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Feedback System 1


Department of Computer Applications AWH Engineering College

Feedback System 2


Feedback System for college students have been developed which aims to
rate and analyze the college faculty’s performance. This type of Student Feedback system
reduces, the strenuous work of physically examining the feedback pages of each and every
student. The system also reduces the burden of efforts and burden of keeping and
maintaining the records on a manual base, it requires a lot of space and safety to keep up
such records. Also the feedbacks can be tempered for wrong reasons in case of paper
based feedbacks wherein the feedback will always ensure safety of feedbacks privacy.
Another important features of the feedback system is that physical presence of neither the
admin nor the student is required for the either giving the feedback nor for assessing the

This project has four kinds of users Students, Tutors, Hod’s and Admin.
Here Admin can add questions and also can update these questions to the system. After
that the questions can viewed by students through Tutors login. And the feedback report is
generated in a PDF format that is only accessible for Admin. So the purpose of student’s
feedback system is to automate the existing system. The application is reduced as much as
possible to avoid errors while entering the data. It also provide error message while
entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is needed for the user to use the system. Thus
by this all it proves it is user friend.

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Feedback System 3


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Feedback System 4

System analysis is the process of gathering facts, diagnosing problems and
using this information to recommend improvements of the system. Thus, an analysis is
inevitable part of any system for their better working and satisfied performance.

2.1 Existing System

In the existing system the feedback is done by manually. Here students can
give feedback about the lecturers by using paper and pen. After giving feedback by every
student paper are collected by the Tutor’s and calculate the overall feedback for each
subject and each lecturer. After that those all report is viewed by the principal which is
given by the Hod’s. Hence estimating the performance of lecturers and giving counseling
to college staff. So, the existing system is carrying more time to do a piece of work for this
reason the feedback system is implemented.

Limitations of Existing System

• Manual System
In the existing system feedback is given using pen and paper. And all
calculations are done by manually.

• Clerical Mistakes--
Here all calculations are done by manually. So there are chances for

• Time Consuming
Existing system is a manual system so it takes much more time to
complete. So this will decrease the overall performance of the existing

• Difficult Process
Here all calculations are done by manually. So the accuracy of the system
is questionable.

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Feedback System 5

• Not User friendly

It does not create an interface between user and the system.

2.2 Proposed System

The proposed system is aimed to design online web application for issuing
the feedback about the lecturers by students, this is named as Feedback system. Feedback
is provided in an easy and quick manner to the college principal and Hod’s. This is named
as Feedback System.
The purpose of this project is to make the process of taking feedback from the
students in online regarding the lecturer’s teaching. With this, the institutes can access the
feedback reports in a faster way and without any loss of data. As of now this task was
done manually with the use of papers and pens. This has many drawbacks and evaluating
this hand written forms is a difficult process.
Student would have to access the feedback system though a session provided by
tutor and giving his/her feedback and can perform modifications too. But the restriction
here is once the student submits the report then he cannot modify it later. With this the
student can successfully submit feedback on lecturer’s teaching in a very efficient manner
without any loss of data. The administrator and the faculty members can access these
feedbacks from the students and take appropriate actions. Feedback is generated
department wise and sends to Admin in the form of a PDF file

Advantages of Proposed system

• Provides feedback in an easy and quick manner

Students can give feedback in an easy and very efficient manner, and
institutes can access the feedback reports in a faster way

• User friendly

The GUI of our system is very user friendly

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Feedback System 6

• No clerical mistake

All the calculations are done automatically so the proposed system will be

• Less time consuming

All the time consuming elements of existing system is eliminated

2.3 Modules

Online feedback system mainly contains 3 modules

• Admin

 Account management
o Add user account
o Remove user account
o Update user account

 Department Management
o Add department
o Remove department
 Question Management
o Add Question
o Update question
 Course Management
o Add course
o Remove course
 View reports

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• Hod

o Mapping of lecturers correspond to subject

o Update use account
o Update syllabus

• Tutor

o Facilitates feedback process

o Add semester details

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2.4 Sprint


Account 5hr 6hr 7hr 5hr 7hr Ashik


Department 6hr 5hr 5hr 7hr 7hr Haritha


Admin Course 5hr 6hr 7hr 5hr 7hr Neethu

Question 5hr 5hr 7hr 6hr 7hr shilpa

Mapping 7hr 7hr 5hr 6hr 5hr Neethu

Edit profile 6hr 7hr 5hr 6hr 6hr Ashik
HOD Update 5hr 6hr 5hr 7hr 7hr Haritha


Feedback report 6hr 7hr 6hr 6hr 5hr Shilpa

Feedback 6hr 5hr 7hr 7hr 5hr Ashik
Tutor calculation

Department of Computer Applications AWH Engineering College

Feedback System 9

2.5 User Stories

The owner needs a feedback system on .NET platform to analyze the
teaching faculties performance. The application should be fast and accurate. The
application should be only under control of the administrator. The admin should need to
add the college details such as departments, courses and teaching faculties details. The
software should be able to give the facilities to the HOD of each department to edit their
staff profiles as well as to map the teachers corresponding to subjects. The application
should provide facilities to tutors to add the semester details. Administrator of this
application should need to add and update questions that are used for the feedback. And
students should able to give feedback without affecting the software. The application
should generate feedback report in the form of PDF.

