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2" edition ortober 2012 jourgenerous Fe ‘Bishop Savundranayagam aiving ‘grand preparation for the feast started | Education Trust Fund. Upon seeing the fst newsletter many members ofthe Community contributed generously forthe Church painting work Tne President and the Committee embers thank al of you ané look forward to your continued support inthe roture as wet. Painting [Contributions totaling Rs387,000 nave been received in al M.A. Gdfery-Rs. £0,000, Mrs.ourths Malar & vijayarajahfary(Canada)- Rs. 30,000, Fatimanayagam Kavir-R.25,000, suventinus Thamboe-R5.25,000, anton Rex: Rs. 20,000, Cassia Jegarajasingham- Rs, 20,000, ohn Aifred- Rs 10,00, Dunstan Anandbarajah Rs. 10,000, Ranjan Altea Rs.10,000, Chandra Savurimuthy amity (Canada)-Rs 10,000, serome Soosaplil R 6,500, Gen Varath Rs 6500, as Pathmanathan- R000, Maurice iegaraasinaham- RS.5,000, Dr-Mis.lansy- RS. 5,000, AA. Cfford- Rs 5,000, A.Chandrakumar-Rs 5,000, $P ‘Arokanathar-Rs 5,000, x7. Thiravianathar- Rs. 3,000, Reginald Hillary Rs. 2,500, AF Rajakulendran-Rs-2,000, JAE Lawrance- Rs, 2,000 Joy Thagaraah- Rs. 2000, FRichard- RS 2,000, '5M.1.8.Wimalanathan- Rs 2,000, Anusha Sebapragasam-Rs.2000, Rajagopal Selvanayagam- R5.2,000, Sandanasamy Xavier. A51,000, GF Xavier Rs, $0 and 1xavier- Rs. $00 The cost of exterior wal panting was {5.171,000. The balance As311,000 raised wl be used for internal painting work. The Parsh Priest requested that we too cover the openings to prevent birds entering and damaging the wall. The estimated cost is Rs. 130,000. We have received 8590,000 from "SANCO line Shipping (Pt) fortis work ‘STATUES STOLEN Extromely valuable statues have been | stolen. stJoseph’s soon after the 2012, east andthe miraculous statue of StAnthony and statue of St.Thomas in mid August 2012, Police are investigating but so far there has been no breakthrough We got two sponsors to make new statues of StAnthony and St Joseph which wil be taken to Kayts by the end of his manth ‘Also we got another donor to make the crown one tigand one small for the statue of Anthony. fon theca” June 2012 evening tS O'clock along with devotees gathered at churchyard. Rev. F.C Jeyakumar ‘As announced inthe Fist newsletter, the | Education Trust Fung wile launenee hoisted the lag, followed by rectation of | Shorty. The following have been the rosary. Dally mass were held Homilies were delivered by priests from various parishes from 4” to 12" June 2012; followed by bessed sacrament procession held at churchyard. & oncelabrated mats afferes by Rev Fr Carls Colin, Rector St. Martin Seminary. Bishop of lffna Rt Rev. Or. ‘Thomas Savundaranayagam gave the lessed sacrament bessing (On the feast day the 13° June morning at 7 O’dock priests were welcome with tarlands. Concelebrated mass was offered by newiy ordained priest Rev. Fr. ‘Quenstan with Karampon parish priest Fr.Maryadas, hatte parsh priest Fr tan Philp, kayts parish priest Frc Jeyakumar, Rev. Fr. lames Singarayer Rector of St. Anthony's colege and Fr. Phin, Procession followed by Mass and final ~ blessing offered by F.C Jeyakumar. Along with Kayts Parish Pret, te, parishione’s of StAnthon/s ving at Kayts and the other devotees of Stnthony' contnbuted immensely for the success ofthe Festival. Further, several Kayts parishioners’ residing in Colombo also graced this occasion, Note: Our sincere thanks to Kays Parish Priest Re. Fr. CJ Jayakumar who made arrangements to make tis feast ‘sueeess, Decoration and alter arrangements were done by St. Mary's Convent Rev Sisters’. Saristan Ms Sutha Si Baskaran and Parishioners’ worked with her ‘BUDGETED CHURCH EXPENSES - 2013 Painting remaining work -R5250,000 Repairing wooden altars -Rs. 50,000 Wooden drawers for vestments ete Rs 35,000, Making sic window louvers for side wing and window -Rs. 60,000 Stations of eross Rs, 35,000 Other sundries Rs. 70,000 ‘TOTAL BUDGETED -R5.500,000 Funds aren hand forthe painting. Your pledges for the other ites wil be greatly appreciated. ‘nominated