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IoT Based Smart Farm Monitoring System


Mr. Ravi K. Kodali Nisha Taneja

Roll No. 174613 1st year ( ACS)


Even today, developing countries are also using traditional methods and
backward techniques in agriculture sector. Little or very less technological
advancement is found in this field that has increased the production efficiency
significantly. Agriculture is the broadest economic sector and plays an
important role in the overall economic development of a nation. Technological
advancements in the arena of agriculture will ascertain to increase the
competence of certain farming activities. To increase the productivity, a novel
design approach is presented in this report. Our system focuses on the
measurement of physical parameters such as soil moisture content, nutrient
content, and pH of the soil that plays a vital role in farming activities. Smart
farming with the help of Internet of Things (IOT) has been designed. A remote
controlled vehicle operates on both automatic and manual modes, for various
agriculture operations like spraying, cutting, weeding etc. The controller keeps
monitoring the temperature, humidity, soil condition and accordingly supplies
water to the field.
Table of Content:-
S.No. List Of Content
1. Introduction
2. Equipment Required

3. Block Diagram of monitoring system

4. Experimental Setup
5. Data analysis on IoT Platform

6. Conclusion
7. Future use
8. Advantage &Disadvantage
Many countries like India, majority of the population depends on farming, and
its national income comes from farming. In spite of this and even the modern
technology is found everywhere, the agriculture area is following the old
conventional technology. Our farmers still resort to traditional methods like
manual distribution of seeds and ploughing, two crops per year pattern,
unscientific systems of cultivation. The monsoons are irregular, and unevenness
of availability of water throughout the year poses a major problem. All this
leads to inadequate yield and low productivity. The implementation of scientific
methods in the field of agriculture can bring about radical changes in the
productivity of crops, due to improved efficiency in the farming techniques.

An agricultural environment monitoring system provides

environmental monitoring services and facility controlling services, and thus
maintains any kind of plants growing environment in an optimal status. This
system also can improves the convenience and productivity of plantation
sector. Many researches are done in the field of agriculture. Most projects
signify the use of wireless sensor network collect data from different sensors
deployed at various nodes and send it through the wireless protocol. The
collected data provide the information about the various environmental factors.
Monitoring the environmental factors is not the complete solution to increase
the yield of crops. There are number of other factors that decrease the
productivity to a greater extent. Hence automation must be implemented in
agriculture to overcome these problems. So, in order to provide solution to all
such problems, it is necessary to develop an integrated system which will take
care of all factors affecting the productivity in every stage. But complete
automation in agriculture is not achieved due to various issues. Though it is
implemented in the research level it is not given to the farmers as a product to
get benefitted from the resources.
Hardware required:-
1. Raspberry pi 3 Model B
2. Micro SD card
3. Ultrasonic Sensor
4. DHT22 Sensor
5. MQ-135 Gas Sensor
6. Power supply
7. Bread board
8. Jumper Wires

Software Requirement:-

1. Python Shell
2. Cloud Service

fig.1.1 Block Diagram fig.1.2Mother Board

Fig.1.3Pin Description

1. CPU: Quad-core 64-bit ARM Cortex A53 clocked at 1.2 GHz
2. GPU: 400MHz Video Core IV multimedia
3. Memory: 1GB LPDDR2-900 SDRAM (i.e. 900MHz)
4. USB ports: 4
5. Video outputs: HDMI, composite video (PAL and NTSC) via
3.5 mm jack
6. Network: 10/100Mbps Ethernet and 802.11n Wireless LAN
7. Peripherals: 17 GPIO plus specific functions, and HAT ID bus
8. Power source: 5 V via Micro USB or GPIO header
9. Size: 85.60mm × 56.5mm
10. Weight: 45g (1.6 oz)


 Ultrasonic sensing Technology is an approach for non-destructive

measurement of crop growth Stage, Height.
 Growth rate of each plant is found out based upon the echo signal
received by ultrasonic sensor.
 Ultrasonic sensors measure distance by using ultrasonic waves.
 The sensor head emits an ultrasonic wave (trigger) and receives the wave
reflected back (echo) from the target. Ultrasonic Sensors measure the
distance to the target by measuring the time between the emission and

More detailed sensor specifications are below, these specifications are from
Cytron Technologies:-

 Power Supply: +5V DC

 Trigger Input Pulse width: 10uS
 Dimension: 45mm x 20mm x 15mm
 Effectual Angle:<15
 Ranging Distance: 2-400 cm
 Resolution: 0.3 cm

Fig.1.4 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensor measuring Crop Length:-


1.3 Power supplied:-

Based on the microcontroller and sensor power requirements, each utilized up to
5 volts and 1200 mA (Raspberry Pi), 15mA (sensor). The recommendation was
a small battery pack or a power bank that is portable and can last up to 2 hours.
The reasons for this power supply suggestion are as follows:
 5V with 2A, enough to supply power to microcontroller.
 6400mAh is approximately 6hrs.
 Lightweight and mobile.
 Recharge time is 5-6 hours.