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An analysis of the ability to complete a project successfully, taking into

account legal, economic, technological, scheduling and other factors is considered as
feasibility study. Rather than just diving into a project and hoping for the best, a feasibility
study allows project managers to investigate the possible negative and positive outcomes
of a project before investing too much time and money.

3.1 Economical Feasibility

The economic analysis is done to determine the benefits and savings that are
expected from candidate system and compare them with costs. Thus, concluding that
whether the system is economically feasible or not. This system is cost effective as well as
time effective, thereby making it economically feasible. The feedback system is
economically feasible, since the system is managed to develop a feedback system with no
additional hardware and software requirements, when compared to the existing system.

3.2 Technical Feasibility

The technical requirements for the system are economic and it does not use
additional software. That is whether the system can be implemented using the existing
technologies or not. This system is basically developed using .Net, for which the
development kit is easily available and free of cost, thus making of the system more
technically feasible.

3.3 Operational Feasibility

The system operation is the largest phase in the development life cycle of a
system. So, operational feasibility should be given much importance. Fortunately, this
system doesn’t have complex working thus making it easy to use and user need no special
training for operating this system.

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3.4 Behavioral Feasibility

Technologies get updated more often and this results in changes to the
system. So, an analysis should be done to know how user will react to these changes. Even
though this system could get updated in future, the complexity of the system may not
increase. User can easily identify and cop up with the changes made. In future the system
may add some additional functionalities like interacting with other users other than just
sharing files, since they are highly aware of how the process gets carryout, people could
easily get adapted to that changes in system. On the other hand, as of now changes is not
going to affect the users because as far as their data is secure and could be attained as and
when required, they are not concerned about any background changes.

3.5 Software Feasibility

Even though this application is developed in very high software environment,

it is also supported by many other environments with minimum changes. The system is
fully feasible to be executed on any kind of operating systems and browsers.

3.6 Hardware Feasibility

Software can be developed with the existing resources. But the existing
resources may or may not be used to produce hardware. If no hardware is newly bought
for project, then software is said to achieve hardware feasibility. The system is hardware
wise feasible because it needed absolutely no new hardware.

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The software engineering paradigm which is also referred to as a software

process model or Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model is the development
strategy that encompasses the process, methods and tools. SDLC describes the period
of time that starts with the software system being conceptualized.

4.1 Agile model

Agile SDLC model is a combination of iterative and incremental process

models with focus on process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery
of working software product. Agile Methods break the product into small incremental
builds. These builds are provided in iterations. Each iteration typically lasts from about
one to three weeks. Every iteration involves cross functional teams working
simultaneously on various areas like –

• Planning
• Requirements Analysis
• Design
• Coding
• Unit Testing and
• Acceptance Testing.

At the end of the iteration, a working product is displayed to the customer

and important stakeholders. Agile model believes that every project needs to be handled
differently and the existing methods need to be tailored to best suit the project
requirements. In Agile, the tasks are divided to time boxes (small time frames) to deliver
specific features for a release. Iterative approach is taken and working software build is
delivered after each iteration. Each build is incremental in terms of features the final build
holds all the features required by the customer.

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Feedback System 15

The Agile thought process had started early in the software development
and started becoming popular with time due to its flexibility and adaptability. The most
popular Agile methods include Rational Unified Process (1994), Scrum (1995), Crystal
Clear, Extreme Programming (1996), Adaptive Software Development, Feature Driven
Development, and Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) (1995). These are
now collectively referred to as Agile Methodologies, after the Agile Manifesto was
published in 2001.

Following are the Agile Manifesto principles −

• Individuals and interactions − In Agile development, self-organization and

motivation are important, as are interactions like co-location and pair

• Working software − Demo working software is considered the best means of

communication with the customers to understand their requirements, instead of
just depending on documentation.

• Customer collaboration − As the requirements cannot be gathered completely in

the beginning of the project due to various factors, continuous customer
interaction is very important to get proper product requirements.

• Responding to change − Agile Development is focused on quick responses to

change and continuous development.

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Graphical illustration of the Agile Model −

Agile Vs Traditional SDLC Models

Agile is based on the adaptive software development methods, whereas
the traditional SDLC models like the waterfall model is based on a predictive approach.
Predictive teams in the traditional SDLC models usually work with detailed planning and
have a complete forecast of the exact tasks and features to be delivered in the next few
months or during the product life cycle.

Predictive methods entirely depend on the requirement analysis and

planning done in the beginning of cycle. Any changes to be incorporated go through a
strict change control management and prioritization.

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Agile uses an adaptive approach where there is no detailed planning and there is clarity
on future tasks only in respect of what features need to be developed. There is feature
driven development and the team adapts to the changing product requirements
dynamically. The product is tested very frequently, through the release iterations,
minimizing the risk of any major failures in future.

Customer Interaction is the backbone of this Agile methodology, and

open communication with minimum documentation are the typical features of Agile
development environment. The agile teams work in close collaboration with each other
and are most often located in the same geographical location.

