The Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) : System Requirements and Channel Coding

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The Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): System Requirements

and Channel Coding
By Kees A. Schouhamer Immink

The digital versatile disc (DVD) is a new optical recording medium with a design issues and choices that had) to
storage capacity seven times higher than the conventional compact disc bemade. /
(CD). The major part of the capacity increase is achieved by the use of
optics, shorter laser wavelength, and larger numerical aperture, which Physical Aspects -
reduces the spot diameter by a factor of 1.65. The track formed by the The main physical parameters of the
recorded pits and lands, as well as the track pitch, can be reduced by the single-layer DVD are listed in Table 1.
same factor. The storage capacity is further increased by a complete The parameters of the dual-layer disc
are more conservative. Mechanical
redesign of the logical format of the disc, including a more poweiful error specifications such as outer diameter
correction and recording code. The system requirements of the DVD and and center hole diameter of the DVD ·
the related channel coding are outlined in this paper. are equal to those of the CD, allowing
full backward compatibility. The disc

T he compact disc (CD), introduced

more than a decade ago, is a very
successful medium for the distribution
at MPEG-2 quality accompanied by
multiple audio and subtitle channels.
Applying multilayer technology, a
thickness was halved to 0.6 mm, which
resulted in a higher storage capacity
than possible with a disc of 1.2-mm
and storage of digital audio and other storage capacity of up to 17 Gbytes thickness. Specifications of the obso-
digital information. It is anticipated was obtained. The major part of the lete 1.2 mm thick Multimedia CD disc
that its storage capacity, 680 Mbytes, capacity increase is achieved by the can be found in Ref. 1.
will be insufficient for future graphics- use of optics, shorter laser wave- Mechanical instabilities, such as disc
intensive computer applications and length, and larger numerical aperture, warp, of the 0.6 mm thick disc have
high-quality digital video programs. which reduces the spot diameter by a been solved by back-to-hack bonding
An extension of the compact disc fami- factor of 1.65. The track formed by of two 0.6 mm discs. Clearly, overall
ly, the digital versatile disc (DVD), is a the recorded pits and lands, as well as thickness of the sandwich is the same
new optical recording medium with a the track pitch, can be reduced by the 1.2 mm of the CD, and the sandwich
storage capacity seven times higher same factor. The storage capacity of has the same· mechanical stability. By
than the conventional CD. the DVD is also increased by a com- employing a red laser at 635-nm wave-
From a consumer vantage point, plete redesign of the logical format of length and a numerical aperture (NA)
DVDs will be capable of storing high- the disc, including a more powerful of 0.6, the read-out resolution is
definition video/audio for feature- Reed-Solomon product code (RS-PC) increased by a factor of 1.65. The sub-
length movies and are expected to and recording code (EFMPlus). The sequent scaling of the track pitch and
gradually replace videocassette tape next sections will discuss the various the pit length per bit increase the actual
and CD-ROM computer data disks
once DVD becomes accepted as a
commercial product. The DVD format
will support a variety of uses. There
will be at least two types of products
introduced in 1996: the DVD movie
player and the DVD-ROM. An audio-
only version of the DVD is still under
The single-layer disc can hold 4.7
Gbytes, which amounts to seven times
more data than an audio CD.
Typically, this is 1~oom for 135 min of
widescreen (16:91aspect ratio) video
reference wavelength NA margins EFM- ClRC- other gains
Revised version of a paper presented at the !37th lCD) 780-635 0.45-0.6 EFMPlus RS-PC no subcode
SMPTE Technical Conference in New Orleans, La. no 3rd layer CRC
(paper no. 137-33) on September 7, 1995. An unedited
version appeared in Moving Images: Meeting the mill Decodin~
Challenges, SMPTE, 1995. Kees A. Schouhamer
Immink is with Philips Research Laboratories,
• Optics Design
I Drive and
Drive Precision B Electromcs
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Copyright © 1996 by the
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Inc. Figure 1. Overview of factors determining the capacity increase.

