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Public Relations Society of America l Rowan University l Glassboro, NJ l November 2018

President’s Piece
By Anya Mourovannyi, AJF-PRSSA President

ovember has been a month for the books! As the holiday season
approaches, PRSSA hosted two events to give back to the com-
munity. Our chapter Community Service Chair, Ashley Carter,
planned a free yoga class with Glassboro Yoga and organized a pan-
cake-filled morning at the Ronald McDonald House. I loved speaking with
the families at the Ronald McDonald House and learning more about their
stories. If you are interested in helping out with future community service
initiatives, contact Ashley (
In-house, PRSSA had a “Sports PR” panel on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Our
speakers, Breanna Jones (former PRSSA VP of special events- yay!) from
ESPN, and Lauren Testa from the Phillies shared their stories and other
tips-and-tricks with a room full of eager PRSSA members. Lauren men- Anya Mourovannyi
tioned the importance of networking. The connections you make today are
the opportunities of tomorrow! PRSSA is a great way to start building those
connections. Brenna and Lauren’s honesty reminded me of how important
it will be to one day support students who are just entering the economic
Editor’s Note
By Carlo Lingesso, Publications Editor

If you are interested in bettering your professional skills and meeting can’t believe it’s already Novem-
students in your major come to PRSSA and PRaction meetings every ber. As our semester comes to a
Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the Chamberlain Student Center. I am looking for- close, it’s important to close the
ward to seeing all of you at our meetings! semester out strong.
Additionally, I recommend begin-
ning to apply for winter and spring
“The connections you make today are the internships! From my experience,
most companies stop accepting appli-
opportunities of tomorrow! PRSSA is a great cations mid-to-late December, so we
way to start building those connections.” still have time!
In this month’s edition, we focus
on topics pertaining to student-life
In this issue... like: stress management, an addi-
tional club for you to consider, the
importance of internships and how to
How I Deal with Stress 2 spice up your resume. I recommend
A Club to Consider... 3 giving each a read.
The Importance of Internships 4 Good luck to everyone during this
Spicing Up a Resume 5 final stretch of the semester.
Looking Forward: Induction Brunch 6 We’ve made it this far, now it’s
My Favorite Aspect of PR 7 time to finish strong!

How I Deal with Stress
By Annie Busarello, SUP Director of Charitable Events

side from PRSSA, I’m very involved on campus. I’m the Director of
Charitable Events for the Student University Programmers (SUP), an
Orientation Assistant for the Peer Referral and Orientation Staff (PROS),
a worker at the Chamberlain Student Center (SCCA), an intern at the College of
Communication & Creative Arts office (CCCA), along with a few other things.
Along with my double major in Advertising and PR, this can become a lot to han-
dle, but something I pride myself in is my ability to get things done.
I listen to a podcast called My Brother, My Brother, and Me in the morning
while I get ready to start off on a good note. I keep a notebook with me at all
times to write down everything I have to do to meet all my deadlines. I cook
whenever I have the chance to because with everything going on, cooking is
something I have control over. As for Netflix, I wait until long weekends and Annie Busarello
breaks to binge shows because they’re more of a distraction than a stress reliever.
No matter how bad the stress can get, I remind myself that come May, I’ll
graduate and everything I’m doing will end. I’d rather put my all into every-
thing I’m doing rather than wishing it was all over. For me, I see stress as some- Connect with PRSSA!
thing you can’t avoid, but it’s an incentive that what you’re doing matters.
Find joy in what you do and I promise the magnitude of stress will decrease Twitter
over time. @RowanPRssa

“Find joy in what you do and I Facebook
promise the magnitude of stress
will decrease over time.”


Ad Club and PRSSA members visiting Philadelphia Magazine!

A Club to Consider...
By Clauderson Desinor, Ad Club President

efore I begin, we all know this is mostly a PR-based newsletter, but
the world of advertising is pretty unique in itself. A good chunk of us
are dual-majors or minors in Advertising so it is important to get the
most out of both programs. One organization in particular is Ad Club. Ad Club
specializes in learning more about the field of advertising by going on agency
crawls, having guest speakers, and interesting presentations. There are other
clubs that are under the umbrella of Ad Club, such as AAF and Ad Dynamics.
AAF is spearheaded by Dr. Pattwell which is all about being introduced to a cli-
ent, being a part of a team with the goal of creating a plans book and media kit
to the client. This year the team is headed to DC! Ad Dynamics take that same
work and goal but in a local setting, and that is being run by Dr. Pittman. These
are great organizations to join and I recommend it! Clauderson Desinor
Over the past couple of years, Ad Club has done interesting events as well as
partner with PRSSA to bring those events to life. Past examples include: Speed
Networking taking place in the spring and Pitch Perfect which takes place in the E-Board Fun Facts:
fall. Speed Networking is like speed dating but replacing the dating aspect with
networking. The purpose of this event is to network with others which gives our Lauren Bradley
students the best opportunity to be exposed to as many professionals within the
field as possible. Pitch Perfect would be considered more of a lecture within it- Is a Jiu Jitsu black belt.
self. Pitch Perfect is made up of individuals who present and speak on what they
do as professionals and how they got their start. Both events are very beneficial Nicole Traeger
and rich to our students. Can wiggle her ears.
One event we have coming up is our Toys-For-Tots fundraiser for the holi-
days. Our goal is to create a donation box and place it around buildings within Jeremy Tsonton
our department. The toys will be donated to the children at the end of the event. I
encourage everyone to take part of this event because it is a wonderful thing that Cites Joe Rogan as his greatest
when done for the betterment of the children, you will feel satisfied afterwards. inspiration.
That is why you should join Ad Club. You get to be a part of team of com-
mitted individuals who strive to learn and succeed every day. When you get to Griffin Gallagher
the point of graduating, you can say that you took part in something special, and
that is something employers love to see in job interviews. Take advantage and Is a Brooklyn Nets fan.
take the initiative on your future! You’ll be happy you did.

