Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A. Product and Description

Hunt n’ Dine is an online restaurant reservation service founded by EasyA. Inc, A company

composed by Andrea Binoya, Russell Pondivida, Angelica Gajo, Heinz Morelos, Juan Carlos,

Thirdy Castillo and is based on Manila, Philippines. With the development of the technology,

Mobile applications can be one of the best ways to keep consumers engaged with a brand as they

are on the move. With the increase in demand for smartphones and efficiency of wireless networks,

the demand for mobile applications has increased incredibly. Due to the increase in demand for

smartphones and efficiency of wireless networks and people finding a great spot to dine in and use

their smartphones. As a result, the team have come up with an application that helps the users to

find a Restaurant in a specified location and according to the specified tastes. This project aims to

produce a social mobile application for collaborative sharing of food reviews through Mobile


The main features provided by the Restaurant Finder, Hunt N, Dine, application are as follows:

1) A Basic Search where the user can search for a particular restaurant based on any keyword

and Advanced Search where the user can specify the category, such as rating and the

distance range for the restaurants from their location.

2) A Google Maps that shows the top 5 restaurants in the city of the current location and the

routes to a particular restaurant.

3) The Users can write a review, see the reviews for other user’s benefit or recommendation

and user also can invite a friend/colleague to meet at a particular restaurant.

4) An advanced reservation that includes Google Calendar where the user can set an event

for a particular time and date prior to their reservation.

5) Users are able to find and access information about the most popular, cheapest, most recent

or nearest food and eating outlet around him and interact with other users by sharing food


B. Review of Related Literature

 To compare the accessibility of online reservation and walk-in.

 To build a better online booking reservation app.

 To make it less hassle for the customers.

 To identify which restaurant can accommodate a huge number of customers.

 To establish a faster way of reservation in an app.

 To estimate the number of online reservations in the restaurants covered by the


C. Scope and Limitation

The main modules of our app would be:

 Advanced Search – The User can specify the category, Distance and ratings of his/her

desired restaurant or food chain.

 Basic Search – The User can search a Particular Restaurant based on a keyword.

 Google Calendar – The User can mark an event where he/she can set an advance

reservation or look if the restaurant is available at that day.

 Google Maps – This Module Shows the Nearest Restaurants within the vicinity or the


 Log In – This module are for those people who already have an account and just needs to

Log in Again.

 Reservations – The User can set up an Advance Reservation a week or days or even

months before an event (Included in Google Calendar).

 Reviews – The User can write his/her own review about the restaurant

 Sign Up – For starters who just recently Downloaded the app, this sign up module is a

must, the app will ask for your basic Information so that they can easily send you Promos

or even Discounts on some nearby restaurants. (One Account per Mobile Number/e-mail)

The Scope of our app is that we only allow users to search and reserve for a certain restaurant, and

the nearest (referring to the Google Map Module) but we will also give newest and famous

restaurants within the area or the said City or Nearby City (If You want to take a stroll), it’s up to

the user if he/she will give a review for the said restaurant for the other users to compare it to other

restaurants. Our Reservation module are just for those restaurants who offers Reservations, less

hassle for the user and a more organized database for the restaurants. The Main Module of our app

would be the basic search and the advanced search, searching for the best suitable restaurant for

our users is our main goal, and the best way for them to find it is to search a certain keyword or

the category or characteristic of a restaurant.

D. Significance of the Study

E. Definition of Terms

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