SMPTE Journal, August 1996 483


of N b· Some of the aspects of the

Info layer I: fully reflective recording channel that govern the spec-
/ ifications of the playe,r and disc will
now be explained briefl~'..
The quality of the c . annel is deter-
mined by the player an ',1 the disc; these
are mass-produced and the tolerances
0.6mm cannot be made unacceptably small.
One example is given to illustrate the
way in which such tolerances affect the
design. Specifically, the choice of the
spot diameter d and disc thickness D
are discussed. Defining d as the half-
Figure 2. Dual-layer reading principle diagram. value diameter for the light intensity
we have
d= 0.5 IJNA (3)
where A is the wavelength of the laser
light and NA is the numerical aperture
of the objective. To achieve a high
information density (Eq. 2), d must be
as small as possible, and according to
this equation there are two design para-
meters. ,
The laser chosen for this syste~ is a
state-of-the-art, solid-state laser, which
is inexpensive and has a waveJength
Figure 3. Double dual-layer reading principle diagram.
of A -:::: 635 nm. This means that in
order to have a small spot diameter, we
physical data density by a factor of 3.5. be accessed without flipping the disc. must try to make the numerical aper-
The nomimil read-out reference speed Continuous play of video signals is ture as large as possible. With increas-
goes up from 1.2 to 4 m/sec. An obtained by reading outwards on one ing NA, however, the manufacturing
overview of the various factors that layer, then inwards on the other. tolerances of the player and the disc
underlaid the capacity increase is By bonding two dual discs, the struc- rapidly become smaller. For example,
shown in Fig. 1. ture depicted in Fig. 3 is obtained. The the tolerance in the local skew of the
The various sources that contributed sandwich dual-layer disc has a capacity disc (the disc tilt) relative to the objec-
to the capacity increase into optics, of 18 Gbytes. tive-lens axis is proportional to D/NN.
drive precision, and electronics have The tolerance for the disc thickness is
been partitioned. It can be seen that the Disc Thickness Considerations proportional to D/NN, and the depth of
drive and disc margins have become The disc thickness played a major focus, which governs the focusing tol-
more stringent by a factor of 1.75. It is role during the discussions between the erance, is proportional to DINA 2 • In
anticipated that the manufacturing of various electronics companies. In this practice the most stringent tolerance
players and discs can be done with section, we will answer the intriguing condition arises from disc tilt. It is very
greater precision than. was the case 15 question of why a thin disc can hold difficult to manufacture players and
years ago when the CD was conceived. more information than a thick disc. discs where disc tilt angles are much
A second method to increase the The number of data bits, Nb, that can smaller than 0.5°.
capacity by a factor of two is by using a be stored on the disc is given by After considering all these factors in
dual-layer disc, where the layers are on relation to one another, for the CD
one side of the disc. The principle of having a disc thickness of D =1.2 mm,
operation of the dual-layer disc is where A is the useful area of the disc a value of NA =0.45 was arrived at. As
shown in Fig. 2. The dual-layer CD is surface, d is the diameter of the laser the disc skew tolerance is proportional
similar to the standard CD. It adopts the light spot on the disc, and 11 is the effi- to D, the second parameter entering the
same molded substrate for the first data ciency of the recording method. The capacity arena is the disc thickness.
layer. The second layer is made by (areal) information density is thus For given disc tilt tolerance, halving
overlaying a fully reflective aluminum given by the disc thickness allows an NA
layer on a partially reflective aluminum Nb /A = 11Aitf2 (2) increase by a factor of 2 113 "" 1.26, and
layer. The second layer is applied using a consequent decrease of the spot
the same principles as the 2P (photo The spot diameter d is one of the diameter. The disc capacity will there-
polymerization) process. Focal plane most relevant parameters of an optical fore increase by a Jactor of 1.262 = 1.6.
servos are used to switch from one recording system. The channel coding The benefit of the potential increase
layer to the other. The two layers can can give a higher value of 11 and thus in capacity by a factor of 1.6 as a rdult

