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Reflective Learning Journal

Unit 1 Close Procurements

Lecture attendant on November 13rd, 2018

Submitted to: - Professor Inam Rehman

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Main ............................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

In unit-1 we learned about the close procurements is that when
the contract terminates without completing the final work. The project also can have one
contract and multiple contracts the benefit of close procurements is that it gives complete
information of all documentation and contracts for future references. It includes varied kind
of administrative task such as finalization
of claim which has opened, update the project's records to show final output and achieve an
My real experience in India of handling a project. During my Six months industrial training
I enrolled in a project at TATA Motors in India. The Project was “DFT Optimization and
Downtime Reduction of the PTCED process. “Where DFT stands for “Dry Film Thickness,” what
is DFT? DFT is a layer of Cathodic Electro Deposition (CED) film that installed or applied on the
bared metal of the car body before the actual painting of the car. It is a corrosion protective
My work over there was to close the procurement DFT. I formed a quality team and to enhance
the efforts with users, started communicates with different kind of facilities to understand what
type of supplies they need and assure that the product featured is the cost-effective and
relevant to the users.
The team started determining the best type of DFT for use across
the organization to meet quality, safety, and standards. Before this
determination, users had access to a variety of types of DFT and
were ordering different types. Now, this product is standardized
so users are getting what they need and Tata Motors has control over what facilities
were used. When I closed the contract, I formalized the accepted work which has
been delivered and
after accepting that I notified the contract administrator to check the terms of the contract
have been met or not? Because, the contract administrator had a right to take the required
actions to close the contract formally. Procurement must be close at that time because of the
legal, final and administrative point of view. After reviewing the statement of work and
I ensured that all the task has accepted and completed. I went through the deliverables list
to ensure that all deliverables were meeting contract requirement all the contract clauses
followed, and all the technical information was available.

Class Participation: -
Example given by Professor: The professor gave an example, we have to check the proper terms
and condition of the project, because of early termination can cause extra charges to
the buyer ,and if we do this kind of thing we must have a reasonable answer for

why we are terminating the contract with written documents and if there is any material
breach of the contract, and it can be destroyed, and if there is no material breach then it is
important to continue to reach successful objective and conclusion of the project

My Participation: The professor asked the questions to students. The professor questioned me
what do you mean by the material breach? I answered. If there is no any violation or damage in
the project, there will be no material breach it will benefit the customer if there is a breach of
the project.

Close procurements is very helpful for contracts to check proper terms and condition of the
project and also tells us that we have to give written documentation of particular reason why
things are going to happen.

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