Advantages of agile model

The advantages of the Agile Model are as follows −

 Is a very realistic approach to software development.

 Promotes teamwork and cross training.

 Functionality can be developed rapidly and demonstrated.

 Resource requirements are minimum.

 Suitable for fixed or changing requirements

 Delivers early partial working solutions.

 Good model for environments that change steadily.

 Minimal rules, documentation easily employed.

 Enables concurrent development and delivery within an overall planned context.

 Little or no planning required.

 Easy to manage.

 Gives flexibility to developers

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Disadvantages of agile model

The disadvantages of the Agile Model are as follows −

 Not suitable for handling complex dependencies.

 More risk of sustainability, maintainability and extensibility.

 An overall plan, an agile leader and agile PM practice is a must without which it
will not work.

 Strict delivery management dictates the scope, functionality to be delivered, and

adjustments to meet the deadlines.

 Depends heavily on customer interaction, so if customer is not clear, team can be

driven in the wrong direction.

 There is a very high individual dependency, since there is minimum

documentation generated.

 Transfer of technology to new team members may be quite challenging due to lack
of documentation.

4.2 Scrum

Scrum is an agile framework for managing knowledge work, with an

emphasis on software development. It is designed for teams of three to nine members, who
break their work into actions that can be completed within time boxed iterations, called
"sprints", no longer than one month and most commonly two weeks, then track progress
and re-plan in 15-minute stand-up meetings, called daily scrums.

Scrum is an iterative and incremental framework for managing product

development. It defines "a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a
development team works as a unit to reach a common goal", challenges assumptions of the
"traditional, sequential approach to product development, and enables teams to self-
organize by encouraging physical co-location or close online collaboration of all team
members, as well as daily face-to-face communication among all team members and
disciplines involved.

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A key principle of Scrum is the dual recognition that customers will change their minds
about what they want or need and that there will be unpredictable challenges—for which
a predictive or planned approach is not suited. As such, Scrum adopts an evidence-
based empirical approach accepting that the problem cannot be fully understood or defined
up front, and instead focusing on how to maximize the team's ability to deliver quickly, to
respond to emerging requirements, and to adapt to evolving technologies and changes in
market conditions.

Many of the terms used in Scrum (e.g., Scrum Master) are typically written
with leading capitals (e.g., Scrum Master) or as conjoint words written in camel case (e.g.,
Scrum Master). To maintain an encyclopedic tone, however, this article uses normal
sentence case for these terms—unless they are recognized marks. This is occasionally seen
written in all-capitals, as SCRUM. The word is not an acronym, so this is not correct;
however, it likely arose due to an early paper by Ken Schwaber which capitalized SCRUM
in its title.

While the trademark on the term Scrum itself has been allowed to lapse, so
that it is deemed as owned by the wider community rather than an individual, the leading
capital is retained—except when used with other words.

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5.1 Software Requirements

The incoming message mostly includes request for a specific task. The
incoming message will be converted to a specific format in the database language, the
processing made and request served. The operation will be intended to be made fast as
possible. The software requirements explain the software components that need to develop
our project. It is selected such a way that it reduces our work and easy to implement the
project anywhere.

 Software requirements for developer:

 Operating system : Windows 8.1

 Web browsers : Google Chrome

 Front End :ASP.NET using C#

 Back-End : SQL Server 2008

5.2 Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements explain the hardware components the need to

develop our project. It is selected such a way that it reduces our work and easy to
implement the project anywhere.

 Hardware requirements for Client system:

 Processor : Intel I3 2nd Gen
 RAM : 4GB Ram
 Hard Disc : 40 GB
 Virtual Memory : 1GB
 Display Card : Super Video Graphics Adapter (SVGA)
 Keyboard : Standard 104 Enhanced Keyboard
 Mouse : Hp Serial Mouse

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5.3 Introduction to ASP.NET

ASP.NET enables you to access information from data source, such as
back-end database and text files that are stored on a web server or a computer that is
accessible to a Web server. ASP.NET offers several important advantages over previous
Web development models. The advantages are

 Enhanced Performance

ASP.NET is compiled common language runtime code running on the

server. Unlike its interpreted predecessors, ASP.NET can take advantage of
early binding, just-in-time compilation.

 World-class tool support

The ASP.NET frame work is complimented by a rich toolbox and

designer in the visual studio integrated development environment.

 Power and Flexibility

Because ASP.NET is based on the common language runtime, the power

and flexibility of that entire platform is available to web application developers.

 Simplicity

ASP.NET makes it easy to perform common tasks from simple form

submission and client authentication to deployment and site configuration.

 Manageability

ASP.NET employees a text based hierarchical configuration system,

which simplifies applying settings to your server environment and web

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 Scalability and Availability

ASP.NET has been designed with scalability in mind with features

specifically tailored to improve performance in clustered and multiprocessor

 Security

With built in windows authentication and reapplication configuration you can

be assured that your applications are secure.

5.4 Introduction to MySQL

Microsoft SQL Server is a structured query language based client/ server

relational database. Each of these terms describes a fundamental part of the architecture
of SQL server.


A database is similar to a data file in that it is a storage place for data.

Like a data file, a database does not present information directly to a user, the user
runs an application that access data from the database and present it to the user in an
understandable format.

