bond and medal- isn’t important after school,”
lion. Winning speeches Krause said. “It’s such a
big deal here. You have Krause
will be sent to zone level Germany. The others I met in
and possibly district all the activities and all the
shirts that say St. John’s the meetings before we came
level for the opportunity here.”
to win scholarships. and Jefferson on them.
We don’t have that in Krause had the luxury
Students under the age of having two sisters come
of 19 as of Dec. 31 are eli- Germany. We don’t really
have a lot of schools with to Delphos before her. She
gible. Deadline for speeches already had contact with
is Thursday. To partici- uniforms either like here
Tom Morris photo
at St. John’s. There are her host parents, Keith and
pate, call 419-204-0201. MaryLou Pohlman, when she
The contest will be held Jefferson crowns Klausing homecoming queen schools that have them, but
nowhere near my school.” decided to come herself.
at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 25 at “My two sisters were here
Jefferson High School celebrated its homecoming Friday night at Stadium Park. Queen With all the emphasis on
the First United Presbyterian learning, it makes sense that and they stayed with differ-
Church, 310 W. Second St. Kristin Klausing was crowned and escorted by King Logan Bonifas. The JeffCats were
downed by Sidney Lehman Catholic 36-15 during the football contest. Krause and her peers at home ent families but my one sis-
would do well in school. ter was friends with my host

“I’m doing really good family’s daughter and she

Meet the Socialist Party USA in my classes here. I got to

choose them all, so that was
nice, plus everyone is just
kept in touch, so I also got
to know her and her family
a little,” she said. “So when I
Punt, Pass and Editor’s Note: Four small group of almost all ish school,” he said. really helpful,” she said.
“Back home I’m in the 10th
decided to come here, I asked
them if they’d be willing to
“third-party” groups are rep- white men on the DHL board LaBotz stresses that his
accommodate me and they
Kick today resented on one or more Ohio
ballots on Nov. 2. This is one
decided to fire 8,000 people.
That affected about 40,000
concept of Socialism does not
equal “big government.”
grade. Here I have classes
with every grade but I’m said yes.”
in a series of introductory people’s lives and I think it’s “We don’t want big bureau- technically a senior. I get to “I miss my family back
The Delphos Optimist home but I get to Skype with
Club’s annual Punt, Pass stories on those parties but wrong for that many people cracy. Right now, we have do all the senior activities.
not necessarily the candidate to be practically wiped out huge governments; many of Right now we’re preparing them and my parents will visit
and Kick competition soon,” she continued. “They
or campaign in question. by a small group of men. them. We have huge bureau- for the church festival.”
will be held today at the want to see Delphos, too, so
Important decisions like that cracies in General Motors, Krause’s school may not
Stadium Park Field. BY MIKE FORD put an emphasis on extracur- I’m really happy I’ll get to
There are five divisions: should be made by all of us.” Exxon, the big banks and
mford@delphosherald.com ricular activities but she still show them around a little.”
8-, 9- and 10-year-olds will LaBotz said democratic so on. They make all of the
One of the “third parties” control of the economy is at important decisions, so we participates in one. After she graduates, Krause
compete from 1-2 p.m., appearing on this November’s the heart of his approach to need to democratize that. The “Back in Germany I’m in is undecided about which
while 10- and 11-year- ballot is represented by Socialism. He said the goal is decisions should be made by what we call rhythmic gym- career path she’ll choose.
olds go from 2-3 p.m. Dan LaBotz, candidate for equality; not just opportunity all the people in our country, nastics three times a week “I think about it a lot and I’ve
Age is determined Senate. The Socialist says and access but results. so a state bureaucracy isn’t and I’ve been doing that for always wanted to do something
as of the end of the cal- there is much confusion with “One of the things peo- what we want but we do want about 11 years now,” she medical,” she said. “My mom
endar year. No football Communism and that he has ple talk about in this coun- government to be more effec- said. “I also coach the little is a nurse and she lets me go to
shoes, cleats or turf shoes nothing to do with what he try is equality of opportu- tive,” he said. girls. Here I dance jazz. I work with her sometimes. I also
allowed; only tennis shoes. calls a “top-down disaster.” nity. I believe in that but I “Look at the mine disas- played soccer when I first got love to take pictures though,
It is open to all children. “I’m a Democratic Socialist also believe in equality of ter in Chile. The government here but I don’t anymore.” so I may end up working for a
Each participant will get — that means I believe the results. If we had a health came in and took control Krause also participates in newspaper or something like
two punts, two passes and people of the United States program, someone might say within 24 hours. So, the idea other fun activities. that. We’ll see.”
two kicks; the score will should make the important we have equality of opportu- that government is always “The most fun I’ve had After she goes back home
be a collection of the best decisions about our economy. nity to protect people from bad isn’t right, either.” here was homecoming,” she on Dec. 3, Krause says she
attempts in each category. I think they should own and infectious diseases but actu- LaBotz also said his party said. “I’ve met a lot of friends will definitely miss Delphos.
There is no cost control the great corporations ally, we have a lot of infec- is concerned about energy- as well and we’ve done things “I have really good friends
to participate. that are currently in private tious diseases. If the majority independence. He stresses and gone shopping. I also here and I’ve met a lot of
For more informa- hands and this should be of our people were dying, protecting the income of coal went to the lake with my host great people, so I’ll miss all
tion, contact Todd Menke through the democratic pro- we’d say that’s stupid; we workers but that ending our family and got to ride the jet of them,” she said. “I’ll also
at 419-863-0192. cess,” he said. wouldn’t be interested in just dependence on foreign oil is ski, so that was a lot of fun. miss the football and volley-
“Large corporations such equal opportunity, we’d want crucial, as is ending the wars I’m going to Chicago in a ball games. All of the games
as the oil companies, the big- couple weeks too, with the really because I just love the
Forecast gest banks and such — not
equality of results. We want
to eradicate measles, small
the U.S. is involved in. He
also believes in equal rights rest of the exchange students. atmosphere. I’m planning on
Clear tonight with low in hair dressers and restaurants pox and so on. We don’t for gay, lesbian, bisexual and I didn’t really know any of coming back sometime, with
mid 40s. — should be controlled by want everyone to just have a trans-gender persons; both in them before this trip except my sisters. I’ve really enjoyed
Sunny the American people. For chance to go to school — we the military and before the for the two girls at Jefferson. this trip. I’m really happy
Sunday example, in Wilmington, a want everyone to actually fin- justice of the peace. They went to my school in here.”
with high
in mid
60s. Low
near 40. Straight-talking engineer was behind heroic Chile mine rescue
Index By VIVIAN SEQUERA — no one knew if the miners miners. No one knew where how he assembled a team who stays cool-headed under
The Associated Press were alive, and the pressure to find them. of experts and methodical- pressure, Sougarret said he
Obituaries 2 was on to reach them. And From the first confusing ly worked the problem that tried not to dwell too much
State/Local 3 SAN JOSE MINE, Chile he knew he would be blamed days to this week’s glori- would become the biggest on the men he was trying to
Politics 4 — Three days after 33 men if the men were found dead ous finale, the 46-year-old challenge of his life. save.
Community 5 were sealed deep within a “because we didn’t reach Sougarret was the man with In choosing the young “I never allowed myself
Sports 6-7 gold mine, Andre Sougarret them or the work was too the answers. Chilean mining expert, to think about what was hap-
Church 8 was summoned by Chile’s slow.” And at the end, the last President Sebastian Pinera pening with them — that’s
Veteran 9 president. But eventually, contact miner to reach the surface, had turned to the man who anxiety-causing,” he said. “I
Classifieds 10 The Chilean leader got was made, the work was on, shift foreman Luis Urzua, ran the world’s most produc- told myself, ’My objective is
TV 11 right to the point: The square- and the miners below were would tell him: “People like tive subterranean mine, El to create an access, a connec-
jawed, straight-talking engi- calling him “boss.” you are worth a lot of money Teniente, for Chile’s state- tion. Put that in your head.”’
neer would be in charge of The mission was unprec- in Chile.” owned Codelco copper com- “Why they were there and
digging them out. edented. No one had ever In an Associated Press pany. what happened, that’s not my
At first Sougarret worried drilled so far to reach trapped interview, Sougarret told A methodical engineer See RESCUE, page 3


St. John’s 49 Lehman Cath 36 St. Henry 35
Ft. Recovery 0 Jefferson 15 Anna 7

Coldwater 42 New Bremen 28 Ada 56

Marion Local 21 Parkway 21 Allen East 0

Crestview 36 Van Wert 31 Elida 65

Spencerville 14 St. Marys 7 Celina 21
2 – The Herald Saturday, October 16, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

For The Record

God and Mickey Mouse OBITUARY FUNERALS
ARN, Harley Louis, 94,
The Delphos
may meet at voting booth
of Arizona and formerly of
Fort Jennings, funeral ser-
vices start at 11 a.m. today
Herald Vol. 141 No. 106
at Harter and Schier Funeral Nancy Spencer, editor
Home, the Rev. David Howell Ray Geary, general manager
The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
recently released survey findings indicating MIKE FORD officiating. Burial will follow Delphos Herald, Inc.
in Walnut Grove Cemetery. Don Hemple, advertising
Americans are largely ignorant about religion.
On the Memorials are to FFA. manager
The questions were very basic and related to Tiffany Brantley,
all religion, not just the affiliation of any indi- ROEDER, Andrew M.,
22, of Fort Jennings, Mass of circulation manager
vidual responder.
I wasn’t surprised by the results. I’ve
watched Jay Leno ask the simplest religious
Other hand Christian Burial will begin at
9:30 a.m. todday at St. John the
William Kohl, general manager/
Eagle Print
Evangelist Catholic Church, The Daily Herald (USPS 1525
questions of random passers-by on the street 8000) is published daily except
who seem to guess “Mickey Mouse” at every the Rev. Mike Zacharias
left,” “soft left,” “soft right” and “hard right.” officiating. Burial will be Sundays and Holidays.
turn. Many of them appear to have never
given the subject much thought and view reli- I would bet most people have some idea of Louis G. Calvelage in Resurrection Cemetery By carrier in Delphos and
area towns, or by rural motor
gion as irrelevant. However, two sociologists where they stand politically but I wonder if with military graveside rites
June 23, 1929-Oct. 14, 2010 by Weapons Company, route where available $2.09 per
from Baylor have published a book indicating one has correlated it with their personal view Louis G. Calvelage, 81, of week. By mail in Allen, Van
most Americans have a concept of the divine, of God. 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Wert, or Putnam County, $105
Fort Jennings, died at 4 p.m. Regiment, 4th Marine Division.
whether one is religious or not. Many may not Without a doubt, those on the hard right Thursday at St. Rita’s Medical per year. Outside these counties
even know they have a god-concept. have an authoritative view of the divine. I think Memorial contributions may $119 per year.
Center. be made to the Ottoville or
From one religion to the next, the divine has that’s obvious. The authors say most who share He was born June 23, 1929, Entered in the post office
been conceived of in myriad ways. Eastern and this view are men, while women tend to view Fort Jennings fire departments in Delphos, Ohio 45833 as
in Putnam County, to William or Heroes in Action.
Western hemispheres provide broad religious God more benevolently. Periodicals, postage paid at
and Isabelle (Reinemeyer) KAPCAR, Eleanor L., 86, Delphos, Ohio.
groupings, the latter being largely Abrahamic; This benevolent theology seems to corre- Calvelage.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The three spond to an emphasis on compassion in public of Marion, Mass of Christian No mail subscriptions will be
On July 23, 1949, he mar- accepted in towns or villages
view God as a person of some sort with a life. Those with a benevolent god-concept tend will begin at 10:30 a.m. today
ried Ruth Plescher at Ottoville where The Daily Herald paper
degree of human characteristics. to embrace the idea that we are here to help in St. Mary Church, 251 N.
United ICC and she survives in carriers or motor routes provide
In “America’s Four Gods,” Paul Froese each other. They may fall among the soft left Main St., Marion, the Rev.
Fort Jennings. daily home delivery for $2.09
and Chris Bader lay out four categories of the or soft right approach to governing, depending Michael Nimocks officiat-
Other survivors include son per week.
divine they say sum up Americans’ views. on their mix of public and private cooperation. ing. Burial will follow in the 405 North Main St.
Frank (Gwen) Calvelage of
They are Authoritative, Benevolent, Critical Either way, the Golden Rule sets the tone for church cemetery. Memorial TELEPHONE 695-0015
Oklahoma City; daughter Judith
and Distant. The first three are concrete, while their socio-political engagement. You could contributions can be made to Office Hours
“Judy” Schram of Ottoville;
the fourth is abstract, viewing God as a per- also fall into this category and be completely the St. Mary Grade School 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
brother William Calvelage of
vasive universal life force. There is a detailed secular. Tuition Assistance Fund, 274 POSTMASTER:
Fort Jennings; and grandchil-
summary at USA Today’s Web site where you Those on the soft right expect to be God’s dren Leslie (Kevin) Looser North Prospect Street, Marion, Send address changes
can quiz yourself to see what category you fall hands, while the hard right thinks a heavenly of Delphos, Matt Schram of Ohio 43302. Condolences may to THE DAILY HERALD,
under. Here’s a quick sketch of the descrip- savior is coming. Either way, both tend to look be expressed to the family at 405 N. Main St.
Afghanistan and Jon Schram Delphos, Ohio 45833
tions: to religious communities (and community in of Findlay. www.gunderhallandfolk.com
The Authoritative God intervenes in human general) more than government. He was preceded in death
affairs but is abrasive. The Benevolent one is Those who believe God is either Critical
all heart, intervening with great compassion. or Distant are more likely to be on the politi-
by his son Lewis “Butch”
Calvelage; daughter Pamela
Girl won’t be prosecuted in stepdad’s death
The Critical God has an opinion about earthly cal left. Many on the hard left seem to look to Rode; brothers James and Omer DAYTON (AP) — An said, according to the Dayton
matters but does not manipulate events. This government alone to fix problems. The persons Calvelage; and infant sister and 11-year-old girl accused of Daily News.
God wound up the universe like a clock and let in question may believe there is no creator son-in-law, Tony Rode. fatally stabbing her stepfather The woman said her hus-
it go but will render judgement in the afterlife. of any kind and hold to it as dogmatically as Mr. Calvelage was a lifetime after he allegedly attacked her band hit her in the face and
Lastly, the Distant God is not a person and is the most rigid religious adherents. For some, farmer who also worked as a mother will not be prosecuted, the girl “got scared.” The child
impartial. Communism and Atheism go hand-in-hand. welder with Clark Equipment authorities said Friday. could be heard in the back-
Theology is complicated and these descrip- Either way, these folks look to the machine and Gramm Trailer. He was After reviewing of the evi- ground saying “I’m sorry,” the
tions fall miserably short. Many people’s because nobody is coming to our rescue from a member of St. John the dence and circumstances, offi- newspaper said.
belief of God may not fall neatly in one box. out of the cosmos. Evangelist Catholic Church cials from the Montgomery
However, the categories are a good starting How one views the divine can shed light and the Delphos Eagles Arie County prosecutor’s office and
place for introspection. They seek to answer
the muddy questions of divine intervention.
on voting patterns. Conversely, voting patterns
can shed light on one’s god-concept. This may
471. His family was his life
and he loved working on cars,
West Carrollton police deter-
mined that the child acted in
They rank one’s concept of God on a scale be particularly beneficial to those who have fixing anything and animals self-defense and in the defense CLEVELAND (AP) —
from “intervenes” to “intervenes a little” to never thought about it. and fishing. of her mother. The winning numbers in
“doesn’t intervene” in our lives. Froese and Again, this is a quick sketch concerning the Mass of Christian Burial During the evening of Oct. Friday evening’s drawing of
Bader draw connections between one’s view of basics of a very complex subject matter. There begins at 11 a.m. Monday at St. 8 at the family’s apartment in the Ohio Lottery:
God and one’s use of money, as well as moral- are numerous exceptions to this basic blueprint. John the Evangelist Catholic the Dayton suburb of West
ity and other things. How one views God also Pick 3
This column is not intended to offer any opin- Church, the Rev. Melvin Carrollton, the 24-year-old step-
relates to how we view government and the 4-9-5
ions or insight. That is for you to find; I simply Verhoff officiating. Burial will father made repeated threats to
role we assign it. wanted to draw attention to a meaningful issue. follow in St. John’s Cemetery. kill both the girl and her mother Pick 4
Political camps could be labeled as “hard You can contemplate it from here. Friends may call from 2-8 and attacked the mother, and 6-4-2-7
p.m, Sunday at Harter and the girl stabbed the man, the Rolling Cash 5
Schier Funeral Home, where prosecutor’s office said. 04-09-26-29-37
the parish wake begins at 7:30 The 31-year-old woman
p.m. called 911. Ten OH
Memorials are to the “My daughter just stabbed 01-07-08-12-20-24-25-26-
American Parkinson Disease my husband because he hit me 28-30-31-33-37-38-51-57-69-
Answers to Friday’s questions: the U.S. Congress to build a canal across Association. and was attacking me,” she 70-75-76
The converted 8-by-7-foot fertilizer shed Panama rather than the original choice,
that serves the 200 families living in and Nicaragua?
around Ochopee in the Florida Everglades is How did Manhattan get its name — and
the smallest post office in the country. what does it mean?
The Library of Congress ceased publish- Answers in Monday’s Herald.
ing Playboy in braille in 1985 after Congress Today’s words:
voted to withhold funding. Kakidrosis: body smell
Today’s questions: Viaggiatory: on the move; traveling Delphos City Schools pickle and onion or cold meat Friday: Sloppy Joes/bun,
How did a postage stamp convince around Week of Oct. 18-22 sandwich, assorted fries, salad, glazed carrots, fruit mix, milk.
Monday: Chicken strips, din- mandarin oranges, milk. Elida Elementary,
ner roll, broccoli with cheese, Landeck Middle and High School

Fall Demands In Loving Memory

orange smiles, lowfat milk.
Tuesday: Chicken and noo-
dles, warm dinner roll, mashed
Week of Oct. 18-22
Monday: Chicken strips, din-
ner roll, broccoli with cheese,
Week of Oct. 18-22
Daily every student is offered
the choice of four different lunch-
Jack Adkins Jr.
Color Change!
potatoes, diced peaches, lowfat orange smiles, milk. es. These include the one printed
milk. Tuesday: Chicken and noo- here, pizza lunch, sandwich lunch
Happy 2nd Birthday in Heaven Wednesday: Pizza Bobz sand- dles, dinner roll, mashed pota- or chef salad lunch.
wich, tossed salad, diced pears, toes, diced peaches, milk. Monday: High school and
leave summer behind with: Oct. 17, 1968-May 23, 2009
vanilla wafers, lowfat milk. Wednesday: Pizza Bobz sand- Middle school: Ham and cheese
Thursday: Chili soup with wich, tossed salad, diced pears, sub, tater tots, assorted fruit,
rich browns crackers, peanut butter sandwich vanilla wafers, milk. lowfat milk. Elementary: RibBQ


or deli sandwich, corn, sherbet, Thursday: Chili soup with sandwich, tater tots, assorted
deep reds lowfat milk. crackers, peanut butter sandwich, fruit, lowfat milk.
Friday: Cincinnati chili, corn, sherbet, milk. Tuesday: Popcorn chicken,
copper blondes breadstick or mini sub sandwich, Friday: Ham sandwich, scal- broccoli and cheese, assorted
baby carrots, applesauce cup, loped potatoes, applesauce, milk. fruit, dinner roll, lowfat milk.


