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Assessment #3 Ratios, Scaling, and Similarity: Name:____________

1. Mike wants to make a scale drawing of his dining room. The room is 28 feet long by 16
feet wide. If he uses a scale of 1 cm = 4 ft, how big would the dining room be in the scale
2. Henry painted a picture of his house on canvas. The actual width of the driveway is 20
feet. If it is represented with a width of 4 inches on the canvas, what was the scale factor
3. Determine whether the polygons are similar


4. Each polygon pair is similar. Find the scale factor of the smaller shape to the biggest


Assessment #3 Rubric:

Question Students answer is incorrect Student has correct answer Student has correct answer
and no work is shown but no work shown and shows work

#1 0 1 2

#2 0 1 2

#3a 0 1 2

#3b 0 1 2

#4a 0 1 2

#4b 0 1 2

Answer key:
1. 7 cm by 4 cm
2. 1 inch = 5 feet
3. a) Similar b) Not similar
4. a) 2:3 b) 1:3

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