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"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"

Faculty of CIVIL Engineering







ICA - 2018

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

We can say that Las Machinery From your Invention They helped HHis work was less
ForzBear So what The constructions, which were employed FueRan over in less time.
Relieving The importance of machines that have been in the past State Within Of Human
Circle to meet needs for improvement In The development of civil works.

At present, machinery does not only comprise the machines themselves but also the parts or
other elements that are part of that major execution. In other words, the Combination of
parts, machines, accessories, technical innovations, all this results in the machinery itself. It
is not accidental, then, that the machinery is classified by the environment in which it is
used. Hence there is a Agricultural machinery, for example, among many other
subdivisions, such as the war machinery or the Agro-Livestock Machinery, etc.

Since ancient times, the ingenuity of man made him conceive tools and machines that
allowed him to increase production and dignify his work, facilitating a more noble use of
his faculties. The machines, by increasing the performance and reducing costs and
deadlines, have allowed to carry out works that improve the level and living conditions of
the humanity.

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Machinery in CIVIL Construction

1. Machinery:

-The term Machinery It is of Latin origin and refers to everything that allows to carry out a
certain task, depending on the area in which it is working. In the past, the term was used to
mention all art that taught the different stages of Machines Manufacturing.

-Machinery used in Works… Due to the wide variety of constructions and public works, it
can be said that in the works all kinds of machines are used, even machine tools. It is
possible to divide the M. of the C. In specialized for a particular work (e.g., breaks Rocks
for dredging of submarines in rock) or of general use in works (e.g., dump trucks,
excavators, loader shovels, tractors with or without pusher blade, cranes). It can also be
classified as: for manual use (motorized saws for cutting of trees, pneumatic or motorized
rammers, concrete vibrators), towed machines, automotive machines, fixed machines and
machines on boats.

-PFuture Erspectivas. It is difficult to predict evolution, as any discovery can represent a

breakthrough, but it is now appreciated that the trend is to simplify the work of the
worker and his intervention in the handling of the machine and to increase its capacity
and performance. In small machines it tends to be universal, providing them of
accessories that allow them to serve successively for different missions (crane, excavator,
loader, etc.). With regard to engines, due to their increase in power, it is estimated that
the gas turbine can be used and, in the farthest future, nuclear energy. The controls of the
various parts of the machine will preferably be hydraulic, pneumatic or with independent
electric motors. It will increase the automatism of the machines and their precision,
thanks to the help of the electronics and laser beams (v.), reaching even to the remote
control, as is currently the case in Japan with a tractor with blade; And you may soon get
to a program and computer operation.

-In the near future, the use of nuclear explosives is envisaged for large works, such as
canals, ports and reservoirs, which will entail the use of a special and giant machinery. All
this to get a more comfortable job of the man, some cheaper works and the possibility of
making constructions that few years ago neither dreamed of being able to realise.

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

2. Types of machinery:

 Excavation and thrust machinery:

Tractor, tractor with Scarifier (Ripper), grader

 Excavation and loading machinery

Loader, excavator, backhoe (Retropa), DRAGALINA, dredger. Mechanical dredger, Suction


 Cargo and hauling machinery


 Trucking Machinery

Dumper truck, semi-trailer or bathtub, rigid extravial dumper, articulated extravial


 Compaction Machinery

Smooth rollers, goat's feet roller, rollers, rollers and vibrating plates

 Lifting machinery:

Tower Crane, Mobile crane on porticos, mobile crane on truck, BLONDIN

3. Digging and thrusting machinery:

3.1. Tractor:

-Tractors are Machines Specially designed to exert thrust or traction actions there are two

I) Tractors on wheels.
II) Tractors on chain.

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

-The advantages of tractors on chains can be synthesized in:

I) Low pressure on the ground (land with water because they have little support
II) Great traction efforts.
III) In general where adherence is important
IV) In small and difficult spaces because of their ability to maneuver.