Call Holly, Jordan, Sarah or lowfat milk. Wednesday: French toast
Amy to save $15.00 on your Fort Jennings with syrup, sausage, 100% juice,
Fall color! Oct. 1st to 30th Bring coupon in to receive discount. St. John’s Week of Oct. 18-22 assorted fruit, lowfat milk.
One coupon per customer. Week of Oct. 18-22 Chocolate, white or strawber- Thursday: Salisbury steak,
320 N. Canal St., Delphos Monday: No cafeteria. ry milk served with all meals. mashed potatoes, assorted fruit,
When it comes to the number
419-692-9871 or 419-69COLOR
of retirement accounts you Festival cleanup. H.S. - Ala Carte - Pretzel soft twist pretzel, lowfat milk.
A silent thought, a secret tear, Tuesday: Cook’s choice, veg- and cheese available every Friday: High school and
have, the saying www.Studio320Salon.com
“more is better” is not necessarily true. In etable, salad, fruit, milk.
keeps your memory ever dear. Friday; Salad bar with fruit and Middle school: Grilled chicken
Wednesday: Stuffed crust milk for $2.00 available every sandwich, fresh carrots with
fact, if you hold multiple accounts with various
God tookbrokers,
you home,
it was his will,
it pepperoni pizza or cold meat Wednesday. dip, assorted fruit, lowfat milk.
sandwich, carrots/dip, salad, Monday: Taco, green beans, Elementary: Chicken tenders,
can be difficult to keep track of your investments
but in our hearts you and
live still.to peaches, milk.
Much loved & missed
refried beans, fruit. fresh carrots with dip, assorted
Thursday: Hot dog sndwich or Tuesday: Popcorn chicken, fruit, cookie, lowfat milk.
see if you’re properly diversified.* At the very least, multiple
Mom, Dad, sister Deb, BBQ rib sandwich, baked beans, peas, G-force bar, fruit.
family & friends potato chips, salad, pears, milk. Wednesday: Fiestata, peas, Gomer
accounts usually mean multiple fees. Friday: Hamburger sandwich/ cocoa bar, fruit. Week of Oct. 18-22
MORE MONEY. Thursday: BBQ pork sand-
wich, corn, shape up, fruit.
Monday: RibBQ sandwich,
tater tots, assorted fruit, lowfat
WhenWhen it comes to thetonumber
it comes of retirement
the number accounts
of retirement you you
accounts Friday: Hot dog, baked beans, milk.
Bringing your accounts to Edward Jones could help solve
have, have,
the saying “more“more
the saying is better” is not isnecessarily
is better” true. In
not necessarily true. In
Rotted Post Problems? sherbet, fruit. Tuesday: Popcorn chicken,
broccoli and cheese, assorted
all that. Plus, one statement can make it easier to see if
fact, iffact,
can becan
you multiple
hold multiple
be difficult
difficult to keepto keep
track track
of your
with various
with various
of investments
your investments
brokers, it
and toand to
it Ottoville fruit, dinner roll, lowfat milk.
Week of Oct. 18-22 Wednesday: French toast
you’re moving toward your goals.
see if you’re
see if you’re properly
properly diversified.
diversified. * At
* At the theleast,
very very multiple
least, multiple Monday: Chicken patty, rice, with syrup, sausage, 100% juice,
mean mean multiple
multiple fees. fees. green beans, pineapple, milk. assorted fruit, lowfat milk.
Tuesday: Sausage patty, tri Thursday: Salisbury steak,
Bringing your does not
your accounts guarantee
to Edward
to Edward Jones Jones ahelp
couldcould helpor
solve protect against loss.
solve tator, omelet, French toast stix, mashed potatoes, assorted fruit,
O.J., milk. soft twist pretzel, lowfat milk.
all Plus,
all that. that. Plus, one statement
one statement can make
can make it easier
it easier to seetoif see if Wednesday: Popcorn chick- Friday: Chicken nuggets with
Rotted Pos
towardtoward your goals.
your goals. en, French fries, butter bread, dip, fresh carrots with dip, assort-
To *learn
does notdoes
not guarantee
guarantee a profit aorprofit or protect
protect against against
your retirement accounts
loss. loss.
peaches, milk.
Thursday: Rotini, garlic
ed fruit, cookie, lowfat milk.

to Edward
To learn
To learn
why consolidating
why consolidating
makes your
call your local financial
bread, peas, applesauce, milk.
Friday: Hot dog, corn chips,
Week of Oct. 18-22
advisorto Edward
to Edward today.
Jones Jones
call your call your
local local financial
financial green beans, peaches, milk. Monday: Grilled cheese,
tomato soup, Goldfish crackers,
advisor today.today.
Lincolnview applesauce, milk.
Andy North
Andy North
Week of Oct. 18-22 Tuesday: Footlong hotdog
Monday: Shredded chicken/ corn, peaches, milk.
. .

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www.delphosherald.com Saturday, October 16, 2010 The Herald –3

(Continued from page 1) PET CORNER
responsibility. My responsi-
bility is to get there and get
them out.” urator’s
After meeting with Pinera,
Sougarret flew immediately
to the mine in Chile’s north-
ern Atacama desert. There he
encountered a nest of confu-
sion: Rescue workers, fire-
fighters, police officers, vol- by Gary Levitt Bobbi is a 7-year-old Lab Smokie is a 3.5-year-
unteers and relatives desperate mix. She came to the shelter old male. He is a big bun-
for word about the fate of their after being hit by a car. She dle of love! He resides
men down below. Today, I am asking for “Dear Cousin.” This was a ters from home when home lost her entire tail as a result, in one of our “Cat
Gently but firmly, Sougarret your help. I am working on heartbreaking story of two was overseas. but she is still as sweet and Colonies”, and gets along
made his first move: ordering our newest display entitled, men who had never met. Yet That leads me to my next loving as can be! She can be a with just about everyone.
out the rescue workers until “Mail Call.” Those two words through the power of the request for help. We have bit selfish with food and treats, He’s a bit set in his ways,
but other than that she’s a so a home with no small
there was, in fact, someone to were the sweetest sound every written word, they were able opened the museum on sev- very gentle dog!
rescue. He asked for any maps evening while in the military. to sustain each other and bol- eral occasions recently and children would be best.
Special Needs: Bobbi can
of the mine and assembled It was our lifeline to home, an ster each others’ spirits in one want to set up a regular sometimes be slightly inconti-
a team, starting with Rene oasis in this desert of war. of the darkest hours in our schedule so that the public nent due to the loss of her tail.
Aguilar, the 35-year-old risk Many of you have served history. can come and visit.
manager at El Teniente. in the armed forces during I remember reading one Being a tour guide at our Humane Society of Allen County has many pets waiting for
In the weeks that followed, times of peace and military particular letter – eleven museum is a fun experience. adoption. Each comes with a spay or neuter, first shots and a
the two men built an operation conflict. Hopefully you or pages of single spaced typ- It doesn’t take long to learn heartworm test. The Humane Society is located at 3606 Elida
that grew to more than 300 your family members have ing – from a soldier who about our current exhibits and Road, Lima, and can be contacted at 419-991-1775.
people. saved some of those pre- was with a military company you have the opportunity to The following pets are available for adoption through The
Among their first steps was cious pieces of paper. If you that liberated one of the con- meet people from all over Animal Protective League:
to ride into the mine in a are willing, I would really centration camps. It took me the world. Since the muse- Cats:
truck. appreciate a copy of those several tries to finish that let- um has been in existence we F, 1 year, white tiger
“We knew it collapsed. letters. In addition, I hope to ter because I felt like I was have had visitors from over M, 1 year, black
What does collapsed mean?” have some of you read those standing right next to him and 30 countries and from every F, 2 years, fixed, black and white, tortoise
Sougarret said. “What we letters while I capture those my emotions overwhelmed continent but Antarctica. We F, 2 years, multicolor
found was a block, a tomb- moments on tape. me. already have four groups Kittens:
stone, like when you’re in an Why do I want this? It is There are letters of joy scheduled to come through F, 6 weeks, grey tiger
elevator and the doors open so important to preserve our and of love. Somehow a love the museum in the month of M, F, 4 months, tiger
between floors.” history. Life is remembered email just doesn’t quite seem November. That would be a Cooper — 8-month-old tiger
It was a solid wall, a block differently through each set the same. Many times the great time to come and learn M, F, 3 months, tiger, grey, multicolor
of stone that filled the shaft of eyes and ears and history handwriting alone or look- about a significant part of
that corkscrews for more than is about people much more ing at the return address or your history. Our hope is to Dogs:
four miles (seven kilometers) so than places or events. How seeing a familiar style on the be open at least 4 hours a Brutus — 3-year-old Pap,white and brown, black spots on
to a depth of 2,625 feet (800 many of us sat in our living addressed envelope would week to start. Please contact Cocoa — 6-year-old Bearded Collie, chocolate and white,
meters). They later deter- rooms or on the porch lis- make your heart jump. Do me if you are interested… spayed
mined the cave-in started at a tening to older generations you remember SWAK? there is no obligation. Molly — 2-year-old Boxer/Border Collie, tan and white,
depth of about 1,000 feet (355 talking about their lives and Sealed with a kiss? Look Just a quick note: We will short haired, bushy tail
meters), and brought down the their experiences? That’s back to the songs of the fif- be publicizing our next trip
very center of the mine, some living history. Those of you ties and sixties… how many which will be to Gettysburg Puppies:
700,000 tons of rock. who just returned from our of them talked about receiv- and Washington, DC leaving M, 11 months, Tree Walker Coon Hound
Drilling through would risk Boston trip know exactly ing or sending a letter marked Delphos on Monday, June
provoking another collapse, what I am talking about. How “Returned to Sender?” 20, 2011 and returning on For more information on these pets or if you are in need
crushing anything below. much more was your experi- Please contact me by Sunday June 26th. We will of finding a home for your pet contact The Animal Protective
So, an entirely new shaft ence enhanced by listening to phone: 419-303-54825 or once again experience “Living League from9-5 weekdays at 419-749-2976. If you are looking
for a pet not listed call to be put on a waiting list in case some-
would have to be drilled to someone who spoke as if he by mail: Museum of Postal History” on this tour. In addi- thing becomes available. Donations or correspondence can be
try to reach the men. And actually stood and witnessed History, PO Box 174, Delphos tion, we will be announcing sent to PO Box 321, Van Wert, OH 45891.
they needed to call in more the events at Lexington and Ohio 45833-0174. I am hop- the details of another trip to
expertise — the miners who Concord? ing to unveil the exhibit on Mt. Airy, North Carolina
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“It was important to talk In the WWII and Holocaust Sometime in the future my By the way, doesn’t the
with the three who came out exhibits we had when the plan is to expand this thought Delphos Post Office look
last,” Aguilar recalled. These museum was still at the post to letters to and from the set- nice with the Fall decora-
men knew what was in the office there was an exhibit, tlers of this community; let- tions? Nice job, folks. Limited Time Offer! Limited Time Offer!
lower reaches of the mine — Join Now for $30 Limited Time Limited
Limited Offer! Time
Time Offer! JoinOffer!
Now for $30
Limited Time JoinTime
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Join for $30!
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$30 forTime ends
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tanks of water, ventilation Delphos Eagles Some well-known personal- Join Now Join
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Join $30$30for $30
shafts, a 48-hour food sup- ities were born in Ohio. Among
ply in a reinforced refuge far
beneath the surface. HALLOWEEN PARTY them
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T-Bone Steak and Rib Dinners WELCO

Costume ContesT at 10:00

Drink Specials:
The following is the weekly Cash awards for best dressed
$1-16 oz. Coors
report concerning construction Live Band: Light Draft
and maintenance work on state DAVE LILES BAND APPLE CIDER
highways within the ODOT Beginning at 8:00 till 12:00
District 1 which includes the
counties of Allen, Putnam and


Van Wert. (All work will take
place during daytime hours Existing
Monday through Friday only,
unless otherwise indicated).
Into a
Allen County
Interstate 75 from the Step-in PHOTOS OF PAST & PRESENT
Auglaize County line to Ohio Shower
D & R Bathroom Solutions
103 in Hancock County —
Installation of cable rail is
under way with day and night-
time lane closures occurring. Ft. Jennings, OH • 419-286-2947 IN OUR “SALUTE TO VETERANS”
The project will continue until “In just hours, my existing tub was transformed into
late October.
Ohio 309 westbound from
a step-in shower without having to buy a new tub or
install a new shower.”
Willard Avenue to Saratogo
— Pavement repair will reduce
Photos (most any size) can
traffic to one lane through be submitted to The Delphos
the work zone Monday and Herald or email with
Tuesday of the week.
Ohio 309 eastbound information to
between Ridge Road and sbohn@delphosherald.com
U.S. 30 — Pavement repair STOCKS
will reduce traffic to one lane Quotes of local interest supplied by
through the work zone on EDWARD JONES INVESTMENTS
Photos can be picked up after the
Wednesday of the week. Close of business October 13, 2010 publication is in the paper. If you
Description Last Price Change prefer your photo back right
Putnam County
Ohio 65 between Ohio 613 DJINDUAVERAGE 11,062.78 -31.79 away, you can bring into
NAS/NMS COMPSITE 2,468.77 +33.39
and County Road 5, Leipsic S&P 500 INDEX 1,176.19 +2.38 the Herald office
— Route is now open. AUTOZONE INC. 232.96 -0.04 and wait for it to be scanned.
Ohio 15 between Ohio 613 BUNGE LTD 60.65 -0.39
and Ohio 634, Kieferville — EATON CORP. 83.88 +0.24 Photos should be received NAME
Route closed October 11 for BP PLC ADR 40.62 -0.40
five days for railroad crossing DOMINION RES INC 44.54 -0.09 by the Herald office by TOWN OF RESIDENCE
Branch of service
replacement. Traffic detoured AMERICAN ELEC. PWR INC 35.94 +0.15
onto Ohio 613 and Ohio 634 CVS CAREMARK CRP 31.31 +0.06 12 p.m. Nov. 3. Dates of Service
back to Ohio 15. CITIGROUP INC 3.95 -0.11
Ohio 66 from U.S. 224 FIRST DEFIANCE 10.09 -0.12
FST FIN BNCP 16.88 -0.20
to the Paulding County
line, Ohio 190 from U.S. FORD MOTOR CO 13.80 -0.11
30 to Ohio 189, and Ohio GENERAL DYNAMICS 63.93 +0.76 Where vet is from
694 from Ohio 114 to Ohio GOODYEAR TIRE 11.97 +0.25
115 — Pavement repair and HEALTHCARE REIT 49.46 0
HOME DEPOT INC. 30.70 -0.11
resurfacing project is under HONDA MOTOR CO 36.61 -0.20
way with traffic maintained HUNTGTN BKSHR 5.69 -0.03
through the work zone. The Branch of Military
project will continue until late JPMORGAN CHASE 37.15 -1.57
October. KOHLS CORP. 53.17 +0.84
LOWES COMPANIES 21.56 -0.12 Years Served from to
Van Wert County MCDONALDS CORP. 77.48 +0.44
Ohio 118 (Shannon Street) MICROSOFT CP 25.54 +0.31
from Ervin Street to Main PEPSICO INC. 66.68 +0.04 Phone #
Street — Reconstruction, PROCTER & GAMBLE 62.76 -0.04 (to be used for information questions only
widening, and water line and RITE AID CORP. 0.89 0
sanitary installation project is SPRINT NEXTEL 4.59 +0.03 - not to be published
under way. Traffic is expect- TIME WARNER INC. 31.79 +0.38 Please fill out one form for each veteran.
ed to be maintained through US BANCORP 22.54 -0.03
the work zone throughout the UTD BANKSHARES 8.95 0
VERIZON COMMS 32.43 -0.01
majority of the project.
WAL-MART STORES 53.35 +0.10
4 — The Herald Saturday, October 16, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

POLITICS “Life is a solitary cell whose walls are mirrors.”

