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Hope Renaud


To Whom It May Concern:

It is my absolute pleasure to recommend Jackie for your company.

I am Hope Renaud and I am Jackie’s manager at San Angel Inn for 1 year.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Jackie, and came to know her as a truly valuable
asset to absolutely any team. She is honest, dependable, and incredibly hard-working.

Her knowledge of customer service and expertise in communication was a huge advantage to
our entire office. She put this skillset to work in order to obtain a leadership position.

Along with her undeniable talent, Jackie has always been an absolute joy to work with. She is a
true team player, and always manages to foster positive discussions and bring the best out of
other employees.

Without a doubt, I confidently recommend Jackie to join your team. As a dedicated and
knowledgeable employee and an all-around great person, I know that she will be a beneficial
addition to your organization.

Please feel free to contact me at (321) 527-4757 should you like to discuss Jackie’s
qualifications and experience further. I’d be happy to expand on my recommendation.


Hope Renaud

200 Epcot Center Dr, Orlando, FL 32821

Office: 321-527-4757

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