-As for the working equipment, the tractors can be fitted with straight thrust sheet
(bulldozer) and Scarifier (Ripper)

a. With straight front blade (bulldozer): For surface excavations by pushing the
excavated material at small distances, usually up to 20m and maximum up to


I) Roads, airports
II) Cleaning of mountains in quarries
III) Cleaning and mulching of land (opening of roads in forests, destoconado of
IV) Spread of land, for example a embankment.

b. With Scarifier (ripper): To fragment the rocks and prepare the ground for its
starting using the tractor's pusher blade

3.2. Motor graders:

-Machine equipped with a long blade equipped with a great flexibility of movements that
by means of hydraulic controls can take different movements.

-The work Team Is Formed by:

I) Pull bar: Moves by hydraulic cylinders and lifting arms. It supports the crown and
the Vertedera blade.
II) Corona: Under the Pull bar. It has a circular-shaped tooth. Moves from right to left
and the blade can Turn 360 º

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

III) Vertedera Sheet: It is the primordial element of work, allows the

movement of elevation and descent towards the ground, GIrOr in the horizontal
plane, variation of the angle on the terrain and lateral displacement outside the
IV) You can also carry a small front thrust blade and scarifier on the back.

-Its main functions are:

I) Extended materials discharged by trucks (leveling and refining)

II) Mixing of unloaded materials
III) Soil stabilization in a site
IV) Ditch and canal excavation
V) Slope leveling
VI) Track and road conservation etc.

4. Excavation and loading machinery:

4.1. Loader:
-It is a self-propelled machine, equipped with front spoon and a system of arms by
hydraulic cylinders, there are two types of wheel loaders on wheels and chains.

-The main functions are:

I) Load loose materials from bottom to top

II) Transported at minimum distances
III) Unload them on low-altitude hoppers or on means of hauling, trucks or

4.2. Excavator:

-Machine of earthmoving designed to dig. The movements of the work equipment are
carried out through hydraulic cylinders. There are two types of wheels and chains.
-The work Team Is Formed by Feather, Arm and saucepan. Depending on the work they do
there are different applications.

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

I) Front thrust: Works away from the machine upwards. Is Used To dig tall benches
or load a front of a quarry.
II) Retro push: Works approaching the Machine. It is applied in excavations below the
machine's support line (foundations, pipe trenches, slope refining).
III) Clamshell Equipment: Spoon Is Formed by two jaws that open and close by
rotating around a horizontal axis, suspended from the arm of the Machine, is
dropped open on the material to be dug, in which it is Sink teeth; When they get
up they close the jaws, catching inside it the product dug
4.3. Backhoes:

-It is a self-propelled wheel machine with a rack specially designed to mount at the same
time a front loading equipment and another Retro Digging So that they can be used

-It is a very versatile and profitable machine that works the most Number Of hours in a
work, this is due to its ease of transport in the model on wheels which is the More
Normal, and the teams it carries

-In trench opening the double function is made to open the ditch with the retro and then
fill it with the front spoon. Replace the retro saucepan with a demolition hammer, when it
finds In a trench concrete, asfalticos pavements or other material not excavatable easily as
well as in urban works raises firm pavements

4.4. Dantes:

-The Dragalina is a large-scale excavator machine used in mining and civil engineering to
move large quantities of material. It is especially useful in flooded places for example for
the construction of ports. Dig by drag. Because of its way of working it is understood that
it does not in favorable conditions rather than in loose lands, being ideal for the
excavators under water.

-The work team of the Dragalina is made up of:

I) The main structure, in the form of a box, which has a revolving motion. Here
resides the engine, diesel or electric, and the cockpit.

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

II) The movable arm or mast that supports the loader.

III) The loader that is held vertically to the main arm and horizontally to the main
structure through cables and ropes.
IV) Cables, ropes and chains that allow the maneuvering of the digging process

-The process of loading and unloading despite the dimension of the Structure is Relatively
fast. The amount of material that can be removed in each excavation cycle depends on
the volume of the shovel that can be Get At 30 and 60 cubic metres. This Machine It is
transported with large trailers, since she alone can go several meters. By The total cost is
theeHe's going for the shuttle. It comes out profitable only when we need to dig many
cubic meters of land on large surfaces.

4.5. Dear:

-A dredger is a boat to dig under the water level and raise the extracted material to the
surface. There are two large groups, the mechanical dredges and the dredges of Suction.