— Eugene O’Neill, American playwright (born this date in 1888, died 1953)

Strange case
Did St. John’s of Delphos complaints were received that
or St. Marys High School win BOB HOLDGREVE they were creating a nuisance.
the basketball game which was Delphos Herald,
played in that city Wednesday Nov. 4, 1940
evening? A peculiar controver-
sy has developed over this ques- Window ----------
Speed Bus
tion. The exceptional part of the Turned out by
controversy is the fact that each to the Gramm-Kincaid
side claims to have lost. A new type of passenger
The Delphos boys returned Past car which the Gramm-Kincaid
from St. Marys and stated that company is building is attract-
they had lost in a close and ing considerable attention here
hotly contested game, giving at the present time.
a score of 24 to 22. the St. The Power of The chassis for the second
Marys Evening Leader, how- A friend tells me that dogs of these machines has just
ever, comes out with a state- are as much under its influence been completed and was driv-
ment that Delphos won the as men, and he has discovered en through the business por-
game by a score of 24 to 22. a method by which a tender tion of Delphos Wednesday.
We do not intend to enter hearted man can bring up his This machine will go to the
into an argument with The pup in the way it should go Schaefer Wagon compa-
Leader in the matter. We will without unnecessary suffering ny, dealers for the Gramm-
waive all our rights in the con- to either party. My friend’s Kincaid company at Canton,
troversy and allow The Leader method is to keep in his yard Ohio.
to have its own way. We might a big tin tub and a thick stick. The first of the machines
say in passing that this is the When his dog has misbe- turned out by the company is
first time we have ever known now being fitted with its body
Obama’s blitz
haved, he chains it up close to


both sides to claim defeat. the tub, gives the dog a couple and then will be driven to
The Leader item follows: of cuts with the stick, scolds North Hampton, Mass., sold

One Year Ago

is about 2012 A high school boy’s bas-
ketball game Wednesday night
it energetically and then sets
to work to larrup the barrel.
to Hector Arell, of that place.
Two more machines are
• People sacrifice their time to volunteer for many reasons. WASHINGTON (AP) — at armory hall, St. Marys, With every blow on the tub, being erected to go to Florida.
For 20 year-old Matt Trentman, an environmental student Republicans are poised to top- resulted in a score of 22 and the dog howls and struggles. Orders for more of the same
major at Manchester College in Indiana, it’s just what he likes ple at least a dozen Democratic 24 in favor of Delphos. The By the time my friend has type have been received.
to do. “Every year during spring break, I go to different places governors next month, and event was closely contested as worn himself out upon the The new machine is an
to help with Habitat for Humanity.” that could cause President indicated by the scratch score. barrel the dog has received 18-20 passenger sedan speed
Barack Obama and his party The visitors are entitled to the all the moral good that could bus. It is equipped with a 70
25 Years Ago — 1985 major headaches far beyond credit of putting up the kind of have been afforded him by a H.P. motor and will develop a
• Members of the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign this year’s elections. playing that won the laurels. good whipping and is repen- speed of 60 miles an hour.
Wars, Jacob P. Smith Post 3740, met in the post club rooms. A cadre of new GOP The defeat is the first this tant and conscience stricken Delphos Herald,
governors, including some season of the St. Marys high for the next three days. In fact, Dec. 30, 1925
It was announced that dues should be paid as soon as possible, the imaginative animal fancies
in battleground states that school team. St. John’s has ----------
and the annual party for all paid-up members will be held Nov. won 12 and lost 6 games. The that he really has had a beating Another government grant
16 in the post clubrooms. The committee to serve will be Ethel Obama won two years ago,
could complicate his efforts to event closed the high school and is as sorry for himself as if was received Wednesday for
Perrin, Josephine Clementz, Agnes Eickholt, Loretta Miller, basketball season. he had been half killed. a Model E, for Point Barrow
Pat Horstman and Madonna Reinemeyer. deliver benefits to voters and
campaign effectively in 2012. Delphos Herald, Mar. 18, Delphos Herald, Veterans hospital, located at
• Marilyn Baxter, business editor at the Roca Raton (Fla.) 1921 1895 Perry Point, Ind.
News, has won a first place award in the Florida Press Club’s They could also help create
Republican-friendly House ---------- ---------- Gramm Motors, Inc. has
36th annual competition. Baxter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Says No To Youth Killed over 500 dealers throughout
Leonard Elwer of Fort Jennings, placed first in the best weekly seats in next year’s once-a- Vernon Topp, 23, of New
decade redistricting process. Vaccination the United States, and in spite
magazine category in Division II. There is an elderly lady in Bremen, Ohio, was killed of the depression the business
• Fourteen members of the Fort Jennings Central Jaycees In the final weeks of this instantly and his companion,
year’s contest, Obama is cam- my parish who was born and has shown a decided upward
recently met at Lock 16 in Ottoville to celebrate the group’s raised in Hessen-Darmstadt, Richard Kohlhorst, 19, also of trend for June which was the
paigning hard for Democrats New Bremen, is in Gibbons
third anniversary. President Kay Metzger opened the meeting Germany. In her young best month for nearly a year.
coast to coast, well aware of Hospital at Celina with a frac-
by introducing guests – District Director, Doc Stegeman, Area the worrisome signs for the maiden-hood she was vacci- The local truck company
Vice President Lisa Cardenas and three other guests. nated almost annually. A few ture of the left leg as a result also specializes in building
future. So far, his results seem of an automobile accident
mixed, and some candidates months after the sixth vac- fire truck chassis and Tuesday
50 Years Ago — 1960 cination she became sick with on Route 29, two miles west an order was received from
seem wary of him. of St. Marys, early Sunday
• Fifty members of the Tri-County Democratic Club were Democrats are at risk malignant smallpox, was hus- the government for a six-hun-
present at the regular meeting of the organization in the Janba tled off to the pest house, hov- morning. dred gallon pumper through
of surrendering governor- The two young men were
room of NuMaude’s Restaurant. Plans for staffing the down- ships in Ohio, Pennsylvania, ered between life and death one of the fire apparatus
for a number of weeks, but en route to Celina when Topp companies for whom Gramm
town Democratic headquarters here were made at the meeting. Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, lost control of the car on the
Plans were also completed to attend the rally for Senator John Iowa, Oregon, New Mexico finally recovered. She came to Motors Inc. built the chassis.
America and now resides on a road, made slippery by a driz- This truck will be placed in
F. Kennedy in Lima on Nov. 4. Senator Kennedy will arrive and Maine, among others. zling rain.
in Lima at 2:30 p.m. and will speak at Memorial Hall. Quentin Obama carried all those states farm west of Delphos. If the Delphos Herald, operation in Camp Sherman
Derryberry, candidate for Allen County prosecutor, and Page under Democratic governors Delphos Health Board desires Nov. 12, 1940 in Chillicothe.
Goodenough, candidate for Allen County sheriff, were both in 2008. And all will be com- to verify my statement I shall ---------- This company has been in
present and spoke briefly. Deputy James Weeden of the Van gladly give them her name. Kundert Livery Delphos for nearly six years,
petitive in a 2012 re-election She designates vaccination: being in constant operation
Wert County Sheriff’s Department was also present and spoke contest except, presumably, Stable Changes
briefly on behalf of the candidacy of Sheriff Wilmer L. Clay, “A breeder of smallpox.” Hands Again during that time throughout
his home state of Illinois. My own father, a German, the depression.
incumbent in Van Wert County. Republican gover- The Kundert Livery Barn
was vaccinated every three on North Main street, has Delphos Herald,
nors already have replaced years of his life in Germany, July 1, 1931
75 Years Ago — 1960 Democrats in New Jersey and changed hands for the second
• That “Oscar” was delicious and that it was difficult to according to law. His last vac- time in the past few weeks, ----------
Virginia, states that Obama cination was six weeks before Gramm Motors
tell the difference between the tough old rooster and spring also carried two years ago. Charles and John Hesseling,
his departure for America. He well-known farmers living near Plans Expansion
chicken served at the same meal was the decision of persons Elsewhere, Democrats came direct to Massillon, Ohio,
who were guests of The Ohio Power Company at a dinner on Delphos, having made a deal B.A. Gramm stated that the
are struggling to win a once- arriving there in August. In year 1931 opened up with the
Wednesday. All present were delighted with the meal and were promising gubernatorial race Thursday afternoon whereby
November he took sick of the they acquired the ownership best January business in years.
given a most logical demonstration of the worth of electric in Florida, another swing state malignant kind of smallpox, from G.W. Williams, who Twenty-five orders were
cookery. that has proven crucial in and it was four months before
presidential races. Democrats bought the establishment received this week showing
• Dr. E. A. Ockuly, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Ockuly, East he recovered sufficiently to do about five weeks ago. that the air of optimism con-
Third Street, broadcast Wednesday morning over station might replace GOP governors any work. He carried the scars Delphos Herald,
in California, Hawaii and a cerning the motor truck indus-
WSPD, Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo. Dr. Ockuly is now to his grave. His advice to Dec. 3, 1940 try is well founded.
located in Toledo. The address of Dr. Ockuly was one of a few others states this fall. But his children was: “Never get ----------
Minnesota is the only state in New uses for motor trucks
series of health talks being given. vaccinated. Vaccination is the Notice Farmers are opening up and the demand
• Horine Lumber Company is announcing their manufac- that category that seems likely greatest fraud on earth.” We have established a
to be seriously contested in the is constantly increasing.
ture of Air Sealed Reinforced Concrete Burial Vaults. This (This was written by good market for kiln dried Gramm Motors Inc. has
company has made concrete blocks in the past, and the manu- 2012 presidential race. Reverend Father Rupert, pas- out corn, starch feed and feed
As Obama tries to help just developed three new mod-
facture of the manufacture of concrete burial vaults is an addi- tor of St. John’s parish. R.H.) meal and will be needing local els for the third largest motor
tion which will increase their concrete products department Democratic congressional and Delphos Herald, corn to fill truck orders. Have
gubernatorial candidates, he car company in the world.
considerably. Dec. 2, 1913 been buying new corn locally They have already been ship-
often visits states that will be ---------- for past six weeks. If you have
vital to his re-election hopes. ping them to over one hundred
All Bobsleds Pressed new corn to offer, see us about
This year he has traveled selling. civilized ports and are look-
into Service
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR four times each to Florida, The Garman Grain Co. ing forward to a considerable
A party of young people increase in exports. These new
Michigan and Wisconsin, five sleigh-rided to King’s Hall at Delphos Herald,
times to Pennsylvania, and six Dec. 4, 1940 models will also be offered
The Delphos Herald welcomes letters to the editor. Letters Ft. Jennings last night and domestically.
should be no more than 400 words. The newspaper reserves the times to Ohio, where he plans held a dance. ----------
to campaign this weekend in ---------- Destroyed by The line of Gramm heavy
right to edit content for length, clarity and grammar. Letters con- duty model is being handled
Cleveland and Columbus. A party of ladies drove to Fire Friday
cerning private matters will not be published. The completely modern in export by the Willys Export
Failure to supply a full name, home address and daytime phone The president’s schedule “is the home of Mr. and Mrs.
driven entirely by how to best Oliver Sellett of Ottoville, frame dwelling about one and Corp. of Toledo, and the
number will slow the verification process and delay publication. one-half miles southeast of Willys-Overland Company,
Letters can be mailed to The Delphos Herald, 405 N. Main help Democrats in 2010,” said Tuesday afternoon, where
White House communications they spent the evening in Landeck owned by Fred Miller Stockport, England.
St., Delphos, Ohio 45833, faxed to 419-692-7704 or e-mailed to and occupied by his son, Otto, Gramm Motors Inc., have
nspencer@delphosherald.com. Authors should clearly state they director Dan Pfeiffer. He said having a general good time.
it’s not surprising that compet- A supper was served and a was totally destroyed by fire been successful in closing a
want the message published as a letter to the editor. Anonymous Friday night, the family hav- five-year contract with a very
letters will not be printed. itive states this year will also royal good time was had by
be competitive in 2012. all the ladies. the party was ing left about 7:30. large Chicago Company, for
Next month’s governors’ composed of Mesdames O.M. The fire was discovered whom they are to start in a
Moderately confused races also have big implica- Fettig, Jos. Hotg, Reinemeyer, about 8:30 and the Delphos few weeks time, the building
tions for U.S. House elections Jas. Flannagan, Fred Weiter, community fire truck was of trucks under their name
from 2012 through 2020. The Lee King, Evan Williams, called. Due to the heavy for their various connections
House’s 435 seats are reappor- wind and the head start of the abroad.
H.J. Bergfeld, John Fairdree, flames, the home was beyond
tioned every decade, after each Wannemacher, Flick, Misses This business is all financed
saving when the fire truck by themselves and will make a
census. States will redraw their Bertha Flannagan, Setta arrived. Efforts were directed
districts next year in a process Reinemeyer. very valuable connection to
to saving several out-build- the stockholders.
that often is intensely political, ---------- ings, including a garage. The
with borders crafted to help or A party of about fifteen home and contents loss was The Delphos company has
hurt a party, or even a particu- young people sleigh-rided to estimated at approximately for several years, off and on,
lar politician. Ottoville Tuesday evening $5,000, which was covered by been doing some engineering
Most governors have exten- and enjoyed a pleasant time at insurance. on fire apparatus and the past
sive power to influence the pro- Lauer’s Hall. The origin of the fire is not year has been developing four
cess, including the right to veto ---------- known. sizes and now have contracts
plans they dislike. That means A merry crowd of young Delphos Herald, with five fire companies, and
Obama could face a more folks repaired to the house of Dec. 7, 1940 furnishing them with the chas-
Republican-leaning House in Mr. and Mrs. Peltier, near the ---------- sis that they finish and put out
2013 if he wins re-election. river, Tuesday evening where Bicycles Stolen under their names.
The redistricting process the evening was very pleas- Local police have been They have a reputation in
will be especially brutal in antly spent. notified of the theft of two the U.S. as builders of about
states whose sluggish popu- ---------- bicycles from St. John’s the finest long distance equip-
lation growth will cost them The members of St. school ground Friday night. ment for big warehousemen
House seats. Newly drawn John’s choir made up a merry One taken is the property of to date.
maps can determine which sleighing party who drove to Robert Macke and the other They were the first to engi-
party’s incumbent is tossed the home of Mr. and Mrs. belongs to Vergil German. neer a practical low-to-the-
out. These states include Ohio, Gerdeman, west of town, ---------- ground rolling store chassis
Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa and Tuesday evening. The eve- Two Hoboes Ordered and have quite a few of these
Michigan, where Democrats ning was spent in games and Out of Town in operation now, whose suc-
risk handing the governors’ music and an elegant supper Two hoboes selling pen- cess is outstanding.
seats to Republicans next was served. cils in the business district Delphos Herald,
month. New Jersey also will Delphos Herald, were ordered out of town by Jan. 17, 1931
lose a House seat. Feb. 1904 Mayor W.D. Swihart when ----------
www.delphosherald.com Saturday, October 16, 2010 The Herald – 5


Delphos Fire/Police

9-11:30 a.m.— Delphos
Project Recycle at Delphos
Fuel and Wash.
9 a.m. to noon — Interfaith
Thrift Store is open for shop-
St. Vincent DePaul Society,
located at the east edge of the
St. John’s High School park-
ing lot, is open. The facil-
Photo submitted
ity can also be opened by
appointment by calling John
Trentman at 419-692-7185. Fort Jennings High School class of 1990 holds reunion
12:15 p.m. — Testing of The Fort Jennings class of 1990 recently held its 20th class reunion at The Outpost in Fort Jennings. The class also invited the classes of
warning sirens by Delphos 1989 and 1991. Members attending include, front from left, Jeff Swick, Amy (McNamara) Grothouse, Jenny (Heitmeyer) Mackan, Jen (Gasser)
Fire and Rescue Neidert, Jamey Fischer, Aaron Ricker, Tim Geise and Jason Klir; row two, Tony Landwehr, Bernie Berelsman, Amy (Heck) Sheehan, Dawn
7 p.m. — Bingo at St. (Schuerman) Murphy, Shawn (Broecker) Heiing, Anita (Osting) Aldrich, Jason Wieging, Jay Neidert, Jackie (Berelsman) Siefker and Jennifer
John’s Little Theatre. (Ladd) Klir; and back, Lynn (Lucke) Brown, Dan Good, Carrie McNamara, Kelly (Lindeman) Fields, Doug Fischer, Curt Will, Dave Luersman,
Brad Yerick, Shannon (Hawk) Schroeder, Steve Schroeder, Wes Klir and Lezlie (Ricker) Brown. Attending but not present for picture were
SUNDAY Angie (Hawk) King, Stacey (Paddubny) Bridges, Kelly (Paddubny) Cross and Duane Lucke.
8-11:30 a.m. — Knights
of Columbus benefit for St.
John’s School at the hall,
Elida Ave. Putnam District Library offers fall programs OCT. 17
Carie Moreo
1-3 p.m. — The Delphos The Putnam County The fee is $18 and you For the tittle of the movie, Derek Nomina
Canal Commission Annex District Library in Ottawa will need to bring a scissors, call 419-523-3747. Evelyn Horstman
Museum, 241 N. Main St., has announced the following glue gun and paper for taking Open Game Play at Megan Weitzel
will be open. upcoming events: notes. At the time of registra- Ottawa Library Arline Sendelbach
Drawing Classes in tion, let the library know your The Putnam County Dist. Duane Miller
MONDAY October choice in wreaths (Autumn or Library in Ottawa (located Ken Jackson
11:30 a.m. — The Green Register now for a Basic Christmas) and the majority at the Educational Service Joe Shumaker
Thumb Garden Club will meet Drawing Class at the Ottawa vote will be the one everyone Center) presents “Open Game OCT. 18
at the Delphos Public Library Senior Center and co-spon- makes. Play!” Form 12:30-2:30 p.m. Steven Metcalfe
for luncheon and program. sored by the Putnam County If interested, call the on Nov. 13 for kids of all Emily Burgei
Mealsite at Delphos Senior District Library. Wally Miner
library at 419-523-3747 and ages. Lorrie Metzger
Citizen Center, 301 Suthoff The class will comprise of register by Oct. 20. There will be Wii, PS2, Kelly Lindeman
Street. two sessions: 6:30-8:30 p.m. “Friendly” Halloween Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Happy Birthday Kristine Miller
7 p.m. — Washington Monday and Oct. 25. Storytime Mario Cart and board games,
Township Trustees meet at Sherri King, a retired Putnam County District too. Grab a friend and join the
the township house. art teacher from Columbus Library in Ottawa (located fun for this free program.
7:30 p.m. — Jefferson Grove School District, will by the Educational Service Any questions, contact
Athletic Boosters meet at the be the instructor. Center) presents “Friendly Valerie at 419-523-3747.
high school library. The class is open to the Character” Halloween
Ottoville Local Schools public and the cost is $10 Storytime at 6:30 p.m. on For more programs, visit
Board of Education meets at (cost includes all supplies, Oct. 26. www.mypcdl.org.
the high school library. please pay at time of registra- Join Valerie and the
Spencerville village council tion). The classes are a begin- Putnam County District
meets at the mayor’s office. ner’s study on how to trans- Library Teen Club for friend-
Delphos Eagles Auxiliary form shapes, for example, ly stories, games and songs
meets at the Eagles Lodge, circles into forms. The study for the family.
1600 Fifth St. also includes constructing a All are welcome to attend
still life using pencil and pas- and can come in Halloween
TUESDAY tel. There is limited seating costume. Delphos
11:30 a.m. — Mealsite and registration will be based Contact Valerie at the
at Delphos Senior Citizen on first come paid basis. library at 419-523-3747. St. John’s
Center, 301 Suthoff Street. To register call the Ottawa Investment Fraud
1-3 p.m. — Delphos Area Senior Center at 419-523- Program 98th Annual
Visiting Nurses offer free 5593 or the library at 419- The Putnam County
blood pressure checks at 523-3747. District Library in Ottawa
Delphos Discout Drugs. Antique Appraisals at (located by the Educational
6 p.m. — Weight Watchers Leipsic Library Service Center) will have and
meets at Trinity United The Putnam County Investment Fraud Program at
Methodist Church, 211 E. District Library Pandora- 2 p.m. on Nov. 1.
Riley Location will have Don’t be a victim, learn
Third St.
antique appraisals with Ann tips to avoid investment
6:30 p.m. — Delphos
Lions Club, Eagles Lodge,
1600 E. Fifth St.
Stratton at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. fraud with Janice Hitzeman,
25. a staff attorney, Division
Participants can bring two of Securities-Enforcement,
Oct. 16 & 17 Sat. & Sun.
7 p.m. — Delphos Area items to be appraised but she with the Ohio Dept. of
Art Guild (DAAG) will meet doesn’t appraise coins, stamps Commerce. $ in Cash
at their new location in the or weapons of any kind.
second floor gallery of the
Register for this free pro-
All are welcome to attend gram at 419-523-3747.
to be given away

Chicken & Beef

Delphos Postal Museum of this free program but registra- Family Fun Night
History at 339 N. Main St. tion is required. The Putnam County
7:30 p.m. — Elida School Call Pandora Library at District Library in Ottawa
Board meets at the high school 419-384-3232 to register.

