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Accurate English: A Complete Course in Pronunciation

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Pearson Education ESL, 1992. Book Condition: New. Brand New, Unread Copy in Perfect Condition. A+ Customer
Service! Summary: 1 Introduction 1.1 The Speech Process 1.2 Language Variation 1.3 Self-Analysis 1.4
Diagnostic Speech Sample 1.5 Analysis of Problems 2 The Phonetic Alphabet 2.1 English Spelling 2.2 The
Phonetic Alphabet 3 Vowel Overview 3.1 Production of Vowels 3.2 American English Vowel Sounds 3.3 American
English Vowel Sounds in Sentences 4 Vowels in Detail 4.1 Vowels 1-4 4.2 Vowels 5-8 4.3 Vowels 9-11 4.4 Vowels 13-
15 4.5 Same Spelling, Di erent Pronunciation (Advanced) 4.6 Vowel 12 and Vowels Followed by 5 Review of the
Phonetic Alphabet and Vowels 5.1 Review Exercises 5.2 Dialogues for Vowels 6 Stress 6.1 Stressed and
Unstressed Syllables 6.2 Vowel Reduction 6.3 Dividing Words into Syllables 6.4 Stress Placement in Words of Two
or More Syllables 7 Stress (Advanced) 7.1 Stress and Vowel Reduction in Noun-Verb Word Pairs 7.2 Alternation
of Reduced and Full Vowels 7.3 Disappearing Syllables 8 Rhythm 8.1 Stress in One-Syllable Words 8.2 Weak
Forms: Reducing Function Words 8.3 Rhythmic Grouping: Pausing and Linking 9 Rhythm (Advanced) 9.1
Breaking the Rules 9.2 Words with Variable Stress 10 Stress in Compound Nouns 10.1 Compound Nouns 10.2
Introduction to Intonation 10.3 Compound Versus Non-compound Constructions (Advanced) 11 Review of Stress
and Rhythm 11.1 Reading Passages 11.2 Review Exercises 12 Consonant Overview 12.1 Production of
Consonants 12.2 American English Consonat Sounds 12.3 American English Consonant Sounds in Sentences 13
Di erence Between Voiced and Voiceless Consonants 13.1 Aspiration of Initial Voiceless Stops /p t k/ 13.2 Vowel
Length and Final Consonants 13.3 Final Voiceless Consonants 13.4 North American English /t/ (Advanced) 13.5
Exercises for Voiced and Voiceless Consonants 14 and Endings 14.1 Adding 14.2 Adding 14.3 Consonant Groups
15 Consonants in Detail 15.1 /s/ and /z/ 15.2 // and 15.3 /+/...

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