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Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

UNIT: 01


Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

i.Computers connected to a network are used to share information and

______________________________. (Resources)
ii.Sending device is also known as______________________________________________.
(Source of transmitter)
iii.One of the most widely used communication device is ___________________________.
iv.LAN stands for __________________________.
(Local Area Network)
v.Network that covers a very large geographic area is called _______________________.
vi.Modem stand for_____________________________________.
(Modulation and Demodulation)
vii.Communication medium that is made up of a thin glass fibers is called
___________________________. (Fiber Optic)
viii.NIC stands for __________________________.
(Network interface card)
ix.Satellite communication is a type of ____________________________network.
x.GPs stands for ____________________________.
(Global Positioning system)

Q.2 Choose the correct Answer.

i. Printer, Plotters, Scanner, CD-ROM Drive are known as:

a) Network Device b) Computer resources c) Clients d) None

ii. Receiving device is also known as:

a) Source b) Sink c) Transmission media d) All of them

iii. Centralized computer to which many computers attached is:

a) Sever b) Client c) NIC d) Bluetooth

iv. A network that usually covers a city or large campus is:

a) LAN b)WAN c) MAN d) All

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Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

v. Which one is the satellite navigation system?

a) LAN b) WAN c) MAN d) GPS

Q.3 Write “T” for True and “F” for False.

i.Client are typically more powerful computers than server. (F)

ii.Resources cannot be shared in LAN. (F)
iii.The world’s most popular WAN is the internet. (T)
iv.Network can be formed without communication device. (F)
v.Dialup modem is a software. (F)
vi.NIC is used to connect computers. (T)
vii.Satellite communication is the type of wide-Area-Network. (T)
viii.GPS stands for Govt. office services. (F)
ix.Bluetooth is a wireless technology. (T)

Q.4 Define computer network. Why do we use networking.

Ans: Computer Network:

A collection of two or more than two computers that are linked together through
communication medium (wired or wireless) in order to share computer resources and
information is called a computer Network or simply a network, it can be used for simple
task like sharing a printer, scanner, software games etc….

Q.6 Discuss briefly the different types of computer network.

Ans: Types of Computer Network:

Network are commonly classified into three types according to the geographical
boundaries these classifications are:

a) LAN b) MAN c) WAN

A) LAN (Local Area Network):

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network if it is contained within a close

or small area such as a home, school small office building, or small laboratory etc…

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A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that interconnects

users with computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered
by even a large local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered by a wide
area network (WAN).


A wide area network (WAN) is a telecommunications network or

computer network that extends over a large geographical distance. Wide area
networks are often established with leased telecommunication circuits.

Q.7 What is MODEM? Discuss different type of Modem.

Ans: Modem is a popular communication device which is normally used for internet
communication. Modem is the combination of the two words Modulation and


It is a card that plugs into an expansion slot in the motherboard.


It is a handy device that can easily be attached to computer externally. It is expensive

than the internal Modem.

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Email: Cell # 0342-1918726


It is used with computer without a wire. It is mostly used for internet.

Q.8 Define satellite communication.


Satellite communication is a wide area network it allows radio, television to be

set live in the world. The data transfer speed of satellite communication is very thigh.
Before satellite transmission was difficult or impossible at long distance.

Q.9 Write a short note on the following.

A) Fiber-Optic cable:

Fiber optic cable is one of the most advanced and expensive type of
communication medium and expensive type of thin glass fibers which are slightly
thicker than a human hair. These fibers are contains in a protective tube suitable for any
environment. Fiber optic cables allow transmission over slightly distance and it very
higher very less chances of data losses.

B) Global Positing system:

The global positing system (GPS) is satellite-based navigation. It is normally used

to determine the position and it can be used to monitor the movement of a person or
object etc. it may also be used to find the location of the stolen vehicles.

