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Proposal: What should Kenya do to increase its capacity to country Al-Shabaab


Table of Contents

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................3

2. Background of study................................................................................................................3

3. Objective of study........................................................................................................................3

3.1 Specific Objectives................................................................................................................3

4. Research questions.......................................................................................................................4

5. Research methodology.................................................................................................................4

6. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................4

1. Introduction

The study is aimed at determining the ways or actions the Kenya government will take to

counter terrorism; terrorist organizations such as Al-Shabaab. It aims at scrutinizing the efforts

that Kenya has made and will make in countering terrorism and the extent that such efforts has

made to realize positive impacts or results (Mythen & Walklate, 2016). At a larger view, the

country has not been able to combat terrorism and efficiently handle the consequences of the

activities and actions of these organized terror groups. It is because of such undertakings that the

researcher intends to identify actions that the Kenyan Government as well as other security

agencies in the country can use to combat terrorism.

2. Background of study

Terrorism is one of the major threats in the 21st century started by the increased

emergence of extremist who propagate violence and other measures with the intention or urge of

causing mass destruction of property and deaths. This situation was infrequent in Kenya until the

1970s when the nation was first hit targeting Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi (Capital City) (Jackson,

2018). A series of such attacks in the 90s such as the attack on United States Embassy in Nairobi

in 1998 drew major security concern in the nation and altered the perspective from which the

people and the government viewed terrorism, however, it has always remained a challenge to the

country since.

In such waves of crime, the Kenyan government has put in place various actions and

measures including establishment of anti-terrorism police unit as well as educating the public of

the dangers that come handy with terrorism (Briant, 2015). Nevertheless, these measures among

others have not been adequate a reason why this research will find others ways to manage terror

in the country as well in support of the region at large.

3. Objective of study

The main objective will be to examine ways that Kenya will do to increase its capacity to

country Al-Shabaab

3.1 Specific Objectives

The other objective will include:

i. To ascertain the challenges Kenya will have in adopting the other ways of combating Al-


ii. To determine if the Kenyan government has all resources needed to implement the

options available to curb terrorism

4. Research questions

i. What are the ways that the Kenyan government can use to increase its capacity to country


ii. What are the challenges Kenya has in adopting the other ways of combating Al-Shabaab?

iii. Does the Kenyan government have all resources needed to implement the options

available to curb terrorism?

5. Research methodology

The research will use qualitative analysis research design. It will mainly use secondary

sources of data such as books, article, journals, and newspapers among other scholarly materials.

Content analysis will be used to ascertain the link between available literature on the same and

the researcher’s findings.

6. Conclusion

Finally, the justification of the study will be three fold. First, it will be help to the Kenyan

government as it will help it come with measure to handle terrorism. Secondly, the paper will
find its way as a policy advisory research to be used by other security agencies in the world at


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