A Kiss of An Angel

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A Kiss of an Angel

A Kiss of an Angel

Hope Elizabeth
A 17 years old girl
who’s a new student in
Enchanted Sanctuary,
she is a kind of a
“trickers” but soon
bloom’s into a some
type of angel.
A Kiss of an Angel

Sebastian Troy
He’s a supreme
student, his
parents was king
and queens in
other world ,
who happened to
be the boyfriend
of elise.
A Kiss of an Angel

Frie Mariz Wezinsky

She’s a type muses
and a friend of Elise.
She introduces what
is chivalry tree to
Elise and what are the
different types of
A Kiss of an Angel

Derick Monteclaro
Frie’s boyfriend
who’s also a supreme
A Kiss of an Angel

Brent Ongkiko
The first guy who
introduced himself in
the class of Athena,
And a friend of Elise
A Kiss of an Angel

Errol Perez
Elise’s classmate who
took a photo of her
and Sebastian in a
bad situation.
A Kiss of an Angel

Elise’s Mother.
A Kiss of an Angel

Elise’s little Brother.
A Kiss of an Angel

Elise’s Step dad
A Kiss of an Angel

Sebastian’s mother,
she was mad about
Sebastian’s dating a
A Kiss of an Angel

Mr. Vladimir
Their physical
Teacher and also
their dance
But lately who
happened to be
A Kiss of an Angel

Mrs. Ianna Stalin

The adviser of Elise,
she tells all the rules
and regualtions inside
the campus.
A Kiss of an Angel

Elise’s real Father.
A Kiss of an Angel

Elise Leonor
Ex. Girlfriend of
A Kiss of an Angel
A girl was getting ready for her first day of school in Enchanted Sanctuary a school
where fascinating things happens, where they developed their skills as a new born angel, a
school where her parents graduated and where she will be attending this school year.

Her name is Hope Elizabeth Revenberg, “Elise” is what they call her. She is 17 years old,
in her 12th grade, means she’s going to be in her college next school year. She has a step-brother
named, Cupid Alnilham and a step-father. She calls her step-father Uncle Jove. Her mother said
her real father died when she was still a little child.

Ever since she was in elementary until in her 11th grade, she studied in a catholic school.
She don’t know what’s her mom’s real reason why she’s going to transfer in that school when
she’s about to go to college next school year. She thought about her loyalty award being waste
when she get in the Enchanted Sanctuary, but she has no other choice even if she cries a couple
of drums, even if she cries blood, her mom will not change her mind transferring Elise to
Enchanted Sanctuary.

While she was getting ready, her mom explained how the entrance test will be. Elise is
scared of needle so her mom told her about it. Getting student’s blood test is how they enter in
that school. It is how they identify what will their sections will and such. Elise got really
confused but she didn’t bother to ask her mom because she’s rushing for her first day of school

Cupid called her sister in her room to say they need to go or she will be late in her first
day and Elise rush off to the car and got really excited. Elise got bored in their trip so she asked
her step-dad if they’re there yet. Her step-dad, Jove drove in the entrance of a big mansion liked
place and Elise thought it was her step-dad’s office but it’s the Enchanted Sanctuary.

Elise was drop off in the entrance and got really overwhelmed by the school and the
ushers assist her in the room when examinations happens. The doctor got her blood test and the
doctor got confused knowing that her parents are Revenberg. The doctor told Elise to not mind
about it and told her to look at her result in the gymnasium.

Before she got into the gymnasium, she saw a beautiful tree in the fields, a tree that
shines so bright and she never thought there will be that kind of a tree in the world. There, she
met a girl named, Frie Mariz Wezinsky. She told her about the tree of Chivalry. She also chatted
with Elise about the students that are angels and what kind of school she entered. She told her
about the fallen angels, the angels of rebels and bad angels. After they chatted for a while, She
also ask Elise if she saw her results already and Elise totally forgot about it so Frie helped her
look for her results at the gymnasium.
A Kiss of an Angel
Elise finally found her results and her section is Athena, and she also found out that she’s
a trickers, meaning, she still has no angel blood, it means she’s still under testing and
unidentified blood. Elise asked Frie about the other types of Angels in their campus.