A database typically has two components: the file holding the physical data
base and the database management system (DBMS) software that applications use to
access data.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

To work with data in a database, you must use a set of commands and
statements defined by the DBMS software. There are several different languages that
can be used with relational database .The most common is SQL. MS SQL server
supports a set of features that result in the following benefits.

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. NET Framework

Microsoft designed VB from the ground up to take advantage of its new

.NET Framework. The .NET Framework is made up of four parts, the Common
Language Runtime, a set of class libraries, a set of programming languages, and the
ASP.NET environment. The .NET Framework was designed with three goals in mind.
First, it was intended to make Windows applications much more reliable, while also
providing an application with greater degree of security. Second, it was intended to
simplify the development of Web applications and services that not only work in the
traditional sense, but on mobile devices as well. Lastly, the framework was designed to
provide a single set of libraries that would work with multiple languages. The .NET
Framework is the infrastructure for the new Microsoft.NET Platform. And it is a
common environment for building, deploying, and running Web applications and Web

The .NET Framework contains a common language runtime and common

class libraries - like ADO .NET, ASP.NET and Windows Forms - to provide advanced
standard services that can be integrated into a variety of computer systems. The .NET
Framework provides a feature-rich application environment, simplified development and
easy integration between a numbers of different development languages. The .NET
Framework is language neutral. Currently it supports C++, C#, Visual Basic, and Jscript.
Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET is a common development environment for the new .NET

Integrating with IIS

IIS is the web server is used here. IIS 5.0 or above is essential for the
ASP.NET for the environment. This release of ASP.NET uses IIS 5.0 as the host
environment IIS always assumes that a set of credentials maps to a Windows NT account
and uses them to authenticate a user. There are three different kinds of authentication
available in IIS 5.0: BASIC, DIGEST, and INTEGRATED WINDOWS Authentication.

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You can select the type of authentication to use in the IIS administrative services. If you
request a URL containing an ASP .NET application, the request and authentication
information are handed off to the application.

Web Service

Web service is arguably the most exciting and innovate features of

Microsoft's. NET initiative and they are likely to profoundly affect the way business
interact using computer application. List of possible Web services is as varies as the list
of possible business opportunities.

Web service would typically perform a core business service such as user
authentication, credit card validation, pricing a derivate security, placing a purchase
order for a stock or pricing a same-day shipment. A web service is a component that
performs a function or service. A component is a piece of software that has a well-
defined interface, hidden internals, and the capability of being discovered. By
"discovered" means that you can determine what the component' does without needing to
see the code within it.

A component is similar to a method since we can call it with arguments

that fit a set of parameters, and it has the capability of returning results. A web service
may also return information to the caller. This service resides somewhere on the Web
and can be accessed from other locations on the Web. For this service to be called, there
are a number of elements that must be in place. First, the caller must' know how to call
the service. Second, the call must be made across the Web. Finally, the ' web service
must know how to respond.

SQL Server 2008

Relational database systems are the most important database systems used
in the software industry today. One of the most outstanding systems is Microsoft SQL
Server. SQL Server is a database management system developed and marketed by
Microsoft. It runs exclusively under Windows NT and Windows 95/98.

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The most important aspects of SQL Server 8 are:

 SQL Server is easy to use.

 SQL Server scales from a mobile laptop to symmetric multiprocessor systems.
 SQL Server provides data warehousing features that until now have only been
available in Oracle and other more expensive DBMSs.

A database system is an overall collection of different database software

components and databases containing the parts viz. Database application programs, Front-
End components, Database management systems, and Databases.

A database system must provide the following features:

 A variety of user interfaces

 Physical data independence
 Logical data independence
 Query optimization 1
 Data integrity
 Concurrency control
 Backup and recovery
 Security and authorization

SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System. The SQL

Server Relational language is called Transact-SQL.SQL is asset-oriented language. This
means that SQL can query many rows from one or more tables using just one statement.
This feature allows the use of this language at a logically higher level than procedural
languages. Another important property of SQL is its non- procedurally. SQL contains
two sub languages DDL and DML.
SQL Server works as a natural extension of Windows NT and windows
95/98.SQL Server is relatively easy to manage through the use of a graphical computing
environment for almost every task of system and database administration. SQL Server
uses services of Windows NT to offer new or extended database capabilities.

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The SQL Server administrator's primary tool for interacting with the system
is Enterprise Manager. The Enterprise Manager has two main purposes: Administration
of the database server and Management of database objects. SQL Server Query Analyzer
provides a graphical presentation of the execution plan of a query and an automatic
component that suggests which index should be used for a selected query. This
interactive component of SQL Server performs the tasks like:
• Generating and executing Transact-SQL statements
• . Storing the generated Transact-SQL statements in a file
• Analyzing execution plans for generated queries
• Graphically illustrating the execution plan for a selected query.

A stored procedure is a special kind of batch written in Transact-SQL using

the SQL language and SQL extensions. It is saved on the database server to improve the
performance and consistency of repetitive tasks. SQL Server supports stored procedures
and system procedures.

