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Masonic Dictionary | EXPULSION | www.masonicdictionary.

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Communicate Expulsion is, of all Masonic penalties, the most severe that can be inflicted
on a member of the Order, and hence it has been often called a Masonic
Like A Team death. It deprives the expelled of all the rights and privileges that he ever
Set Your Team Up enjoyed, not only as a member of the particular Lodge from which he has
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been ejected, but also of those which were inherent in him as a member of
Communication. Get
the Fraternity at large. He is at once as completely divested of his Masonic
Business. character as though he had never been admitted, so far as regards his rights, while his duties and obligations remain as firm as ever, it being
impossible for any human power to cancel them. He can no longer
demand the aid of his Brethren nor require from them the performance of
IQ Test: What any of the duties to which he was formerly entitled, nor visit any Lodge,
nor unite in any of the public or private ceremonies of the Order. He is
is your IQ? considered as being without the pale, and it would be criminal in any
Answer 20 questions
Brother, aware of his expulsion, to hold communication with him on
to find out! test-
Masonic subjects.
The only proper tribunal to impose this heavy punishment is a Grand
Lodge. A subordinate Lodge tries its delinquent member, and if guilty
Já tem um declares him expelled. But the sentence is of no force until the Grand
mestrado? Lodge, under whose jurisdiction it is working, has confirmed it. And it is
Conheça os optional with the Grand Lodge to do so. or, as is frequently done, to
programas da reverse the decision and reinstate the brother. Some of the Lodges in this
FUNIBER. Formação country claim the right to expel independently of the action of the Grand
100% online. venha Lodge, but the claim in Brother Mackey's opinion is not valid. He held
that the very fact that an expulsion is a penalty, affecting the general
relations of the punished Brother with the whole Fraternity, proves that
its exercise never could with propriety be entrusted to a Body so
Quer se circumscribed in its authority as a subordinate Lodge. Besides, the general
practice of the Fraternity is against it. The English Constitutions vest the
tornar um powers to expel exclusively in the Grand Lodge. A Private Lodge has only
programador? the power to exclude an offending member from its own meetings.
- Estude TI na All Freemasons, whether members of Lodges or not, are subject to the
Step infliction of this punishment when found to merit it. Resignation or
Aprenda C withdrawal from the Order does not cancel a Freemason's obligations, nor
++JavaPHPJSAndroid exempt him from that wholesome control which the Order exercises over
. Diversos horários! the moral conduct of its members. The fact that a Freemason, not a
Se inscreva! member of any particular Lodge, who has been guilty of immoral or un- masonic conduct, can be tried and punished by any Lodge within whose
jurisdiction he may be residing, is a point on which there is no doubt.

Immoral conduct, such as would subject a candidate for admission to

rejection, should be the only offense visited with expulsion. As the
punishment is general, affecting the relation of the one expelled with the
whole Fraternity, it should not be lightly imposed for the violation of any
Masonic act not general in its character. The commission of a grossly
immoral act is a violation of the contract entered into between each
Freemason and his Order. If sanctioned by silence or impunity, it would
bring discredit on the Institution, and tend to impair its usefulness. A
Freemason who is a bad man is to the Fraternity what a mortified limb is
to the body, and should be treated with the same mode of cure he should
be cut off, lest his example spread, and disease be propagated through the

Expulsion from one of what is called the higher Degrees of Freemasonry,

such as a Chapter or an Encampment, does not affect the relations of the
expelled party to Blue Masonry. A Chapter of Royal Arch Masons is not
and cannot be recognized as a Masonic Body by a Lodge of Master Masons
by any of the modes of recognition known to Freemasonry. The acts,
therefore, of a Chapter cannot be recognized by a Master Mason's Lodge Página 1 de 2
Masonic Dictionary | EXPULSION | 6/9/18 21(04

any more than the acts of a literary or charitable society wholly

unconnected with the Order.

Besides, by the present organization of Freemasonry, Grand Lodges are

the supreme Masonic tribunals. If, therefore, expulsion from a Chapter of
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Masonic Magazine The Lodge Room Freemason Info Templar History Stephen Dafoe is © 2005 - 2007 Stephen A. Dafoe. Página 2 de 2

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