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ANALOG AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS MODULE - 2 THE BASIC GATES & THE COMBINATIONAL LOGIC CIRCUITS THE BASIC GATE: Electronic circuits and systems can be divided into two broad categories ~ analog and digital. Analog circuits are designed for use with small signals and are used in a linear fashion. Digital circuits are ssonerally used with large signals and are considered nonlinear, Any quantity that changes with time can be represented as an analog signal or it can be treated as digital signal Digital electronics involves circuits that have exactly two possible states. A system having only ‘two states is said to be binary, The binary number system is widely used in digital electronics. Hiexa-Decimal | Decimal | Binary Hexa-Decimal | Decimal [Binary 0 0 0000 8 8 1000 T T door 9 9 TOOT 3 2 0010 x 10 O10 3 3 oo1T B 1 TOIT 4 4 0100 c 2 1100 5 3 o1oT D 3 TrOT 6 e ori0 E is iio 7 7 oii F 15 itt ‘The operation of electronic circuits can be described in terms of its voltage levels ~ high (H) level and fow (U level. This could be related to the binary number system by assigning L = 0 = F (false) and H = 1 =T (anue). — ie ef “ ' Symmetrical Signal & Asymmetrical Signal The frequency is defined as, f= 1/T where, Tis the period of the signal. Duty Cycle is a convenient measure of how symmetrical or how unsymmetrical a waveform is, = uty Cycle, H = Ta uty Cycle,b = ett Duty cycle = =—T— Duty Cycle, H = TB Duty Cycle, = Te ~--MAHESH PRASANNA K., VCET, PUTTUR ANALOG AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS. Trath Table Circuit Symbol Verilog xT BX NOT Gate: of - ja A x hea 1% A i 1 i ° not (X, A) OR Gate: To A xfoeprrt X=AIB > TPO] 1] AB) [Pil ee Wore er er ere X= A+B ae ‘Quad 2 input OR Gate "AND Gate: oT? aga a xpo}tyo}] x-aes 2 oe —»- TOPO] andX,a.B fi AB) [ard-urdrear! X=AB Ty)aya NOR Gate: voy t ESE 4 x fo] tf o] xa Lee — T TOTO] nor (X, A,B) = cy 0 t X= ry 'NAND Gate: 0 0 1 A xPopT pt] x--aep Loo) Leo) ;_» TYPO [1 | mand (x, A,B) x=aes [1 [fe “KOR Gate: 0 0 0 A x Porro. X-AAB . ee) orerorer error ! 1 0 Quad 2 Input Ex-OR Gaté”” XNOR Gate: 0] ot wpe oy ey ot “> OTT Le | x--asm ye 5 ee) D a ! 1 1 Tato F Too ~~ MAHESH PRASANNA K., VCET, PUTTUR 1G AND DIGIT: CT iveFsality of NOR Gate: X=(AtAY = A’ pee ap Po INVERTER (ary A X= Atl A ° cages A a OR B 3 Th es a AND Universality of NAND Gate: INVERTER (aay AND — Cel X= (ABY = AtB OR Bubbled AND Gate: Bubbled AND gate and NOR gate are equivalent De Morgan's First Theorem: ‘The complement ofa sum equals the produet of the complements. MAHESH PRASANNA K., VCET, PUTTUR

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