Stored procedures can be used for the following purposes: to control

access authorization, to create an audit trial of activities in database tables, to separate
data definition & data manipulation statements concerning a database & all
corresponding applications. The database object view can be used for:

 Restricting the use of particular columns and rows of tables -that is to

control access to a particular part of one or more tables,
 To hide the details of complicated queries, to restrict inserted & updated
values to certain ranges.

The Query Optimizer is the part of SQL Server that decides how to best
perform a query. It generates several query execution plans for the given query & selects
the plan with the lowest cost. SQL Server can operate in one of two security modes:

• Windows NT
• Mixed

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Windows NT security mode exclusively uses Windows NT user accounts

to log into the SQL Server system. Mixed mode allows users to connect to SQL Server
using the Windows NT security system or the SQL Server system.

Additionally it provides three security facilities for controlling access to

database objects

• Transact-SQL statements GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE.

• Views.
• Stored procedures

A Windows7 user account or a SQL server login name allows a user to log
into the SQL server system. A user who subsequently wants to access a database of the
system needs a database user account to work in the DB. Therefore users must have a DB
user account for each DB they want to use. If there is no such account the user may be
allowed to work in the DB under the guest account.

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System design is the first in the development phase for many engineered
product or system. It may define the process of applying various techniques and principles
for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient detail to permit its
physical realization. This phase is the first step in moving from the problem domain to the
solution domain. It is an iterative process through which requirements are transmitted into
“blue print” for constructing the software initially. Blue print depicts holistic new
software. That is, design is represented at high level of abstraction, functional and
behavioral requirements. System design is creative art of inverting and developing inputs,
database and offline files, communication between the software clients and server,
methods and procedure for processing data to get meaningful output that satisfy the
organization objectives. From the project management view, software design is conducted
in two steps. Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of the requirements
into data and architecture. Detailed design focuses on refinement to the architectural
representation for software. Some properties for the system design are:

• Verifiability
• Completeness
• Efficiency
• Traceability

6.1 Input design

The input design is the process of converting the user oriented in to the
computer-based formats. So, the design of the user interface is very important for any
application. A good interface design leads to an interactive software application. Input
design consists of the development of specifications, the necessary step to convert the
given data in to usable form for processing, data entry and activity of putting the data into
computer for processing. All input processes have been designed with almost care to avoid
the entry of the invalid data into the system.

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The input screens have been validated effectively in order to give the most
accurate input details. Some aspects have to be followed while designing the input

 The data to input.

 The details of how data should be arranged or coded.
 Allow the information only the user needs.
 Avoid over-crowding of the input screen.
 Same styles among screens have to be kept.
 Confirmation of critical details to be asked.
 Validate data as soon as possible on inputs.

The input design requirements such as user friendliness, consistent format

and interactive dialogue for giving the right message and helps for the users at the right
time are also necessary for the development of good software.

6.2 Output design

Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to

the user. It determines how the information is to be displayed for immediate need. It
improves the system relationship with the user.

The output generally refers to the results and information that is generated
from the system. Outputs are necessary for the users to communicate with the result of
processing. It also provides permanent hard copy for later consultation. They are obtained
in the form of response to the requests.

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6.3 Database design

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum

redundancy to serve many applications. Database design runs in parallel with the
application design. Instead of each user managing its own data, authorized users share
data across applications with the data base software managing the data as entity. One
of the main tasks n building a new system is determining the contents and structure of
the data base. The type of retrieval and recording required by the user and availability
of inputs determine what data has to be stored. Database design is one of the important
parts in developing software. It is a process of conceptual design of data. It minimizes
the artificiality of using separate files. It is a definition of the entire information content
of the organization and it specifies the relationship between the data.

A relation database consists of collection of tables having attributes,

are assigned to a unique name. A row in the table represents a relationship among a set
of values. The global relational database is to generate a set of relations, which allows
storing information without redundancy and also allows us to store and retrieve
information in ease. The objectives in establishing a database can be summarized as:

 Eliminate redundant information as much as possible.

 Integrate data files.

 Incorporate changes easily and quickly

 Lower the cost of storing and retrieving data

 Improve accuracy, integrity and consistency

 Data independence

 Privacy and security

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The overall objective in the development of data base technology has

been to treat data as an organizational resource and as an integrated whole. Database
Management System allows data to be protected and organize separately from other
resources. The structure of data has always been an important part of the design. At the
program component level, the design of data structures and the associated algorithms
required to manipulate them is essential to the creation of high-quality applications. At
the application level, the transition of a data model into data base in pivotal to
achieving the business objective of the system.

The main steps involved in the database design are:

 Organizing the data

 Identify the keys
 Normalization
There are three main normal forms, each with increasing levels of normalization:

1. First Normal Form (1NF):

Each field in a table contains different information. For example, in an employee
list, each table would contain only one birth date field. The first normal form is easy to
understand and apply: A table is in first normal form if it contains no repeating groups

2. Second Normal Form (2NF):

Each field in a table that is not a determiner of the contents of another field must
itself be a function of the other fields in the table. The second normal form helps identify
when you’ve combined two tables into one. Second normal form depends on the concepts
of the primary key, and functional dependency. A relation is in second normal form if and
only if it is in 1NF and every non key attribute is fully dependent on the primary key.In
other words,

• It doesn’t have any repeating groups.