She told Elise about the Supremes, the full angel blood. Those are the Student officers in
the campus. Wizards, the half angel blood. Those are the student who are born genius and
unique. Muses. Like Frie, they have the special blood. Those are the students who have unique
talents. They are also one of the most handsome or beautiful in the campus and lastly, Trickers.
Trickers are the ones that still have no angel blood and can change their blood sooner or later. It
means they will gain their special skills and that’s how they turn into some type of an angel.

Frie also told her about the dorms and no one can go home until next school year and
Elise’s stuff is in their room already. After she explained all that stuff, they manage to go to their
section, and Elise will be her classmate for the whole school year. Elise got excited about that
thought that every first day of school, introductions will be happening. Their adviser, Mrs, Ianna
Stalin explained the school rules.

The school rules are: 1. Students with different blood types shall not have any erotic
relationship. That means a supreme should only date a supreme, wizard to wizard and so on and
so forth. 2. Students are prohibited to pass by the Corridor of Secrets. 3. PDA is allowed but only
if you belong in the same blood type. 4. Your parents are not allowed to go inside this school. 5
Your mobile phones should be placed in your own boxes which presents that they are present on
that day. Those are the school rules and no classroom rules because there are cctvs everywhere.

And there, the “introduce yourself” started. The first guy who introduced himself is Brent
Ongkiko. While the second student, Errol Perez started speaking, Elise felt something’s going
bad to happen. It’s her first day of menstruation. She panicked a little bit and still listen to the
introduction of her classmates. She also heard Derick Monteclaro and Sebastian Troy Sylvania
introducing themselves.

That Sebastian asked his teacher if he can go out, the teacher allowed his to go out and he
acted chill but scary. They are the supreme of the Section, Athena. The teacher asked those
students who are trickers and Elise introduced herself but can’t help her cramps so she also asked
her teacher if she can go out. She rushed to the comfort room without thinking and she forgot to
bring a sanitary napkin with her coming to school but she got an idea, she saw the bathroom
having a towel and was thinking of replacing it as a sanitary napkin but she got caught by the
topless owner of the towel, Sebastian. Elise blushed and asked Sebastian what he is doing in a
girl’s bathroom but Sebastian correct her. It’s a boy’s bathroom. Elise felt really embarrassed and
A Kiss of an Angel
got out of the boy’s bathroom and rushed to the girl’s bathroom and there she saw a sanitary
napkin vending machine.
After Elise got a sanitary napkin, she went back to her room and saw no one in it so she
went out of the room and Frie saw her roaming around. It’s their PE class so they went to the
gymnasium and supported the teams. It was Supreme versus Muses. Elise got confused because
Frie was cheering for the supreme but not the Muses, then she told Elise that she’s dating a
supreme and asked Elise to not tell anyone. The supreme wins so she got really happy.

It was lunch time when Derick saw Frie and asks her to sit with him so she accepted the
offer. Elise got no choice but to sit with them too. She saw Sebastian with the group so she got
really annoyed. Elise saw Sebastian pointing at her and laughing at her so she said “If you’re
going to talk about what happened in the comfort room, talk about it when I’m not here.”
The group got confused and Elise got really embarrassed again so she walked out.

The group got really curious about what Elise said so they went to face Sebastian or
“Baste” and asked him about what happen. Baste turned the story upside down. He said he got
into the wrong bathroom so she got really embarrassed. And the group believed in that lie. Frie
got worried about Elise so she starts rushing eating her meal and went back to their dorm. Frie
waved a good bye to the group and the group happily ate their meals.

When Elise got into their dorm, she went in and saw her stuff in the bed. There was a
note saying. “There’s a tacos in your refrigerator. - Mom” Elise suddenly misses her family
with the picture frame in the box. She also saw her guitar in the side of the bed then she started
playing his family’s favourite song, My Guardian Angel. She didn’t finish the song when Frie
finally got back to the dorm and tell her that Baste told the whole story. Elise got confused why
Baste sort of changed the story but she was thankful about it. Elise told Frie that she needed to
buy a sanitary napkin and Frie told her there’s a Hygiene store near the clinic so Elise went out.
After Elise gone out, Derick called Frie and asked her to go out in a little bit.

