Focus Notes HIST 15

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Factors that gave birth to Philippine The triumph of liberalism in Spain spread

Nationalism: across the seas to its colonies

►The Filipinos came to experience the effects
1. Influx of liberal ideas from abroad of a liberal regime: freedom of speech, freedom
2. The Spanish Revolution of 1868
of press, freedom of assembly and other human
3. The opening of the Suez Canal rights.
4. The Martyrdom of GOMBURZA
Colonial officials with democratic ideas and
► Ideologies from the French and American sentiments were sent to Manila…
Revolution contained in books and newspapers  General Carlos Ma. De la Torre
streamed into the country -took office on June 23, 1869
► When the Philippines was opened to world - Lived without extravagance
trade, the liberal ideas of Europe and America
influenced the Filipinos to look at their ACHIEVEMENTS:
deplorable situation and ask for reforms. 1. Abolished strict censorship of the press
1868 2. Fostered free discussion of political
►Spain was swept by a revolution led by problems
Generals Juan Prim and Francisco Serrano 3. Suppressed flogging as punishment for
against Isabella II desertion by Filipino soldiers

February 12, 1873 Substitute: 1 month imprisonment

The First Spanish Republic was established 4. Peaceful settlement of agrarian trouble
in Cavite
Opening of the Suez Canal
-By shortening the route between Spain and In 1822, Luis Parang led an agrarian
Manila, the Philippines was brought closer to revolt which spread to Imus, Kawit,
Europe. Silang, Calamba, and other towns which
-More Spaniards and other was put down by Governor Ricafort in
European travelers reached the 1828.
Philippines which promoted the
spread of liberal ideas. Another uprising flared up under
Suez Canal: Eduardo Camerino years later.
Opened on November 17, 1869
103 miles long Governor de la Torre went to Imus,
Trip from Barcelona to Manila: Cavite and had a conference with
32 days Camerino, pardoned Camerino and his
followers and appointed them as
members of a new police force called
Guias de la Torre (Aides of de la Torre)
Liberalism and Filipino Patriots
The success of the Spanish Revolution January 22, 1872 – survivors were subdued,
and de la Torre’s liberal regime taken prisoner, and brought to Manila
encouraged Filipinos to discuss political
matters and reforms. They formed an January 27, 1872 – approved death
Organization called the “Committee on sentence on 41 mutineers
Reformers” Father Burgos, Gomez, Zamora, and other priest
Committee on Reformers had three were alleged
1. Clergy- GOMBURZA February 6, 1872 – 11 were condemned to
2. Laymen- merchants and lawyers death but the governor commuted it to life
3. Students- Paciano Rizal, Felipe imprisonment
4. Buencamino led student February 8, 1872 – Camarino was sentenced to
demonstrations against the die and eleven of the Guias de la Torre were
Dominicans for better classroom each given a ten-year prison sentence ; others
instruction, academic freedom and were exiled to Guam
fair treatment of Filipino students.
He was Arrested on October 18,
1869.  The execution of the three priests (
Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora) hastened
the growth of Filipino nationalism
General Rafael de Izquierdo

x Disapproval of the school of arts and

x Revived the censorship of the press
x Banned all talk of political rights
x Banned the Filipinization of the parishes
x Dismissed high ranking half-breeds and
Filipino in the civil and military
x Abolished the exemption from tribute
and forced labor
x Looked with suspicion on all Filipinos

Cavite Mutiny

January 20, 1872 – 200 soldiers and Filipinos

January 21,1872 – troops of Don Ginoves
rushed to Cavite

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