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News Release

Purchasing Managers’ Index™

EMBARGOED UNTIL: 00:01 (UTC) November 29th 2018

IHS Markit U.S. PMI™ – special tariff survey

Manufacturers anticipate widespread tariff-based price impact

Key findings: The survey data were collected in the latter half of
October and reflect reported expectations from a
▪ Survey shows widespread expectations that representative panel of just over 800 US manufacturing
tariffs and trade wars will drive up US domestic companies. The questions asked companies to report on
prices the expected impact of tariffs and other trade-war related

▪ Beneficial impact reported on domestic jobs and, factors on their operations at home and abroad (either
current or planned) over the next two years.
to a lesser extent, investment
Just one-in-ten (11%) manufacturers report that tariffs
▪ Marginal net shift in production abroad expected and other trade war factors will lead them to reduce the
proportion of their total output which is produced
Data collected October 12-26
abroad, relocating production back to the US. Slightly
more (12%) report that such measures will encourage the
Survey data indicate that US manufacturers expect tariffs
shift of more production abroad.
to have a widespread upward impact on prices over the
next two years. More encouragingly, positive effects are The expected transfer of production abroad is most
reported in terms of boosting domestic employment and, pronounced among larger companies. By sector, the shift
albeit to a far lesser extent, bringing-forward planned is most commonly seen in the electronics & electrical,
investment spending. The proportion of total output transport goods (which includes autos) and food & drink
produced abroad is meanwhile expected to rise very sectors. Only firms in the mechanical engineering and
marginally. basic metal goods sectors are on balance expecting to
re-shore more production back to the US as a result of
Expected US manufacturing tariff and trade the trade war measures.
war impact over next two years A bigger impact is seen in terms of employment.
“Thinking about your company’s operations at home and abroad Twice as many companies (15%) report that they will
(either current or planned), what overall net impact do you increase their domestic payroll numbers over the next
expect tariffs and other trade-war related factors to have on the
two years as a consequence of tariffs and trade war
following over the next two years?”
measures than will cut their US-based workforce
numbers (7%).
By sector, the largest domestic job gains are anticipated
in the mechanical engineering, timber & paper, chemicals
& plastics and transport goods sectors.
Trade wars and tariffs are meanwhile expected to result
in companies bringing forward planned investment on
balance. However, with only 12% of manufacturers
expecting to pull-forward their planned investment over
the next two years compared to 9% expecting to
postpone or cancel existing investment plans, the net
improvement signalled is only very modest.
The expected increase in investment is especially slight
among smaller firms. By sector, the expected net boost to
investment is confined to the mechanical engineering,

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basic metals, timber & paper, food & drink and electronic Note to Editors:
& electrical sectors. Only the chemicals & plastics sector
report an expected net drop in investment spending. About IHS Markit (
While the impact of tariffs on the choice of production IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO) is a world leader in critical
information, analytics and solutions for the major industries and
location and plans for both domestic employment and
markets that drive economies worldwide. The company delivers
investment is muted, a more widespread impact is next-generation information, analytics and solutions to
seen in relation to prices. customers in business, finance and government, improving their
operational efficiency and providing deep insights that lead to
Some 44% of manufacturers expect tariffs and trade wars well-informed, confident decisions. IHS Markit has more than
to lead to higher domestic prices for their goods in the US 50,000 business and government customers, including 80
over the next two years. Only 3% expect selling prices to percent of the Fortune Global 500 and the world’s leading
fall. Although companies of all sizes expect to see financial institutions.
widespread domestic price hikes, the biggest impact is IHS Markit is a registered trademark of IHS Markit Ltd. and/or its
anticipated among larger firms. affiliates. All other company and product names may be
trademarks of their respective owners © 2018 IHS Markit Ltd. All
By sector, the biggest impact on prices is anticipated in rights reserved.
the basic metal goods sector, followed by timber & paper
and then transport equipment. About PMI
Purchasing Managers’ Index® (PMI®) surveys are now available
Gloomier outlook for over 40 countries and also for key regions including the
The survey was conducted between 12-26 October and eurozone. They are the most closely-watched business surveys
in the world, favoured by central banks, financial markets and
formed part of IHS Markit’s Business Outlook Survey,
business decision makers for their ability to provide up-to-date,
which is conducted three times per year. The October accurate and often unique monthly indicators of economic
survey found US business confidence about the year trends.
ahead to have weakened compared to earlier in the year,
To learn more go to
but remained stronger than the global average.
Especially weak optimism was seen in the Europe and The intellectual property rights to the U.S. Manufacturing PMI™
provided herein are owned by or licensed to IHS Markit. Any
China, with the latter dropping to its lowest since 2009. unauthorised use, including but not limited to copying, distributing,
US prices charged were meanwhile set to rise at the transmitting or otherwise of any data appearing is not permitted
without IHS Markit’s prior consent. IHS Markit shall not have any
quickest pace for three years over the coming 12 months,
liability, duty or obligation for or relating to the content or
but profit expectations dipped to the lowest since information (“data”) contained herein, any errors, inaccuracies,
February 2017, often linked to the impact of tariffs and omissions or delays in the data, or for any actions taken in reliance
thereon. In no event shall IHS Markit be liable for any special,
trade wars.
incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of the use of the
data. Purchasing Managers' Index™ and PMI™ are either registered
The survey revealed that tariffs, trade wars, supply
trade marks of Markit Economics Limited or licensed to Markit
problems, rising interest rates, higher prices, staff Economics Limited. IHS Markit is a registered trademark of IHS
shortages and a slowing economy were the most Markit Ltd. and/or its affiliates.
commonly cited threats to the business outlook. If you prefer not to receive news releases from IHS Markit, please
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For further information, please contact:

Chris Williamson, Chief Business Economist
Telephone +44-207 260 2329

Siân Jones, Economist

Telephone +44-1491-461-017

Joanna Vickers, Corporate Communications

Telephone +44-207 260 2234

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