(located at the Educational
office. Make a Wreath at the Service Center) will show
Alcoholics Anonymous, Library a movie on Tues. Nov. 9
First Presbyterian Church, Join Patti Homier in a at 6:30 p.m. This event is
310 W. Second St. “Wreath Making Class” at sponsored by the Friends of Adults $800 Children $600 (5th grade & younger)
8:30 p.m. — Fort Jennings the Putnam County District the Putnam County District
Village Council meets at Fort Library in Ottawa (located Library. Popcorn will be Serving: Saturday 4:30-7:00 p.m.
Jennings Library. at the Educational Service provided. The whole family Sunday 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Center) from 6:30-7:30 p.m. is invited to attend this free Eat In or Carry Out
WEDNESDAY on Oct. 25. event.
9 a.m. - noon — Putnam
a m e s Booths, Cra
County Museum is open, 202
E. Main St. Kalida.
11:30 a.m. — Mealsite DELPHOS

HERALD Food • G f
Country St ts
at Delphos Senior Citizen
Fun Treasu ore
Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869

Center, 301 Suthoff Street.

11:45 a.m. — Rotary Club
meets at the Eagles Lodge, In The Gy
m re Island
1600 E. Fifth St.
6 p.m. — Shepherds of *Dinner tickets may be purchased by calling the
Christ Associates meet in the The current Delphos Herald high school office at 419-692-5371 or
St. John’s Chapel.
6:30 p.m. — Delphos website stories are now viewed by grade school office at 419-692-8561.
Kiwanis Club, Eagles Lodge, subscription only. Delphos Herald Tickets also available in the elementary school
1600 E. Fifth St. hallway the days of the event.
7 p.m. — Bingo at St. subscribers can view the website
John’s Little Theatre. stories for no additional cost by
7:30 p.m. — Hope Lodge AUTO DEALERS FOOD MARKETS
214 Free and Accepted calling the Herald office for a •Delpha •Chief Supermarket
Masons, Masonic Temple, username and password. Chev/Buick/Pontiac Co. FURNITURE Interested
North Main Street. •Raabe Ford/Lincoln/Mercury •Lehmann’s Furniture sponsors call
Sons of the American The Delphos
Legion meet at the Delphos For new subscriptions AUTO PARTS •Westrich Home Furnishings
Legion hall. •Pitsenbarger Auto
and/or password information GARAGE Public Service

please call the FINANCIAL •Omer’s Alignment Shop Dept.

Please notify the Delphos 419-695-0015
Herald at 419-695-0015 if
Delphos Herald at •First Federal Bank HARDWARE
there are any corrections •Delphos Ace Hardware
or additions to the Coming 419-695-0015 ext. 126
Events column. & Rental
or 1-800-589-6950 ext. 126.
6 – The Herald Saturday, October 16, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

Wildcat rally falls short St. John’s rushes
through Ft. Recovery
The Delphos Herald
49-0 to stay unbeaten
By KIRK DOUGAL work of it. In 2:15, they trav-
DELPHOS — Too bad Delphos Herald eled 36 yards, including the
for Jefferson gridiron coach Correspondent touchdown play on the legs
Bub Lindeman that Friday kdougal@timesbulletin.com of Burgei as he went 26 yards
night’s non-league contest through the line and bouncing
versus Sidney Lehman at FT. RECOVERY – It could it outside for the score.
Stadium Park couldn’t have have been the game Another 3-and-out
started at halftime. that every coach followed by a short
The Wildcats won the fears - a flat effort punt and a personal
second half 15-8. against a struggling foul put Delphos
It was the first half that team sandwiched on the Ft. Recovery
was the Wildcats’ downfall, in between two big 2-yard line. One play
giving up 28 unanswered games. later, Jordan Bergfeld
points in a 36-15 loss to the But Delphos St. took the belly dive
John’s left no doubt up the middle for
they were taking the score and a 28-0,
As happened the week every contest seriously as they first quarter lead for the Blue
before, Jefferson (4-4) was put together a solid game and Jays.
dominated the first half, beat Ft. Recovery 49-0 in a That was the way the rest
this time with the Cavaliers Midwest Athletic Conference of the game went with the
(7-1) running off 40 plays to battle on Friday night. Indians struggling to move
the hosts’ 17 and outgaining “We talked about that all the ball and Delphos scor-
them 228-5. Tom Morris photo
week,” said Delphos coach ing touchdowns on all six
“You cannot afford to fall Cutting inside a block by senior Zac Lumpkins, junior Jefferson tailback Curtis Miller Todd Schulte. “Our kids possessions in the first half.
behind that far to teams like powers over Sidney Lehman’s Caleb Goins for a score Friday night at Stadium Park. The did a nice job of focusing Leininger added a 22-yard
Sidney,” Lindeman noted. Wildcats tried to rally from a 28-0 halftime deficit but fell short 36-15. and as coaches we stressed keeper for one score before
“Once again, our defense it all week. We wanted to the intermission and Burgei
was on the field much of drive back in Delphos ter- 28-8 deficit with 1:27 show- another tough game, with
get better and keep practic- took a power pitch to pay
the first half and they were ritory. ing in the stanza. Ada.” ing. We’ve got good leaders dirt – his fourth score of the
in our territory most of Sidney then drove 84 The teams traded punts Roll wasn’t as pleased. on our team and when you night - for a 42-0 lead. No
the time, too. We seemed yards in 10 plays. With but on Jefferson’s, Vernon “We didn’t put them are senior-dominated, that’s Jays starters were in the game
lethargic and just not very Slagle hitting 3-of-4 passes fumbled, with Delphos away; we put the ball on the the type of things you expect in the second half but reserve
enthused the first half.” (43 yards) and overcoming a junior Kellen Elwer pick- ground and fumbled a punt, them to do.” Chris Will had a nice second
The Cavaliers got the pair of 10-yard penalties, the ing it up at the guest 43. He something we never do,” he The Blue Jays wasted no half as he rushed the ball
first break of the night on culmination came from the ran it in for the score but by added. time jumping on the Indians at eight times for 82 yards and a
the second possession of the Jefferson 3. Senior Caleb rule, he could not advance Both teams are away the start of the game. Delphos score. In all, the Jays totaled
game as they got an inter- Goins (23 totes, 125 yards) it. Still, the Wildcats took Friday night: Jefferson at began their first offensive 350 yards on the ground for
ception by senior Joseph bulled in over left guard advantage of the largesse Ada and Sidney Lehman at series at their own 35-yard the game.
Staley at their 41. It took for the tally. Barhorst’s boot and hit paydirt in four plays. Dayton Christian. line and, in an inkling of “I thought our kids were
them 11 plays to march made it 22-0 with 7:19 left Cano completed two passes what was to come, proceeded very efficient up front,” said
in the half. for 41 yards and Miller again SIDNEY LEHMAN 36, JEFFERSON 15 to rip off chunks of yardage. Schulte. “We wanted to come
the distance. Keyed by two Sid. Lehman 15 13 0 8 - 36
Johnathan Slagle (8-of-19 Vernon’s 32-yard punt got the call from the 1. He Jefferson 0 0 8 7 - 15
QB Jordan Leininger ran for in and establish the line of
return set the Cavaliers up was stopped up the middle FIRST QUARTER 10 yards on a keeper, Evan scrimmage. We are pretty big
passing, 110 yards) comple- Burgei went for 13 off tackle and physical up front and I
tions for 29 yards, the senior at the Delphos 41 but the and bounced a step or two SL — Jonathan Slagle 13 run (kick
Wildcats stiffened. to the left to find the hole failed), 4:52 and then Leininger scrambled think we got a chance to wear
did the finisher with his feet. SL — Safety (Curtis Miller tackled in around in the backfield until on them a little bit. It was
Faking a jet sweep to the left However, the visitors to score. Antalis converted
end zone), 3:18 he found Justin Grothouse just a good effort and nice to
side, he bootlegged around would not be denied on their for a 28-15 scoreboard with SL — Joseph Staley 5 run (Jonathon
next drive, again starting in 7:34 left. Barhorst kick), 1:35
for a 20-yard pass-and-catch. come in, get the win and go
the right side and was virtu- From there it was back to home healthy.”
ally untouched to the pylon. Delphos space — the 44. On the Wildcats’ onside SECOND QUARTER
They again used 10 plays kick, it did not go the req- SL — Caleb Goins 3 run (Barhorst the ground game until Burgei Burgei had in one half
Senior Troy Baker’s conver- kick), 7:19 finished off the 7-play drive what many would consider
sion kick was wide right for to all but end the first half. uisite 10 yards but Lehman SL — Goins 1 run (kick failed), :03
At the 1, Goins again bulled touched it, with senior with a 4-yard touchdown run a good game. Burgei picked
a 6-0 spread with 4:52 left in THIRD QUARTER and a 7-0 lead. up 127 yards on 13 carries
the first period. inside left guard for the six Jordan Vorst recovering DJ — Miller 3 run (Mitchell Antalis
run), 1:27 What followed was what and four touchdowns while
An exchange of inter- with three ticks on the clock. at the 44. The Wildcats
FOURTH QUARTER the crowd would be treated to Leininger added 38 yards on
ceptions — by junior Joe Barhorst was wide right on converted a pair of fourth the rest of the night. The Jays three attempts (one touch-
DJ — Miller 1 run (Antalis kick),
Vondenhuevel and senior the point-after for a 28-0 downs on the 13-play drive 7:34 defense held Ft. Recovery down) and Jordan Bergfeld
Ryan Ebbeskotte, who was halftime bulge. that reached the Sidney 12 SL — Goins 6 run (Travis Ratliff to a 3-and-out and then the 56 yards on six attempts and
ruled to have caught the ball “We did a lot of good but on 4th-and-10 from pass from Slagle), 1:58
Delphos offense went right a score. Leininger was also
in the field of play and not things the first half: we threw there, Cano was sacked for back to work. The second four-of-five passing for 91
the end zone — left the the ball and ran outside with an 8-yard loss. S. Leh. Jeff. series was only two plays yards-
Wildcats at their own 2. A success. We struggled run- Sidney launched a 6-play First Downs 17 10 long and featured a broken Ft. Recovery was only
play and a penalty later at ning between the tackles and drive to cover the distance. Total Yards 301 134 pass play where Leininger able to muster 159 yards of
that is our strength, so we’ll Keyed by a 38-yard run Rushes-Yards 36-179 27-(-)22 again had to scramble in the total offense on the night
the 1, junior Curtis Miller Passing Yards 122 156
was swarmed under in the have to take a look at that,” by Goins, he ended it from Comps.-Atts. 9-20 13-32 backfield, this time shak- and most of those came in
end zone for a safety and an Lehman coach Richard Roll the Delphos 6. He took a Intercepted by 2 1 ing off multiple would-be the second half against the
8-0 score with 3:18 showing said. toss outside right end, cut Fumbles-Lost 2-2 3-0 sackers, until he found wide reserve defense. The Indians
in the canto. That score stood until the off a kickout block and Penalties-Yards 6-55 5-20 receiver A.J. Klausing alone only earned one first down in
Wildcats, winning the field- reached the pylon. Slagle Punts-Aver. 5-32.4 6-35.1 down the left sideline for a the first half on 59 yards of
William Vernon returned INDIVIDUAL
position battle to start the hit senior Travis Ratliff for 41-yard pick-up. On the next offense.
the kickoff (from the 20) 38 COLUMBUS GROVE
play Leininger pitched out to The Jays take their record
yards to the Delphos 22. Two second half, commenced a the 2-pointer and the final RUSHING: Caleb Goins 23-125,
drive from the Lehman 43 margin with 1:58 left. William Vernon 1-23, Joseph Staley 3-18, Burgei on the option and the to 8-0 and 6-0 in the MAC.
plays hence at the 5, Staley Jonathan Slagle 4-16, Evan Goffena 2-8, running back swept around Ft. Recovery falls to 2-6, 0-6.
ran that jet sweep around with 3:26 showing in the The Wildcats didn’t
Travis Ratliff 2-4, Team 1-(-)1. the right end and went 16 Delphos will travel to
left end and found the hole third. Set up by a 37-yard stop, reaching the Cavalier PASSING: Slagle 8-19-110-1-0,
4th-and-7 connection from 18 (from their 33) in seven yards untouched down the Maria Stein to take on state-
to the end zone. This time, Ratliff 1-1-12-0-0.
Cano (13-of-32 passing, plays but a pair or sacks of RECEIVING: Ratliff 2-44, Goins sideline for a second score. ranked Marion Local next
senior Jonathon Barhorst A Ft. Recovery fumble Friday night.
tacked on the point-after for 156 yards) to the 3, Miller Cano ended the night. 2-28, Herschel Hoehne 2-16, Slagle
got the score on the next “I challenged our seniors 1-12, Joe Vondenhuevel 1-12, Nick scooped up by Delphos’ Chris Score by Quarters:
a 15-0 edge with 1:35 show- Cordonnier 1-10. Pohlman gave the Jays a short St. John’s 28 14 0 7 - 49
ing in the first. play, burrowing inside left to step up and lead at the JEFFERSON
guard. On the normal extra- half. I told them we want- field and they made quick Ft. Rec 0 0 0 0-0
The Wildcats did gain RUSHING: Curtis Miller 12-13,

Night games no longer

Cavalier space in the next point, Logan Bonifas ended ed to win the second half,” Mitchell Antalis 3-5, Jacob Leach 1-2,
up running it, was going Lindeman added. “I liked Jesse Cano 11-(-)42.
drive but two sacks of senior PASSING: Cano 13-32-156-2-0.
down and pitched it back to how they responded to that.
a big deal at OSU
Jesse cano (11 toes, minus- RECEIVING: Ryan Ebbeskotte 5-98,
42 yards due to 7 sacks for the kicker, Mitchell Antalis, It gives us something to Leach 4-44, Logan Bonifas 2-10, Kody
minus-65 yards) ended that who sped to the corner and a build on as we get ready for Richardson 2-4.
The Associated Press play. Keels is expected to be
A-Rod, Yankees rally in 8th, beat Texas in ALCS COLUMBUS — What’s
brewing with the 2010 Ohio
back behind the mic soon.
State Buckeyes ... Terrelle Pryor says he’s a lot
By STEPHEN HAWKINS New York has won 10 Ryan and the Texas crowd. perfect innings. BUCKEYES BUZZ: Night better and feeling good, thank
The Associated Press consecutive postseason Then, the home run by Cano Mariano Rivera worked games just aren’t that big a deal you.
games against the Rangers, started things going awfully the ninth for his 42nd career anymore in college football. The junior QB said he’s
ARLINGTON, Texas — who were knocked out of wrong for the Rangers. postseason save, extending At least that’s the way coach capable of handling whatever is
The New York Yankees are the playoffs by the Yankees Gardner, the speedy ninth- his major-league record. He Jim Tressel and the Buckeyes thrown at him by the Badgers.
already making it look like in their only three previous place hitter, led off the eighth has allowed only one earned look at them. Pryor strained a left thigh
the 1990s all over again for playoffs appearances (1996, with an infield hit and Derek run over his last 21 postseason “We’ve had a lot more expe- muscle against Illinois two
Texas. 1998 and 1999). Texas is Jeter followed with an RBI appearances (28 innings). riences with them,” Tressel said. weeks ago, then didn’t carry
Alex Rodriguez scooted 0-7 in home playoff games, double to chase Wilson. And things had started “We even had the experience the ball on any designed or
home soon after his 2-run five of those losses to the Darren Oliver, the only so well for the Rangers in this year of having a night game impromptu runs in the victory
single that nearly was a dou- Yankees. player who had been in a play- their first-ever ALCS game on a Thursday and there were over Indiana last week. He felt
ble-play grounder and the The Yankees became the off game with Texas before and the first time playing a no games on TV during the day. he wasn’t able to run full speed
Yankees rallied for five runs first team to win a postseason this season, came in with a postseason series opener at I was like, ‘What are they going against the Hoosiers and still
in the eighth inning to beat game after trailing by at least 5-2 lead and walked the only Rangers Ballpark. to do, watch the soap operas’?” isn’t completely healthy.
the Rangers 6-5 Friday night four runs in the eighth since two batters he faced. Ryan, the Hall-of-Famer The Buckeyes have played at SHIFTING SPOTS: CB
in Game 1 of the AL champi- the 2005 Astros, according Rodriguez, who had and team president, threw the least one night game per season Corey “Pittsburgh” Brown —
onship series. to STATS LLC. Houston already struck out twice and ceremonial first pitch. The for the past few years. Some so called to distinguish him
The Rangers still have was behind Atlanta 6-1 in the made a fielding error to the all-time king of strikeouts years, they’ve played more. from fellow freshman from
never won a postseason game eighth of NL division series delight of his former Texas and no-hitters threw a heater Most of the players’ high school Pennsylvania Corey “Philly”
at home — even after build- Game 4 and went on to win fans, hit a hard grounder that to Jim Sundberg that drew games were at night, so it’s not Brown — has been shifted from
ing a 5-0 lead against CC 7-6 in 18 innings. hopped over Young’s glove maybe the loudest pregame as if the occasional game under CB to S.
Sabathia. Right-hander Phil Hughes at third base. The single came cheer under the Friday night the lights is a shock. QUOTE OF THE DAY: DT
Robinson Cano hit a solo starts Game 2 for the Yankees against submarining right- lights that in the Texas fall Today’s game at Wisconsin’s Dexter Larimore on how every-
homer in the seventh to begin today against right-hander hander Darren O’Day, who are usually dominated by Camp Randall Stadium will kick one who plays for Wisconsin
the Yankees’ comeback. Brett Colby Lewis. faced only one batter and high school football. off at 6 p.m. local time (7 p.m., is the same size as an offensive
Gardner’s headfirst dive for Hamilton’s 3-run homer in took the loss. With Hamilton’s 3-run ESPN, in Ohio). lineman, even if they aren’t one:
an infield hit started the big the first put Texas ahead and Cano, who had hom- homer in the first, Texas already No matter what, Tressel “I think they put two offensive
rally the next inning against only a fortunate bounce on ered an inning earlier, then had more runs than it scored in added playing the game at night linemen in different numbers,
C.J. Wilson and four reliev- what could’ve been a bases- had an RBI single off lefty all of the 1998 and 1999 divi- won’t have much of an effect on (one of whom) is supposedly a
ers. loaded wild pitch later in the Clay Rapada, who didn’t sion series against New York. the outcome. tight end. But you couldn’t con-
Texas threatened in the inning stopped the Rangers face another batter. Marcus The Rangers scored only one INJURY REPORT: Paul vince me; he’s still got his knee
ninth against Mariano Rivera, from getting more. Thames followed with the run in each of those while Keels, Ohio State’s play-by-play braces on.”
putting a runner on second Wilson, the crafty lefty single off Derek Holland that being swept in three games announcer on radio, has been ANGRY BREWSTER:
with one out. But Rivera reliever-turned starter, drove home A-Rod. both times. They lost the last hospitalized due to abdominal Wisconsin coach Bret Bielema
struck out Michael Young blanked the Yankees through Dustin Moseley, the sec- three games in the 1996 after surgery. Marty Bannister, usu- clashed with Minnesota’s Tim
and retired Josh Hamilton on six innings to the cheers of ond of four Yankees’ reliev- winning their playoff debut in ally the sideline reporter, will Brewster after last Saturday’s
a grounder. Rangers part-owner Nolan ers, struck out four in his two old Yankee Stadium. assume Keels’ job on play-by- 42-23 win by the Badgers.
www.delphosherald.com Saturday, October 16, 2010 The Herald — 7