After Elise went out to buy some hygiene stuff, she was about to pass through the music
room, she heard a beautiful chilling voice singing her family’s favourite song. She sort of
eavesdrops and the door opened and Elise fell in Baste’s body.

Frie asked her boyfriend if they’re allowed to go out that late and Derick said that it’s
fine and no one will get caught. They are with Errol and Brent and started roaming around until
they heard Elise screaming. They rush to where the scream came from and they saw Elise above
Baste and Errol went to grab his phone and took a photo of the scene that happened.
A Kiss of an Angel
Elise was rushing to get up and explained what happen and Baste was telling the group
that she’s stalking her. They keep arguing on what happened and Frie thought that they will be a
good couple. Elise was about to leave them with Frie but Errol tried to make Elise look at the
photo. Elise asked Errol to delete it but Errol passed it to Brent and passed it again to Baste. Elise
got no choice but to walk out again and with Frie. Derick told Frie that he will just call her and
kiss her good night.

Elise woke up late this morning; she was late at her first class but still made it. Frie forgot
to wake her up. When Elise got into her class her teacher was already introducing himself, his
name was “Mr. Vladimir Sotto”, their Physical education teacher and also their dance instructor
on their upcoming acquaintance party next week and their theme was Masquerade party.

At the end of their dance the first one they’ll see was the one that they’ll be holding and
dance with and also it will be their partner for the whole night. Everyone was talking about the
upcoming party. They are busy talking about on what clothes they will be wearing. Their teacher
ask Sebastian for him to be the emcee for the party, he needed a partner then someone shouted
“Elise sir!!” but the teacher asked why not Missy.

Missy is one of the supreme students of their school because their teacher mentioned that
the school has Rules and Regulation and Missy knows what it is. Elise asked herself if Mr. Sotto
might be angry at her but she was glad that she was not picked as Sebastian’s partner. The
teacher asked them to stand up and he will teach the steps for their dance. Their practice took
two hours and everyone felt exhausted.

Elise and Frie talked about their teacher, Vladimir about being so strict to them but he
never got strict to Sebastian. Frie thought that Mr. Vladimir might be a gay but Elise thought that
Baste was the gay one. Frie told her that that will never going to happen. Elise asked Frie why he
is so cold to her. Frie told her about Sebastian’s ex girlfriend that have the same name as Elise.
She was Elise Leonel. After talking about Baste for 30 minutes, they felt the tiredness from the
practice and slept.

Next Day.

Sebastian asks Elise to dance and she was shocked because Sebastian is being kind to her.
Sebastian offers a drink to Elise because that is the reason why Sebastian was being kind to her.
She drinks it and felt a little bit dizzy. Sebastian pulls Elise near him and kissed her. Alarm clock
hits Elise and realized that it was a dream. She remembers Frie all of a sudden because they will
go to the mall to buy some clothes for the upcoming Masquerade party of their school.
A Kiss of an Angel
She texted Frie but she was with Derick at the chivalry tree so Elise went to the shop of spell by
herself. She was shocked because even the dresses have categories. So she went to the "trickers"
wear but nothing fits her. The sales lady asked her to fit the supremes' dress, and boom it fits her.
The saleslady said that it will be confirm that she is a supremes when the gold in her dress won't
stop shining until 12 o’clock in the midnight this incoming Saturday, which is their Masquerade

When Elise got home, Frie still wasn't in the dorm but it was 7 in the evening so she
washed the dresses she bought and hang it outside. While she was hanging the dresses, she saw
Sebastian lying at the soccer field then she came out to poke him. Elise thought that Sebastian
was drunk because he has a bottle of liquor beside him, then when she was looking at him
closely to his face, Sebastian suddenly opened his eyes.

Elise go really shocked and Sebastian started teasing Elise that she was about to kiss him
but Elise was too defensive. Elise explained that she thought he passed out or something because
he’s drunk but Sebastian explained that he never gets drunk while going too close to Elise. Elise
got really confused but Sebastian covered Elise’s mouth because a guard was about to approach
them. Elise removes Sebastian’s hand and she was about to scream but Sebastian suddenly
kissed her. Elise got really shocked and stopped Sebastian and asked him why he did that and
Baste said, “Because you don’t want to shut up.” Elise walked out shocked and went to the
dorm being so angry at Sebastian.

