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IIE/Rockwell Automation 2011 Student Simulation Contest

Welcome to the 17th annual IIE/Rockwell Automation Student Simulation Competition.

By participating in this contest, you will gain valuable hands-on experience in the power of
simulation as well as practical knowledge in how to conduct a simulation modeling project. You
will work as an engineering team to develop a working solution to a real-world case study
problem. Your team will have the opportunity to apply your skills and deal with many of the
same problems and opportunities faced by commercial consulting groups,

This year we have partnered with the Healthcare Systems Engineering Centers at Northeastern
University in Boston, Mass., to provide you with a problem based on an actual health care
delivery issue. We are sure that you will find this problem to be both interesting and
challenging. Attached to this email is a zip file named Arena Simulation Contest 17.zip.
Included in this zip file are the following files:

Welcome Letter.pdf
Arena 13.5 Software Download and Licensing Instructions.pdf
Contest Problem 17 – Rockwell Health Network.pdf
Competition Rules.pdf

Please review the problem and Competition Rules carefully.

We wish every team the best of luck at reaching the finals!

Best Regards,

Nancy Swets, Rockwell Automation

James Benneyan, Healthcare Systems Engineering Centers, Northeastern University

Healthcare Network Regional Capacity Master Planning

Problem Statement/Background
For over 50 years, the Rockwell Healthcare Network (RHN) has provided many types of medical services
across the New England area of the United States. The location of RHN facilities historically evolved
without much master planning in terms of which services it provides where and in what capacities. This
is an important issue in many integrated healthcare networks. RHN’s new management team recently
identified this as a key strategic goal in order to remain both economically competitive and provide
better patient-centered care.
The CEO, Walt Vincent, has enlisted the NSF Healthcare Systems Engineering Center in Boston MA to
help develop a long-term master plan for locating medical care services. In today’s marketplace, RHN’s
Board of Directors is continually challenged with balancing costs, appointment access, and patient
satisfaction. As industrial engineering consultants in the center, your task is to develop an appropriate
computer simulation model and help the Board answer three key questions:

1. In the ideal world, where should each medical service be located and in what capacities so that
patients can obtain the types of care they need within an acceptable travel distance, and with
minimal waits, an acceptable percentage of the time?
2. Given current facility locations and sizes, what capacities for each service at each facility would
minimize total costs?
3. What would be an effective approach to balance these key but competing criteria (costs, patient
satisfaction, waits and delays)?

Some Details
Table 1 summarizes the total sizes of existing RHN facilities and current capacities for each medical
specialty. If a RHN patient visits a non-Rockwell facility, the costs to RHN of treatment and billing can
exceed 15%-to-22% of the costs if the same procedure was handled within a Rockwell facility. If travel
distance to a medical facility is too large or the delay to get an appointment is too great, some patients
may elect to get their care outside the network. Table 2 summarizes the mean and variability in
appointments for each type of medical specialty, which can vary both locally and regionally due to
practice heterogeneity. Month-to-month demand for appointments (averages, standard deviations)
within each region of the RHN network and for each type of medical specialty care is summarized in
Table 3 (Demand for each type of care depends on population size and patient demographics). Table 4
summarizes the travel distances between patient locations and RHN facilities (locations are aggregated
at the zip code level; e.g., L1, L2, L3 etc). If a facility cannot see patients in a timely manner, they may
wait longer than personally acceptable or decide to just get their care elsewhere. Beyond the
information provided below RHN doesn’t have all potentially desired data so, depending on the
approach your consulting team takes, you may have to make reasonable assumptions or do some
research, such as on the likelihood of balking based on distance and so on.

Rockwell Health Long-term Capacity Plan Page 1

Problem Extensions

After several meetings and review of your team’s data analysis, it has been discovered that several
medical services can experience correlated demand, such as due to co-morbidities and treatment
causality. Thus patients needing to receive Care Type A often also need Care Type B (the same patients
sometimes requiring cardiology and pulmonary services), and so on (see Table 5). The Board also has
become concerned about the fact that demographics are projected to change significantly over the next
two decades, with things like changing ages and smaller marketplaces resulting in 1-3% fewer patients
per year, depending on the specialty. RCN has extended your contract to provide answers to the
following questions.