• Each of the fields that isn’t a part of the key is functionally dependent on the entire

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3. Third Normal Form (3NF):

No duplicate information is permitted. So, for example, if two tables both

require a birth date field, the birth date information would be separated into a separate
table, and the two other tables would then access the birth date information via an index
field in the birth date table.

Any change to a birth date would automatically be reflect in all tables that link to
the birth date table. Third normal form performs an additional level of verification that you
have not combined tables. Here are two different definitions of the third normal form:

A table should have a field that uniquely identifies each table should
describe the subject that the table represents of its records, and each field in the. There are
additional normalization levels, such as Boyce Code Normal Form (BCNF), fourth normal
form (4NF) and fifth normal form (5NF).

While normalization makes databases more efficient to maintain, they can

also make them more complex because data is separated into so many different tables.



Column Name Data type Description

dept_id Int PRIMARY KEY

dept_name Varchar (50) Department name

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Column Name Data type Description

Branch_id Varchar (50) PRIMARY KEY

Dept_id Varchar (50) Foreign key

Course_name Varchar (50) Course Name

No_of_Sem Int No of Sems


Column Name Data type Description

question_no Varchar (50) PRIMARY KEY

question Varchar (50) Question

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Column Name Data type Description

Account_Id Int PRIMARY KEY

Name Varchar (50) Faculty Name

Designation Varchar (50) Designation

Branch_id Varchar (50) Foreign Key

Email Varchar (50) Email

Phone Varchar (50) Phone number

Status Varchar (50) Status

Password Varchar (50) Password


Column Name Data type Description

Sub_code Varchar (50) PRIMARY KEY

Branch_id Varchar (50) Foreign Key

Sem_no Varchar (50) Sem No

Subject Varchar (50) Subject name

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Column Name Data type Description

Sub_code Varchar (50) PRIMARY KEY

Sem_no Varchar (50)

Account_id Varchar (50) Foreign Key

Year Varchar (50) Year

Month Varchar (50) Month


Column Name Data type Description


Year Varchar (50)

Subject_code Varchar (50) Foreign Key

F_id Varchar (50) Feedback Id; Foreign


Dept_id Varchar (50) Department Id :

Foreign Key

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Column Data type Description


f_id Varchar (50) PRIMARY KEY

Sem_no Varchar (50) Sem No

Sub_code Varchar (50) Subject Code

question_no Int Question Number

Opt1 Int Option 1

Opt2 Int Option 2

Opt3 Int Option 3

Opt4 Int Option 4

Opt5 Int Option 5

Opt6 int Option

6.4 UML Designs

The unified Modelling Language (UML) is a standard language for

specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artefacts of the software
systems, as well as for business modelling and other non-software systems. The UML
represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the
modelling of large and complex systems. The UML is a very important part of
developing objects-oriented software and software development process. The UML uses
mostly graphical notations to express the design of software projects. Using the UML
helps project teams communicate, explore potential designs, and validate the
architectural design of the software.

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Goals of UML
The primary goals in the design of the UML are:
1. Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual modelling language so they
can develop and exchange meaningful models.
2. Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts.
3. Be independent of particular programming languages and development processes
4. Provide a formal basis for understanding the modelling language.
5. Encourage the growth of the OO tools market.
6. Support higher-level development concepts such as collaborations frameworks,
patterns and components.
7. Integrate bets practice

As the strategic value of the software increase for many companies, the industry
looks for techniques to automate the production of software and to improve quality and
reduce cost and time to market. These techniques include component technology. Visual
programming, patterns and frameworks. Businesses also seek techniques to manage the
complexity of systems as they increase in the scale. In particular, they recognize the need to
solve recurring problems such as physical distribution ,concurrency, replication, security,
load balancing and fault tolerance. Additionally, the development for the World Wide Web,
while making something simpler, has extracted these architectural problems.

Use Case Diagram displays the relationship among actors and use cases.

Class Diagram models class structure and contents using design elements such as classes,
packages and objects. It also displays relationships such as containment, inheritance,
associations and others.

Interaction Diagrams

• Sequence Diagram displays the time sequence of the objects participating in the
interaction. This consists of the vertical dimension (time) and horizontal
dimension (different objects).
• Collaboration Diagram displays an interaction organized around the objects and
their links to one another. Numbers are used to show the sequence of messages.

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• State Diagram displays the sequences of states that an object of an interaction goes
through during its life in response to received stimuli, together with its responses
and actions.
• Activity Diagram displays a special state diagram where most of the states are
action states and most of the transitions are triggered by completion of the actions
in the source states. This diagram focuses on flows driven by internal processing.
Physical Diagrams

• Component Diagram displays the high-level packaged structure of the code itself.
Dependencies among components are shown, including source code components,
binary code components, and executable components. Some components exist at
compile time, at link time, at run times well as at more than one time.
• Deployment Diagram displays the configuration of run-time processing
elements and the software components, processes, and objects that live on them.
Software component
Instances represent run-time manifestations of code units.