1.4 DHT Sensor:-

The DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor is a 4-pin low cost highly reliable
sensor. Pin-1 is Vcc, Pin-2 is data pin which collects data from outside world
and gives data to the microcontroller.
It features a temperature & Humidity sensor complex with a calibrated digital
signal output. It fortifies high reliability and excellent long-term stability. The
DHT11 sensor includes a resistive-type humidity measurement component, and
connects to a high-performance 8-bit microcontroller, offering excellent quality,
fast response, anti-interference ability and cost-effectiveness. Its temperature
range is 00 -550C and Humidity range is 20-90%.

 Supply Voltage:- +5 V
 Humidity :-20-90% RH ± 5% RH error
 Interface:- Digital

Fig:-1.6 dht22 Sensor

1.5 MQ-135(Ammonia sensor):-

 The MQ-135 Gas sensor makes it easy to monitor ammonia present in

DDT or in some other pesticide sprayed over the field.
 Adjustable sensitivity

1.5.1 Specifications:-

Power: 2.5V ~ 5.0V

Mounting holes size: 2.0mm

Dimension: 40.0mm * 21.0mm

1.6 IR Sensor:-
Insect pests and diseases are significant issues in crop protection. For this
reason, improved sensors for precision farming are constantly being improved.
Such modern technology includes pest detection sensors which detect disease
and insect pest occurrence on crops. Basically, the sensors provide
real-time data from the field.IR sensor is one of that sensor.

Fig-1.7 IR Sensor

1.6 Python( Programming Language):-

Python is a programming language that provides an easy and quick way to
operate Raspberry pi. It is a powerful programming language that is easy to use
(easy to read and write) with Raspberry pi. It provides an excellent way to
connect raspberry pi based project with the real world. Python syntax is very
clean, with an emphasis on legibility and uses Standard English keywords.
Python allows programmers to use fewer lines of code than would be possible
in languages such as assembly, C, or Java. Initially, the Python programming
language used as a scripting language for Linux. Python programs contain a
series of commands. These programs are executed by the computer from top to
bottom same as shell scripts.

1.7 Thingspeak(Cloud Service):-

 ThingSpeak is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that lets you collect

and store sensor data in the cloud and develop IoT applications.
The ThingSpeak™ IoT platform provides apps that let you analyze and
visualize your data in MATLAB®, and then act on the data.
 Thingspeak is based on REST (Representationl State Transfer) Protocol.

2.Block Diagram of Monitoring System:-

Fig:2.1 Experimental Setup

3.Experimental Setup:- S


4.Data analysis on IOT Platform:

 IoT based smart farming system can prove to be very helpful for farmers
since over as well as less irrigation is not good for farming. Threshold
values for climatic conditions like humidity, temperature, moisture can
be fixed based on the environmental conditions of that particular region.
This system generates irrigation schedule based on the sensed real time
data from field and data from the weather repository. This system can
recommend farmer whether or not, is there a need for irrigation.
 Smart farming applications are gaining ground with the promise to
deliver 24/7 visibility into soil and crop health.
 Livestock movement can be tracked.
 Farm products can be tracked.
6.Future Use:-
Many countries like India, majority of the population depends on
farming, and its national income comes from farming. In spite of
this and even the modern technology is found everywhere, the
agriculture area is following the old conventional technology. Our
farmers still resort to traditional methods like manual distribution
of seeds and ploughing, two crops per year pattern, unscientific
systems of cultivation.
The implementation of scientific methods in the field of
agriculture can bring about radical changes in the productivity
of crops, due to improved efficiency in the farming techniques.

o Increased Production
o Water Conservation
o Real-Time Data and Production Insight
o Increased Quality of Production
o Improved Livestock Farming
o Reduced Environmental Footprint

One of the limitations of this system is that continuous internet connectivity
is required at user end which might prove to be costly for farmer.

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