C) Bluetooth:

Bluetooth is a wireless technology. It was originally developed to eliminate

cabling. It is used to communicate between two or more than two devices over short
distance typically up to 32 feet or 10 meters. It is used to link cell phones, it is invented
1000 years ago the king of Denmark named Herald Bluetooth.

Composed and Arranged by: Fahad Computers Mitha Khel

Email: Cell # 0342-1918726


Differentiate between
the following Client and

 A client computer uses the resources provided by the server.

 A server holds all the resources to be shared on the network.

LAN and MAN:

 LAN is group of computer joined together in a limited geographical

distance or area.

 MAN is spread over a larger area e.g. in a city.

GPS and Bluetooth:

 GPS is a satellite based navigation system.

 Bluetooth is wireless and short range technology that connects devices

in nearby distances.

Sender and Receiver:

 A device that sends or transmits the data over network is called Sender.

 A device that received the data over network is called

Receiver. MAN and WAN:

 MAN is spread over a larger area e.g. in a city.

 WAN spread over area larger than that of MAN i.e. across cities or
continents. A WAN can have many LANs and MANs connected to it.

Define the following:

Network Interface Card:

A Network Interface Card (NIC) is a computer hardware component that connects a

computer to a network.

Transmission Medium:

A transmission medium is a path used to send and receive data from the
communication device. It may be wired or wireless.

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Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

Physical Transmission Medium:

The wired path over which transmission of data takes place is called physical
transmission media. Its types are: -

i) Twisted pair cable

ii) Co-axial cable

iii) Fiber optic cable

Coaxial Cable:

It is an insulated copper cable used to carry high frequency data signals

such as voice, images, videos and text.

Shielded Twisted Pair Cable:

It is oldest and still in use transmission medium. It consists of pairs of insulated

copper wires twisted together.

Define Network Components.

The devices which are required to make up a network are called network components.

Network Interface Card, Modem, Router, Switches & Cables etc.

What are advantages of LAN?

 Implementation is simple.

 Remote access and sharing.

 Low cost.

 Reliability and security.

 Fast communication and data transmission.

 Addition of new computer to network is easy.

State some disadvantages of WAN?

 Setting WAN is expensive and complicated.

 Security is real threat.
 Protection from virus and hackers add more expense.
 Its maintenance is a full time job which require budget and man power.

Composed and Arranged by: Fahad Computers Mitha Khel

Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

UNIT: 02
Q.1 Fill in the blanks.
i. ____________________________ is the protection against threats.
ii. ____________________________infect other computers through computer network.
iii. __________________________ is a program which delivers ads to your computer.
iv. __________________________ are the evil genius computer program.
v. __________________________program protect your computer against virus attack.
Q.2 Choose the correct answer.
i. In computer security, a possible damage, loss or crime that may harm your
computer is:
a) Load shedding b) Flood c) Hacking d) Threat
ii. The most common type of security threat is:
a) Virus b) Worm c) Adware
iv. ______________________is a program which delivers ads to your computer.
a) Virus b) Worm c) Adware d) Anti Virus software
v. A threat that uses computer networks to replicate itself:
a) Virus b) Worm c) Adware d) None of the above
Q.3 Write “T” for true and “F” for false.
i. Threats are harmless. (F)
ii. There is no difference between computer virus and worm. (F)
iii. Computer virus is hardware. (F)
iv. AVG is a computer virus. (F)
v. Symantec is the name of Antivirus program. (T)

Q.4 Define computer security threats. Threats write briefly about virus.
In computer security, a threat is a possible danger, loss or crime that may cause
possible harm.
The most common type of security threat is computer virus. A computer virus is
a small program that inserts ad replicates itself in the computer without your
knowledge and takes over the control of the computer system computer virus system.
Computer viruses are usually man-made.

Composed and Arranged by: Fahad Computers Mitha Khel

Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

Q.5 How a virus spreads itself? Discuss Briefly.

