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World Literature- Contract for Miss Hafner’s English Class

Attention Parents and Students, I am sending this letter home to inform you all of my classroom rules. It
is important for the student to read and understand each rule as it is crucial they are followed in my
classroom. Please have this paper signed by the parent and student and returned by Monday. I look
forward to seeing you all again on Monday and for the great year ahead!

1. All school rules apply.

2. No cell phone use is allowed during class unless told so or approved by the teacher, outside
technology will not be prohibited in the classroom to avoid bullying, and inappropriate usage.
Laptops will be provided for online classwork.
3. No late-work will be accepted, I do not give out last minute assignments. Each assignment comes
with enough time to be completed and handed in on time.
4. Homework is 50% of your total grade. All online work and quizzes will be reviewed, your real
names will be provided along with emails. Any inappropriate posts/ actions will result in an
automatic 0 and suspension from school.

5. Class participation is mandatory and constitutes 20% of your final grade. This is a discussion-heavy
class. We will be discussing history, and literature. Participation is necessary to make sure you are
understanding the material and paying attention.

6. My classroom is for open-minds and all opinions will be heard. We will not judge or come at other
students. Respect will be shown to all students, no matter of any race, gender, sexuality, or social-
7. Classroom Etiquette is a must, though class participation is a must, but you are here to learn, not to
socialize. Do not shout out answers or carry on “side conversations” Do not interrupt each other or

By signing the line below, I am agreeing that I have read/understand the rules states above and that I will
respect/ follow them.

Parents Signature: _______________________________ Date:________

Students Signature: _______________________________Date:_______

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