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NAME (Nama) Marsella

PERSONAL STATEMENT / I am fresh graduated student with a bachelors degree in Bogor Agricultural University (IPB),
majoring in Aquatic Product Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science with a GPA
SUMMARY 3.18. I was born in Raha, March 1st, 1994, I’m moeslim, single, and have blood type AB. I’m
energic, honest, responsible, fast to learn and fast to adapt, hard working, and creative. I am a
person who always want to expand my knowledge and interest with something new.

EDUCATION (Pendidikan): urutkan dari yang terbaru

Bogor Agricultural University 2012 – 2017 Aquatic Product Technology on Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Science
SMAN 2 Raha 2009-2012
SMPN 1 Raha 2006-2009
SDN 1 Raha 2000-2009

Organization Experience (Pengalaman organisasi): urutkan dari yang terbaru

HIMASILKAN THP IPB 2015/2016 Member of Human Resources Development Division
2014/2015 Member of Community Development Division
BEM FPIK IPB 2013/2014 Member of Student Resources Development Division
MPK SMAN 2 RAHA 2011/2012 Deputy Secretary General I
2010/2011 Member of Class Consultative Assembly

Achievement (Prestasi): urutkan dari yang terbaru

PIMNAS 2016 3rd winner on Poster Category
Favorite winner on Oral Presentation

Certification (Sertifikasi): urutkan dari yang terbaru

English Course Sertification : English Class 2017 English First
PIMNAS Certification 2016 PIMNAS 2016
Certificate of Industrial Technology of 2016 INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR
Seaweed Assitant
Certificate of Diversification and 2015 INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR
Development of Aquatic Products Assitant

Internship Experience (Magang)

Tanjung Pinang 2015 PD Adi Anugrah (Cuttlefish Company), Tanjung Pinang

Skills (Kemampuan): dalam bentuk %

Leadership 80 %
Teamwork 85 %
Hardworking 85 %

SPSS 70 %
Ms Office 80 %

Language (Bahasa): dalam bentuk % (rata-rata speaking, reading, wriing, listening)

Indonesia 95%
English 82%

Contact (Kontak)
Address Jalan Raya Cibanteng No. 53 RT 02 RW 01, Desa Cibanteng, Kec.
Ciampea, Kab. Bogor Barat, Jawa Barat 16620
Phone +6285284123944
WA +6285284123944
Line Ms010394
Instagram Sella_Marsella
Facebook Marsella

Hobbies (Hobi) Watching movies, singing, playing guitar

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