as Trustees ofthe Fund Messrs Dudley Thambinayagam, Anton Godfrey, Maurice legarajasingham, Cell Philips and lian Eymars, Further detals wil follow after the legal formaities are completed CD Release By Udesha Francis "Singing is proving twice”, declared His Lordship Rt. Rev. Or. Rayappu Joseph Presiding atthe ceremonial release of "JEEVARAHANGAL, a CD released by Ms. LUdesha Francs and composed by Mi, A. Mahendran Balaviduwan att. Benedit’s College onthe 9” of June 2012, Ths CD release was hed in Kay's 835 wellon the 12” june 2012 which was [raced by Hs Lordship Rt Rev Dr Thomas Savundronayagam ‘Requiem Masses fequiem mass war organized by our society and twas held on the 18” of June in Keys. Mass cards were given to the immediate family members ofthe fellowing deceased members of our Church Community: Mr-Thomas ‘Srinathan, MeStaisaus Marisnathan, rs.AngelaSrinathan, Jean Terrence, Mrcford, Mrs, Rajanayagam and Dr.Reetor Saverimuthu CColomin branch and a sum of. 191000 was collected among the parishioner ving at Kats too was donated for this renovation ofthe Kayts StAnthony’s Cemetary, Totaling of s.69,000 handed tothe Parish Priestkays. The balance contributions received wil be utlized for ehureh painting ‘uventinus Thamboe- Rs. 10,000, ‘Agnes Xavier R5.2,000 and ‘Maintenance Fee-2012 | Cleaning Costs Contributions totaling 834,100 were received . Contibations totaling Rs10.600, Were ‘ukeyThambirayagam- As. 6000, tan ‘Mrs Rani Lucas-Rs. 33,440, | received Lucas Ran- Rs 8000 Rajagopal SRS. 6000, amirnanayagam- Rs. | Mrs Ssiraba- As 14500, Julan_| Balance from Commitee Members 3000, §P.Arekianathan-R. 2400, Emad. 1100, Jona Reginald Hilay- Rs. 2000, AE tawrance- 8s. | Shobhumar- 8.7000, 2000, .chandrakumar-Rs, 120, SPArokonathan- Rs. 3000, | MIS.1)Xavier Amplifier and 2 Mikes, “Jena Shobarajumar-Rs. 1200, Vino Remigus- | Chandrakumar-Rs.1500, | Len Mervyn ajaratnam. 3 Custoned fe 1200, Melizan Thamboe- RS. 1000, AF IaurceJgarjaingnam as. | Chis, Mrs Ranjan Xavier. 2 Curtains nd Rajkulendan- Re, 1000 ta Sebasampllsi: RS: | 1500, .NAnandarjan-Rs. | 2WaliCloks Robinson Anthonpie 1000, DIMAnandorajah- RS 2000, Pavia | 1500, M.Devathasan- Rs 1500, | Artifical Flowers, Dudley Thambinayagam- Francis. 2000, X7.C.Thiravianathar- As. | SLE Thaninayagam- Rs. 1500 | Fresh Flowers and ArtfclalFowers, Amal 1000, SXaver- Rs, 1009,51.€ Thaninayagam- | Total- Rs. 76440 Dolton: 20 Plate Chas, Ablashini ‘s. 600, GY.Nehoas-Rs. 500, GF Xaver- Nathan-2Paten, Mis. Wellngton- 500 and AACifford-Rs 500 Printouts of Newsletters satarasbormn Yai a Sorafun |p ont Qi Boospn1 Gausfuly era aa a ou IAB BOLTS BET | Foren icc en eee ee ee oe sabes ipuy Ut exbterebunidt son Sagoske usgberies aadiéng. Bios sew Borams Sedov auurpors 065 ‘grpmatere costsiss:9 | Soom tnecton oeechoerns Reatayos im sy canna |OH# Cooure Caessine | Genues groom Opuimpe Sine uagtach umb@p eateretbern enters 55 | Smucian) Gonnmpraca sopLubdamg ipa cache Ch cmigat.” |ghxGsemus eatemapes | Sa wat compote act saree dats esto caty gaps | UNBEEMELLS Beane ome | Saome.canps! Bynuiky Surtel Mae ee eee ater Bowe | SMob amu Up Used | Sette pon Quo eferaaat! ‘gan Oniamaueat pase sped | SoaAED Cruonsen | Reogns Ounhds stele sured Bx boUnIer wanna Garg om une wAneDD | Ophalfpant. = Btonsbsrs papACsatar Cure ofr | BARHipTEI EmBsi MOUUBSMO | ssmerpsed Yate safamscun’ SgaTeIaast symydeiucsat. 12062012 | SHOSEARS sximpntus pam. 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Cops teutaron | Sergi eins empermin oe Tegueun wats ontarcducr acget — [UROBBITAN uae, amu | FeO og, agut Ogos Aoarru, vam aired Si Gasbe amet | Sciynaio yah sorfunad Guyton WOABHETE ams F505 eae LUBED HOLBO Mebane w BBet. WBC pms Usd aACurh mi Gasnind | HAMLUGS IOSD TE pore vanes See eee mage ones, ane gigs. or sbust Fgh usu a rr pugern. or, a0etg Bieta (fetta jeease canons oor Spee awe wesc pacbert a fearon Gkgrio nbs) Goran PUI 5a0 Newsletter Edt: Mrs.P.Arokianathar (GOTO UEGAEEDS 1G Blo rok

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