Ans: Depending on the nature of a virus, it may cause damage to our data interfere
the normal operations of our computer. It may format our hard disk or may reduce
computer memory or disk space. It may corrupt your software or may display some
false massages on the screen.

Q.6 Write a short note on the following.

Computer worm is a small piece of software that uses computer network to
replicate itself . it spreads form computer to computer without any human action
worms normally infect other computer through computer network.
In the most familiar, sense, hacker is an evil-genius computer programmer.
Hacker gain unauthorized access to other’s computer system for the purpose of stealing
and corrupting data. Hacker have good programming skill and full understanding of the
internal working of the computer system and networking.


Differentiate between
the following

Virus and Worm:

 A virus is a malicious program that infects computer program and make

changes in program code.
 A worm is a self-replicating program that does not change program code.
Virus Definition and updates:
 Virus definition refers to the database of all current virus signature files.
 Updates refer to the new virus signature files that are not available in
virus definition already.
Email and Surfing the Internet:
 Email is a quick way to sending message using internet.
 Surfing Internet means to search any information on the web using
search engines.
Hacker and Adware:
o. Hackers are programmers who gain access to computer system without

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Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

o. An adware automatically plays or downloads advertisements on the
computer from internet.
Flash drive and floppy drives:
 Flash drives are modern way of transmitting data from one PC to another.
 Floppy drives are old technology having very less capacity.

Define the following:


A virus is a malicious program that infects computer program and make changes
in program code.
Email attachments:
An email attachment is a computer file sent along with an email message.
Infected flash drives:
Infected flash drives carry malicious program in it. When a user plug in the
infected flash drives in computer, it spread the virus in the computer and infects
the data.
Symantec Corporation is the manufacturer of security software for computers.
AVG has made innovation in the industry in software development, threat
detection, threat prevention and risk analysis.
What do you understand by computer security?
Computer security is the field of Information Technology which deals with data
Write a short note on security threats.
Security threats are the possible ways in which the vulnerability of the computer
security system can be exploited by the malignant users or software.
Who is a hacker?
Hacker is programmer who uses his expertise for malicious purpose. A hacker
gains unauthorized access to a computer system. The purpose is to steal data

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Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

and use it for harmful purposes or financial benefits.

How viruses are spread?

 Through infected flash drives.
 Email attachments.
 Surfing insecure websites.
 Installing pirated software
What do you understand by the term worm?
Worm is self replicating program and does not require a host program. A worm
can harm in the following ways:-
1) It can reduce the available space on the disk.
2) It can slow down the computer.

“Long Questions”

What are the ways to protect your computer from virus attacks?

 Protect your computer with good and udpated antivirus.

 Enable automatic Windows updates.
 Use great caution when opening attachments.
 Use security precautions for your PDA, cell phone, and Wi-Fi devices.
 Back up your files regularly.
 Stay aware of current virus news.
What is an antivirus? Explain.
 Antivirus is software which is used to prevent, detect and remove various threats.
viruses, worm, Trojan horses, spyware and adware etc.
 They are designed to detect and remove viruses from the infected programs.
 An antivirus uses two techniques:
i. Examining files to look for known viruses by means of a virus database.
ii. Identifying suspicious behavior from any computer program which
might indicate infection.
How a computer is scanned for viruses?
 Select Norton Antivirus from Start > Program Menu.

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Email: Cell # 0342-1918726

 Click on Full System Scan when Norton starts.

 The process of scanning sill start.
 Result will be shown, when it completes.
What is virus definition?
 Virus definitions refer to the database of information of all current viruses.
 It is maintained by some antivirus company.
 The Virus definition can be downloaded with the help of Antivirus program.
It is called updating virus definition.
 Mostly Antivirus program automatically download virus definition regularly.
 User can also update their Antivirus program manually.

What do you know about Symantec antivirus?

Symantec Corporation is the manufacturer of security software for computers,
best known for its Norton brand. It is a powerful and effective antivirus program.

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