4.6 Mechanical dredges:

I) The Spoon dredger: It is made up of a swivel crane that is mounted on top of a

pontoon. The crane carries a clamshell spoon that can reach great depths (50m)
and extracts materials with great precision in reduced locations. It uses a spud
fixing system that is a pillar that is sinked in the background with anchors. The
preferred terrain is granular soil, loose or somewhat cohesive due to the low
dissolution they cause, and L spoon is interchangeable which facilitates the
extraction of other materials

II) Front Loading Shovel dredger: Is Constituted by a strong Arm which can carry out
a frontal excavation, raise the load, rotate the arm and deposit the material on
gánguil. This dredger is fixed to the bottom with three spuds, two in the bow and
one aft, the advantage is that they dig very well Soft Rocks and hard clays and also
as it digs Opening Like this Same a channel.
III) Backhoe Excavator: It is in essence a dredger mounted on a pontoon that is
fixed to the bottom and an REtroexcavadora over. Excavate biIn hard materials up
to depths of 24 m

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

IV) Rosario Dredger: Formed by a chain of buckets mounted on a sturdy châtelet. The
bucket scale crosses the pontoon and sinks into the bottom to dig the material.
Then lift it up and dump it on the same pontoon and sink into the bottom to dig
the material. Then lift it up and dump it over the same pontoon.
V) Dredge Removal: It consists of a boat that loads a blade that is going to be in the
background irregular To level.

4.7. Dredges of Suction:

I) Stationary: It consists of a vessel that carries a pipe connected to a pump that

absorbs the material from the bottom.
II) Sent or simple driver: It consists of a boat that loads the pump and that carries the
pipe that can reach another ship of transport of material, Some place of
destination of the material like a beach.
III) Carrier the carrier Auto: It contains the pump and also transports the
dredged material to the destination. It is suitable for dredging granular materials
and the bottom finish is irregular.

5. Loading and hauling machinery:

5.1 Traíllas And mototraìllas:

-The Scrapers His Machines Used For ground movement What Perform The following
functions: Start, load, transport, unload and leveling of soils such as sand, clay, earth even
gravel, depending on the different models of Machines.
-The traíllas They can be of two types:

I) Propelled Are the calls MototraìLlas. These can have a single front motor or two
motors one front and rear.
II) Towed by chain tractors, these are the scrapers themselves.

-The elements of the working team of Scraper His:

I) Tractor element: Is the one who moves the Machine And in He Is The motor and
driver's cab can have one or two motors.

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

II) The box: Open from the top, it is provided on the edge of a replaceable blade with
ascending and descending movements. It has two floodgates a front of type
"sector" that serves to load it, keep the load and unload it, and another rear,
discharge plate "ejector" that serves to push the load when carrying out the
discharge operation.
III) The suspension: It is the union between the box and the tractor element, it
is shaped like a swan neck. The system ensures conjunction and stability between
the two parts, providing a great independence of movements consisting of a box
that can be raised or lowered, provided with a knife to dig; The box has two
floodgates, a front, with a turning motion, which serves to retain the Material
during transportation, and another, back, which is used to push it into the
discharge. The floodgates are operated from the hydraulic tractor or electrically.

6. Hauling Machinery:

6.1. Dumper Truck:

-it is called dumper truck to Vehicle Self-propelled on large wheels, with very sturdy open
box. is used to Transport of large volumes of land and rock hauling. It consists of three
axles, two rear traction and one front for steering. It can circulate on tracks of works in
bad condition and by road. Can carry a road load of approximately 13 tonIt, being greater
when the transport is by the tracks of works (18-28 tonIt).

6.2. Tipped semi-trailer or bathtub:

-consists of a tractor head that has a support point and a box that can carry up to 24
tones. It is used for the transport of Agglomerates, Sands, gravels, asphalt, etc.

6.3. Rigid Extravìal dumper:

-It consists of a box that has in the rear front form "V" to lower the center of gravity and
avoid tipping. You are not allowed to travel by road. They can transport approximately 75

6.4. Articulated Extravìal dumper:

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Is Used in works of much production. It can carry a load between 22-36 tones.

