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Ingles 8 - Book Report Format

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Name: Karen Anaya Sánchez

Date: November 25, 2018

Book Title: The fault in our stars

Book Author: John Green

Date of Publication: January 10, 2012

Number of Pages: 253 pages

Main Characters:  Hazel Grace Lancaster: is the protagonist and the book is narrated
from his perspective. She is a sixteen year old teenager with thyroid
cancer, with metastases in the lungs.
 Augustus Waters: (also known as "Gus"), falls in love with Hazel.
He is seventeen years old and lost his right leg because of a
disease called osteosarcoma and is now in remission. Gus arrives
at the group at the request of his friend Isaac and there he meets
Hazel. Later, Gus will sacrifice his desire for the foundation of The
Genies to travel with Hazel to Amsterdam and meet the writer of An
Imperial Pain, Hazel's favorite book, who turns out to be an
alcoholic who expressed grief over the loss of his daughter of eight
years through the book.

 Isaac: Friend of Augustus who suffers from cancer in the eyes and
becomes blind
 Mrs. and Mr. Lancaster: Parents of Hazel.
 Mrs. and Mr. Waters: Parents of Augustus.
 Patrick: Leader of the support group that suffers from cancer in the
 Monica: Ex-girlfriend of Isaac who abandons him by sight.
 Peter Van Houten: Author of Hazel's favorite book An Imperial Pain.
 Lidewij Vliegenthart: Assistant to Peter Van Houten.

Setting: The story is told by a sixteen-year-old teenager named Hazel Grace

Lancaster, who suffers from lung cancer and whose parents force them to
go to a support group for young people affected by the disease located in
the basement of a church, called "The literal heart of Jesus," in which he
meets and falls in love with an eighteen-year-old named Augustus Waters
(Gus), a former basketball player who has a leg amputated because of

Synopsis: Hazel Grace Lancaster was diagnosed with stage IV thyroid cancer that
expanded to the lungs, however, based on an experimental drug called
Phalanxifor managed to survive a few years longer than expected. Despite
this, Hazel never ceased to be considered terminally ill. She is forced by her
parents to attend a support group for children suffering from some type of
oncological illness, where she meets Augustus Waters (nicknamed Gus); A
young man of eighteen who lost his right leg due to osteosarcoma, however,
was in remission for a year and a half. Hazel convinces him to read An
Imperial Pain; his favorite book, written by Peter Van Houten, a bohemian
American living in Amsterdam, who did not usually give press conferences
or answer the letters of his admirers. At the end of his reading, he is shocked
by the abrupt end of the book; in the middle of a prayer, leaving the reader
full of doubts. Intrigued to know how the story would continue, get the email
address of Peter Van Houten's assistant, Lidewij Vliegenthart, and together
with Hazel write letters to the author.
He replies that he will not tell them what happens after the end of An Imperial
Pain unless they meet in person, so he invites them to travel to Amsterdam.
The proposal filled the young woman with emotion, however, her family
could not afford the trip. Which leads Gus to use the desire that The Genies
Foundation gives to children with cancer and decides to use it to travel with
Hazel to Amsterdam, to meet the author of the wonderful novel. Despite

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feeling happy about the trip, Hazel explains to the boy that they could not
be more than friends, to avoid the pain of his death; Defining itself as a
grenade, which at any moment can "explode" and make all of its loved ones
suffer after its death.
One night Hazel wakes up with a strong pain in the head. She thought it was
a tumor, because the cancer could expand, but it was only the lack of
oxygen and the fluid in her lungs that caused everything. Hazel is admitted
to the ICU. After receiving discharge and some consultations with her
doctors, Hazel gets permission to travel to Amsterdam with her mother and
with Gus. On the outward journey to Amsterdam, Gus confesses to Hazel
that he is in love with her and Hazel is surprised but can not tell her that she
also loves him for fear of hurting her in the future when she dies. On the first
night in Amsterdam, Hazel and Gus go to a restaurant inviting and courtesy
of Van Houten. The next day, they meet the author, and it is discovered that
his assistant, Lidewij, put everything together without the knowledge of Van
Houten with the hope that all this motivated him to stop being an alcoholic
and to write again. Annoyed by Van Houten's rude behavior, they retire from
their home. After a while Lidewij Vliegenthart reaches them and they go to
the Anne Frank House, where Hazel and Gus kiss for the first time, receiving
the applause of the visitors who were there. A short time later, Gus asks his
best friend, Isaac, and Hazel to do a pre-funeral in which he asks them to
write a speech, simulating a wake. Eight days later, Augustus Waters dies.
In the middle of the funeral Hazel is with Van Houten, who explains to him
that it was Augustus Waters who insisted on him attending his funeral,
confessing that he had a daughter who died many years ago of cancer.
Although on the other hand, not many parties say that when Hazel begins
to meet Augustus Waters, she discovers that he had before a girlfriend
named Caroline Mathers, who died of brain cancer. Augustus met her while
they were in the ICU, saw how little by little the cancer was doing its thing
in her, until he lost it completely. She looked a lot like Hazel Grace, that's
why Augustus Waters kept looking at her the first time he saw her in the
support group. Many people do not know about this, because in the movie

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they do not even name it, because it is only found in the book and besides,
Augustus almost does not talk about it.

Key Points/Conflict: Hazel Grace, a seventeen year old girl who has been fighting cancer for a
long time, a disease that is slowly devouring her lungs. In view of her
declining state of mind, Hazel's parents decide to include her in a support
group made up of people of the same age with whom they share their own
experience and extract the necessary strengths to enable them to move
However, Hazel only wants to make the most of the few days that remain,
enjoy free time in the company of his family or spend hours reading his
favorite writer, and not locked in the basement of a church, surrounded by
sick whose lives do not interest him at all.
After several insubstantial sessions of therapy, one of the members of the
group comes accompanied by a boy who immediately captures Hazel's
In a very short time Hazel and Augustus have a very good friendship, but
time is running, Hazel's health worsens in a remarkable way and in a fit of
adolescent madness, both decide to embark on a trip to Europe in order to
meet the writer of A imperial pain, an inconclusive novel about a girl with
cancer that over time has become Hazel's favorite.
In spite of the difficulties, Hazel manages to find in Augustus a refuge to go
to, a perfect companion with whom to exchange impressions on his way of
facing the illness.
This is how the story of these two young people develops, that in spite of
the health conditions they had, nothing prevented them from falling in love
and living their love story.

Analysis/Evaluation: Hazel, is a girl of seventeen years with a big heart and a lot of adolescent
consciousness, but at the same time, great maturity, because with the
passing of the pages, the days, we see how it will mature more and more,
quickly and adapting a Events, nothing easy. Even so, you got to the heart
for his way of being, his style, his way of making you feel part of everything.
Without a doubt, your state will grow sooner than it should.

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On the other hand, we have an August, indomitable man who knows himself
beautiful and gallant, presuming in a humble way (although it is not
possible). He questions everything he hears, but at the same time does not
come to any concrete result, in any way, in a unique and original way makes
the simple seem complex and the complex seems simple, surprised by his
thoughts and you love him his personality, his way of consulting, doing
things and everything in general.
It is a tragic story, but above all, it is a story about love, understanding and
enjoyment. A sincere story that softens even the hardest heart. We will not
always have a happy ending, sometimes you have to fight for it, and if you
do not get it, at least you can say try and do not stay with your hands
crossed. Sad things happen, and here it is clear that this is the case.
This book teaches us never to lose hope, to pursue our dreams no matter
how absurd they may seem, to be very aware of our actions, because
thanks to them we will be remembered and we will be able to live forever
in the hearts of those who remember us.

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