The Associated Press
Tampa Bay
New Orleans
.800 113 70
.750 74 80
.600 99 102
.000 52 110
N.Y. Jets 4 1 0 .800 135 81 North I am glad this picking thingy ented, so give them the nod on to get triumph. and win over the battle of the
New England 3 1 0 .750 131 96 W L T Pct PF PA keeps me humble! LA Coliseum.
Miami 2 2 0 .500 66 92 Chicago 4 1 0 .800 92 74 ---- birds. No Vick, no win for the
Buffalo 0 5 0 .000 87 161 Green Bay 3 2 0 .600 119 89 I returned to “normal” last NEBRASKA: Cornhuskers DAVE BONINSEGNA Eagles.
South Minnesota 1 3 0 .250 63 67 week with a 6-6 mark (4-2 in have quietly moved up to No. College: -----
W L T Pct PF PA Detroit 1 4 0 .200 126 112 college and 2-4 in the dastardly 5. This may not be the Nebraska
Houston 3 2 0 .600 118 136 West Arkansas: Auburn squeaked JAY SPENCER
Jacksonville 3 2 0 .600 107 137 W L T Pct PF PA pros, the slimes!!!). team of Tom Osborne and the out a victory over Kentucky last COLLEGE:
Tennessee 3 2 0 .600 132 95 Arizona 3 2 0 .600 88 138 I now stand overall at 34-26 Blackshirt’s defense, which week and just barley beat Auburn - Both teams
Indianapolis 3 2 0 .600 136 101 Seattle 2 2 0 .500 75 77
North St. Louis 2 3 0 .400 83 96 (21-9 college, 13-17 pros). leaves some question marks. Miss. State earlier in the are tough. This is a hard
W L T Pct PF PA San Francisco 0 5 0 .000 76 130 Dave Boninsegna returned Still, with Longhorns not click- year. The Razorbacks one. Auburn seems to
Baltimore 4 1 0 .800 92 72 and was SO lucky (remember ing on offense and a defense give Auburn their first always have a good run-
Pittsburgh 3 1 0 .750 86 50 ———
Cincinnati 2 3 0 .400 100 102 Sunday’s Games “Match Game” — how lucky that seems to be suspect, give loss of the season. ning game. I’m going
Cleveland 1 4 0 .200 78 97 Seattle at Chicago, 1 p.m. was he???) I have Huskers a signature Iowa: Michigan got bit for the home team.
West Miami at Green Bay, 1 p.m. decided to mark him win in Austin. last week by their in-state
W L T Pct PF PA Kansas City at Houston, 1 p.m. Michigan – Michigan
Kansas City 3 1 0 .750 77 57 Cleveland at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. as 0-12 the week VIRGINIA: Tar rival and go up against is too fast for Iowa.
Oakland 2 3 0 .400 111 134 San Diego at St. Louis, 1 p.m. before!!!! I won’t but Heels are poised for a very good Iowa team. They’re going to bounce
Denver 2 3 0 .400 104 116 Detroit at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m. it’s still in the back of a run at the national
San Diego 2 3 0 .400 140 106 Baltimore at New England, 1 p.m. Let’s make it two in a back from a tough in-
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Atlanta at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. my mind ...! title ... oops, wrong row for that team from state loss.
East New Orleans at Tampa Bay, 1 p.m. He went 10-2 sport. They have had up north. Ohio State – I’m not
W L T Pct PF PA N.Y. Jets at Denver, 4:05 p.m.
(4-2, 6-0) to improve their share of in-house Ohio State: Ohio State Boninsegna a Buckeye fan and I
Washington 3 2 0 .600 89 92 Oakland at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m.
N.Y. Giants 3 2 0 .600 106 98 Dallas at Minnesota, 4:15 p.m. to 27-21 (15-9 and problems. Not that the doesn’t have a good track wouldn’t mind seeing
Philadelphia 3 2 0 .600 122 103 Indianapolis at Washington, 8:20 p.m. 12-12) Cavaliers have been record in Madison and with the Wisconsin win but I don’t think
Dallas 1 3 0 .250 81 87 Open: Buffalo, Cincinnati, Arizona, Carolina
South Monday’s Game Jay “Shady” setting the world on number 1 tag puts a big target that’s going to happen. I respect
W L T Pct PF PA Tennessee at Jacksonville, 8:30 p.m. Spencer went 4-8 fire but since they are on the Buckeyes backs. They the vest.
(1-5, 3-3) to move the Metcalfe at home, give them the still come out on top but not by USC – Even though their


guest picker’s overall nod. much. season is for naught, USC is
mark to 35-25 (22-8 and 13-17). PROS USC: Not the battle it once well-coached and will prevail in
He returns this week. MINNESOTA: Two words: was, this is the only real thing this matchup.
The Associated Press AVERAGE PER GAME Here we go. Randy Moss. He still bears a that USC is playing for with all Texas – Texas is due for an
Week 5 AMERICAN FOOTBALL College: Arkansas at Auburn; grudge that the Cowboys passed the NCAA charges against them. upset and has better athleticism
TOTAL YARDAGE CONFERENCE Iowa at Michigan; Ohio State him over years ago for some
AMERICAN FOOTBALL OFFENSE That is why USC wins this; it’s than Nebraska.
CONFERENCE Yards Rush Pass at Wisconsin; California at dubious reason, when they draft- all they have. Virginia – Virginia will use
OFFENSE San Diego 461.8 124.0 337.8 USC; Texas at Nebraska; North ed and kept some with the same Nebraska: The Longhorns are the home-field advantage to the
Yards Rush Pass Indianapolis 397.0 79.8 317.2
San Diego 2309 620 1689 Denver 384.8 51.8 333.0
Carolina at Virginia. issues. Plus, Cowboys can’t in disarray and not in the top 20 max.
Indianapolis 1985 399 1586 Houston 371.4 142.4 229.0 Pros: Dallas at Minnesota; seem to put anything togeth- since…..I like the Cornhuskers PROS:
Denver 1924 259 1665 Cincinnati 351.4 103.4 248.0 Baltimore at New England; er consistently, especially an to win at home.
Houston 1857 712 1145 New England 344.3 122.3 222.0
Dallas – Even though I’m
Cincinnati 1757 517 1240 Miami 339.5 107.0 232.5
Tennessee at Jacksonville “expert” in the 3-4 defense like North Carolina: North a life-long Viking fan, with
Oakland 1696 671 1025 Oakland 339.2 134.2 205.0 (Monday); Oakland at San “Bum” Phillips. This is not the Carolina has rolled off three Favre’s elbow issues and the
N.Y. Jets 1686 826 860 N.Y. Jets 337.2 165.2 172.0 Francisco; Indianapolis week for them to start against wins in a row, including a win consecutive start streak on the
Baltimore 1641 570 1071 Baltimore 328.2 114.0 214.2
Jacksonville 1558 734 824 Jacksonville 311.6 146.8 164.8
at Washington; Atlanta at tough Vikings’ defense. over Clemson, while the Cavs line, I look for Minnesota to go
Cleveland 1507 514 993 Kansas City 306.8 148.8 158.0 Philadelphia. BALTIMORE: Patriots will are headed in the other direction. to their back-up QB for a week,
Tennessee 1463 691 772 Cleveland 301.4 102.8 198.6 JIM METCALFE find out what they had in Moss, Despite being at home, Virginia maybe two.
New England 1377 489 888 Tennessee 292.6 138.2 154.4
Miami 1358 428 930 Pittsburgh 269.5 133.5 136.0
COLLEGE even an unmotivated one. Who goes down to their 4th loss in Baltimore – Defensively, they
Buffalo 1255 532 723 Buffalo 251.0 106.4 144.6 AUBURN: Arkansas QB takes his place in the deep-pass- a row. are stout and anxiously await the
Kansas City 1227 595 632 DEFENSE Ryan Mallet has had a solid cam- ing game? You can only nickel-
Pittsburgh 1078 534 544 Pros: return of Ed Reed on defense
Yards Rush Pass paign but the Tigers have been and-dime a pro defense for so
DEFENSE San Diego 246.2 86.4 159.8 Dallas: Brett Farve has so and Joe Flacco is proving to be
Yards Rush Pass Baltimore 257.8 101.2 156.6 quietly doing well. It’s tough long, especially Ravens’. Plus, many off-field problems, this an impressive surprise this
Pittsburgh 1156 249 907
Miami 1197 471 726
Pittsburgh 289.0 62.3 226.8 to win on the road in the SEC the New England ‘D’ is not what is going to be a big year.
Miami 299.3 117.8 181.5 (see Alabama at South Carolina it once was.
San Diego 1231 432 799 N.Y. Jets 313.6 79.0 234.6 distraction for the Jacksonville – Because
Kansas City 1280 322 958 last week), so give Auburn the JACKSONVILLE: Jaguars Vikings. I like the
Baltimore 1289 506 783 Cincinnati 317.6 111.0 206.6 the Jaguars will look to
New England 1538 449 1089 Kansas City 320.0 80.5 239.5 pick here. are below the radar — since Cowboys to come into pound this one out on the
N.Y. Jets 1568 395 1173 Denver 341.2 127.4 213.8 IOWA: Michigan comes off they struggle to draw in their Minnesota and grab a
Cleveland 343.2 120.0 223.2 ground because the Titans
Cincinnati 1588 555 1033 a tough loss to in-state archri- own stadium — and Titans have win.
Denver 1706 637 1069 Tennessee 344.4 101.8 242.6 rush the QB very well. So
Cleveland 1716 600 1116 Indianapolis 345.8 142.2 203.6 val Michigan State, while Iowa been maddeningly inconsistent. Baltimore: Defense don’t look for many pass
Tennessee 1722 509 1213 Oakland 345.8 147.8 198.0 seems to have gotten back on Jaguars have been getting by — usually beats offense;
Buffalo 382.4 182.4 200.0 yards from Jacksonville.
Indianapolis 1729 711 1018 track after it loss in the desert a especially with tough running although they are on
Oakland 1729 739 990 New England 384.5 112.3 272.3 Maurice Jones-Drew has a
Buffalo 1912 912 1000 Jacksonville 385.0 102.8 282.2 month ago. Wolverines’ defense game — and that remains this the road, I am going good day.
Jacksonville 1925 514 1411 Houston 409.2 79.6 329.6 is the problem, along with who week. with the Ravens. Spencer San Francisco - San
Houston 2046 398 1648 NATIONAL FOOTBALL
NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE else can their offense turn to SAN FRANCISCO: 49ers Jacksonville: Francisco will get their
CONFERENCE OFFENSE when Denard Robinson is shut were of-so-close last week again Tennessee coming off a big win first win here with great RB
OFFENSE Yards Rush Pass down. I like Hawkeyes to hand Philly. Raiders had a great game over Dallas and the Jags won Frank Gore and TE Vernon
Yards Rush Pass Dallas 421.5 95.3 326.3
N.Y. Giants 1890 651 1239 N.Y. Giants 378.0 130.2 247.8 @%!^!^!^ (for my friend, Jim last week but can’t do it two two in a row, including a win Davis. Crabtree is also starting to
Atlanta 1851 744 1107 Atlanta 370.2 148.8 221.4 Fisher!!!) their second straight weeks in a row. This Bay battle over the Colts. Should be a good play better under the new offen-
Philadelphia 1808 652 1156 Philadelphia 361.6 130.4 231.2 loss. will be intense but I like Samurai matchup; I like the home team sive coordinator. This should be
New Orleans 1734 378 1356 New Orleans 346.8 75.6 271.2
Green Bay 1712 535 1177 Green Bay 342.4 107.0 235.4 OHIO STATE: Badgers are Mike to finally break through. here. enough to get the 49ers their
Washington 1686 443 1243 Washington 337.2 88.6 248.6 tough at night in Camp Randall WASHINGTON: Colts have Oakland: Battle by the bay first win.
Dallas 1686 381 1305 Detroit 332.0 82.0 250.0 Stadium. However, if Jim not been the early-season jug- and next to the Steelers game, Indianapolis – Washington
Detroit 1660 410 1250 Minnesota 330.3 131.5 198.8
St. Louis 1590 509 1081 St. Louis 318.0 101.8 216.2
Tressel realizes what he has with gernaut we have gotten used to. probably the game I care the has given up more than 400 total
San Francisco 1557 389 1168 Tampa Bay 313.8 103.5 210.3 an emerging Pryor — in the They are still good — any team least about this week. I will go yards per game this season so
Chicago 1404 493 911 San Francisco 311.4 77.8 233.6 right system — and a new-found with Peyton Manning at QB with the Raiders, just because I far. Look for Peyton Manning to
Minnesota 1321 526 795 Chicago 280.8 98.6 182.2
Tampa Bay 1255 414 841 Seattle 277.3 79.5 197.8
outside weapon in Saine, the is formidable — but Redskins have to pick someone. pick apart the Redskins second-
Arizona 1200 437 763 Arizona 240.0 87.4 152.6 defense will stop John Clay and seem to be on the right track. Indianapolis: It is hard to ary. 400+ again for Indy.
Carolina 1180 498 682 the Badger running game and Give them the edge in FedEx
Seattle 1109 318 791
Carolina 236.0 99.6 136.4 pick against Peyton Manning, Atlanta – If Michael Vick
DEFENSE win going away. I say he does. Field. was on the field, my pick would
DEFENSE Yards Rush Pass
so I won’t.
Yards Rush Pass N.Y. Giants 244.6 98.6 146.0 USC: One wonders how long PHILADELPHIA: Another Atlanta: The Falcons are on be different, especially because
Minnesota 1157 417 740
Dallas 1219 409 810
Minnesota 289.3 104.3 185.0 Trojans will play hard for Lane team — Falcons — that has done a 4-game winning streak and Atlanta was the team to draft
N.Y. Giants 1223 493 730 Chicago 295.2 78.6 216.6 Kiffin. He doesn’t engender loy- just enough to be successful. hit the road to Philly; while the Vick. But that is not the case.
Dallas 304.8 102.3 202.5
Tampa Bay
1363 573
1476 393
1083 New Orleans 306.4 118.8 187.6 alty (see Tennessee) but as long Eagles come off long road trip Eagles are coming off a close Roddy White will play big as
Seattle 1499 291 1208 Atlanta 310.0 86.6 223.4 as USC plays long-time rivals to San Fran and are back home. win over the 49ers and a terrible usual and with a little help from
New Orleans 1532 594 938 Carolina 316.8 134.4 182.4 like Cal, I think they will play Short week is a worry but give game against the Redskins. I Michael Turner, the Falcons win
Atlanta 1550 433 1117 Green Bay 317.2 104.8 212.4
Carolina 1584 672 912 Philadelphia 318.2 125.8 192.4 hard. They are still plenty tal- them an edge at home, enough think the Falcons are clicking this game.
San Francisco 339.0 111.4 227.6