1. Determine how and to what extent correlated healthcare needs changes the results your previous
2. Propose a long-term capacity plan (e.g. over a 20 year planning horizon) and contrast it to your
initial results.

Flatlands Fisher Beantown Whitehill Oceanside Greenmont
Overall size 430 391 457 376 400 408
Cardiology 46 37 45 52 28 61
Dental Care - 56 39 - - 43
Dermatology 45 33 53 48 70 43
Gastroenterology 62 58 73 56 42 81
Mental Health 27 44 53 49 52 -
Neurological 12 41 - 40 22 39
Obstetrics/Gynecology 65 43 58 - 46 -
Orthopedics 51 - 53 33 26 43
Pediatric 69 - 38 27 50 56
Pulmonary 53 79 45 71 64 42
Table 1: Facility sizes and current capacities by medical specialty (in terms of number units of space)

Appointment Duration (minutes) Appointment Cost (dollars)

Specialty New Follow-Up
New Follow-Up
Mean SD Mean SD
Cardiology 30 10 15 10 425 250
Dental Care 60 10 45 30 150 100
Dermatology 15 15 5 10 120 90
Gastroenterology 20 10 15 5 375 210
Mental Health 60 30 30 10 125 60
Neurological 45 15 15 5 200 100
Obstetrics/Gynecology 30 15 10 5 350 100
Orthopedics 30 15 10 5 400 200
Pediatric 45 15 15 5 125 60
Pulmonary 20 10 15 5 375 210

