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Course Objectives:

The main objective of this course is to understand students the role

of the successful managers in the 21st century and what style will
help them achieve their organizational goals. Students may learn
the theoretical aspects of management with the help of practical
examples, which may help them, handle situations in the future.
Students will also learn how to manage various resources of the
organization efficiently and effectively. Students will be able to
understand the concept of planning and decision-making,
organization, leading and controlling.

Introduction to Management
Managing and the Manager’s Job
 An introduction to management
 The nature of management work
 The new workplace
 Basic managerial roles and skills
 The nature of managerial work
 The new workplace
Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Challenges
 The role of theory and history in management
 The classical management perspectives
 The behavioral management perspective
 The quantitative management perspective
 Integrating perspectives for managers
 Contemporary management issues and challenges
The Environment and Culture of Organizations
 The organization’s environment
 The external environment
 The Internal environment
 The organization’s culture
 Organization-environment relationships
 The environment and organizational effectiveness.
The Ethical and Social Environment
 Individual ethics in organizations
 Emerging ethical issues in organizations
 Social responsibility and organizations
The Global Environment
 The nature of international business
 The structure of the global economy
 Environmental challenges of international management
 Competing in a global economy
The Multicultural Environment
 The nature of diversity and multiculturalism
 Diversity and multiculturalism in organizations
 Effects of diversity and multiculturalism in organizations
 Managing diversity and multiculturalism in organizations
Planning and Decision Making Basic Elements of Planning and
Decision Making
 Decision making and the planning process
 Organizational goals
 Organizational planning
 Tactical planning
 Operational planning
 Managing goal-setting and planning processes
Managing Strategy and Strategic Planning
 The nature of strategic management
 Using SWOT analysis to formulate strategy
 Formulating business-level strategies
 Implementing business-level strategies
 Formulating corporate-level strategy
 Implanting corporate-level strategy
Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving
 The nature of decision making
 Rational perspective of decision making
 Behavioral aspects of decision making
 Group and team decision making in organizations
Managing New Venture Formation and Entrepreneurship
 The nature of entrepreneurship
 The role of entrepreneurship in society
 Strategy for entrepreneurial organizations
 Structure of entrepreneurial organizations
 The performance of entrepreneurial organizations
The Organizing Process Basic Elements of Organizing
 The elements of organizing
 Designing jobs
 Grouping jobs: Departmentalization
 Establishing reporting relationships
 Distributing authority
 Coordinating activities
 Differentiating between positions
Managing Organization Design
 The nature of organization design
 Universal perspective on organization design
 Situation influences on organization design
 Strategy and organization design
 Basic forms of organization design
Managing Human Resource in Organizations
 The environmental context of human resources management
 Attracting human resources
 Developing human resources
 Maintaining human resources
The Leading Process Managing Employee Motivation and
 The nature of motivation
 Content perspective of motivation
 Process perspectives on motivation
 Popular motivational strategies
The Controlling Process Basic Elements of Control
 The nature of control
 Operations control
 Financial control
 Structure control
 Strategic control
 Managing control in organizations
Managing Operations, Quality and Productivity
 The nature of operations management
 Designing operations systems
 Organizational technologies
 Implementing operations systems through supply chain
 Managing total quality
 Managing productivity

Recommended Books(s):
 Management 8th Edition by Ricky .W. Griffin

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