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How to Proceed in Order to Obtain

Fluidised or Energised Water

Separate a white vessel, a one-litter bottle or a glass.

Fill it with clean water.
If you cover it or put a lid on it, do so with a white cloth, not a cork.
It is advisable to read the PRAYER TO BEZERRA DE MENEZES.
When you drink the water, in small sips, think about God and the
Physician Guides.
When the container is half-full, do not allow it to empty. Fill it again.
For sick people, the water should be prepared only for them and not
for all.
Know that, as the Angels or Messenger Spirits place necessary
elements into the water, you should not be surprised if it takes on a taste
or different colour when you drink it.

Prayer for Fluidization of Water

I request of God, the Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent

Origin, and of the Planetary Christ, strength for the Angelic or
Messenger Legions, so that they may fight against Evil, in whatever
form it may present, and vanquish it.
As there is no merit apart from respect for Truth, Love, and Virtue, I
promise to devote my efforts to live the Law of God, comprehend and
imitate the Exemplary Word, and nobly cultivate the Gifts of the Holy
Spirit, Charisms, or Mediumships, without which there can be no
Consoling Revelation.
I pray to God, who sent the Model Word to deliver the Glorious
Pentecost or the Outpouring of Mediumistic Gifts on all the flesh, so that
Humanity may have truly worthy mediators, who will give freely what
they have freely received, nurturing true respect for the Doctrine of the
As an incarnate, subject to needs, diseases, pain, afflictions, and also
subject to physical death and responsibility before the Divine Justice, I
plead for the gift of good spiritual discernment, as I plead for energies
and fluids for the body to be deposited in this water.
As one who is so needful and prays, I am thankful to God, to
Angelical and Rescuer Legions and to my Spirit Guide or Guardian

Prayer to Bezerra de Menezes

We plead with You, Father of Infinite Goodness and Justice, for the
graces of Jesus Christ, through Bezerra de Menezes and his legions of
companions. May they assist us, Lord, consoling the afflicted, healing
those who deserve it, comforting those who have trials and expiations to
go through, enlightening those who desire to know the Truth and helping
all those who appeal to Your Infinite Love.
Jesus, Divine Bearer of Grace and of Truth, extend Your gifted hands
in succour of those who acknowledge You as the Faithful and Prudent
Provider; do this, Divine Model, through Your consoling legions, Your
Holy Spirits, so that Faith4 is elevated, Hope4 increased, Goodness
expanded, and Love may triumph over all things.
Bezerra de Menezes, Apostle of Good and of Peace, friend of the
humble and the sick, move your friendly phalanxes in benefit of those
who suffer physical or spiritual ailments. Holy Spirits, worthy workers
of the Lord, spread graces and healings over suffering humanity so that
the creatures¹ may become friends of Peace and of Knowledge, of
Harmony and of Forgiveness, sowing the Divine Examples of Jesus
Christ throughout the world.

(removing the possible obsessing spirit)

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