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[Database and SQL CBD 2303]

[Database Design and SQL Course Project]

Note: This project must consist of your own work completed during this semester.
Requirements Analysis
Overview of Company and Product(s):
1. Provide a one page document entitles "Company Overview" that identifies:
2. Your name & student number
3. Your company
4. Type of company (wholesaler or retailer)
5. Short description of the company
6. Product
7. Identify at least 6 characteristics (attributes), such as id or code, type, description, size, color,
price, and so on
8. Company and product cannot be related to music, phones, games, or computers
Customer Sales Invoice:
Modify the sample Customer Sales Invoice so that it reflects your company and the company's
product. Although the company (and website) can advertise several products

Entity & Attribute Identification:

1. Identify the following from the Customer Sales Invoice :
2. Entities
3. Attributes
4. Name
5. Data type (optional)
6. Length (optional)
7. Unique Identifier (UID)

Conceptual Design
ER Diagram:
1. Create an ER diagram based on the customer invoice. Only include the entities identified in the
entity & attribute identification:
Data type (optional)
Size (optional)
Unique Identifiers
Named Relationships
Optionality and Cardinality
Foreign Keys
Relationship Strength
ERD language for the relationships

2. Create a second ER diagram that resolves many-to-many relationships

Logical Model
Normalization & Relational Schema:
1. Create a document called "Database Normalization"
a. Normalize your database to 3NF
b. Modify the ER diagram if necessary
2. Include a relational schema for each entity

Physical Model
Physical Table Representation:
Convert the logical model to a physical model using a table format
a. Create a table for each physical database table
b. Include key type, optionality, column name, data type, length

Implementation of Physical Model

Create Database Tables:
1. Construct CREATE statements for each table
2. Include IDENTITY and SEQUENCE columns (optional)
Construct INSERT statements and populate each table with at least 10 rows

Identify Business Rules/Database Constraints:

1. Create a document called "Business Rules/Database Constraints" a. List the physical database
rules/constraints for:

Primary keys
Unique keys
Foreign keys
Check constraints
2. List at least 3 business rules that must be programmed
3. Implement the constraints into the database creation statements

Constraint Testing:
Create a document called "Constraint Testing." Test each constraint and provide documentation that
each constraint works.
Project Submission Due: Tuesday Nov 27, 2018
Create a PDF document (Named as: StudentID_YourName) that contains:
1) Table of Contents
2) Requirements Analysis
3) Overview of company and product(s)
4) Customer sales invoice
5) Entity & attribute identification
6) Conceptual Model
7) ER Diagram based on customer sales invoice
8) ER Diagram with many-to-many relationships resolved
9) Logical Model
10) Database normalized to 3NF
11) Relational schema for each entity
12) Physical Model
13) Database creation
14) Identify business rules/database constraints
15) Implement database constraints into database DDL
16) Constraint testing

Good Luck

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