Elise woke up and went out to cook but she saw Frie cooking breakfast. Elise thought
that Frie was doing it because she knows she went out with Derick when they’re supposed to go
to the mall. Frie said sorry to her and Elise forgave her and they ate their breakfast.

Frie and Elise planned their Saturday, it was their Masquerade Party. They went to go
have lunch in the mall and buy extra things for their party and got home at 3PM and get ready for
the party. Frie is talented so she handled Elise’s make up and cute accessories that fits her. They
got ready at 9PM so they were late and Frie told Elise that, “It’s better to arrive late than to
arrive ugly.”

When they arrived in the party, the dance was about to start so they were rushing to go to
their respective places put their masks on and danced. Elise did not really know who she got
partnered with but she didn’t think about it that much. Every student got tired so they went to
drink from the fountain of life. After in a while, the students got really wild, doing some wild
things and keep sinning.
A Kiss of an Angel
Elise was about to drink from the fountain of life but someone stopped her. She ignored it
but the guy keeps stopping her. She didn’t believe the guy that if she drinks from that fountain,
she will sin because some fallen angels put something in the fountain of life. While arguing with
the guy, another host counted 1 to 10 for them to remove their masks and Elise was surprise that
it was Sebastian who was talking to her.

After they removed their masks, they heard a gunshot and the crowd panicked and run for
their lives. Sebastian pulled Elise inside the Corridor of Secrets and Elise complained that they
were not allowed to go there but Baste said that it was the safest place for now. Elise was about
to go out of the Corridor of Secrets but they got locked. The room have a long corridor with a lot
of bookshelves in it. They have no choice but to wait for help. They didn’t bring their phones so
they have no one to bring them help.

Time has passed, waiting for help, they got really bored and tired so they sit in the floor.
It was really awkward so Elise opened a topic about Sebastian’s ex, and Sebastian explained that
his ex went to Paris for her dreams and wasted their five years relationship. While they are
talking about their lives, they got really interested to each other and they felt comfortable with
each other. While Sebastian’s telling the story, a book drops to his side. It was the book of
Ecstasy. Elise got really curious and opened the book even if Sebastian’s trying to stop her.

When Elise opened the book, there was something written, “How to find your soul mate:
If two destined angels kissed, there will be a love that’s going to grow until the end and will
never breaks.” After reading that, they didn’t notice they were about to kiss and had the comfort
in it. They stopped kissing and Elise explained the confusing joy she’s feeling and same with
Sebastian then they passed out.

She’s back on the dorm again after she was discharged from the Hospital of Hope inside
the Enchanted Sanctuary. Frie told Elise she’s glad that she’s back because she was having a
trouble sleeping for 3 days. Elise laugh on what Frie said and was touched that Frie was worried
that much about her.

Frie asked what really happened to them before they were suffocated inside the Corridor
of Secrets. Elise didn’t know, and all that she remembers is Sebastian was reading the book of
Ecstasy then he kissed her. She then added that the suffocation is just an act that the teachers told
the students to scare the students who are trying to enter the Corridor of Secrets.

Frie was shocked and asked if he really kissed her. Elise said they were just forced to do
that and she discovered the reason why students aren’t allowed in the corridor of secrets. All of
the school’s secret files were hidden there. They also discovered some kind of a spell inside the
Corridor of Secrets. Frie asked what spell did they discovered and Elise told her, “How to find
A Kiss of an Angel
our soul mate”. Frie asked further but Elise said it’s too dangerous for her relationship with
Derick so she didn’t tell her.

Elise’s mom invited her friends to go to her upcoming debut and told Frie about it but
their problem is how they will go out of the school.

After that, they went it their class. Their teacher came and they greeted her. Mrs. Stalin
warned the students who want to go in the Corridor of Secrets. She then asked Elise about the
incident and if she’s already feeling well. Elise happily nods to her teacher and then looked at the
back to look for Baste but he isn’t there. She’s wondering why Sebastian isn’t coming to class
yet and confused because she keeps on looking for him.

