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January 01/24/18

Meeting Start: 4:28

O.Henry Rm 105

Bob Otey - Facilitator for today’s meeting

Michele - Intro, recap of last meeting,

Alda - Presents Texas STI data, increase from last year, CDC predicts that trend will continue,
many do not have symptoms so diagnosis is delayed. Due to lack of education, lack of
healthcare access, secrecy, Large disparity based on race represented on graphs.

Jack - Asks if there is data showing what difference education would make (maybe we can
check on this somehow). Alda says she knows education isn’t enough on its own, but there is
not data that she knows of.

Lee - Asks if data available broken down by age

Alda - Data is available by age, and many other qualifiers, through the state health department

Michele - presents Tracy’s data on reported pregnancy rates, hoping the significant decline is
due to our health department chair meetings, Lifeworks presentations, etc.

Michele - introduces Bob Otey

Bob - Reads over norms, Goes over Consensus chart (1-5)

Michele - Does the group want to consider consensus numbers from 3 people that weren’t here
but looked over lessons. Group agrees to allow their input. We will take a consensus on:
Based on lesson overviews, lessons, other resources, do you agree to use these 2 curriculum
resources (3Rs, Get Real)

Pat -
● K-2 ​group agreed that 80% or higher was needed for a consensus. For voting, only 3, 4,
or 5 index cards would be used to represent positive consensus. Cards 1 and 2 would
be considered not in consensus.
○ Consensus Outcome: 6 out of 6 held up a number 4 to go ahead and use the
3Rs as a resource for sexual health. 100%
● 3-5 group agreed that 80% or higher was needed for a consensus. For voting, only 3, 4,
or 5 index cards would be used to represent positive consensus. Cards 1 and 2 would
be considered not in consensus.
○ Consensus Outcome: 2 out of 5 held up a number 4 and 3 out of 5 held up a
number 4 to go ahead and use the 3Rs as a resource for sexual health. 100%
● 6-8 group agreed that 80% or higher was needed for a consensus. For voting, only 3, 4,
or 5 index cards would be used to represent positive consensus. Cards 1 and 2 would
be considered not in consensus.
○ Consensus Outcome: 6 out of 6 held up a number 4 to go ahead and use the
3Rs as a resource for sexual health. 100%

Michele - Tells group about grade level binders, team is to break into small groups for each
grade level and begin reviewing lessons.

Michele - Introduces HECAT and explains why group is using it.

Groups break into grade level small groups and begin reviewing lessons

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