484 SMPTE Journal, August 1996


of halving the disc thickness is only header + 302 error code), which are in uses the CIRC error correction code
one side of the balance. On the other tum translated into 16 x 2418 channel (ECC). The interleaving scheme is tai-
side of the balance we have a loss in bits. Thus, one user bit is translated lored to the specific requirements of
compatibility with the conventional into 4836/2048 = 2.36 channel bits. In the compact disc audio system. In par-
CD. Replication equipment should be a conventional CD, an audio bit is ticular, the adopted "cross"-interleav-
modified, and also, objective lenses translated into 588/192 = 3.05 channel ing technique will make it possible to
capable of reading both "thin" and bits/ and we conclude that the "format effectively mask errors if correction is
"thick" discs could be more expensive efficiency" of the DVD is improved by found to be impossible. Depending on
than standard lenses optimized for one 32%. The new format is even 47% the magnitude of the error to be con-
thickness. On September 15, 1995, more efficient with respect to CD- cealed, this is done by interpolating or
after some debate, the world's elec- ROM, which uses a "third" error cor- by muting the audio signal. The con-
tronics industries decided to adopt the rection layer. Even though consuming cealment will make errors almost
sandwich 0.6-mm disc. a significantly lower data overhead, the inaudible, and as a result, it offers a
error correction code, RS-PC, can cope graceful degradation of the sound qual-
Electronics Aspects with longer bursts and burst sequences, ity. Specifically, sharp temporary
The main audio/video specifications and more random errors. A comparison degradation of the audio signal, or
of the DVD are listed in Table 2. In the of the format efficiency of the DVD "clicks," are avoided. The judicious
CD system, a concatenation of two with conventional CD audio is provid- positioning of the left and right stereo
codes, namely EFM (Eight-to-Fourteen ed in Table 3. channel, as well as the audio samples
Modulation) and CIRC (Cross on even- or odd-number instants within
Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code) is E"or Co"ection Code: RS-PC the interleaving scheme, are key para-
used. CIRC is used for correction and The errors found in both the CD and meters to the success of the conceal-
detection of erroneously retrieved DVD systems are a combination of a ment strategy.
information, while EFM is used for random and bursty character, and in For the DVD a much more powerful
transforming the digital audio bit order to alleviate the load on the manu- error correction has been developed.
stream into a sequence of binary sym- facturing process some form of error Enhanced error correction capability is
bols, called channel bits, which are correction is required. required for several reasons. First, the
suitable for storage on the disc. 2 . As mentioned earlier, the CD system increased physical density implies that
Not only are the EFM and CIRC
coding schemes useful for the CD for
which they have been designed, but
they have been extensively employed
in a large variety of digital audio play-
ers and home-storage products such as
CD-ROM, CD-~ and MiniDisc. As in
CD-ROM, the Qser data is organized
into sectors. Sixteen sectors make one
ECC block.
Under DVD format rules, sectors of
2048 user bytes are translated into
2418 bytes (2048 user + 52 sync + 16