Elise is still thinking about what happened between her and Sebastian. She’s worried
about what’s in the Book of Ecstasy, if it’s really true. She can’t get that event out of her mind
and got confused in what she feels. She was always finding Sebastian’s presence.

While walking in the canteen during their break time, someone gave Elise a rose. Elise
asked Frie if she knows anything about that because she already received 17 roses that time.
Then suddenly there’s one more guy who’s on his back. He walked towards her and in her
surprise, it was Sebastian. He is holding a bouquet of roses in his hands while smiling.

Sebastian gave the bouquet to Elise and greeted Elise an Advance Happy Birthday. Elise
thanked Sebastian and then people suddenly danced in front of her until Sebastian joined and
also danced. He stopped and walked towards her. With all seriousness he told Elise that he wants
to be the reason behind her happiness and then asked, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

The crowd were cheering and then Elise finally answered without hesitation, she said yes
to Sebastian. Everybody was happy and cheering and then Elise and Sebastian hugged.

Elise asked Sebastian why is he so confident on making her his girlfriend even though
they don’t have the same blood type. Sebastian then told her that he did it for them to have a
week of suspension. He planned it together with Supremes and Frie to be able to come at her
debut and he really likes Elise since the day they met.

All of them were called and then they immediately proceeded to the Guidance office. The
guidance councilor said that they will be suspended for 1 week due to breaking the rule of the
school. They all shouted yes. The guidance councilor asked why they are still happy. Errol then
answered that they are sad because he will miss the school. The guidance councilor then
instructed them to go out and wait for their parents in the lobby. After they got out from the
guidance office, they were all excited and happy. They met in the lobby after 30 minutes.
A Kiss of an Angel
Sebastian was getting ready for her girlfriend’s debut when her mom, Minerva came in to
his room and got really angry because her son was dating a trickers and sinned so much in school
because of Elise. Sebastian was not listening to her but her mom told him that if he can’t make
Elise a fallen angel, she will be bringing him to Paris too. Sebastian got really mad and just walk
out of the house.

Elise’s debut was about but she can’t still see Sebastian around. Before it starts, her mom
told her a secret. She is a Supreme but they don’t know why her blood test said she’s a trickers,
but Elise got really glad because she can date Sebastian. After their conversation, her mom asked
the hosts, who are Frie and Derick to start the party. They began with the 18 roses, the 1 st to 15th
have passed, and her next dancer is her brother, Cupid.

Cupid was the 16th dancer and Cupid got really impressed on how beautiful his sister is
tonight. After Cupid, her uncle Jove came in, the 17th roses. Her step father cried on how he
never thought the 7 year old Elise would grow that beautiful. They had a long conversation while
dancing and they stopped when her last dance came in. Her uncle Jove gave Elise’s hand to

Sebastian acted so gentle and they talked about the days they first met and the wars
they’ve been through. They laugh at each other and had a deep conversation. Elise and Sebastian
got something to tell each other but the time was getting close so they stopped and went to
announce the 18 candles and 18 treasures. Elise was so happy that day and after the party.

Sebastian went to Elise’s parents to excuse Elise for a minute and they went to the
playground and talked there. Sebastian gave her the promise ring his father gave him. His father
said that he never got a chance to give the ring to the person he really loves so he gave it to
Sebastian. Elise was so happy and they kissed.

Elise asked Sebastian if what was he needs to tell her a while ago and Sebastian said ILY.
Elise thought that it was an, “I love you” so she responded, “I love you too”. She asked
Sebastian if that’s all and Sebastian said “ILY means I’m leaving you.” Elise got really
shocked and doesn’t know what to do. She was about to tell Baste that she’s a supreme too but
she cried becaus she was really shocked. Sebastian said that he used Elise to be punished and go
to Paris for himself. He walked out without saying anything.

It’s been two months since Sebastian left Elise and she’s been receiving her favourite
flower, black rose when she never told anyone about that. Elise was walking through the music
hall, imagining those times he met Sebastian’s other sides when someone covered her mouth and
A Kiss of an Angel
about to pull her inside the dark portal when someone suddenly saved her. A witch named Cara.
Students said she’s a lesbian with the way she acts. Elise didn’t mind hanging around with her
and they agreed that they will be going to school together. Frie noticed that she being close to
Cara so she warning her about Cara’s identity but still ignores it.