6.5. Motovolquete:

The Auto Tipper or self-propelled motovolquete (also called simply dumper of the English)
is a Vehicle Used in the Construction Intended for the transport of light materials, and
consists of a tipper, hopper or tipping box, for discharge, either forward or laterally, by
gravity or hydraulic form. It also has a front wheel driveA or double axis, being the rear
directional, is substantially distinguished from the dump truck or dumper truck by its
configuration: the self-propelled Motovolquete Usually has it in the back, behind the
driver's cab. As the driving post is located behind the tipper, on the rear wheels, it is
necessary to properly place the load, to allow visibility. The tipper capacity oscillates from
0.5 to 1.5 m3 (from 1 to 3 tones).

6.6. Concrete Mixer:

It has a tank, cylinder or drum driven by an engine and is used to mix concrete. The blades
inside the tub or drum make it easier to mix the concrete. Some mixers have a weighing
equipment, to mix the concrete by mass, rather than by volume. The size of the mixers or
mixers can vary from as small as 35 litros To others that exceed the 100 litros by mix.

7. Compaction Machinery:

-Materials transported to their place of employment must be extended and compacted.

The extension is usually done with graders in layers of reduced thickness (from 20 to 3
Cm). To which water is provided to facilitate its compaction is carried out by means of the
appropriate elements.

-for compaction can be used:

7.1. Smooth rollers:

-there is a model that has a smooth and pneumatic (mixed) roller; And there is another
tandem, which has two smooth rollers. The roller but depends on the type of soil to
compute. Its weights range from 4 to 12 tonnes.

7.2. Roller goat legs (tamping feet).

-On the surface of the roller has a series of small trunks of pyramids that are sink on the
ground and Like this Compacted. It is not advisable to hinquen in excess because the

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

cylinder could become in contact with the ground, and the necessary power for its drag
increases considerably.

-combines the effect of dough produced by the legs, with the impact (dynamic effect)
caused by its high speed, which produces a certain break in the material, when it is in the
form of bowling. If the humidity is excessive, the legs when removing the ground cause an
aeration in the gaps that leave.

7.3. Tyre Rollers (autopactor):

-it is used primarily for the compaction of bituminous mixtures, as its smooth surface
produces a bastido of the surface layer that makes the bitumen rise

7.4. Vibrating Rollers and plates:

-The vibrating plates were the first application of vibration for compaction. They are very
useful to compact small surfaces, ditches, why they are very manageable and arrive where
they can not enter heavy rollers.

-Today in Day, all rollers, both plain and goat's feet, are manufactured with a device that
allows the vibrations to start up, which greatly increases the compaction capacity.

7.5. Devices acting by percussion or impact:

-To Imprison Difficult areas, small ditches, corners close to works of Factory, etc..., Where
it is not possible to enter with conventional rollers, percussion methods are used:
automatic rammers or the device called "Frog".

--The Rammer Automatic, with a weight reaching 100 kg.., Has on its back a small burst
engine Which causes it to rise automatically on the esplanade when explosions occur; A
man can turn it easily when Is In the air.

-The "Frog" has the same foundation, it differs from the rammer which is larger and
heavier; It reaches 1000 kg, and as a result its performance is higher.

-Today the rollers are manufactured self propelled, having been practically obsolete the
towed. The thickness of the layer to be compacted varies depending on the type of
compactor to be used and the soil to be compacted, but usually approximately 30 cm in

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

average. In the compaction of a soil plays a very important role the amount of water it

If a dry soil is imprisoned, in order to reach the maximum consolidation, the different
particles must be fitted, overcoming their mutual frictions; We will need some compacting
energy; If the soil has a small amount of water, this will form a film around Lasa, Particles
that act as lubricant; The compaction effort that we need to Get The maximum density
will be lower in the case of dry soil.

If we gradually increase the proportion of water for the same compaction effort we will be
getting densities to a certain humidity, from which the Dry density will begin to decrease;
The water after having reached the maximum thickness around the particles of anger
occupying the site of the air of the gaps until reaching the saturation and it will be
necessary to expel or compress the free water that the soil contains, to reach the
compaction, which is More difficult to expel or compress the air. There is thus a humidity
Optimal To obtain a maximum compactness with A Certain compaction energy.