SMPTE Journal, August 1996 485


of halving the disc thickness is only header+ 302 error code), which are in uses the CIRC error correction code
one side of the balance. On the other tum translated into 16 x 2418 channel (ECC). The interleaving scheme is tai-
side of the balance we have a loss in bits. Thus, one user bit is translated lored to the specific requirements of
compatibility with the conventional =
into 4836/2048 2.36 channel bits. In the compact disc audio system. In par-
CD. Replication equipment should be a conventional CD, an audio bit is ticular, the adopted "cross"-interleav-
modified, and also, objective lenses translated into 5881192 = 3.05 channel ing technique will make it possible to
capable of reading both "thin" and bits,3 and we conclude that the "format effectively mask errors if correction is
"thick" discs could be more expensive efficiency" of the DVD is improved by found to be impossible. Depending on
than standard lenses optimized for one 32%. The new format is even 47% the magnitude of the error to be con-
thickness. On September 15, 1995, more efficient with respect to CD- cealed, this is done by interpolating or
after some debate, the world's elec- ROM, which uses a "third" error cor- by muting the audio signal. The con-
tronics industries decided to adopt the rection layer. Even though consuming cealment will make errors almost
sandwich 0.6-mm disc. a significantly lower data overhead, the inaudible, and as a result, it offers a
error correction code, RS-PC, can cope graceful degradation of the sound qual-
Electronics Aspects with longer bursts and burst sequences, ity. Specifically, sharp temporary
The main audio/video specifications and more random errors. A comparison degradation of the audio signal, or
of the DVD are listed in Table 2. In the of the format efficiency of the DVD "clicks," are avoided. The judicious
CD system, a concatenation of two with conventional CD audio is provid- positioning of the left and right stereo
codes, namely EFM (Eight-to-Fourteen ed in Table 3. channel, as well as the audio samples
Modulation) and CIRC (Cross on even- or odd-number instants within
Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code) is E"or Co"ection Code: RS-PC the interleaving scheme, are key para-
used. CIRC is used for correction and The errors found in both the CD and meters to the success of the conceal-
detection of erroneously retrieved DVD systems are a combination of a ment strategy.
information, while EFM is used for random and bursty character, and in For the DVD a much more powerful
transforming the digital audio bit order to alleviate the load on the manu- error correction has been developed.
stream into a sequence of binary sym- facturing process some form of error Enhanced error correction capability is
bols, called channel bits, which are correctionisrequrred. , required for several reasons. Frrst, the
suitable for storage on the disc. 2 As mentioned earlier, the CD system increased physical density implies that
Not only are the EFM and CIRC
coding schemes useful for the CD for
which they have been designed, but
they have been extensively employed
in a large variety of digital audio play-
ers and home-~torage products such as
CD-ROM, CD4J, and MiniDisc. As in
CD-ROM, the luser data is organized
into sectors. Sixteen sectors make one
Under DVD format rules, sectors of
2048 user bytes are translated into
2418 bytes (2048 user + 52 sync + 16

SMPTE Journal, August 1996 485


sequential like symbols in a (binary)