Waltrip snub felt personal; voters say otherwise

Green Bay 1586 524 1062
Philadelphia 1591 629 962 Tampa Bay 340.8 143.3 197.5
San Francisco 1695 557 1138 St. Louis 342.0 110.8 231.2
St. Louis 1710 554 1156 Detroit 368.6 133.2 235.4
Detroit 1843 666 1177 Seattle 374.8 72.8 302.0
Arizona 1910 704 1206 Arizona 382.0 140.8 241.2
Washington 410.2 112.2 298.0
Washington 2051 561 1490 By JENNA FRYER But his name was checked come.” that Waltrip’s exclusion was
The Associated Press on less than half of the 53 The 52-member voting not personal but explained
ballots even though many,
Waltrip included, believed he
panel is made up of eight
NASCAR representatives,
that many voters felt a respon-
sibility to electing the sport’s
The Associated Press Robert Brewster. Darrell Waltrip, winner of was a shoo-in for the second 11 track owners, 14 media elder statesmen.
BASEBALL HOCKEY 84 races and three champi- class. representatives, three manu- “There was a great debate
American League National Hockey League onships on the track, lost a His exclusion sent a clear facturer representatives, four on comparing drivers from
KANSAS CITY NHL—Fined Ottawa F popularity contest among his message that not everybody retired drivers, three retired the 50s to drivers from the
ROYALS—Acquired RHP Nick Foligno $2,500 for an peers that stung more than loves ol’ DW. car owners, three retired crew 70s. There were 52 different
Kevin Pucetas from San illegal check to the head of any other defeat in his illus- A polarizing driver chiefs, four industry repre- opinions on what the five
Francisco to complete an ear- Carolina RW Patrick Dwyer trious career. because of his flamboyant sentatives and two executives should look like and this is
lier trade. during an Oct. 14 game. Snubbed by the NASCAR personality and many feuds, from the Hall of Fame. The how it came out,” Helton
BASKETBALL C H I C A G O Hall of Fame voting com- he’s found the audience is 53rd ballot is a fan vote. added. “I don’t think there
National Basketball BLACKHAWKS—Recalled mittee in his campaign to equally divided in his second The panel spent more than were any winners or losers
Association D Jassen Cullimore from be included in the second career as an analyst for Fox. two hours Wednesday in a in there, every one of the 25
C H A R L O T T E Rockford (AHL). class, Waltrip was clearly He openly cheered for his closed door session debating names on there will end up
BOBCATS—Waived G hurt by his exclusion. The younger brother to win the the 25 nominees and voters in the Hall of Fame. It’s just
Javaris Crittenton. color drained from his face Daytona 500 in the network’s said the discussion was split a matter of when and five is
S A C R A M E N T O as he watched the five names 2001 debut. on contributions to the sport all we had to work with this
Dany Saborin to Hershey called — David Pearson, His “Boogity, Boogity, and if NASCAR’s pioneers year.”
KINGS—Waived F-C Connor (AHL).
Atchley, G Joe Crawford and Bobby Allison, Lee Petty, Boogity, let’s go racing should make up the first sev- Jeff Burton, the voice of
American Hockey Ned Jarrett and Bud Moore boys!” scream at the start of eral years of inductees. reason among active driv-
F Marcus Landry. League
FOOTBALL — and although he gamely every race has grown stale, “My personal thinking ers, didn’t view Waltrip’s
H A M I L T O N spun his chair away from the and his outspokenness has is that the majority of the exclusion as a snub because
National Football BULLDOGS—Activated F
League podium and toward the cam- angered many in the indus- voters feel we should, the Waltrip’s qualifications are
Ryan Russell from injured eras to work an hour-long, try. panel, should go back to not in question.
NFL—Rejected the appeal reserve.
of Cincinnati DE Antwan live television program, he There’s also a prevailing the roots and honor some “Time will sort all of those
ECHL was wounded. sense that Waltrip turns the of the pioneers first,” said things out. If you’re honored
Odom on his 4-game suspen- READING ROYALS—
sion for violating the league’s Waltrip took to Twitter most mundane activities into Tom Higgins, who covered enough to get into the Hall
Announced F Mikhail immediately after leaving the a chance to promote himself, NASCAR for 34 years for of Fame, you shouldn’t lose
policy on performance- Stefanovich and D Josh Engel
enhancing substances. Fined announcement — “just hav- and no moment is not a good The Charlotte Observer. “I sleep about when you got into
were assigned to the team by ing a small pity party right moment for the showman to have no problem with that, the Hall of Fame,” Burton
Houston DE Antonio Smith Toronto (AHL).
$12,500 for three violations: now,” he posted — and was ham it up for the cameras. although I didn’t vote that added. “The third class in no
COLLEGE still smarting a day later. But is a style that rubs way. The five selected are an less important that the second
a major facemask and two
MINNESOTA—Re- Instead of celebrating his some people wrong enough excellent class. But I don’t class.”
unnecessary roughness calls
instated G Trevor Mbakwe selection Thursday, he played to overshadow the substance know why Darrell Waltrip Try telling that to Waltrip.
against the New York Giants.
Fined Cincinnati WR Terrell and F Al Nolen to the men’s golf with younger brother of his glorious NASCAR didn’t make it. “All these people who say
Owens $5,000 for violating basketball team. Michael. career? “I don’t think it was per- you’ll get in sooner than later,
the league’s ban on using ST. JOHN’S, N.Y.— “My feelings are hurt,” “Despite Boogity, sonal. I would hope not. But well, I sure hope it’s sooner
social media shortly before Named Gene Keady special Waltrip told The Associated Boogity, Boogity, the same I don’t have any explanation cause this later stuff isn’t
games. Fined Washington DE assistant/adviser for men’s Press in a candid conversation reasons you would vote Ned to it other than people wanted much fun,” Waltrip added.
Jeremy Jarmon $5,000 for a basketball. at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Jarrett into the Hall should to see pioneers get into the
helmet-to-helmet hit on Green WEST VIRGINIA— “Do I take it personal? No. I apply to Darrell Waltrip,” Hall first.”
suspended G Casey Mitchell can’t. I couldn’t live in this said voter Doug Rice, presi- There’s an age issue that

Bay QB Aaron Rodgers.
DALLAS COWBOYS— indefinitely from the basket- community if I did. I take it dent of PRN. Waltrip cited himself. He’s
Promoted WR Jesse Holley to ball team for violating team as that group of people that If voters indeed dismissed 63 years old and won the bulk
the active roster. Released OL rules. voted on those five guys had Waltrip because of his per- of his races in the 1980s.
a stronger connection to their sonality, the man who was Moore, a decorated World Classic Six
1. D.R.C. 6-2
past and to those five guys known as “Jaws” for running War II infantryman who won
than they did to me and what his mouth during his driving 63 races in his 37-year career 2. Sleets-Coins 4-4
I did.” career doesn’t know what he as a car owner, is 85. Jarrett, a 3. Peters Girls 2-6
The Delphos Herald Sam Beining got the sole Nobody denies that can change. 2-time champion and beloved 4. The Fort 6-2
Big Green ended season tally for the Big Green, who Waltrip’s statistics are Hall “I don’t know what I former broadcaster, turned 5. Schrader Realty 4-4
15-1 outshot the Rangers (4-11-1) of Fame worthy: Three could do. I feel like I’ve been 78 the day before the vote. 6. I & K 2-6
NEW KNOXVILLE — 10-6. championships, three runner- a good boy lately,” he said. Pearson, a 105-race winner, High Series
The Ottoville boys soccer Ottoville plays next at 6 up finishes in the standings, “I may disagree with things is 75, and Allison, tied with Elaine Abram 540.
team finished the 2010 regu- p.m. Thursday versus the five Coca-Cola 600s wins, on TV, things I don’t like, Waltrip with 84 victories Games over 160
lar season with its best mark winner of Ottawa-Glandorf one Southern 500 and one but that’s my job. When I earned mostly in the 1970s, Lisa VanMetre, Lois
ever — 15-1-0 — by shutting and Miller City in Division Daytona 500. And he’s tied was a driver, I was Jaws and is 72. Moorman, Stacy Prine, Laura
out New Knoxville 1-0 Friday III sectional action at Kalida. with Allison for third on maybe it wasn’t my job. That NASCAR president Mike Peters, Nancy Wiechart, Elaine
night in New Knoxville. NASCAR’s career wins list. was something I had to over- Helton said he was confident Abram, Tammy Ellerbrock.
8 — The Herald Saturday, October 16, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

The Catholic Colbert report

For Catholics raised during the head-
spinning days after Vatican II, few things in-
TERRY MATTINGLY gration, Refugees and Border Security. His
testimony mixed satire (“I don’t want a to-
and something clicked. Today, he lives a pri-
vate life with his wife and three children, but
spire flashbacks to the era of flowers and folk mato picked by a Mexican. I want it picked he never hides the fact that he teaches chil-
Masses quicker than the bouncy hymn “The
King of Glory.”
On by an American, sliced by a Guatemalan and
served by a Venezuelan in a spa where a Chil-
dren’s Sunday school.
As he told Rolling Stone last year: “From
But what was a goofy nerd doing on Com-
edy Central, belting out this folk song while Religion ean gives me a Brazilian”) with serious infor-
mation about the plight of farm workers.
a doctrinal point of view or a dogmatic point
of view or a strictly Catholic adherent point
doing a bizarre blend of Broadway shtick and Colbert lowered his mask when asked of view, I’m the first to say that I talk a good
liturgical dance? why this issue mattered to him, slipping in game, but I don’t know how good I am about
“The king of glory comes, the nation re- a reference to a Gospel of Matthew parable it in practice. I saw how my mother’s faith
joices! Open the gates before him, lift up Blog for Catholic It-Getters” in her spare in which eternal judgment awaits those who was very valuable to her and valuable to my
your voices,” sang Stephen Colbert a decade time. “He isn’t afraid to be critical when it deny compassion to the poor and defense- brothers and sisters, and I’m moved by the
ago, in a video that is now a YouTube clas- comes to matters of faith, but when he does less. words of Christ, and I’ll leave it at that.”
sic. “Who is the king of glory; how shall we it’s always clear that his critique is from the Some of America’s least powerful people, But there is more to Colbert’s faith, and his
call him? He is Emmanuel, the promised of inside. ... He’ll push things pretty far. He’ll he said, are “migrant workers who come in theology, than that, said Houdek. For starters,
ages.” dance right up to that line, but he will not and do our work, but don’t have any rights as a Jesuit serves as the show’s chaplain.
Inquiring minds wanted to know: Was this cross it. He will not compromise what he be- a result. And yet, we still ask them to come “There is evidence of his faith all through
painfully ironic comedian mocking trendy lieves as a Catholic.” here, and at the same time, ask them to leave. his work, if you know what to look for,” she
Catholics or saluting them? Was he outing Colbert, of course, became the star of ... You know, ‘Whatsoever you did for the said. “This is what makes him so unique, in
himself as a Christian? Was he praising Jesus “The Colbert Report,” the fake news show least of my brothers,’ and these seemed like the extremely secular world in which he is
or risking a lightning bolt? in which he plays a right-wing egotist (think the least of my brothers, right now.” working -- Comedy Central. Yet he keeps do-
Legions of 40-something Catholics have Bill O’Reilly of Fox News) named “Stephen It helps to know that Colbert was raised as ing what he does night after night, because he
strong memories of the first time they saw Colbert.” Religion plays a major role in the the youngest of 11 children in a devout Irish- never comes off as preachy.”
this clip, said Diane Houdek, managing edi- show, and there are moments when he speaks Catholic family in Charleston, S.C. Then his
tor of AmericaCatholics.org. Something in sincerely in his own voice. physician father and two brothers died in a
Colbert’s performance told them that this That’s what happened last week when his plane crash and their joyful home plunged (Terry Mattingly is director of the Washington Jour-
alter ego came to Washington at the invita- nalism Center at the Council for Christian Colleges and
was not a random gag. into grief. Colbert soon lost his faith. Universities and leads the GetReligion.org project to
“Stephen walks this thin line,” said tion of Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., chair of Years later, a sidewalk volunteer in Chi- study religion and the news.)
Houdek, who runs “The Word: A Colbert the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immi- cago handed the young actor a Gideon Bible Copyright 2010, United Feature Syndicate

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Friday- 3:00 p.m. Mustard Seeds HARTFORD CHRISTIAN CHURCH @ K. Corcoran’s; 6:00 pm Mystery Services; 7:00 p.m Worship.
dElPhos Saturday: 8:30 am-11:30 am Jr. Hi Youth/ (Independent Fundamental) Dinner Theatre Wednesday - 7 p.m. Prayer meet-
A.C.T.S. Humane Society Rt. 81 and Defiance Trial
Rev. Linda Wannemacher-Pastor PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastors: Bill Watson
2998 Defiance Trail, Delphos Rev. Robert King, Pastor 15240 Main St. Venedocia
Jaye Wannemacher-Worship Leader Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sunday school; Rev. Ronald Defore
Contact: 419-695-3566 Pastor Jay Lobach 419-339-6319 Rev. Wendy S. Pratt, Pastor
10:30 a.m. Worship Service; 7:00 p.m. 1213 Leeson Ave., Van Wert 45891
Sunday - 7:00 p.m. Bible Study with Services: Sunday - 11:00 a.m. and Church Phone: 419-667-4142
Evening worship and Teens Alive Phone (419) 238-5813
worship @ ACTS Chapel-8277 German 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. - Adult Bell
(grades 7-12). Head Usher: Ted Kelly
Rd., Delphos Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Bible ser- Choir; 8:45 a.m. Jr. Choir; 9:30 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:10
Thursday - 7:00 p.m. “For Such A ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH a.m. - Worship; 10:45 a.m. - Sunday
331 E. Second St., Delphos vice. a.m. - Worship 10:00 a.m. until 11:30
Time As This” All & Non Denominational Tuesday & Thursday– 7- 9 p.m. school; 6:30 p.m. - Capital Funds
419-695-4050 Committee. a.m. - Wednesday Morning Bible Class
Tri-County Community Intercessory Rev. Mel Verhoff, Pastor Have you ever wanted to preach the 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. - Wednesday
Monday - 6 p.m. Senior Choir.
Prayer Meeting @ Presbyterian Church Rev. Jacob Gordon, Asst. Pastor “Word of God?” This is your time to Evening Prayer Meeting
(Basement), 310 W. 2nd St. Delphos - Fred Lisk and Dave Ricker, Deacons do it. Come share your love of Christ 7:00 p.m. - Wed. Night Bible
Everyone Welcome. Mary Beth Will, Liturgical with us. ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Study.
Coordinator; Mrs. Trina Shultz, 601 Jennings Rd., Van Wert Thursday - Choir Rehearsal
Pastoral Associate. Harry
Flanagan, Parish Council President
Elida/lima Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m.; Anchored in Jesus Prayer Line -
FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Monday 8:30 a.m.; Tuesday 7 p.m.; (419) 238-4427 or (419) 232-4379.
310 W. Second St. Celebration of the Sacraments Wednesday 8:30 a.m.; Thursday 8:30 Emergency - (419) 993-5855
419-692-5737 Eucharist – Lord’s Day Observance; IMMANUEL UNITED a.m. - Communion Service; Friday
Pastor Harry Tolhurst Saturday 4:30 p.m., Sunday 7:30, 9:15, METHODIST CHURCH 8:30 a.m.; Saturday 4 p.m.
Sunday - 11:00 Worship Service
11:30 a.m.; Weekdays as announced on
Sunday bulletin. 699 Sunnydale, Elida, Ohio 454807
Putnam County
Baptism – Celebrated first Sunday Pastor Gary Rode
Sunday - 8:30 a.m. traditional; 10:45 CHURCH OF GOD ZION CHRISTIAN UNION CHURCH
of month at 1:30 p.m. Call rectory to 3025 Converse-Roselm Rd,
ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH schedule Pre-Baptismal instructions. a.m. contemporary 10698 US 127S., Van Wert
422 North Pierce St., Delphos Reconciliation – Tuesday and (Next to Tracy’s Auction Service) Grover Hill
Phone 419-695-2616 Friday 7:30-7:50 a.m.; Saturday 3:30- Darryl Ramey, Lead Pastor Rev. Mark McKay, Pastor
Rev. Don Pletcher, Pastor LIGHT OF LIFE CHAPEL Chuck Brantley, Executive Pastor Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sunday
4:00 p.m. Anytime by request.
Saturday - 8:00 a.m. Prayer Matrimony – Arrangements must be 4680 North Kemp Rd., Elida Bryce Cadawallader, Youth School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service;
Breakfast made through the rectory six months Pastor Dennis Johnson & Assimilations Director 10:30 a.m. Junior Church.
Sunday - 8:45 a.m. Sunday School; in advance. Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; Sunday - 10:00 am Worship Service Wednesday - 7 p.m. Bible Study,
10:00 a.m. - Worship w/Communion; Anointing of the Sick – Communal 10:30 a.m. Service; 6:30 p.m. Service. & Children’s Ministry Prayer Service; 7 p.m. Youth
Choir practice following Worship; celebration in May and October. Wednesday – 6:30 p.m. Midweek www.vanwertvictorychurch.com Meeting.
Administered upon request. Service. www.acoolchurch.com
“Where Jesus is Healing landECk NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CENTER
Hurting Hearts!” 2240 Baty Road, Elida Ph. 339-5673 Road U, Rushmore
303 S. Adams, Middle Point Pastor Robert Morrison
808 Metbliss Ave., Delphos ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. James F. Menke, Pastor Rev. Tom Cover
One block south of Stadium Park. Landeck - Phone: 419-692-0636 Sunday – 10 a.m. Worship. Sunday – 10 am Church School;
Sunday– 9:30 a.m. Sunday 11:00 Church Service; 6:00 p.m.
419-692-6741 Rev. Mel Verhoff, Pastor Wednesday – 7 p.m. Evening ser- School; 10:30 a.m. Worship service.
Senior Pastor - Dan Eaton Administrative aide: Rita Suever vice. Evening Service
Sunday - 10:30 a.m. - Celebration Masses: 8:30 a.m. Sunday. Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Evening
of Worship with Children’s Church & Sacrament of Reconciliation: CORNERSTONE BAPTIST CHURCH 634 N. Washington St., Van Wert
Nursery provided; 6:00 p.m. - Youth Saturday. 2701 Dutch Hollow Rd. Elida Pastor: Rev. Ron Prewitt
Crew at The ROC Newcomers register at parish. Phone: 339-3339
Marriages: Please call the parish Sunday - 9:15 a.m. Morning wor-
Monday- 7:00 p.m. Prayer Rev. Frank Hartman ship with Pulpit Supply. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA
house six months in advance. CATHOLIC CHURCH
Small groups offered at various times. Sunday - 10 a.m. Sunday School (all
Baptism: Please call the parish. 512 W. Sycamore, Col. Grove
Please call the church for information. ages); 11 a.m. Morning Service; 6 p.m. KINGSLEY UNITED METHODIST
15482 Mendon Rd., Van Wert Office 419-659-2263
sPEnCErVillE Evening Service.
Wednesday - 7 p.m. Prayer Phone: 419-965-2771 Fax: 419-659-5202
Fr. Tom Oedy
DELPHOS CHRISTIAN UNION Meeting. Pastor Chuck Glover
ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.; Worship Masses: Tuesday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.;
Pastor: Rev. Gary Fish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, First Friday of the month - 7 p.m.;
470 S. Franklin St., (419) 692-9940 500 S. Canal, Spencerville - 10:25 a.m.
419-647-6202 8-noon, 1-4- p.m. Wednesday - Youth Prayer and Saturday - 4:30 p.m.; Sunday - 8:30
9:30 Sunday School a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Saturday - 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation; ZION UNITED METHODIST Bible Study - 6:30 p.m.
10:30 Sunday morning service. 5 p.m. Mass, May 1 - Oct. 30. Sunday - Confessions - Saturday 3:30 p.m.,
CHURCH Adult Prayer meeting - 7:00 p.m.
Youth ministry every Wednesday 10:30 a.m. Mass. Choir practice - 8:00 p.m. anytime by appointment.
from 6-8 p.m. Corner of Zion Church & Conant Rd.,
Children’s ministry every third TRINITY FRIENDS CHURCH
107 Broadway St., Spencerville Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 18906 Rd. 18R, Rimer
Saturday from 11 to 1:30. 605 N. Franklin St., Van Wert 45891 419-642-5264 Fax: 419-642-3061
Pastor Charles Muter 10:45 a.m. Worship. Ph: (419) 238-2788
Home Ph. 419-657-6019 Sr. Pastor Stephen Savage Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sunday
335 S. Main St. Delphos Sunday: Morning Services - 10:00 PIKE MENNONITE CHURCH Outreach Pastor Neil Hammons School; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service.
Pastor - Rev. David Howell a.m. Evening Services - 7:00 p.m. 3995 McBride Rd., Elida Sunday - 8:15 a.m. - Prayer time;
Week beginning October 17, 2010 Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. Worship ser- Phone 419-339-3961 9:00 a.m. Worship, Sunday School, HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH
Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Worship Service. vice. SWAT, Nursery; Single; 10:30 a.m. Rev. Robert DeSloover, Pastor
Worship, Nursery, Children’s Church, 7359 St. Rt. 109 New Cleveland
11720 Delphos Southworth Rd. Back to Christ’s Ministry Elida - Ph. 222-8054 Break; 2:00 p.m. Service for men Sunday Mass - 8:30 a.m.
Delphos - Phone 419-695-1723 Conant Road & SR. 117 Rev. Larry Ayers, Pastor at Van Wert Correctional Fac.; 3:00
Pastor Wayne Prater Ph. 647-5100 - Rev. Mike Decker Service schedule: Sunday– 10 a.m. p.m. Service for women at Van Wert IMMACULATE CONCEPTION
Sunday - 10:30 a.m. Worship; 9:15 Sunday – 10:30 a.m. Worship & School; 11 a.m. Morning Worship; 6 Correctional Fac., Service at Paulding CATHOLIC CHURCH
a.m. Sunday School for all ages. Fellowship. Wednesday – 6-9 p.m. p.m. Sunday evening. jail Ottoville
Wednesday - 7 p.m. Service and Bible Study. Tuesday - 1:00 p.m. - Share, Care, Rev. John Stites
prayer meeting. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH Prayer Group in Fireside Room; Mass schedule: Saturday - 4 p.m.;
4750 East Road, Elida 10-noon - Banquet Table Food Sunday - 10:30 a.m.
SPENCERVILLE CHURCH Pantry; 6:30 p.m. Quilting Friends
OF THE NAZARENE Pastor - Brian McManus
CARPENTER’S HOUSE MINISTRIES Sunday – 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; in Fellowship Hall; 7 p.m. B.R.E.A.L. ST. BARBARA CHURCH
317 West North St. - 419-296-2561 Women’s group in Room 108.
7999 SR 66 Delphos Pastor Tom Shobe 10:30 a.m. Worship, nursery avail- 160 Main St., Cloverdale 45827
able. Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Small
Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 419-488-2391
Wednesday – 6:30 p.m. Youth groups, Discipleship Series in sanc-
Nurseries, Sunday school rooms. a.m. Morning Worship; 7:00 p.m. tuary, Christian Life Club, Nursery, Fr. John Stites
Wednesday Service Prayer, Bible Study; 7:00 p.m. Adult Mass schedule: Saturday 5:30 p.m.,
Prayer and Bible Study; 8:00 p.m. - Preschool; 7 p.m. R.O.C.K. Youth; 8
p.m. Worship Team rehearsal. Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Thursday - 4-5:30 p.m. Banquet
METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Fourth & Main, Spencerville Table Food Pantry.
211 E. Third St., Delphos
Rev. David Howell, Pastor
Phone 419-647-5321
Rev. Jan Johnson, Pastor
135 N. Water St., Ft. Jennings
Week of October 17, 2010 Rev. Joe Przybysz
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Phone: 419-286-2132
Sunday - 8:15 a.m. Worship Service; 10:30 a.m. Worship service. CALVARY EVANGELICAL CHURCH 13887 Jennings Rd., Van Wert Mass schedule: Saturday 5 p.m.;
9:30 a.m. Church School for all ages; 10686 Van Wert-Decatur Rd. Ph. 419-238-0333 Sunday 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. Worship Service; 11:30 a.m. Van Wert, Ohio Children’s Storyline: 419-238-2201
Radio Worship on WDOH; 5:00 p.m. 419-238-9426 Email: fbaptvw@bright.net
Pastor Appreciation Dinner by Youth Spencerville ST. MICHAEL CHURCH
Rev. Ron Shifley, Pastor Rev. Clark Williman. Pastor Pastor Steven A. Robinson
Monday - November Newsletter Sunday– 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Kalida
Deadline; 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Girl Scouts; Sunday– 9:30 a.m. Church School; Sunday, Oct. 17 Fr. Mark Hoying
10:30 a.m. Worship Service. Sunday - 9:00 am - Sunday School; for all ages; 10:30 a.m. Family Worship
7:00 p.m. School Levy Educational Saturday – 4:30 p.m. Mass.
AGAPE FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES 9:55 am - Prayer at the Altar; 10:00 am Hour; 6:30 p.m. Evening Bible Hour. Sunday – 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.
Seminar Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. Word of Life
9250 Armstrong Road, Spencerville Worship Service Masses.
Tuesday- 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Girl Student Ministries; 6:45 p.m. AWANA;
Pastors Phil & Deb Lee Monday - 7:00 pm Cuisine Queens Weekdays: Masses on Mon., Tues.,
Scouts; 6:00 p.m. Weight Watchers Tuesday - 9:30 am-Hearth & Home 7:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study.
Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir; Sunday - 10:00 a.m. Worship ser- Wed. and Friday at 8:00 am; Thurs.
vice. Wednesday - 1:30 pm Prayer Circle; 7:30 p.m.
8:30 p.m. Capital Campaign Meeting & 6:45p - Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group,
Vanamatic Wednesday - 7:00 p.m. Bible MANDALE CHURCH OF CHRIST
AWANA, Women’s Small Group, 7:00
Thursday- 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Suppers Study
pm Men’s Bible Study
Rev. Don Rogers, Pastor
Worship this week
on Us; 6:30 p.m. Capital Campaign Thursday - 9:30 am Women’s Bible
Publicity Committee in Parlor Study @ A. Swallow’s, Lit’n Latte Sunday– 9:30 a.m. Sunday School
all ages. 10:30 a.m. Worship at the church
We thank the sponsors of this page and ask you to please support them. of your choice.