It was Proctor, in 1933 who discovered the Relationship of density-humidity in compaction

and suggested the test called "Procto Normal", which later with the progressive increase
of the loads was adjusted obtaining the "modified Proctor". The degree of compaction to
achieve is defined in the projects, by indicating the percentage that must reach the
compacted soil referred to some tests Estandarizados: Normal Procto a Procto MOdificado
on site, we check the degree of compaction achieved by measuring the density, which is
done by the method of sand or by using radioactive isotopes.

8. Lifting Machinery:

-A crane is a machine or device whose function is to mechanically lift certain materials or

loads. It is also known by the name of Quinche. Where more can be observed the presence
of cranes is in the construction works, where it becomes prevailing the lifting of loads of
high weight. If we do a little bit of history, The origins of this machine go back to the load
strut, Consisting of a cylindrical piece composed of two parts: a lower one, which presented
a solidity, an immovable structure, called coz. On the other hand, there was an upper part
where the lover was, who was in charge of tilting the load strut while another cable was
responsible for supporting the weight of the entire load.

This cargo system was very much in vogue in the merchant ships, whose crews were in
charge of handling, in a process of constant loading and unloading. However, with the
passage of time the renovation of the strut was prevailing, especially because it needed to

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

be operated by a large number of individuals, which delayed the process of unloading the

-For lifting loads, use the Cranes Which, in essence of capstan and of a Element Called a
feather, normally triangular, with a compressed side and another one, at the end of which
there is the pulley of the direction change of the cable that goes from this point to the
drum of the winch. The Four Movements In the Crane They are: lifting of the load, lifting
of the boom, turning of the assembly, translation of the whole.

The crane was constituted in the direct evolution of the strut used for the transfer of
heavy loads. This machine is equipped with a forklift, with ropes (usually of cables) and
with beams whose function is to raise and lower the respective materials, as well as to
move the load making horizontal movements. The crane is also made up of a boom (or
arm) that is mounted on an axis that performs rotating movements. In addition to this, the
crane consists of one or more pulleys that lift the weight and then move it from one sector
to another.


The variety of cranes is indisputable, since each one of them is always subject to the action
that one wants to play, like the case of the demolition crane that we emphasize previously,
resulting from the mobile crane, that would be the most basic machinery of this kind.

8.1. Crane Tower:

-La Crane Tower Is Constituted as S name indicates it by a tower of sufficient height to

dominate the work On the top of which is the PLUAnd a counterweight, at the bottom
carries a ballast and rests on a Via by which it moves.

8.2. Mobile Truck Crane:

-for works that are needed for the elevation of materials in a sporadic way, it is used in the
placement of beams and bridges.

-Among the many types of cranes, We can also find the gantry cranes, normally used for
construction in the naval vicinity. There is also the industrial crane, the all-terrain crane, the
crane that is mounted on trucks and the city cranes. Among the kinds of cranes, we can also

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

emphasize the tower crane, a modern version of the Crane balanced. These are the most
required when it comes to building high-rise buildings, since they combine remarkable
lifting power with a great capacity to reach far superior regions, where other cranes simply
cannot reach. Whatever the crane model used, there is always the danger of not being able
to maintain the balance, due to the enormous weight that must be moved from one side to
the other. To combat this difficulty, a two-foot device is used to allow operators a double
displacement: The crane's center of gravity and the load that it is obliged to hold.


In conclusion we can say that the machines play an important role in the constructions.
YThat without them last too much time doing works that require a greater effort; We have
noticed that not all poseen the same functions, So what, Each of its is used depends on
the work QEu Is The been assigned to perform, that as they depend upon us as we are of
them, and that Both simple and small machines, Flatteners like the frog up the giant DE
machines like the dumper extravìal Play an important role in the moment of constSara and
everyone gives the facility to Ingeniero of performing works Immense As small works.

-Thanks to this majestic invention to the human being it has become easier to dominate
the constructions, to make them in short periods and to carry out works that would be
impOsibles for a single person.

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering


Professor: Alberto Villarino Otero, engineer of roads, channels and ports.

Pdf. Construction Machinery

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering


Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

"National University SAN LUIS GONZAGA of ICA"
Faculty of CIVIL Engineering

Course: English Technician II

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