sequence is known as runlength. A run-
length-limited sequen~ is a sequence of
- binary symbols characterized by two
parameters, Tmin = (d::rl) and Tmax =
(k+ 1), which stipulat~ the minimum
and maximum runlength, respectively,
that may occur in the sequence. The
parameter d controls intersymbol inter-
ference when the sequence is transmit-
ted over a bandwidth-limited channel.
,physical imperfections affect propor- The product - matrix, or structure The maximum runlength parameter k
tionally more bits. It is further antici- of the RS-PC code - cures a difficulty ensures adequate frequency of transi-
pated, since the system margins are of the CIRC code, namely, its convolu- tions for synchronization of the read
much tighter, that the random error rate tional structure. In a cross-interleaved clock. ·
of DVD is larger than that of conven- structure the data are formed into an There are two reasons why EFM sup-
tional CD. Secondly, as we can no endless array and the codewords are presses the low-frequency components.
longer rely on the concealment tech- produced on columns and diagonals. First, the servo systems for track fol-
niques used in the audio CD, the relia- Block structures, such as in RS-PC, are lowing and focusing are controlled by
bility of the decoded data must be much better adapted to the data world, low-frequency signals, so that low~fre­
much higher. As DVD is a true multi- which operates in small segments of quency components of the information
media disc, its data integrity must be information. The CIRC structure of signal could interfere with the servo
comparable to that of computer data. interleaving was specifically designed systems. Second, low-frequency distur-
The Reed-Solomon Product Code for very long, nonblocked data seg- bances resulting from fingerp]\ints on
(RS-PC), like CIRC, uses a combina- ments, such as digital audio or video. the disc can be filtered out withQut dis-
. tion of two Reed-Solomon (RS) codes Other examples of cross-interleaved torting the data signal itself.
denoted by C1 and C2•4 In CIRC, C 1 is structures are found in the professional Under EFM rules, the data bits are
[32,28] and C2 is a [28,24] code, where audio and video recorder formats. The translated eight at a time into 14 chan-
[n,k] denotes a code with k input and 11 disadvantage of a product code struc- nel bits, with minimum runlength para-
output bytes. The redundant n-k bytes ture relative to a CIRC structure is the meter d = 2 and a maximum runlength
are generated under the rules of the RS requirement of twice the memory =
parameter k 10 channel bits (this
code. The rate of CIRC is 24/32 = 3/4. capacity .4 As a result of the fallen price means at least 2 and at most 10 succes-
In other words, under CIRC rules one of solid-state, this is a less important sive zeros between successive ones).
redundant byte is added to three user requirement than in 1979, when the Part of the EFM coding table is pre-
bytes. The RS-PC code is a classical CD was designed. sented in Table 4, which shows the
product code where, as in CD, two The maximum correctable burst decimal representation of the 8-bit
codes cooperate. A product code is length is approximately 500 bytes (2.4 · source word (left column) and its 14-
also part of the format of the digital mm) for CIRC, while it is 2200 bytes bit channel representation.
audio tape (OAT) audio recorder. (4.6 mm) for RS-PC. RS-PC is capa- The codewords are described in such ,
The two codes form the two dimen- ble of reducing a random input error a way that a "one" represents a transi-
sions of a rectangle. In RS-PC, the C 1 rate of 2 x 10·2 to a data error rate of 10·15 , tion of either positive or negative
and C2 codes are significantly longer which is a factor of 10 better than in polarity, and a "zero" represents the
than in CIRC, namely [208,192] and CD. absence of a transition. At least two
[182,172]. As a result, the rate of RS- bits, called merging bits, are required
PC is much higher than that of CIRC, EFM Recording Code to ensure that the runlength conditions
namely. 172*192/(182*208) = 0.872. The EFM code (and the EFMPlus continue to be satisfied when the code-
Sixteen sectors of 2,048 bytes user data code, to be discussed later) is a mem- words are cascaded. If the runlength is
make one ECC block. ber of the family of de-free runlength- in danger of becoming too short,
Figures 4 and 5 depict schematically limited (RLL) codes. The number of "zeros" are chosen for the merging
the principle of operation of the CIRC
and RS-PC codes. The C 1 and C2 codes
cim be represented by the rows and
columns of a matrix. The combination
of C 1 and C2 is designed in such a way
that in RS-PC the parities generated by 28
cl are also taken into account in code 32 CIRC
C2• These "checks on checks" have the
advantage that the error correcting
capability of the codes in tandem is
improved relative to the CIRC code
where this "double" check is absent. Figure 4. Block diagram of CIRC encoder.

486 SMPTE Journal, August 1996


1728 lOB----



I -25 '----'--'-"~LW...L.L--'-~-'--I....WU...WL-__...i-.c.......>~'-'-:'-':-'
0.0001 0.0010
Freq. 1/fb
0.0100 0.1000

Figure 5. Block diagram of RS-PC encoder. Figure 6. Spectrum of conventional EFM. Both axes are normalized for
fixed user bit rate fb.

bits; if it is too long a "one" is selected by a finite-state machine with an 8-bit zeros. In an analogous manner, we
for one of them. If we do this, we still input, a 16-bit output, and four states conclude that words leaving State 4
retain a large measure of freedom in that are functions of the (discrete) time. start with at most one zero. Obviously,
the choice of the merging bits. This The states are connected by edges, and the sets of words leaving State 1 or 4
freedom is used for minimizing the the edges, in turn, are labeled with tags have no words in common. Words
low-frequency content of the signal. In called words. A word in this context is emerging from State 2 and 3 comply
itself, two merging bits would be suffi- a 16-bit sequence that obeys the pre- with the above runlength constraints,
cient for continuing to satisfy the run- scribed ( d = 2, k = 10) constraints. but they also comply with other condi-
length conditions. A third merging bit Each of the four states is characterized tions. Words leaving State 2 have been
was added, however, to give sufficient by the type of words that enter, or selected so that the first most signifi-
suppression of the low-frequency com- leave, the given state. The states and cant bit (MSB), x 1, and the 13th bit,
ponents. word sets are characterized as follows: x 13 , are both equal zero. Words leaving
The measure of the low-frequency • Words entering State 1 end with {0, State 3 have x 1x 13 :t:. 00. Any walk
content is the running digital sum 1 } trailing zeros through the graph, stepping from state
(RDS),1 which is the difference • Words entering State 2 and 3 end =
to state, produces a (d 2, k 10) con- =
betwee~ the totals of pit and land with {2, .... , 5} trailing zeros strained sequence by reading the words
lengths accumulated froin the begin- • Words entering State 4 end with tagged to the edges that connect the
ning of the disc. The system now opts {6, .... , 9} trailing zeros states.
for the merging combination that The words leaving the states are cho- It can be verified that from each of
makes "the RDS at the end of the sec- sen in such a way that the concatena- the states at least 351 words are leav-
ond codeword as close to zero as possi- tion of words entering a state and those ing. An encoder is constructed by
ble. The power spectral density (PSD) leaving that state obey the (d = 2, k = assigning a source word to each of the
function of conventional EFM has 10) channel constraints. For example, 351 edges that leave each state. Excess
been obtained by computer simulation. words leaving State 1 start with a run- edges are removed. As a result, each
Results are plotted in Fig. 6. length· of at least two and at most nine edge in the graph now has two labels;

