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EDEL 302 – 99th Podcast Assignment

Due: Friday, August 24th, 2018 Haley McFarland

Visualization Method: Mindmap

4. Think Critically

3. Assess the Data

 Ask critical questions

 “What about this is innovative?”
 Can offer a lot of insight
 “Will this be beneficial for all of
into the effectiveness of
my students?”
the technology
 To see results more clearly
break down by different
student populations
5. Ask about the Impact

2. “Piloting” Your Tech:
 Ask for the evidence
6 Strategies  Need a control to see actual
 Make sure it is separated
 Use a diverse group of
based on different student
students to test on
 Ask for feedback
 Observe them to
uncover issues
 Only a 3-4 week span 6. Use your “Educator Sense”

1. Put Yourself in a  Trust Your Gut – you know your

 Explore the technology
Student’s Shoes & students and whether or not this
 Consider the reactions
Test the Tool technology will work for them
of different types of
 If there is a “cause for pause” what
educational strategies could you use?
 Look for dislike among students

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