Table 2: Appointment durations and costs

Rockwell Health Long-term Capacity Plan Page 2

Gastroente- Mental Obstetrics/
Location Cardiology Dental Dermatology Neurological Orthopedics Pediatric Pulmonary
rology Health Gynecology
L1 21 (12) 86 (15) 68 (9) 45 (12) 31 (6) 48 (6) 18 (3) 32 (6) 66 (7) 39 (9)
L2 84 (2) 29 (9) 55 (1) 88 (2) 32 (8) 49 (5) 50 (5) 54 (14) 86 (11) 56 (13)
L3 25 (1) 28 (7) 48 (2) 89 (14) 71 (15) 41 (3) 50 (14) 42 (11) 90 (13) 50 (12)
L4 100 (14) 53 (6) 46 (10) 35 (8) 60 (14) 36 (3) 84 (3) 89 (5) 77 (6) 48 (7)
L5 56 (8) 28 (3) 10 (14) 47 (1) 32 (6) 26 (7) 29 (1) 79 (8) 68 (8) 27 (13)
L6 54 (7) 48 (10) 22 (12) 57 (3) 77 (5) 94 (13) 93 (2) 61 (15) 22 (15) 68 (9)
L7 17 (10) 22 (4) 64 (3) 85 (8) 96 (13) 64 (3) 83 (12) 100 (13) 92 (11) 95 (10)
L8 71 (11) 11 (5) 62 (1) 56 (1) 50 (13) 90 (2) 64 (15) 25 (9) 100 (10) 43 (8)
L9 66 (12) 83 (13) 21 (5) 32 (12) 16 (6) 25 (1) 85 (6) 18 (13) 97 (15) 37 (12)
L10 52 (1) 33 (4) 19 (7) 45 (3) 20 (4) 17 (13) 18 (13) 57 (4) 65 (15) 96 (8)
L11 27 (5) 84 (14) 81 (14) 70 (7) 72 (8) 79 (15) 13 (7) 42 (9) 55 (6) 31 (5)
L12 77 (10) 51 (5) 50 (13) 82 (9) 10 (7) 72 (12) 16 (14) 67 (10) 31 (10) 60 (6)
L13 40 (6) 12 (5) 49 (12) 61 (7) 24 (11) 42 (13) 80 (15) 20 (6) 65 (6) 46 (15)
L14 70 (14) 98 (7) 80 (3) 17 (14) 19 (7) 10 (4) 17 (2) 33 (14) 96 (12) 29 (11)
L15 29 (14) 64 (1) 43 (4) 83 (6) 65 (6) 32 (4) 89 (7) 10 (12) 49 (9) 64 (7)
L16 35 (15) 57 (9) 33 (6) 21 (10) 35 (12) 98 (5) 22 (1) 87 (12) 20 (14) 27 (6)
L17 52 (5) 69 (14) 94 (11) 81 (6) 66 (5) 45 (6) 82 (14) 19 (4) 81 (15) 30 (10)
L18 51 (1) 71 (11) 20 (10) 14 (15) 20 (12) 44 (14) 90 (15) 72 (11) 71 (6) 55 (10)
L19 64 (10) 17 (6) 33 (2) 40 (13) 22 (4) 60 (5) 64 (9) 78 (5) 50 (7) 70 (8)
L20 20 (13) 35 (12) 84 (15) 60 (4) 33 (12) 39 (1) 32 (6) 55 (11) 58 (8) 38 (8)
L21 70 (7) 24 (8) 90 (2) 57 (7) 73 (15) 15 (14) 19 (7) 44 (1) 94 (7) 67 (12)
L22 10 (8) 11 (1) 63 (1) 87 (3) 59 (8) 12 (11) 54 (14) 89 (8) 70 (14) 40 (12)
L23 55 (5) 20 (3) 61 (9) 94 (11) 84 (6) 31 (2) 15 (2) 44 (12) 38 (15) 51 (7)
L24 68 (13) 13 (8) 14 (11) 26 (10) 74 (1) 67 (1) 72 (5) 78 (5) 86 (5) 67 (12)
L25 95 (4) 30 (15) 49 (1) 77 (11) 60 (4) 89 (14) 100 (15) 47 (6) 74 (6) 38 (7)
L26 64 (4) 42 (15) 33 (11) 87 (9) 36 (12) 55 (2) 17 (11) 99 (4) 44 (11) 67 (12)
L27 27 (8) 54 (5) 29 (11) 48 (5) 47 (15) 78 (7) 70 (14) 51 (8) 44 (5) 89 (11)
L28 71 (13) 97 (14) 76 (4) 25 (15) 77 (6) 90 (13) 30 (5) 61 (14) 47 (7) 34 (11)
L29 16 (7) 54 (8) 77 (12) 82 (13) 67 (3) 47 (4) 59 (3) 94 (3) 25 (10) 95 (9)
L30 78 (10) 30 (9) 22 (4) 65 (1) 17 (6) 50 (5) 69 (14) 83 (5) 23 (8) 53 (11)
L31 71 (9) 76 (5) 20 (7) 69 (9) 72 (15) 72 (9) 78 (9) 97 (4) 76 (10) 20 (11)
L32 70 (13) 12 (7) 76 (7) 81 (5) 67 (7) 77 (7) 97 (9) 75 (9) 62 (14) 44 (10)
L33 40 (7) 83 (11) 31 (10) 100 (3) 15 (1) 10 (1) 73 (4) 38 (9) 33 (5) 86 (9)
L34 75 (15) 28 (8) 43 (15) 60 (2) 67 (1) 77 (1) 79 (7) 66 (5) 25 (9) 29 (5)
L35 91 (2) 18 (6) 51 (3) 83 (5) 19 (7) 96 (6) 22 (13) 83 (7) 92 (13) 88 (12)
L36 77 (8) 41 (1) 33 (13) 43 (11) 25 (15) 28 (3) 19 (10) 81 (12) 63 (5) 65 (15)
L37 15 (14) 93 (13) 34 (1) 77 (6) 49 (4) 79 (8) 63 (11) 63 (6) 38 (7) 72 (6)
L38 60 (2) 66 (11) 41 (3) 26 (6) 85 (7) 66 (4) 23 (7) 23 (10) 24 (7) 58 (12)
L39 67 (12) 28 (2) 28 (6) 77 (14) 97 (12) 24 (12) 16 (14) 76 (2) 33 (5) 54 (15)
L40 29 (7) 55 (12) 78 (10) 36 (13) 29 (5) 65 (2) 62 (4) 51 (7) 45 (13) 43 (9)
L41 62 (4) 41 (8) 66 (7) 86 (15) 37 (10) 96 (13) 13 (8) 93 (11) 49 (12) 91 (13)
L42 22 (15) 18 (8) 15 (3) 39 (10) 97 (15) 65 (10) 95 (5) 28 (7) 24 (13) 97 (5)
L43 21 (14) 68 (8) 70 (12) 34 (2) 15 (5) 81 (15) 13 (5) 100 (12) 69 (12) 65 (12)
L44 11 (6) 25 (5) 35 (5) 36 (9) 23 (11) 71 (1) 30 (11) 94 (4) 82 (5) 40 (15)
P45 20 (8) 97 (1) 36 (11) 85 (4) 56 (4) 43 (4) 41 (7) 52 (2) 39 (6) 97 (11)