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www.delphosherald.com Saturday, October 16, 2010 The Herald — 9

Hammond remembers fighting Viet Cong

BY MIKE FORD I don’t want to remember but
mford@delphosherald.com one thing that stands out was
when I was a sergeant. I was a
DELPHOS — Many who squad leader and took a patrol
went to Vietnam returned to out into a valley. There was
great hostility. Mistreatment an enemy observation post on
defied the peaceful values the top of a pretty good-sized
claimed by those who spat hill and we were ordered to
on troops when they came check it out. I heard the point
home but one local Marine man start yelling when he got
said he never experienced that. to the top. The enemy had ran
Getting shot at and risking off but we recovered some
burning up in a flaming heli- documents. It was a forward
copter was plenty of hostility observation where they could
for him. watch our troops and call it
Charles Hammond, 67, in,” he said.
graduated from St. John’s “Another time, I took a
High School in 1962 and patrol out when we were based
enlisted in the Marine Corps at the top of a hill. The point
the following year. He went man stopped the patrol when he
to boot camp at Parris Island, came to a clearing; he brought
NC and a few other bases up his rifle and started shoot-
for additional training before ing. I ran down and he had shot
being stationed aboard the a Viet Cong that didn’t stop
USS Enterprise. running when he was told to.
“We were the first nuclear Another one had gotten away
task force to make a circum- into a field, so we tossed some
ference of the globe — to go grenades in there but didn’t get
around the world. The fleet him. We couldn’t find him, so
consisted of the Enterprise, the we went down to the three vil-
Bainbridge, the Long Beach lages and went around to the
and some nuclear subs,” he other side and came up on him
said. and got him.”
“I spent six months in the Hammond was in Vietnam
Mediterranean. We saw ports for about 9 months; he remem-
in France, Spain, Italy, Greece, bers the guerilla tactics the
Turkey, Africa, Pakistan and Viet Cong were infamous for.
Sidney, Australia. We stopped “We always had to be on the Mike Ford photo
in Rio on the way back to look-out when going through
Norfolk and I went to Camp any rice patties. The enemy Charles Hammond displays a Viet Cong flag he acquired from an observation post his unit discovered during patrol
Lejeune for infantry training. would be out there disguised in Vietnam.
Aboard ship, we were ‘spit and as workers hoeing the field when being shot at because “I remember one time, we than the sound of the blast, so the bloodshed while work-
polish Marines.’ We took care and after you passed, they’d one can’t get close enough to were getting fired upon and you hear ‘snap, snap, snap’ ing in manufacturing here at
of guard duty, brig duty and drop their hoes and pick up the ground in that situation. I was down. I could hear the then ‘boom, boom, boom,’” home. In 1969, he went to
orderly duty as body guards. rifles. It never happened to me “It’s hard to describe what rounds passing over my head he said. work with the Delphos Police
We stood a lot of inspections but it was known to happen. it’s like to be shot at. It’s scary and they told me to get up Hammond came home in Department. Meanwhile, he
when dignitaries came aboard A lot of people were shot and and anyone who says they and move out. I yelled back 1967, prior to the Tet Offensive and Christina, his wife of 40
and I was the executive offi- they claimed we killed civil- weren’t afraid is either a liar ‘not right now! In a minute!’ that began in January 1968. years, raised two children.
cer’s orderly, as well as the ians but they weren’t civilians; or they’re a fool. The fear usu- because I wanted to wait until The series of ambush ops the He retired in 1992 with 26
captain’s orderly for a period they were guerilla fighters,” ally hits you later when things it was over. You can hear the enemy carried out on South years of service that included
of time. I stood outside their he said. sink in because in the thick of rounds go ‘snap, snap, snap’ Vietnamese villages was his time in the military. He
door and answered the phone Hammond remembers his it, the adrenaline is flowing,” as the bullet breaks the sound a turning point in the war. entered truck driving until
when someone called or let buttons getting in the way he said. barrier. It gets to you quicker However, Hammond escaped medically retiring in 1998.
him know when someone
came to see him.”
He said the most fun he had

aboard the Navy’s largest boat
involved grabbing the rudder.
“The highlight of that two THE
years was when I was the
captain’s orderly. I got to be
on the bridge for take-off’s
and landings. One night, the

captain went to bed early and Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869
I got to take the helm. I got to
steer the largest carrier in the
Navy at the time — I wanted
to spin that wheel so bad but I
couldn’t do that,” he said.
Hammond went to Camp
Pendleton for jungle training
after infantry training at Camp
Lejeune and was vaccinated
at Okinawa before catching
a couple flights for his final
destination in Vietnam.
“My first impression of
Vietnam when we got there
was when the plane was shot at
while descending. Then, after
being on two large transport
The current Delphos Herald
planes, they put me in a Jeep
and that’s when it hit home —
that I was in a war zone as we
website stories are now viewed by
subscription only. Delphos Herald
went through bomb craters,”
he said. Hammond as he appeared at age 19 after successfully
“I was assigned to the 5th becoming a United States Marine at Parris Island, NC in
Marine Regiment. I was only the early 1960s.
with them for a while because
I was due to rotate out but we
did some ambush patrols and
✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ subscribers can view the website
stories for no additional cost by
some security on a hilltop. I ✰ ✰
spent most of my time with ✰ VFW ✰
Hotel Company, 2nd Battalion,
7th Marine Regiment. We’d go
✰ of Ohio Charities

out on patrols and our biggest
threat was from snipers. When


✰ calling the Herald office for a
we were at an outpost, we’d
VFW Post 3035
username and password.
come under mortar fire. One ✰ ✰
time, we were on a mission ✰ ✰
to a pretty large Viet Cong 213 W. Fourth St., Delphos
village with orders to burn it ✰ ✰
and kill their animals because ✰ 419-692-8816 ✰
that was there food. We didn’t
kill any civilians but we made

“Proudly serving all veterans” ✰
them refugees because the
enemy was using their village.
On another mission, we heard


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there was a regiment of North
Vietnamese regulars moving ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰
in to surround us, so we had to ✰ ✰
back out and they choppered ✰ Community Health Professionals ✰
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Hammond had experiences

✰ of Delphos

please call the
he doesn’t care to remember
but does recall his greatest fear
in country:

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“My biggest fear in
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Vietnam was getting shot & Hospice Care
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chopper. Combat was a dif- ✰ ✰
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ambush patrols and a few mis-
sions where we went into vil-

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10 – The Herald Saturday, October 16, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

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Position may lead to
House For Rent in Lincolnview school dis-
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Wert, OH 45891 by 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 story Apt.
5:00pm November 1, 2010 at Kalida Golf Course. At-

419-692-SOLD Tri County ADAMHS Raines tached garage. No pets.

419-453-2281 OPEN Sun., Oct. 17• 1-3 p.m. Board is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
RENT OR Rent to Own. 2
bedroom, 1 bath mobile
home. 419-692-3951.
436 S. PIERCE ST., DELPHOS Cash for Gold cious. Delphos 2 BDRM
Check out all of our listings at: WWW.TLREA.COM
CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 828 N. Main, Delphos: 4 FULL OF CHARACTER 4 bedroom, 1 full bath, 1 half ACCEPTING
Scrap Gold, Gold Jewelry,
Silver coins, Silverware, Pocket
with W/D hook-up.
Off-street parking, yard 890 Autos for Sale
NEW LISTING! 1590 Ft. BR, 2 Bath, Vinyls Siding, bath. Private back yard, nicely landscaped, new tub & Watches, Diamonds.
Jennings Rd., Delphos: Newer shingles. Make us shower surround. 2 Bedrooms, on main floor, 2 bed- APPLICATIONS and porch. 419-203-2216
2330 Shawnee Rd.
Beautiful all brick ranch an offer. Tony: 233-7911. rooms, on second floor with 1/2 bath. Newer spouting FOR Lima LARGE 2 BDRM Apt for
on full finished basement. 726 S. Main, Delphos: and down spouts, patio door, central air. rent at 227 N. Pierce St.
Built in ’88. Take a look, Cozy 2 BR with tons to of-
you will be impressed. Call fer at a great price. Lynn:
MANAGEMENT (419) 229-2899
Heating bills paid. Refer- MOTORCRAFT®
Ron Pohlman: 523-4897. 234-2314.
Huge Price Reduction! 805 Elida Avenue, Del-
148 NE Canal, Ottoville: phos: 3 BR, Ranch in
McDonald’s 300 Household Goods
ences and deposit re -
quired. No pets and no
smoking. (419)302-5227 BATTERIES
For Sale of Rent: Re- great location. Priced to
modeled 3-4 BR, 2 Bath, sell. Lynn Claypool: 234- www.yocumrealty.com LARGE 2 BDRM, 1 1/2
huge garage, new appli- 2314.
ances. 430 E 5th St., Delphos: BRAND NEW Crib set,
still in box, never been
BA Unit, Great location. TOUGH® MAX
535 E. 2nd, Ottoville: 3,200+ Sq Ft – 5 BR, 2 Stove/Refrig. included. BXT65-650
opened. Light color wood
New Listing! 4 BR, 2 Sty Sty Brick Home in great
in town. Dbl lot with 40’ location. Call Lynn: 234-
LOCAL CLASS CDL finish. Comes with crib,
$450/mo. & deposit.
With 100-month warranty
x 42’ Garage. Call Tony: 2314.
233-7911. 9149 Converse-Roselm,
710 S. Main, Delphos: Middle Point: 3 BR, 2
4 BR, 2 Car Garage, Bath, 1+ Acre, Stocked
Asking Pond and Full Bsmt. Call
tractor/trailer combination
four drawer dresser and
changing table. Asking
$200. Call 419-741-7132
Duplex. Appliances pro-
vided, C/A, lawn service.
Some vehicles slightly higher
Fenced Yard.
$70’s. Lynn: 234-2314. Lynn: 234-2314. FULL AND PART-TIME bulk hopper/ Apply online at NEW, QUEEN plush top N o Pets. Call
Installation extra.
Price valid with exchange.
20449 SR 189, Ft. Jen- Delphos Country Lot in
pneumatic work
nings: New Listing! 4 Excellent Location: Call MUST HAVE GOOD MVR www.mcohio.com mattress, never used, still 419-233-6886.
sealed in original wrapper.
See Service Advisor for limited-
warranty details. Taxes extra
BR, 2 Bath Brick Ranch Lynn Claypool: 234-2314.
NO WEEKENDS and home typically 2-3 times $75.00. (260)220-1596.
on corner lot. Lynn Clay- 236 Center St., Vaughns- a week SMALL EFFICIENCY Apt.

Classifieds Sell
pool: 234-2314. ville: Price reduced! 3
COMPETITIVE WAGE with quarterly & includes range, refrigera-
NEW LISTING!!! 604 W. BR, 1 Bath. Low $40’s. 11260 Elida Rd., Delphos
2nd St., Delphos: 3 BR, Lynn: 234-2314. Yearly safety bonuses tor, breakfast bar, and
M 7:30-8
1 Bath, Vinyl sided home. ***Building lot on Cadil- BENEFITS INCLUDE: stools. 387 W. 3rd St., Ot- T-F 7:30-6:00; Sat. 9-2
Nice…..Asking $40’s. lac Drive in Van Wert. ✥ HEALTH, DENTAL & LIFE INSURANCE toville. Rear unit. $375/de-
Gary: 863-0011 or Lynn: Make us an offer!!! Great 419-692-0055
Location. ✥ SHORT/LONG TERM DISABILITY posit, $325/month. First
234-2314. month free, lease re - Over
611 N. Franklin, Del- FOR RENT

✥ 401K WITH COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS quired. (419)453-3956 serving
phos: Price is reduced 3-4 BR House in Ot-
on this 3 BR, with fenced toville: Attached Garage COME DRIVE FOR US AND BE PART you!
yard and large garage. Office Space in Delphos:
Lynn Claypool: 234-2314. Great location
Apply in person at:
“Put your dreams in our hands” 620 Duplex For Rent www.raabeford.com
430 N. Canal, Delphos: 2 BR Apartment in Ot- 202 N. Washington Street Office: 419-692-2249
Delphos, OH 45833 Fax: 419-692-2205
5,000+ Sq. Ft. Commer- toville. Just remodeled. D & D TRUCKING 2 BDRM Duplex for rent.
Free & Low Price
920 Merchandise
cial Space with a multitude 2 BR House in Delphos: Krista Schrader .................419-233-3737 Stephanie Clemons.......419-234-0940
& SERVICES, INC. Ruth Baldauf-Liebrecht ....419-234-5202 Judy M.W. Bosch ..........419-230-1983 Stove, refrigerator,
of potential uses. Priced Very nice. Garage Amie Nungester ................419-236-0688 Molly Aregood ...............419-605-5265 washer/dryer, dishwasher,
to sell!!! Business op- Call Tony for more info on 5025 NORTH KILL RD. Janet Kroeger ...................419-236-7894 Jon Moorman ................419-234-8797
all electric, $450/mo. and
portunities also available. all these rentals: 419-233-

DELPHOS, OHIO 45833 deposit and utilities. No 6 KITTENS, 8 weeks old.
Call Tony: 233-7911. 7911. 419-692-2667 or 800-543-7962 pets. 567-204-0347 People friendly
111 Steeple Chase, Elida schools

3BR, 2BA mobile home in Hunter’s Chase, built in 1999, only $18,500! Jon will greet you. FOR RENT, Nice duplex, UPRIGHT PIANO -Good
3:00-4:30 2 BDRM, 1-1/2 baths, re- condition with new keys.
21494 Kimmet Rd., Landeck area frig, range, $540/mo. and Free for the hauling! Call
Secluded 4 BR, bsmt, Delphos schools, 1.8 acres. 2 car garage, deposit. Call Jerry (419)605-5761 and leave
totally remodeled. Krista will greet you. (419)659-5385
Directions: Take 66 South, turn right (West) onto State Road, turn message.

