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What’s up 8 Scary moments

A. Uttryck
1. A few years ago we lived in a house in the countryside.
____________________________ ___________________________________
2. Once I saw a ghost, I was scared stiff
___ ____________________________________________________________
3. It happened again a few days later.
4. The worst is yet to come
5. I was home alone when I heard the door slam shut.
____________________________ ___________________________________
6. At this point I was scared stiff.
7. A tree in the garden was on fire.
8. We moved house later.
B. Vocabulary
I. Continue the sentences
1. If I would be transparent for a day I would _______________________________
2. If I were a ghost, I would haunt (because) _______________________________
3. If I could disappear from here right now, I would go _______________________
4. The silliest thing I know is _____________________________________________
5. A recurring (återvändande) nightmare of mine is ___________________________

II. Translate the words in the sentences above:

1. ______________________________ 4. ____________________________
2. ______________________________ 5. ____________________________
3. ______________________________

C. Write a scary story.

Include the words:
Tremble, witness, covers, creek, whisper

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