Table 3: Monthly average appointment demand by specialty (standard deviations in parentheses)

Rockwell Health Long-term Capacity Plan Page 3

Location Flatlands Fisher Beantown Whitehill Oceanside Greenmont
L1 16 266 109 150 88.5 149
L2 49.4 248 82.8 132 45.2 191
L3 28.8 287 130 172 109 181
L4 48.8 307 161 192 123 201
L5 31.4 288 130 172 119 179
L6 74.8 336 185 220 147 229
L7 44.8 246 89 105 85.9 116
L8 80.3 283 126 167 122 155
L9 95.7 184 47.9 44.5 65.7 101
L10 70.9 195 45.4 79.3 41.2 131
L11 88.6 181 21.5 67.4 55.2 142
L12 112 152 35.9 36.2 74.2 111
L13 133 145 44.9 61.7 77.9 136
L14 109 188 10.9 79.1 29.5 154
L15 109 165 9.1 56.8 48.1 131
L16 127 199 33 90.5 43.2 165
L17 97.8 172 7.9 63.6 47.3 138
L18 152 224 62.4 115 68 190
L19 174 238 79 129 89.7 204
L20 130 205 39.2 96.7 27.8 171
L21 94.3 233 61.5 125 23.8 199
L22 77.9 213 41 104 2.8 179
L23 135 158 57.4 11 94.3 87.9
L24 140 152 63.7 2 101 76.7
L25 194 135 117 55 156 56.6
L26 157 165 80.2 18.1 119 63.8
L27 116 207 85.1 59.3 106 75.2
L28 250 116 191 129 229 96.9
L29 121 215 130 67.5 123 41.2
L30 192 97.5 114 62.8 146 120
L31 168 101 88.4 56.7 120 112
L32 220 69.4 140 108 171 116
L33 277 51.6 187 172 229 161
L34 368 105 288 256 320 331
L35 386 123 306 275 338 349
L36 493 229 413 381 444 455
L37 319 55.6 239 207 270 221
L38 183 183 168 106 207 29.5
L39 132 261 127 114 176 40.3
L40 139 320 185 169 184 94.6
L41 105 242 116 94.8 149 66.2
L42 246 211 231 169 270 95.5
L43 173 273 188 126 218 50.5
L44 246 179 219 157 258 93.1
L45 262 131 203 141 241 108
Table 4: Distances between patient locations and medical facilities

Rockwell Health Long-term Capacity Plan Page 4

If we looked at the needs of patients in one of these clinics…


Mental Health


Dental Care

Obstetrics /
They would have


one of these

Cardiology .05 .30 .20 .10 .25 .05 .35 .10 .50

Dental Care .40 .50 .40 .80 .60 .40 .50 .10 .40

Dermatology .15 .05 .15 .10 .15 .10 .20 .10 .15

Gastroenterology .30 .05 .20 .15 .15 .05 .30 .05 .30

Mental Health .50 .05 .10 .20 .90 .20 .15 .15 .50

Neurological .50 .05 .05 .10 .20 .05 .30 .10 .50

Obstetrics /
.01 .05 .05 .05 .30 .10 .05 .01 .01

Orthopedics .10 .05 .10 .05 .05 .15 .05 .10 .10

Pediatric .01 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .01 .05 .01

Pulmonary .40 .05 .10 .05 .05 .10 .05 .25 .05

Table 5: Relationships between care needs - Patients in a (vertical column) clinic have a (horizontal row)
need x% of the time. (e.g. Patients in neurology clinics have a mental health need 90% of the time, but
patients in mental health clinics have a neurology need 20% of the time)