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how the processes

operate with one another and what order. It is a construct of a message sequence chart.
Sequence diagram shows message interactions arranged in same sequence. It depicts the
object and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged
between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario. Sequence
diagrams are typically associated with use case realization in logical view of the system
under development. Sequence diagram re sometimes called event diagrams or event

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An object: A Class Have different processes or objects that live


Horizontal arrows that show the messages

Exchanged between them, in the order in which

they occur

Focus of control is an execution occurrence shown as

rectangle on a lifeline that represents the period during

which an element is performing an operation. The top and

the bottom of the rectangle is aligned with the initiation

and the completion time respectively.

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 Admin can login

 Admin can add departments.

 Admin can add branch details.

 Admin can create, upload, and remove staff accounts.

 Admin can add questions.

 Admin can view and search all reports.


 HOD can login.

 HOD can edit the staff accounts.

 HOD can update or delete syllabus.

 Course mapping is done by HOD.


 Tutor can login.

 Tutor adds subject details.

 Tutor allow student to give feedback.


 Students give the feedback through tutor’s login.

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System development is series of operations to manipulate data to produce

output from computer system. The principle activities performed during the development
phase can be divided into two major related sequences.

 External system development

 Internal system development

The major external system activities are:

 Implementation
 Planning
 Equipment acquisition
 Installation


The purpose of code is to facilitate the identification and retrieval of items

of information. A code is an ordered collection of symbols designed to provide unique
identification of entity or an attribute. Code also show interrelationship among different
items. Codes are used to identify, access, sort, matching records. The code ensures that
only one value of code with a single meaning is applied to give entity or attribute as
described in various ways.


ASP.NET is a web development platform, which provides a programming

model, a comprehensive software infrastructure and various services required to build up
robust web applications for PC, as well as mobile devices.ASP.NET works on top of the
HTTP protocol, and uses the HTTP commands and policies to set a browser-to-server
bilateral communication and cooperation. ASP.NET is a part of Microsoft .Net platform.
ASP.NET applications are compiled codes, written using the extensible and reusable
components or objects present in .Net framework. These codes can use the entire
hierarchy of classes in .Net framework.

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The ASP.NET application codes can be written in any of the following languages:

• C#

• Visual Basic.Net

• Jscript

• J#

ASP.NET is used to produce interactive, data-driven web applications over the internet. It
consists of a large number of controls such as text boxes, buttons, and labels for
assembling, configuring, and manipulating code to create HTML pages.ASP.NET web
forms extend the event-driven model of interaction to the web applications. The browser
submits a web form to the web server and the server returns a full mark-up page or HTML
page in response. All client-side user activities are forwarded to the server for stateful
processing. The server processes the output of the client actions and triggers the reactions.

Now, HTTP is a stateless protocol. ASP.NET framework helps in storing the information
regarding the state of the application, which consists of:

• Page state

• Session state

The page state is the state of the client, i.e., the content of various input fields in the web
form. The session state is the collective information obtained from various pages the user
visited and worked with, i.e., the overall session state. To clear the concept, let us take an
example of a shopping cart. User adds items to a shopping cart. Items are selected from a
page, say the items page, and the total collected items and price are shown on a different
page, say the cart page. Only HTTP cannot keep track of all the information coming from
various pages. ASP.NET session state and server-side infrastructure keep track of the
information collected globally over a session. The ASP.NET runtime carries the page
state to and from the server across page requests while generating ASP.NET runtime
codes, and incorporates the state of the server-side components in hidden fields. This way,
the server becomes aware of the overall application state and operates in a two-tiered
connected way. The ASP.NET component model provides various building blocks of
ASP.NET pages. Basically, it is an object model, which describes:

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• Server side counterparts of almost all HTML elements or tags, such as <form> and

• Server controls, which help in developing complex user-interface. For example, the
Calendar control or the Grid view control.

ASP.NET is a technology, which works on the .Net framework that contains all web-
related functionalities. The .Net framework is made of an object-oriented hierarchy. An
ASP.NET web application is made of pages. When a user requests an ASP.NET page, the
IIS delegates the processing of the page to the ASP.NET runtime system. The ASP.NET
runtime transforms the .aspx page into an instance of a class, which inherits from the base
class page of the .Net framework. Therefore, each ASP.NET page is an object and all its
components i.e., the server-side controls are also objects.

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8.1 System Testing

Testing is the vital to the success of the system. It makes a logical

assumption that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully
achieved in our project. It is the stage of implementation, which ensures that system works
accurately and effectively before the live operation commences. It is a confirmation that
all are correct and opportunity to show users that the system must be tested and show that
the system will operate successfully and produce expected results under expected
conditions. Software testing is a crucial element of software quality assurance and
represents the unlimited review of specification, design and coding. Testing represents an
interesting anomaly for the software. During the earlier definition and development phase,
it was attempted to build the software from an abstract concept to implement.

Testing is a set of activity that can be planned in advance and conducted.

Systematically, this is aimed at ensuring that the system works accurately and efficiently
before live operations commences.

Types of Testing:
Different types of testing are,
 Unit testing
 Integration testing
 System testing
 Validation testing
 User acceptance testing.

