Minutes of Criminal Meeting0001

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The monthly meeting of the Criminal Justice Co-ordination Committee

was held in the Library Room of Sessions Court, Nankana Sahib, on 27.10.2018, at

11:30 a.m. The meeting started in the name of Almighfy Allah. Dr. Azhar Amin
CEO Health recited the verses of the Holy Quran.
(2) The following participated in the meeting:-
Mr. Sohaib Ahmad Rumi, District & Sessions Judge, Nankana Sahib. Chairman
2. Mr. Javed Iqbal Sheikh, Addl: District & Sessions Judge Nankana On invitation
J. Mr. Amer Sharif Dogar, Senior Civil Judge (Admin), Nankana On invitation
4. Mrs. Hina Rasheed, CivilJudge Class-1, Nankana Sahib. 0n invitation
Dr. Fahad Mumtaz, ADC (R), Nankana Sahib. On behalf of Deputy
5. Commissioner
6. Mr.Ismail-ul-Rehman Kharak, District Police Office Nankana Member
7. Mr. Muhammad Sharif ljaz, District Public Prosecutor, Nankana Member
8. Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad Bhali, Superintendent, District Jail Sheikhupura. Member
9. Dr. Azhar Amin, CEO Health, Nankana Sahib. On invitation
10. Dr. Muhammad Aslam, MS, DHQ Hospital, Nankana Sahib. On invitation
1l Ria Khurram Arshad, XEN Building, Nankana Sahib. On invitation
12. Mr. Ziarat Ali Wattoo, DSP Legal, Nankana Sahib. On invitation
13. Mr. Muhammad lrfan, DDPP, Nankana Sahib. On invitation
14. Mr. Riasat Ali Virk, Probation Officer / Parole Officer, Nankana Member
15. Mr. Waqar-ul-Haq, DSP/SDPO Cirlce Baraghar On invitation
16. Mr. Muhammad Ashfaq Rana, DSP/SDPO Circle Sangla Hill On invitation

(3) Reports u/s 173 Cr.P.C

DSP/Legal apprised the Chair that during the month of September 2018,
508 cases were registered and 109 Challan/Reports luls 173 Cr.P.C submitted to the
leamed trial courts and 399 were not submitted. The Chair directed that scrutiny of
the reports u/s 173 Cr.P.C must be ensured within stipulated period which is
essential for speedy trial of the cases. DPP assured compliance. Chair directed that

challan of remaining cases be also forwarded without further delay.

(4) Standard of Investisation
The Chair directed that standard of investigation is very poor and must be
improved. DPO apprised the Chair that the I.Os special refresher Courses are being
arranged at various Police Training Centres. Moreover, special arrangements have

also been made for lectures twice a month for the I.Os, through prominent lawyers,

retired police officers to acquire their experience. DPO added that SOP in Urdu has
also been circulated in questionnaire form amongst all investigating officers to

follow the same while conducting investigation of various offences. The Chair
appreciated this initiative and anticipated that this step will gear up the I.Os for
better investigation & to improve investigation skill.

(5) Pendencv of Criminal Cases in Trial Courts/Masisterial Courts.

The Chair directed SDPOs to get year-wise details of cases upto 2015
pending in trial courts and produce the P.Ws to finalize the trial before 24th of
December, 201 8. DSP/Legal assured compliance.
The Chair showed dissatisfaction over poor performance regarding
submission of Challans/Reports u/s 173 Cr.P.C and directed the DPP to gear-up his
staff to improve their perforrnance and if no objection in Challan is found then it
must be sent to court timely. Chair also observed the lack of coordination between
Police and Prosecution and directed to remove the same because good coordination
is essential in criminal justice system.

(6) Departmental Proceedings on Faultv Investigations

DPO also stated that departmental proceedings against 04 delinquent I.Os
was initiated during the month of September 2018 on account of faulty
investigation. The Chair directed that on faulty investigation only issuing show
cause notices is insufficient. In future, on faulty investigation the departmental
proceedings be initiated against the delinquent officials according to rules and it will
be checked that the delinquent official mends his way or otherwise.

Chair added that our aim and object is only to improve the system, not to
punish the officials on their minor omissions. Moreover, the police officials
involved in blatant violation must be dealt with strictly as their glaring mistakes
cannot be overlooked. Chair further directed the Senior Civil Judge to impart
instructions amongst all Illaqa Magistrates for early disposal of all petty cases. The
Senior Civil Judge assured compliance.

(7) Procurement of Service of PWs.

DSP Legal, Nankana Sahib informed the Chair that during the month of
September 2018, 1608 summons/warrants were issued by the different Courts, out

of which 937 were served in person, 650 witnesses appeared before the learned
courts, 106 witnesses were examined, 287 witnesses did not appear despite service
and 425 could not be examined due to different reasons. Chair noted that ratio of
service of the process is not satisfactory, therefore, it requires to be enhanced, DSP/

Legal assured compliance.