Description of the EFMPlus

The aim of our investigations was the
design of a new "EFM-like" code hav-
ing a higher rate than EFM. The most
important design issue is that critical
parameters such as low-frequency (lf)
content and timing should definitely
not be worsened. 1\bese parameters are
considered to be $tremely critical, as
they affect the seivos and the timing
recovery, which arethe Achilles' heels
of the system.
The principle of operation of the
EFMPlus encoder can be represented

SMPTE Journal, August 1996 487


namely, a 16-bit word and a source one of the four states s. A "one" as an alternative channel representa-
word numbered from 0 to 350. Given means, as in EFM, a transition pitlland tion of the source words 0, ... ,87. The
the source word and the encoder state, or land/pit, while a "zero" means the full encoder is described by two tables
the encoder will transmit the word absence of such a transition. called main and substitute table,
tagged to the same edge as the source The third, fifth, seventh, and ninth respectively (Fig. 7).
word at hand. It is immediate which columns show the next state function The source words 0, ... ,87 can b,e rep-
codeword will be sent, and also which g(i,s). For example, let the encoder. resented by the designated entries of
state will be next. A sequential input graph be initialized at State 1, and let the main table or alternatively by the
will define a walk in the graph, and as the source sequence be 8, 3, 4. The entries of the substitute table. For
said, this walk generates a (d 2, k= = response to input 8, while being in State source words 0, ... ,87 the encqder opts
10) constrained sequence. 1, equals h(8,1) = 0010000010010000 for that particular representation from
As a result, the above finite-state (Table 5). The new state becomes g the main table or the substitute table
encoder graph is a (d =2, k = 10) RLL (8,1) = 3. As a result, the response to that minimizes the absolute value of ·
encoder that freely accommodates 351 input 3, while now being in State 3, is the RDS. The power spectral density of
source words. The encoder requires 0010000001001000. the new code has been computed by a
accommodation for only 256 source In the next clock cycle, the encoder computer program that simulated the
words. The excess, 95 words, will be state becomes g(3,3) =2. From State 2 encoder algorithm. The results are
used for controlling the low-frequency with the input equal to 4 we find from- plotted in Fig. 8.
power. This will be discussed in a later the table that the corresponding output During the DVD debate, an alterna-
section. is h(4,2) =0010000010010000. tive "EFM-like" code of 8/15 rate was
I The encoder graph is defined in The decoder translates 16-bit words discussed. As there is no such thing as
l terms of three sets: the inputs, the out- into 8-bit data words. It does not suf- a free lunch, the code will have much
puts and the states, and two logical fice to look at the 16-bit word only. more low-frequency (lf) contt:nt than
functions: the output function and the The decoder must also look at symbols EFMPlus (Fig. 9). Although the extra
next-state function. The specific code- at positions 1 and 13 of the upcoming 6% of density increase this 8/15 rate
r; word, x 1, transmitted by the encoder at codeword, namely code offers is very attractive, the
instant t, is a function of the source increased If-content of the code (16 to
word b1 that enters the encoder, but 18 dB above EFM level) may impose
depends further on the particular state, Thus, decoding of the new code is
s1, of the encoder. Similarly, the "next" done by a logic array that translates
state at instant t+ 1 is a function of x 1 (16+2) channel bits into 8 bits. In con-
and s1• The output function h(.) and the trast, under EFM rules, it suffices to 0 Substitute
next-state function g(.) can be suc- observe 14 of the 17 channel bits that Table
cinctly written as constitute an EFM codeword. 87
-. - ----- - -
x1 :::: h(b 1, s1) The encoder defined above can
freely accommodate 3 51 source Main
st+ 1 =g(b 1, s1) (4)
words. In order to make it possible to Table

