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Flight of Fancy Mitts

Designed by Universal Yarn Design Team

Adult Medium

Hand Circumference: 6¾” (will stretch
up to 9”)
Length: 8½”

Universal Yarn Finn (50% acrylic, 25%
superwash merino, 25% alpaca; 50g/230
• 107 Jam – 1 skein
Needles: US Size 3 (3.25 mm) set of dpns
or size needed to obtain gauge
Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch
markers, cable needle (cn)

24 sts x 38 rnds = 4” in St st
Save time, check your gauge.

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2018 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
These delicate mitts are knit in the round from Work in Moss Stitch patt for 10 rnds.
the cuff upward. Twist-stitch leaves on a
background of reverse stockinette stitch are Wrist
mirrored on right and left hands. Rnd 1: P12, pm, work Rnd 1 of Left Arm chart
over 16 sts, pm, p12.
The Twist-stitch panels in this pattern are charted Rnd 2: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 2 of Left Arm
only. chart to m, sl m, purl to end.
Cont in patt as est’d through Rnd 24 of chart.
I-Cord Bind-Off
Cast on 2 sts to first st on left ndl using knitted Hand
cast-on. * K1, k2tog tbl (1 st bound-off), slip these Rnd 1: P12, remove m, p6, pm, work Rnd 1 of Left
2 sts back to left ndl; rep from * until all sts have Hand chart over 10 sts, sl m, purl to end.
been bound-off. Bind off rem 2 I-Cord sts. Rnd 2: P7, LT, purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 2 of Left
Hand chart to m, sl m, purl to end.
STITCH GUIDE Rnd 3: P6, pm for Thumb, work Rnd 1 of Thumb
Moss Stitch chart, pm for Thumb, purl to m, sl m, work Left
(even number of sts) hand chart to m, sl m, purl to end – 1 Thumb st
Rnds 1-2: * K1, p1; rep from * to end. inc’d. 5 Thumb sts bet ms.
Rnds 3-4: * P1, k1; rep from * to end. Rnd 4: Purl to Thumb m, sl m, work Rnd 2 of
Rep Rnds 1-4 for patt. Thumb chart to m, sl m, purl to m, work Left
Hand chart to m, sl m, purl to end – 2 Thumb sts
Right Twist (RT): K2tog but do not slip st from inc’d. 7 Thumb sts bet ms.
ndl, knit the first st again, slip both sts from ndl. Rnds 5-18: Cont as est’d through Rnd 18 of
Right Purl Twist (RPT): K2tog but do not slip st Thumb chart / Rnd 20 of Left Hand chart. 19 total
from ndl, purl the first st again, slip both sts from sts inc’d for Thumb, 23 sts between markers, 59
ndl. total sts.
Left Twist (LT): Knit the second st on the left ndl Separate Thumb
through the back loop, knit the first st through Rnd 1: Purl to Thumb m, sl m, k1 tbl, p1, place
the front loop, slip both sts from ndl. next 19 sts on holder for Thumb, cast on 2 sts, p1,
Left Purl Twist (LPT): Purl the second st on the k1 tbl, sl m, purl to m, work Rnd 21 of left Hand
left ndl through the back loop, knit the first st Chart to m, purl to end – 42 sts rem.
through the front loop, slip both sts from ndl. Rnd 2: Purl to m, sl m, ssk, p2, k2tog, sl m, purl to
1x2 Right Purl Cross (RPC): Sl next 2 sts to cn and m, work Rnd 22 of Left Hand Chart to m, purl to
hold in back, k1 from left ndl, p2 from cn. end – 40 sts rem.
1x2 Left Purl Cross (LPC): Sl next st to cn and hold Rnd 3: Purl to m, sl m, LPT, RPT, sl m, purl to m,
in front, p2 from left ndl, k1 from cn. work Rnd 23 of Left Hand Chart to m, purl to end.
1x1x1 Right Purl Cross (RPC): Sl next 2 sts to cn Rnd 4: Purl to m, remove m, p1, LPT, p1, remove
and hold in back, k1 from left ndl, LPT from cn. m, purl to m, work Rnd 24 of Left Hand Chart to
1x1x1 Left Purl Cross (LPC): Sl next st to cn and m, purl to end.
hold in front, RPT from left ndl, k1 from cn. Rnd 5: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 25 of Left Hand
Bobble: [k1, yo, k1, yo, k1] into st indicated, turn, chart to m, sl m, purl to end.
p5, turn, sl 2 kwise, k3tog, p2sso. Rnd 6: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 26 of Left Hand
chart to m, sl m, purl to end.
LEFT MITT Rep Rnd 6, 4 more times.
Cast on 40 sts. Divide evenly bet dpns and join to
work in the rnd.