999 Legals
left (South) on Converse Roselm Rd, turn left (East) on Kimmet Rd.
Jennings. Stove & Refrig-
WWW.SCHRADERREALTY.NET erator furnished. Washer/
Dryer hookup NO Pets. LEGAL NOTICE
VIEW PICTURES AND DETAILS References and Deposit. Area Agency on Aging, 3
JIMLANGHALSREALTY.COM 419-453-3597 intends to award Older
Americans Act III-B funds
419-692-9652 800
Since 1980
950 Construction 950 Home Improvement
for 2011 to a provider who
House For Sale
TOP SOIL SPEARS provides legal services to
integrity • professionalism • service persons age 60 and older

COMPOST POHLMAN LAWN CARE 0 DOWN, warranty, free within the seven county
appliances, Remodeled service area of Allen, Aug-
Total Lawncare &
BUILDERS home. A great coun - laize, Hancock, Hardin,
419-339-6800 ROOM ADDITIONS
Snow Removal 1214 PAMELA CIRCLE try home with a view! A 4 Mercer, Putnam and/or
On S.R. 309 in Elida GARAGES • SIDING • ROOFING 3 & 4 Season 22 Years Experience • Insured
$129,000 bed, 2 Bath has a master Van Wert Counties. For
suite with Jacuzzi tub and additional information
Sun Rooms
BACKHOE & DUMP TRUCK Commercial & Residential Call to see this brick ranch
409 W. THIRD ST.,

with 2 full baths, sunken liv. French doors with multiple and/or a RFP please con-
rm., fam. with fireplace and decks, 2 car garage, new tact Teresa Heitbrink-Ire-
FREE ESTIMATES Call to see this 4 bedrm., much more.
FULLY INSURED •FERTILIZATION• 2 ½ bath home, hardwood cabinets, high efficiency land at 419-222-7723. WE
Delivery Available Mark Pohlman WINDOWS •WEED CONTROL floors with original natural furnace, C/A, 19206 State ARE AN EQUAL OPPOR-
419-339-9084 wood trim, and pocket doors. D e l p h o s , TUNITY GRANTOR AND
950 Miscellaneous
PROGRAMS• newer cabinets by A&J, form.
cell 419-233-9460 419-586-8220. EMPLOYER AGENCY.
•LAWN AERATION• din. rm., newer cent. air,

fireplace, walkup 3rd floor, www.chbsinc.com NOTICE OF ELECTION
•FALL CLEANUP• full basement, screened in 1206 HEDRICK ST.
GOLD POHLMAN Retractable
Call to view this 3 bedrm., 2
On Tax Levy in Excess of
the Ten Mill Limitation
full bath brick ranch, form.
POURED & Aluminum $53,000 din. rm., spac. fam. rm., pleted soon. Can custom- Notice is hereby given that
•SHRUB INSTALLATION, ize to you. 607 W. 7th St., in pursuance of a Resolu-
Call to see this 3 bedrm. excellent location, immedi-
Lindell Spears
home, big loft with built ins, ate possession.
basement, some hardwood
Delphos. 0 Down, Home tion of the Delphos City
Warranty, Free appli - Local School District of Al-
Gina M. Fox 205 S. PIERCE STREET floors, large yard, only 227 W. CLIME, LOT 51
& Commercial
DELPHOS, OH 419-695-8516 $53,000. only $18,000.00!! ances. 419-586-8220 len County, Ohio, passed
419-236-4134 • Agricultural Needs
chbsinc.com on the 12th day of July,
www.mygc.com/ginascandlesgalore • All Concrete Work 419-692-4526 2010 there will be submit-
Mark Pohlman TOLL FREE www.DickClarkRealEstate.com ted to a vote of the people
950 Transmission OPEN HOUSES
Booking PINK Parties for October
Breast Cancer Candles $20 419-339-9084 888-94-PATIO SUNDAY, of said subdivision at a
Cash N Carry • 20% Donated to Research
cell 419-233-9460 Oct. 17 General Election to be

OPEN SUNDAY 1:00-2:30 P.M.

held in the Delphos City

Life Tastes HERRON Geise Local School District of Al-

Hohlbein’s TIM FI MA W len County, Ohio, at the

Good Again
Transmission, Inc. PE AI
regular places of voting
therein, on the 2nd day of
Home • automatic transmission
Dick CLARK Real Estate

Eating Gluten Free 419-692-2329 • standard transmission
G! November, 2010, with the
1175 S. Kemp Rd.
New Product Line • Kitchen and Bath-
Improvement • differentials
• transfer case
110 Red Maple Ct.
Ottoville • $279,900
4461 N. West. St.
Lima • $119,900 Lima • $84,900
Shall an annual income
tax of 1% on the earned
Dick CLARK Real Estate

Elida Health Foods room Remodeling

Windows, Doors, • brakes & tune up Melanie Thorbahn 419-234-5493 Michele Black 419-302-6878 Rick Gable 419-230-1504 income of individuals re-
101 W. Main Street • Roofing siding in the school district
Siding, Roofing, 2 miles north of Ottoville T
Elida, Ohio 45807 • Siding RE OTA LI NE LI NE be imposed by Delphos
419-339-2771 • Replacement Sunrooms, 419-453-3620 DO LL
IN City School District, for a
M-F 10:30-5:30 PM, Sat. 10:00-1 PM G G
950 Tree Service
Windows Kitchens & Bathroom continuing period of time,

950 Car Care • Garages Remodeling, beginning January 1,

2011, for the purpose of
• Plumbing and Pole Buildings, CURRENT EXPENSES?


Electrical Service
for both new and
TEMAN’S 6120 Defiance Tr.
Delphos • $105,000
526 Dewey St.
Delphos • $52,000
207 S. Bredeick St.
Delphos • $74,900
The polls for said Election
will be open at 6:30
Chuck Peters 419-204-7238 Dick Clark 419-230-5553 Jack Adams 419-302-2171
$ existing homes o’clock a.m. and remain
Only • Drywall TAX REBATE SERVICE OPEN SUNDAY 3:00-4:30 P.M. open until 7:30 o’clock
p.m. of said day.
*up to 5 quarts oil Give Us A Call Year Round For
ON WINDOWS • Trimming • Topping • Thinning
FLANAGAN’S TI FI 704 By order of the BOARD
Dick CLARK Real Estate

All Of Your Home Improvement • Deadwooding PR DUC 2276 M R

E ST Beechwood OF ELECTIONS, of Allen
Ph. 419-339-4938
Needs Both Large And Small
Stump, Shrub & Tree Removal
Since 1973
E Kimberly Dr. O PE
N Dr. County, Ohio.
Elida - $89,900
Chris Herron or 419-230-8128 419-692-7261 Elida - Richard E. Siferd,
Dick CLARK Real Estate

Ph. 419-692-5801 Kim Eilerman $94,900 Chairman

Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-2 Bill Teman 419-302-2981 419-303-3013 Jack Adams
950 Electricians 950 Lawn Care
Keith A. Cunningham,
Ernie Teman 419-230-4890 419-302-2171


Call today
To advertise
419-695-0015 METCALFE,
Sports Editor,
419-695-0015 ED PAXTON
(419) 235-3708
ElwerLawnCare.com 675 W. Market St., Suite 120, Lima, OH Phone: 419-879-1006 419-695-0015
312 N. Main St. Delphos, OH Phone: 419-695-1006
www.delphosherald.com Saturday, October 16, 2010 The Herald –11

Tomorrow’s Horoscope
By Bernice Bede Osol
Sunday, Oct. 17, 2010 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Get PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)
The desire to travel and acquire your thinking cap working overtime. - Fresh life could be breathed into
knowledge from personal experiences An ingenious idea you come up with something that you thought was on
is something that’s always with may be of great interest to someone its last legs. Instead of shutting it
you, and it’s likely to be even more whom you would like to impress. down, look for new ideas or ways
prevalent in upcoming months. It’ll be your ticket to getting close to to refurbish what you think is worth
You’ll find the means and avenues to him/her. saving.
satisfy these urges. ARIES (March 21-April
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - It Monday, Oct. 18, 2010 19) - Something you thought was
behooves you to keep your day as Because your ambitions and unworkable or undoable will prove
unstructured as possible, because abilities will be fusing together in to be exactly what you need, so don’t
social happenings that aren’t beneficial ways that could help you be so quick to discard things without
prearranged are likely to turn out to achieve your heart’s desire, the year first thoroughly checking them out.
be the most fun. Hang loose and see ahead looks better for you than past TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -
what happens.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -
months. Make the most of things.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - If
There is a good chance that you could
meet someone whom you’ll instantly
Plan something to do with the family it’s at all possible, try to start this like. S/he might turn out to be either
that you know everyone will enjoy, week off working on a labor of love. a good friend or a person with whom
even if it is as simple as making some It will engender a good mood that you could do a lot of business.
popcorn or inviting some friends will help you handle everything that GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
over. confronts you. - When cohorts see that you’re
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - working hard to achieve something
21) - Don’t waste the fact that you Don’t be too busy to meet someone that would actually make their job
are a fast thinker and that your ideas new whom a friend thinks could be easier as well, they are likely to pitch
are likely to be ingenious. Be ready of some assistance to you. You can in and do whatever they can to help.
to apply your sharp mind to a number never have too many associates to Let them.
of productive uses. whom you can go to for help. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. Have faith in the fact that others like
19) - There are strong possibilities 21) - Instead of clinging to someone you for who you are and not for what
that the day could turn out to be a who has proven to be a detriment to they can get from you. You don’t
profitable one, which you will have you, turn to new people who have have to do anything special, just
little to do with bringing about. It stretched out the hand of friendship. simply be yourself.
could happen through a strange chain You’ll be amazed at how happy your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Don’t
of events.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -
life could be.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
be afraid to show those you love how
much they mean to you, even if you BEETLE BAILEY
Strive to initiate some fun happenings 19) -You could get an opportunity have to do so in front of others. You
instead of just hanging back in the to spend more time with someone won’t embarrass yourself; it’ll only
rear ranks. You’ll have little trouble whom you’ll like as you get to know show how big your heart is.
convincing your peers that you them. Don’t be too standoffish to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -
belong at the head of the pack. discover new friends. Stay alert, because you might get a
PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) rare chance to win someone who
- You can trust any judgment calls - Trends are shifting in your favor, could be important to your cause over
you have to make because they will so don’t hesitate to make changes to your side. Should the opportunity
be predicated upon your excellent that could start to turn things around. open up, don’t let it slip past.
deductive reasoning, as well as your In fact, you could even press for a
intuitive perceptions. They’ll be right favor if you see an opening. Copyright 2010, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
on the money.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
- Be careful when meeting new
people, because you tend to be a bit
more gullible than usual and could be
subject to being taken in on someone’s
latest deception or scheme.
20) - Don’t give up too quickly on
achieving something you want.
Although things might not go as you
had hoped, victory can be had even
after a struggle.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
-You might be the recipient of
some unusual but heartwarming
information. What you learn could
actually fit into something that
you’ve been hoping would happen.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) -
Your attention may be drawn to some
kind of hidden factor in your life,
which will make you want to learn
more about what makes you tick in
certain instances. It’ll be worthy of
further investigation.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - There’s HAGAR THE HORRIBLE
a good chance that you could get an
opportunity to make a new friend,
one with whom you will be able to
share many common interests. Be
responsive to people you meet.

Saturday Evening October 16, 2010

8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
WHIO/CBS CSI: NY The Mentalist 48 Hours Mystery Local
WLIO/NBC The Event Law-Order L.A. Law & Order: SVU Local Saturday Night Live
WOHL/FOX MLB Baseball Local Fringe Wilde Local
ION Point Break Proof of Life
Cable Channels
A&E The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48
AMC Predator Predator 2
Cats 101 Cats 101 Pit Boss Cats 101 Pit Boss
BET The Brothers The Wood Who's Your Caddy?
BRAVO House House House House House
CMT The Whole Nine Yards Gone Fishin' Blue Com
CNN CNN Presents Larry King Live Newsroom CNN Presents Larry King Live
COMEDY Accepted Wedding Crashers Bo Burnham The Slammin' Salmon
DISC Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs
DISN Wizards Deck Phineas Fish Hook Phineas Wizards Wizards Deck Phineas Fish Hook
E! Bounce Kendra Kendra The Soup Chelsea Fashion Next Door
ESPN College Football Score College Football
ESPN2 College Football Score College Football NASCAR
FAM Step Up The Princess Diaries Stepmom
FOOD Unwrapped Flay Flay B. Flay B. Flay Iron Chef America Flay Flay
FX Baby Mama Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Archer Archer Two Men Two Men
HGTV Hallown Party Genevieve Block Color Spl House Hunters House Genevieve Block

HIST The Universe The Universe The Universe The Universe The Universe
LIFE The Pregnancy Pact Reviving Ophelia Project Runway Road
MTV Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore
NICK iCarly Jackson Big Time Victoriou Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny
SCI The Final Kill Theory The Graves
SPIKE UFC 120 BlueMount BlueMount UFC 120
TBS The Longest Yard The Longest Yard
TCM A Foreign Affair Knight-Armour Morocco
TLC Freaky Ea Freaky Ea Lottery Changed Auction Auction Freaky Ea Freaky Ea Lottery Changed
TNT Fool's Gold Failure to Launch Spanglish
TOON Scooby-Doo! Curse of Tower Prep King-Hill King-Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Bleach Kekkaishi
TRAV Most Terrifying Most Terrifying Ghost Ghost Halloween Most Terrifying
TV LAND M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Harry Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond
USA NCIS NCIS NCIS Burn Notice Action Sports
VH1 Hip Hop Songs 8 Mile Real and Chance Money
WGN Bones Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos How I Met How I Met South Pk South Pk
Premium Channels

HBO The Lovely Bones Boardwalk Empire Promise: Making of Dark
MAX Blown Away Fantastic Mr. Fox Lingerie Bikini Jones
SHOW The Big C Weeds Halloween II Saw V Dexter
©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it
Sunday Evening October 17, 2010
8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30
WPTA/ABC Extreme Makeover Desperate Housewives Brothers & Sisters Local
WHIO/CBS The Amazing Race 17 Undercover Boss CSI: Miami Local
WLIO/NBC Football NFL Football Local Dateline NBC
WOHL/FOX MLB Baseball Local
ION Point Break Snake Eyes Changing Lanes
Cable Channels
A&E Paranormal State Paranorma Paranorma Psychic Kids Psychic Kids Paranormal State
AMC The Sum of All Fears Rubicon Mad Men Mad Men Rubicon
ANIM I Shouldn't Be Alive Fatal Attractions The Haunted I Shouldn't Be Alive Fatal Attractions
BET 2010 BET Hip Hop Awards Top 10 Rappers Kennedy Ed Gordon Trey BET Inspiration
BRAVO Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives Law Order: CI Law Order: CI
CMT In the Army Now Stripes In Army
CNN State of the Union Larry King Live Newsroom State of the Union Larry King Live
COMEDY Waiting
Life Life
South Pk Swardson Futurama Futurama
Life Life
DISN Sonny Good Luck Wizards Jonas L.A Jonas L.A Jonas L.A Sonny Good Luck Hannah Hannah
E! Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas Kardas The Soup Fashion Chelsea Kardas Bodies
ESPN SportsCtr Countdown Specials NBA Tonight Roundtable Special SportsCenter SportsCtr
ESPN2 Poker 2010 Poker 2010 Poker 2010 Poker 2010 Poker Poker
FAM Ever After Mean Girls Melissa J. Osteen Ed Young
FOOD Challenge The Next Iron Chef Iron Chef America Food Meat The Next Iron Chef
FX The Waterboy Forget Sarah Sons of Anarchy Waterboy
HGTV Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes House Hunters Income Income Holmes on Homes

HIST IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads Swamp People MonsterQuest IRT Deadliest Roads
LIFE Bond of Silence Reviving Ophelia Reviving Ophelia
MTV Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Teen Mom Buried The Challenge: Cutth
NICK My Wife My Wife News Chris Lopez Lopez The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny

SCI The Cursed The Ferryman The Reeds
SPIKE CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene
TBS The Hulk The Hulk
TCM Crime in the Streets The Young Don't Cry Hunchback
TLC Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister
TNT Hitch Hitch
TOON Generator Generator Titan Star Wars Delocated Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Venture Childrens Metal
TRAV Most Terrifying Halloween Ext. Halloween Most Terrifying Halloween Ext.
TV LAND M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Roseanne
USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Hostage
VH1 8 Mile Real and Chance Fantasia La La's Wed Fantasia La La's Wed
WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met News/Nine Replay Monk Monk
Premium Channels
HBO The Lovely Bones Boardwalk Empire Bored Eastbound Boardwalk Empire Bored Eastbound
MAX Cirque Fantastic Mr. Fox Twelve Monkeys Lingerie
SHOW Dexter Dexter Weeds The Big C Dexter Look Death Lv
©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it
12 – The Herald Saturday, October 16, 2010 www.delphosherald.com

800-262-3866 www.statewideford.com


• Power moonroof
$2000* FUSION SE
• Reverse sensing $19,928*
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2003 Ford Windstar 2002 Ford 2004 Ford Freestar 2004 Saturn 2006 Chevy
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$5995 $7224 $7557 $7931

trade-in, ground effects, spoiler, leather! ground efeects, spoiler, leather! seats, great color, local trade! this price!

local trade-in, priced to sell!!

2005 Ranger 2007 Ford 2007 Ford 2001 Ford F 150 2009 Hyundai
Supercab 4X4 Taurus SE Ranger Supercrew Accent
# 94869A. V6, automatic, hard to find, # 9549A Alloy wheels, power seat, # 9552A. Local trade-in, only 31,000 # 9567A.Full 4 door, truck cap to match, # 94879A. Local trade-in, carfax

$8949 $8999
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$9995 $9997
V8, 1-owner, don’t miss it! 1-owner, only 21,000 miles, WOW!

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2004 Dodge Caravan 2007 FORD FUSION 2008 Mercury 2008 Ford Taurus 2008 Ford Escape
SXT SE SPORT Milan Limited Limited
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$12,776 $17,867
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$11,870 $15,979
wheels, CD, great fuel economy! wheels, heated leather, low miles!

1-owner, leather, rear DV, low miles!

2008 Lincoln 2007 Ford Edge SEL 2008 Ford 2007 Lincoln 2009 Ford Flex
MKZ Plus Explorer XLT MKX SE
# 9559P. Power moonroof, chrome # 9548P. Chrome wheels, heated # 9564P. 4X4, 1-owner, 3rd row seat, # 9568P Ultimate pkg, heated & # 9544P. Only 27,000 miles!

$18,336 $18,868 $19,899 $20,987 $22,851

wheels, htd & cooled seats, low miles! leather, clean carfax, priced to sell! only 29,000 miles, like new! cooled seats, chrome wheels, low miles! Clean carfax, 1-owner, 7 passenger!


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