Another week has passed, another black rose was in her front door again and Elise picked
it up and put it in the vase and Cara came. Frie was being jealous lately but Elise didn’t notice it.
They were walking on their way to school when Elise told Cara about the black roses and she
thought it was from Cara but she said it’s not then she smirked. Cara’s voice was changing into a
man and Elise got really scared. Cara became a man and was pulling Elise in that dark portal
again when someone put a magic in Cara and Cara disappeared. She never thought that she was
hanging around with a fallen angel.

Her saviour was Van Pinkovsky, he is the one who’s giving her black roses. Elise asked
him how he knows about her favourite flower and Van told her about their elementary days and
Elise remembered Van. Van was also in charge on protecting Elise since she got in the school.
Her mom asked her to do that. Elise forgot they have classes so she asked Van what’s his section
and they went to class together.

2 months later.

Mrs. Stalin was explaining about what will going to happen to us after we graduated.
Elise and her batch mate are about to graduate in the next few weeks. Suddenly, someone
speaking from the speaker called the attention of Hope Elizabeth Revenberg and instructed her to
go to 12-Crius immediately. Mrs. Stalin told Elise to go, and instructed the class to find a partner
for a special number. When Elise got out of their room, she saw Van holding a box of pizza.
“For you.” Van said. Elise told that they should eat pizza together in the Tree of Chivalry. They
were so full because they emptied the box of pizza.

After the pizza box was emptied, there is a text written on it saying “Please be my
partner.” Van then asked if they can be partners so that they can sing together. Elise agreed
which made Van so happy and hugged her. How can she resist him? They’ve been so close.
They spent days practicing the song for their special number and something was developing in
their relationship.

Graduation Day.

They are the next performer and were about to go and sing. They went to stage and both
of them are bringing a guitar. After their performance, the emcee announced that there is a
A Kiss of an Angel
special guest, and then asked everyone to welcome Sebastian Sylvania. Everyone were shocked,
especially Elise. He then said, he is dedicating the song for the someone special who made his
year better and sang the song, My Guardian Angel. He then called Elise and asked her to go to
the stage with him. Elise was about to go to the stage but someone already went. It was his first
love, Elise Leonel. Sebastian then proposed and then kissed after she said yes.

Sebastian’s parents came to Elise’s way when they saw her crying. There, she met her
real dad, Zeus, when she called Elise’s mom and there, everyone got confused. They thought that
Sebastian’s real dad was Zeus but Sebastian’s real father was Mr. Vladimir because Sebastian’s
mother, Minerva, lied in everything. Minerva told Zeus when she was pregnant with Baste that
Zeus is the father of her child. But it’s not. They were all confused and Zeus wanted to go back
to Elise’s mom, Venus but Minerva got really pissed.

Sebastian’s real parents were once a supreme but they became fallen angels because they
keep on having sins. Baste’s parents are the king and queen of the other side of the world. They
almost cast a spell on Elise but Sebastian blocked it and Sebastian passed out.

Elise wanted to come with Van to America because she really wants to move on. Yes, the
wedding will not be stopped. Elise was having a hard time loving Van back but she still wants to
try as hard as she’s in pain that moment because she knows how much Van loves her and she
still don’t want to lose Van. They started going to the airport and it was so emotional because
Elise was not really feeling well on what’s happening.

Van noticed that Elise was having tears and he can’t resist her. “You really love him,
huh?” the only thing Van said. Van went to the church where Sebastian’s wedding going to be
held. When the priest asks if it’s there someone who’s against the wedding, Elise stopped it.
Elise told Sebastian that she really loves him and she knows she’s the one he really loves.
Sebastian had tears but he’s still under a spell his mom made.

Elise thought about the spell she read on the Corridor of Secrets, “How to find your soul
mate: If two angels kissed, there will be a love that’s going to grow until the end and will never
breaks.” So she run to Sebastian and kissed him. Everyone got really shocked and Sebastian’s
mother tried to stop her but it was too late.

Elise successfully removed the spell from Sebastian and their wings came and they fly far
away from the land and lived happily ever after.

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