Chair directed to utilize modern technologies like Fax and Scanners
machines for timely coffespondence with Police Stations already online by the
PITB for effective service. DSPlLegal assured compliance.
The Chair issued following fuither directions for compliance in letter and
Environmental Protection Act of Green Courts was discussed in detail.
Direction was issued to Deputy Commissioner, Nankana Sahib to make
clean the whole District Nankana Sahib and launch a campaign in this
regard as Smog season is in the offing. He was further directed to
persuade the farmers for cultivation of fruit plants and tell them the
advantages of cleanliness. Office is directed to issue a separate circular in

this regard to Deputy Commissioner, Nankana Sahib.

The Chair directed DPO Nankana Sahib to prepare presentation on
training and development of police officials and produce the same in the
next meeting.
The Chair directed DPO to submit Performance Planning of police
officials in the next meeting.
The Chair directed DPO to affange special meetings of SHOs in
connection with issuance summons of witnesses and effectiveness of


The Chair directed to submit total number of registered cases from

January 2018 to September 2018. DSP Legal assured that figure will be

submitted within a couple of days alongwith action initiated against the

delinquent officials.
The Chair observed that P.S Syedwala is at distance about 60 k.m
therefore, directed DPO Nankana Sahib to get installed Fax Machines at
all the Police Stations, especially at Police Station Syedwala for timely
compliance of court orders.
The Chair directed District Police Officer, Nankana Sahib that no challan
will be submitted directly to the Prosecution. It will be submitted firstly
before the DSP Legal Nankana Sahib'

The Chair directed the Police Department to control Narcotics offences.
The Chair directed that figure of offences under section 182 Cr.PC be
provided in the next meeting.
It has been observed that FIR Room in Sessions Cout1, Nankana Sahib is
established but no Sub Inspector is performing duty in FIR Room after
transfer of earlier posted Sub Inspector. The DPO is directed to post any
Sub Inspector in the FIR Room of Sessions Court, Nankana Sahib. He
shall maintain register of summons and offenses under section 22/A &
22lB Cr.P.C.
Detail of offense u/s 550 and valuable lying in double lock be provided in
the next meeting.

DSP Legal shall produce the complete detail of summons issued to

witnesses in the next meeting.

DSP Legal shall provide year-wise pendency of cases especially cases of

magisterial courts and pendency of such cases upto 15 December-20lg
should be zero.
Detail of under trial prisoners sent to hospital and also involved in mental
diseases be provided in the next meeting. The District Public prosecutor

shall coordinate with the Medical Officer in this regard.

I.Os be directed to appear in person alongwith relevant record before the
learned trial courts and if the I.o has to appear before the Hon,ble Lahore
High court, Lahore or August Supreme court of pakistan then the SHo
concerned or Incharge Investigation will appear before the trial courts.
Cases must be registered forthwith on receipt of court order in petitions
u/s 22-A and 122-B Cr.P.C.

wealthy people get admitted in hospitals by making lame excuses and on

pretext of illness, this practice rnust be forestalled and the Jail
Superintendent should play his role in this regard.
Police file in the heinous crimes i.e Murder, Dacoity, etc. must be
completed in all aspects and investigation be completed up to the mark
according to rules.
Identification parade must be conducted in the cases where it be deemed

The Chair directed the Magistrates that jail trial must be completed within
shortest possible time and unnecessary delay will be viewed seriously.
Moreover, hardened criminals already punished by the learned courts in
heinous offences produced for decision of the interrelated cases under
Arms ordinance (13120165), etc. may get escaped and create problems.
Therefore, their cases must be decided on priority basis. The Senior civil
Judge assured compliance.

(9) Arrest of Proclaimed offenders and court Absconders.

DSP/Legal informed that during the month of September; 64 p.Os were
added; hence, the number of P.Os increased from 874 to 938, out of which 7l
arrested after hectic efforts. As such, number of P.Os decreased from 938 to 867. He

also informed that during same month, 48 Court absconders were added as such
number of Court absconders was increased 884 to 932 out of which 55 Court
absconders were arrested as the number of courts absconders have been decreased

from 932 to 877. The Chair directed to initiate proceedings u/s 88 Cr.P.C. for the
arrest of Proclaimed Offenders involved in murder, dacoity and robbery cases.
DSP/Legal assured compliance.

(10) Probation of Offenders.

The Probation Officer informed that 60, lst offenders involved in petty
matters were placed under probation during the month of October 2018. The Chair
directed to place more and more 1st offenders on probation to reduce the burden of
petty cases.

(1 1) Production of Under Trial Prisoners before the Courts.

The Chair directed that under trial prisoners be produced well in time
before the courts from Judicial lock up. DSP/Legal assured that all out efforts will
be made to produce the under trial prisoners before the Courts well in time.

At the end, all the participants assured that they would make harmonized
efforts to make criminal system working in the District to be successful. The
meeting ended with the vote of thanks by the Chair to all the participants.


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