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Fall Semester

School District of New Richmond

Unit II: Imperialism and Progressivism

Becoming a World Power (1872-1917) Chapter 7
Essential The Progressive Movement (1890-1920)) Chapter 8
World War I and Its Aftermath (1914-1920) Chapter 9
 The social, political, ESSENTIAL
economic, and military QUESTIONS
decisions of the United
States impact nations CHAPTER 7
around the world. 1. Why did the Unit-
ed States seek to
 Progressives sought to become an impe-
improve life in the
rialist power?
United States with
2. How did the Unit-
social, economic, and
ed States use Key Concepts...
political reform.
diplomacy to
achieve its for- Chapter 7 Roosevelt and Taft
 The United States The Imperialist Vision American Diplomacy in  Square Deal
reluctantly committed eign policy objec- Asia
 expansion  Social Darwinism
the nation to World tives?  Sphere of influence
 Imperialism  Union
War I which impacted  Open door policy
 Protectorate  Arbitration
Americans as well as  Boxer Rebellion
 Anglo-Saxonism  Upton Sinclair
nations around the  Panama Canal
world.  Perry’s Black Ships  Meat Inspection
 Big Stick Diplomacy Act
 Hawaii
 Dollar Diplomacy  Pure Food and
 Pan-Americanism
Drug Act
CHAPTER 8 The Spanish-American  Children’s Bureau
1. Why did many War Chapter 8
Americans call  Yellow Journalism The Roots of The Wilson Years

for reforms?  Autonomy Progressivism  Progressive

 Muckrakers Party
2. Compare and  Jingoism
 Jacob Riis  New National-
contrast the vari-  Intervene ism
ous Progressive  Robert Lafollette
 Platt Amendment  New Freedom
agendas of presi-  Initiative
 Income tax
dents Roosevelt,  Referendum
 Federal Reserve
Taft, and Wilson.  Recall Act
 Suffrage  Clayton Antitrust
Fall Semester

School District of New Richmond

Unit II: Imperialism and Progressivism

Becoming a World Power (1872-1917) Chapter 7
Essential The Progressive Movement (1890-1920)) Chapter 8
Outcomes World War I and Its Aftermath (1914-1920) Chapter 9
 The social, political, ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS

economic, and military

decisions of the United CHAPTER 9
States impact nations 1. How does the
around the world. desire to
 Progressives sought to
improve life in the
United States with impact
social, economic, and American Key Concepts...
political reform. foreign poli-
 The United States
Chapter 9
reluctantly committed 2. How does The United States Enters
A Bloody Conflict
the nation to World war affect World War I
 No-Man’s Land
War I and impacted  Militarism
Americans as well as Americans?  Nationalism
 Convoy

nations around the 3. Describe the  Propaganda

 Armistice

world. impact of  Contraband
Treaty of Versailles
 Fourteen Points
war on a na-  Sussex Pledge
 League of Nations
 Zimmerman telegram
tion.  Reparations
The Home Front
 War Industries Board The War’s Impact

 Victory Garden
 General Strike

 National War Labor Board

 Red Scare

 Committee on Public infor-

 Mitchell Palmer
mation  J. Edgar Hoover
 Espionage
 Selective Service

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