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2018 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
Purl 4 rnds. Work in Moss Stitch patt for 6 rnds. Rnd 1: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 21 of Right Hand
Turn. Bind off all sts from the wrong side using chart to m, sl m, purl to Thumb m, sl m, k1 tbl,
the I-Cord method. p1, place next 19 sts on holder for Thumb, cast
on 2 sts, p1, k1 tbl, sl m, purl to end – 42 sts rem.
Thumb Rnd 2: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 22 of Right Hand
Place 19 held sts onto dpns. chart to m, sl m, purl to Thumb m, sl m, ssk, p2,
Rnd 1: Beg at center of gap, pick up and purl 2 k2tog, sl m, purl to end – 40 sts rem.
sts, purl across 19 sts, pick up and purl 2 – 23 sts. Rnd 3: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 23 of Right Hand
Join to work in the rnd. chart to m, sl m, purl to Thumb m, sl m, LPT, RPT,
Rnd 2: P1, p2tog, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p1 – 21 sl m, purl to end.
sts rem. Rnd 4: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 24 of Right Hand
Rnd 3: Work Rnd 1 of Moss Stitch patt to last 2 Chart to m, sl m, purl to Thumb m, remove m, p1,
sts, p2tog – 20 sts rem. RPT, p1, remove m, purl to end.
Rnds 4-6: Work Rnds 2-4 of Moss Stitch patt. Rnd 5: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 25 of Right Hand
Bind off all sts pwise, loosely. chart to m, sl m, purl to end.
Rnd 6: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 26 of Right Hand
RIGHT MITT chart to m, sl m, purl to end.
Cast on 40 sts. Divide evenly bet dpns and join to Rep Rnd 6, 4 more times.
work in the rnd. Complete reminder of Right Mitt as for Left Mitt.
Work in Moss Stitch patt for 10 rnds. FINISHING
Wrist Sew sides of I-Cord together. Weave in ends and
Rnd 1: P12, pm, work Rnd 1 of Right Arm chart block.
over 16 sts, pm, p12.
Rnd 2: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 2 of Right Arm
chart to m, sl m, purl to end.
Cont in patt as est’d through Rnd 24 of chart.

Rnd 1: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 1 of Right Hand
chart over 10 sts, p6, remove m, purl to end.
Rnd 2: Purl to m, sl m, work Rnd 2 of Right Hand
chart to m, sl m, p9, RT, purl to end.
Rnd 3: Purl to m, sl m, work Right Hand chart to
m, sl m, p8, pm for Thumb, work Rnd 1 of Thumb
chart over 4 sts, pm, purl to end – 1 Thumb st
inc’d. 5 Thumb sts bet ms.
Rnd 4: Purl to m, sl m, work Right Hand chart to
m, sl m, purl to Thumb m, sl m, work Rnd 2 of
Thumb chart to m, sl m, purl to end – 2 Thumb
sts inc’d. 7 Thumb sts bet ms.
Rnds 5-18: Cont as est’d through Rnd 18 of
Thumb chart / Rnd 20 of Right Hand chart. 19
total sts inc’d for Thumb, 23 sts between
markers, 59 total sts.

Separate Thumb

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2018 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
bet between
cn cable needle
cont continue
dec(‘d) decrease(d)
dpn(s) double pointed needle(s)
est’d established
inc('d) increase(d)
k knit
k2tog knit 2 stitches together (1 st
k3tog knit 3 stitches together (2 sts
kwise knitwise
m marker
m1P insert left needle from back to
front under horizontal strand of
yarn lying between st just
worked and next st, purl this st
through the front loop (1 st inc’d)
ndl needle
p purl
p2tog purl 2 sts together (1 st dec'd)
p2sso pass 2 slipped stitches over
patt pattern
pm place marker
pwise purlwise
rem remain(ing)
rep repeat
rnd round
sl slip
ssk slip next 2 sts individually
knitwise, slip them back to left
needle in this position, knit them
together through the back loops
(1 st dec'd)
St st Stockinette stitch (knit on RS
rows, purl on WS rows; in the
rnd, knit every rnd)
st(s) stitch(es)
tbl through the back loop(s)

yo yarn over

Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!

2018 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!
2018 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.

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