Email me at: for any questions.

“Take advantage and take the

initiative on your future! You’ll be
happy you did.”

The Importance of Internships
By Lauren Bradley, Treasurer

ou always hear your professors saying to make sure to get an internship
before you graduate. Are they just saying that or is it truly important
and beneficial to have an internship?
As much as you don’t want to hear it … internships are extremely important
and highly encouraged. Internships give you real experience that you cannot be
taught in the classroom. Actually working with a company or client can help
you gain experience and knowledge in your field and can help you determine
what you like and don’t like on the job. Most students do not know what they
exactly want to do when they graduate so internships can help determine what
jobs you like to do and what you did not like to do for your future.
Some internships are luckily paid while others are not paid, but you may
have the opportunity to gain class credit. Whether you’re getting paid or not it’s
essential in the public relations field to have some type of internship experience
before you graduate. Having internship experience can set you apart from the Lauren Bradley
competition when applying to jobs after graduation. Whether you are stuck do-
ing busy work or hands-on working on projects for clients, internships give you What We’re Thankful For...
the opportunity to hopefully have professional references afterwards. Getting a
job can be a challenge and while an internship may not turn into a job offer, it
can help you develop a network of professionals who will help you along the Carlo Lingesso
way. You can have examples of the professional-quality work you completed to
put in your portfolio for your next job interview. “Coffee!”
Not every internship turns out to be the best or what you hoped it would be,
but they are learning experiences where afterwards you move onto your next
opportunity. The next time your advisor or professor brings up the topic of in-
Claude Desinor
ternships make sure you take what they say into consideration and start looking “Mrs. Lori Block!”
for your first or next internship!
Ronnie Fante
“My Mother!”

Jeremy Tsonton
“Eggs, I love eggs.”

Giving back to the community at the Ronald McDonald House!

Spicing Up a Resume
By Hope Holroyd, Strategic Communication Graduate Student

esumes — we all need them when applying for basically anything.
Whether it’s a position on campus, a leadership position for a club or
organization, or an actual (adult) job, a resume is a necessary evil.
Taking the time to really develop and organize a resume can set you apart
from other candidates. From my own time spent working on my own resume,
plus the insight I’ve learned from different articles and videos, I developed a
short list of tricks for spicing up any resume.
1. Use specific templates
Condensing all your experience can be a battle within itself. Don’t be afraid
to use Word templates, or even better, Canva templates to begin organizing a re-
sume. But with that, make sure you personalize it to best represent who you are.
2. Break away from traditional structure
Everything I ever knew about resumes had education and contact informa- About PRomo
tion at the top of the page. What I’ve come to learn is that having your name
and all relevant experience at the top is all it takes. On my resume, my intern- The Anthony J. Fulginiti
ship experience is the first thing an employer can see so they know I have the Chapter of the Public Relations
experience that prepared me for the position I’m applying for. Student Society of America
3. Include accomplishments publishes PRomo as a
In some way, integrate proud milestones you’ve made into a resume. Wheth- monthly newsletter.
er it’s an entire section highlighting defining moments or if it’s simply included
under some of your specific positions, if it helps you stand out, include it!
4. Summarize PR strengths Editors:
If you have experience using specific software, building pitch letters, writ- Alexander Belli,
ing press releases, make sure this is highlighted! This is what people are look- Carlo Lingesso,
ing for, what can you already do in a position that diversifies you from other Professor Lynn,
resumes in the pile. and Dr. FitzGerald
5. Use your own resources to your advantage
Don’t be afraid to show your resume to anyone to get additional feedback. Contributing Writers:
Take it to the Career Advancement Center, show it to a friend, a professor, a Anya Mourovannyi
family member. Get feedback from people who will help you present yourself in
Annie Busarello
the best way possible to get the position you know you are capable of earning.
Make sure you spend time really working on a resume. If you want to go the
Clauderson Desinor
extra mile, developing a website that you can showcase work on to also include Lauren Bradley
on a resume or cover letter can potentially set you apart as well. Put the work in Hope Holroyd
now to really sell yourself later. Bree Fiber
Carlo Lingesso