Unit Testing
Unit testing is usually conducted as part of a combined code and unit test
phase of the software lifecycle, although it is not uncommon for coding and unit testing to
be conducted as two distinct phases. All modules were tested and individually as soon as
they were completed and were checked for their correct functionality.

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Unit testing deals with testing a unit as a whole. This would test the interaction of many
functions but confine the test within one unit. This testing is carried out during
programming stage itself. In this testing step each Module is found to be working
satisfactorily as regard to the expected output from the module.

Integration Testing

Integration testing is a systematic technique for testing to overcome the

errors associated within the interface. In this system all the modules such as admin, Hod,
tutor and the final hardware and software are combined and then the entire program is
tested as a whole. Thus, in the integration testing step all the errors in the implementation
of the system are corrected. Data can be lost across an interface one module can have an
adverse effect on others sub-functions when combined may not produce the desired major
functions integration testing is a systematic testing for constructing the program structure.
The objective is to take unit tested modules and to combine them and test it as a whole.

• The system contains various components and they have to be combined

and tested.
• The software is embedded into hardware and tested.
• The modules are combined and tested.
• The hardware part tested separately.
System Testing
After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of
the proposed system since no system could be useful if it doesn’t produce the required
data in the specific format. The output displayed or generated by the system under
consideration is tested by, asking the user about the format displayed. The output format
on the screen is found to be correct as the format was designed in the system phase
according to the user needs. Hence the output testing didn’t result in any error in the

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User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance of the system is the key factor for the success of the
system. The system under consideration is tested for user Acceptance by constantly
keeping in touch with prospective system at the time of developing and making change
wherever required. This is done with regard to the following points.
 Output Screen design.
 Input Screen design.
 Menu driven system.

8.2 Implementation

Implementation is the stage of project, when theoretical design is turned in

to a working system. The most crucial stage is achieving a successful system and
confidence that the new system will be work effectively. It involves careful planning,
investigation of the manual system and to new system.

Implementation means converting a new or revised system design into an

operational one. The implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert
from the old system to the new one

There are several activities involved while implementing a project:

 Careful planning.

 Investigating the current system and its constraints on implementation.

 Design of methods to achieve the changeover.

 Training of the staff in the changeover procedure and evaluation of change over

Implementation is the final stage and it is an importance phase. The first

task in implementation was the implementation planning, that is deciding on methods to
be adopted. After the system was implemented successfully, training of the user was one
of the most important subtasks of the developer.

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For this purpose, the user or system manual were prepared and handled over to the user to
operate the developed system. So, change over plays a vital role, which checks the
developed tool and then only the user accepted the developed tool. The change over took
place only when the system had been proved to the satisfaction of the system analysis and
other implementation activities have been completed.

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System maintenance is making adaption of the software for external
changes (requirements changes or enhancements) and internal changes (fixing bugs).
When changes are made during the maintenance phase all preceding steps of the model
must be revisited.

There are three steps of maintenance

1. Corrective (fixing bugs or errors)

2. Adaptive (updates due to environment changes)

3. Perfective (Enhancements, requirements changes)

Maintenance is enigma of the system development. The definition of the

software maintenance can be given describing four activities that are undertaken after the
program is received for use.

The maintenance activity occurs since it is unreasonable to assume that

software testing will uncover all large system. The second activity that contributes the
definition of maintenance occurs since rapid changes are encountered in every aspect of
computing. The third activity involves recommendation for new capabilities, modification
to the existing functions and general enhancement when the software is used. The fourth
maintenance activity occurs when software is changed to improve future maintainability or

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Further enhancement can be made by designing the screens, some more

forms can also be added for the better retrieval of feedback. Various other options can be
added for the better usability of project.It can maintain the records and feedback. The
feedback system can be able to send the feedback report to corresponding HOD and
Principal via email. Feedback report can be modify for ease of assessments by including
pictures of Teachers and graph representation of teacher’s performance, So that the report
will be more attractive and effective. In future Admin can add as much as questions for the

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The project “feedback system” is designed in order to reduce the burden of

maintaining bulk of records of all the students’ feedback details of who study in an
educational institution. This application has been developed to facilitate better
environment to every users, where they feels comfortable to work with this system. The
system has reached a steady state where all bugs have been eliminated Inserting,
retrieving, and updating the feedback details of a student are easy when it is compared to
the manual feedback and storing, maintaining the project is also easy which can be easily
understandable. Maintaining the details in the database is manageable. So, feedback
system is very helpful for an educational system for teacher’s assessments. It calculates
the feedback result simply and efficiently. The accurate result of student’s feedback is the
advantage of this project. It provides feedback in an easy and quick manner. And provide
accurate feedback to the authority of the collage for improving teacher’s performance.
This project helps for the better performance of the college.

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Home page


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Admin: Add account

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Admin: Remove account

Admin: Add department

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Admin: Remove department

Admin: Add course

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Admin: Add question

HOD: Mapping

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Tutor:Add semester details

Tutor: Feedback

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Feedback questions


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Books :

[1] Agile software development: The Cooperative Game, Addison

Wesley 2nd edition
[2] Agile Software Development with Scrum, Pearson (2008)
[3] Beginning Software Engineering, Rod Stephens Wrox series

Department of Computer Applications AWH Engineering College

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