Rockwell Health Long-term Capacity Plan Page 5

IIE/Rockwell Automation Student Simulation Contest
Rules and Regulations

The intent of this contest is to have students work as an engineering team to
develop a working solution to a real-world case study problem. Although you may
seek advice on the use of the software or on general concepts, the actual
simulation and proposed solution should be the original work of the student team.
This year’s contest is based on an actual problem, so we will provide the teams
with a chance to get answers to some of the questions they might have, similar to
a real consulting engagement. Students will have the opportunity to submit
questions to the facility that the model is based upon. Questions can be
submitted until 12am EST on February 18, 2011. Each team can submit only
one Word document in a zip file with questions. Questions should be submitted
to Nancy Swets at nbswets@ra.rockwell.com .
Responses from the facility engineers will be sent to the teams by February 26,
2011. The engineers may not answer all the questions you submit, so you may
need to make your best assumptions in order to propose your solution!
You may contact Nancy Swets at Rockwell Automation if you have general
questions about the contest or the materials provided in the kit. She can be
reached by e-mail at nbswets@ra.rockwell.com. All emails should have a subject
line “Arena Competition Questions <team name>.”

The problem should be solved using Arena software version 13.5, and the
research activation will be required to complete your model. Arena version 13.5
research software will be available at the final judging and will be installed on the
presentation machine. If your university does not already have the Arena version
13.5 academic lab package installed, send your request for a 13.5 research
license to Nancy at nbswets@ra.rockwell.com, with a subject line “Arena
Competition Activation Request for <teamname>.”
To get started, download Arena in student mode (see Arena 13.5 Software
Download and Licensing Instructions.pdf).

The format for the report must meet the following minimum requirements:
• Font size of no less than 12-point
• Margins: 1 inch for the top and bottom and 1.25 inches for the left and
• Formal reports are strictly limited to five pages, not including the title page.
You should be able to sum up the problem and clearly state your
recommendations to the group in five pages or less.
• Additional material may be submitted as an appendix of no more than five
pages. The judges are not required to review any supplemental material,
and you may not reference this material in the main report.
• You are encouraged to use graphical representations of problems and
solutions when possible.
• The title page should follow the structure listed below:
Project Title
University Name: Team Member and Advisor Names
Team Name
Requested by and Submitted to
Client’s Name

All submitted material will become the property of Rockwell Automation.

Written Report Recommendations

Effectively communicating your solutions to decision makers is very important if
you want all your hard work and analysis to be used. Here are some hints for the
• Less is more. Get to the point! Just like we want our operations to be
efficient, we also want our reports to be efficient. Summarize the key
details and convey the decision-making process supporting your
recommendation. Long-winded and unorganized reports are not effective.
• Tables, graphs and figures are helpful, but comparing scenarios and
corresponding results can be confusing. Make it easy for the reader to
understand the results of your study.
• Do not go into detail on how you coded your model in Arena in your report.
Consider your audience. Key decision makers, such as the plant

managers and company executives, do not need to know that you
assigned six product-type attributes to your entities.
• It is valuable to comment your code in your Arena model, but leave these
details out of your report.


The final submission should contain:
• Written formal report
• Arena simulation model with animation

Your report should consist of the sections outlined below.

Executive Summary
The executive summary gives the reader a brief problem overview and provides
essential conclusions and recommendations.

Current Condition
Provide some background on the project.

This section describes how you applied Arena simulation software and other
Industrial Engineering techniques to the problem. At a high level, tell about the
models you created, but do not explain the Arena code you wrote. Describe the
assumptions that you had to make as well as any constraints. Use this section to
establish that your analysis is sound and your Arena model is valuable to the
decision makers.
Convince the audience that your model is valid and verified. The use of tables,
graphs and figures is appropriate for this section.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Define your recommendations to meet the problem objectives. This section
should include more detail than the executive summary. Use your analysis to
support the recommendations. Provide feedback on any further analysis that you
feel might improve the performance of the system. This is a real-world case
study, and the individuals working in this industry will be reading your reports and
reviewing your models. Be creative and impressive!

Implementation Plan
This section includes your suggestions regarding how the managers of the health
network might implement your plan.