“Taking the time to really develop Advisors:

and organize a resume can set you Dr. Novak, Dr. FitzGerald,
Professor Schoenstein
apart from other candidates.” and Gloria Barone Rosiano

Looking Forward: Induction Brunch
By Bree Fiber, Vice President of Special Events and Philanthropy

hen I originally joined the Special Events committee last fall as a
Junior, I did not know what to expect. I knew I was going to get some
event planning experience in, but I had absolutely no idea I’d be
helping plan an event that was specifically tailored to me, which was Induction
Induction Brunch, held by PRSSA every December, honors all the hard
work the members of the AJF-PRSSA chapter have put into the first semester
of the academic year and also welcomes our new dues-paying members into
the society as they are initiated by our professional advisor, Gloria Rosanio. We
start off with welcoming remarks, a speech by our guest speaker for that year,
and then lead into a brunch typically catered by the wonderful Gourmet Dining
team. Once brunch is over, awards are typically given out and then the closing
remarks take place. Bree Fiber
The Special Events committee is designed to organize this event under the
Special Events Chair and his or her superior, the Vice President of Special
Events and Philanthropy. I chose to be on the decorations subcommittee with Join a pre-professional
my now partner in crime, Gianna Intile, as we thought this subcommittee is the
one that helps bring the event to life with the theme and decorations. We went
organization dedicated
shopping to find the most suitable items for the Owl’s Nest. to jump starting your
Our hard work and dedication to the committee led us to receiving Awards PR career!
presented by our Special Events Chair. I knew by receiving an award that this
was an organization that I wanted to put my time and commitment into for the
rest of my college career. By them recognizing that I wanted to make my mark,
it made me want to strive for even bigger goals.
Induction Brunch was the true gateway for PRSSA for me and I hope it can be
that for other members, too. This year’s Induction Brunch takes place on Dec. 2,
2018 from noon - 2 p.m. in the SC Owl’s Nest. We hope to see you there!
Gives YOU
Your Education
Your Network
Dance Away Cystic Fibrosis was a resounding success!
Interested in writing for our next issue of PRomo?
Please email Carlo Lingesso at YOUR CAREER!
for more information!

My Favorite Aspect of PR
By Carlo Lingesso, Publications Director

n deciding what I would study to become my eventual career, I knew one
thing – I needed variety. I began my college career studying accounting,
which for me, proved to be as enjoyable as pulling teeth. Following my
unsuccessful run as an accounting major, I transitioned to communication
studies. In comm. studies, I found myself to be fascinated by the course mate-
rials. Comm. studies proved to be challenging, which I loved. However, rather
than being on the research end of communications, I wanted to take part in the
business end. After a conversation with my school advisor, I was advised to try
public relations.
Two years later, and here we are today. I’m in my senior year anticipating Carlo Lingesso
spring graduation with bachelor’s degrees in public relations and advertising.
While I am now a dual-major in public relations and advertising, I consider my
passion to be PR. I think what resonates with me most about PR is its unpredict- Internship Opportunities
ability, which made it a no brainer for me to choose as my future post-graduation.
For a PR professional it’s required to constantly adapt and keep up with
what’s going on in the world, which makes it unpredictable. A good example Central Jersey:
of this is social media. A few years ago, social media didn’t have a large of a
role in PR. Flash forward to today and you’ll find that many companies and PR Adrenaline PR
agencies now feature “social media experts.” Further attributing to the unpre- Dandelion PR
dictability of PR is the wide array of jobs featured under its umbrella. In PR,
Princeton Partners Inc.
there isn’t one sole responsibility, but instead multitudes of varying focuses.
With a PR degree, I can end up copywriting, event planning, running social MRB Public Relations
media or (my personal favorite) being a spokesperson!
With PR, I feel like I’ve finally found something that will keep me interested
throughout the duration of my career. The unpredictability of the PR industry
will always present fresh, new challenges for me to conquer. Plus, a little fun
fact … PR is an essential department for companies to address. Which means, North Jersey:
more job opportunities!
Evergreen PR Inc.
The Marcus Group
“PR is an essential department for companies to R&J Public Relations, LLC
address. Which means, more job opportunities!” The S3 Agency

Looking for an internship?

In addition to PRaction Assistant Firm Director, South Jersey:
Ronnie Fante is the Internship Coordinating Assistant
Alice Paul Institute
to Lori Block! Anne Klein Communications
Borough of Collingswood
Contact Ron at Cookie Munchers

As the Semester Comes to a Close...

Last Meeting of the Semester:

Dec. 12 - CSC 127

Don’t be afraid to get involved next semester!

Unable to make a meeting?

Keep up with PRSSA on our social media or visit:

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