Arena Simulation Model

Please submit only one version of your Arena model. If you have separate files
for your baseline and scenarios, please select only one file to submit. We will not
be running the scenarios in your model. We will check it to ensure that the logic
makes sense and we will review the animation. Don’t forget to include animation
in your model! Please see the Arena Examples for methods of animating a model
(C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\Arena\). If you want to include more
information about why you chose a certain method of modeling, put the
commentary in your model window.

Modeling Examples
Have you ever heard of the Arena SMART files? Use these small concept
models to learn more about advanced modeling techniques. They are found in
the C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\Arena\Smarts folder. Useful example
SMARTs topics include reading data in from external files, basic concepts such
as using station sets and manipulating queues.

Submissions must arrive on or before 11:59 p.m. EDST, Friday April 1,
2011. Any entries arriving after that date will not be considered. Judging will take
place in early April, and the three finalist teams will be announced by April 15th.
Submission instructions:
1. Use WinZip to compress your files. The naming convention for your
compressed file must start with “Arena” and include your team name. For
example, “Arena TeamName.zip”
2. Password protect your zip files!
3. Copy your files to this ftp site ftp://ftp.rockwellautomation.com/pub/.
4. Send an email to Nancy Swets at nbswets@ra.rockwell.com indicating the
name of the zip file and the password to open the zip file. In the subject
line put Arena Competition Submission <teamname> .

A confirmation email will be sent once your model has been successfully
downloaded and the contents extracted.

A representative technical group from the IIE community will judge the IIE
student simulation contest. The determination of the three finalists will be made
solely on the final report described above and the submitted simulation model.
Judging will be based on the following criteria:
• Analysis of the problem
• Logic of the solution
• Quality of the recommendations
• Application of IE tools
• Validity of assumptions
• Quality of the report (initial judging)
• Quality of the presentation (final judging)

The three finalist teams will undergo a technical review of their models at the
conference on Sunday morning. After lunch they will be required to give a
15-minute verbal presentation, with five additional minutes allotted for audience
questions. These presentations are tentatively scheduled for Sunday between
2 p.m. and 4 p.m. A computer and projector will be provided for the
presentations. The final judging will be made at the conference, and the results
will be announced at the honors and awards event Sunday evening. The top
team will receive $5,000!

Good Luck and HAVE FUN!

Arena 13.5 Software Download &
Licensing Instructions

Download Instructions

The Arena 13.5 CD image can be downloaded from the Arena Simulation web site.

Go to:

www.arenasimulation.com and

click the red Download Arena Software Now button.

You will be asked to register for an account before access to the download is granted.

Licensing Instructions

We recommend that if you have an Arena Educational licenses available in a lab at your
university that you use those facilities to aid in building your model. If an Arena Educational
license is not available, a license will be granted to each team in order to facilitate model building.

To license the Arena software, download the Arena software first and install it. Then go to the
site link below to download the FactoryTalk Activation Manager:


1. Once you have downloaded and installed the software, you will need to open the
FactoryTalk Activation Manager.

2. Select Start/Programs/Rockwell Software/FactoryTalk Activation/FactoryTalk Activation

Manager to open the application.

3. When the Activation Manager opens, select the Manage Activations Tab, as shown
4. Choose the Get New Activations option from the left side of the screen.

5. The screen prompts you to select your internet access, and then you must click
the Enter Activation Button in the bottom right corner to go to the next screen.

6. On this screen, you will be prompted for a Serial number, Product key and Host
ID Information. You only need to choose the Host ID field and click the box in the
right corner of the dialog box, which then displays the following screen.
7. Select the entry that starts with Disk_Serial_Num and then press the Select
button at the bottom of the Host ID Selection dialog box. A screen similar to the
one shown below will appear.
8. Copy the information in the Host ID Information field and paste the information
into an email and send it to:


The subject of the email should read:

Arena Contest Licensing for <Your Team Name>

A License will be sent within 1 business day.

9. Once you receive a license, you will need to copy it into this folder on your

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Rockwell Automation\Activations

On Windows Vista and later, this default path should be:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Rockwell Automation\Activations

10. Once the license is copied into this folder, you should be able to return to the
FactoryTalk Activation Manager and select the Manage Activations Tab and the
Find Available Activations link on the right of the screen to view the available
licensing information.

11. If you have any issues, please email them to Nancy Swets at

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