Both the output function h(.) and the use a unique 26-bit sync word, 7 can-
next-state function g(.) are described didate words were barred, leaving a
by four lists with 351 entries. A part of code size of 344. As only accommoda-
the output function and the next-state tion for 256 source words is needed,
function is listed in Table 5. This table. the surplus words can be exploited for
has an entry column that describes the minimizing the power at low frequen- 25
source (input) word i by an integer cies. The suppression of low-frequen-
between 0 and 255. The table also cy components, or de-control, is done
shows h(i,s) the 16-bit output to a par- by controlling the running digital sum Figure 7. Block diagram of EFMP/us
ticular input i when the encoder is in (RDS). The 88 surplus words are used encode~ ·

SMPTE Journal, August 1996



0 ~
"'0.. ·15
le ·151---+-----t-------1-------1

·20 ·201------j-------· +-----

0.0001 0.1000
Freq. 1/fb Freq. 1/lb

Figure 8. Spectrum of EFMPius. The upper curve shows the spec- Figure 9. Spectrum of 8115 rate "EFM-Iike" code.
tral density without look-ahead; lower curve shows the spectral
density using 3 bytes look-ahead.

too great a risk for the servo systems of optics, shorter laser wavelength, and lower data overhead, the error correc-
and data recovery. This is particularly larger numerical aperture, which tion code can cope with longer bursts
so sipce typical tolerances, such as reduces the spot diameter by a factor of and burst sequences, and more random
defocusing and mistracking, are 1.65. The track formed by the recorded errors.
approximately two times tighter than pits and lands, as well' as the track pitch,
with CD. can be reduced by the same factor. References
The system requirements of the DVD 1. K. A. S. Immink, "EFMPlus: The Coding
Conclusion and the related channel coding have Format of the MultiMedia Compact Disc,"
IEEE Trans. Consumer Electr., CE-41:491-
The DVD is a new optical recording been outlined. The conventional GIRC 491, Aug. 1995.
medium with a storage capacity seven and EFM codes have been replaced by a 2. - - - , Coding Techniques for Digital
times higher than the conventional CD. more powerful error correction, RS-PC, Recorders, Prentice-Hall Inti. (U.K.) Ltd.,
The user capacity of the single-layer and recording code, EFMPlus. As a Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1991.
3. J. Watkinson, The Art of Digital Audio,
disc is 4.7 Gbytes, and the dual-layer result, the format efficiency of the DVD Focal Press, London, 1988.
disc increases the data capacity to 8.5 relative to audio CD is improved by 4. S. B. Wicker and V. K. Bhargava, eds.,
Gbytes. A significant part of the capaci- 32% (49% with respect to CD-ROM). Reed-Solomon Codes and Their
ty incr~ase has been achieved by the use Even though consuming a significantly Applications, IEEE Press, 1994.

Kees A. Schouhamer Immink was DAT, DCC, Medal for Technical Excellence in
born in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. and, recently, 1994, and the IEEE Masaru lbuka con-
He received an M.S. in electrical engi- the DVD. He sumer electronics award in 1996.
neering in 1974 from the Eindhoven holds 30 U.S. Immink has served as program chair-
University of Technology, The Nether- patents, is coau- man and conference chairman in vari-
lands, and a Ph.D. from the same uni- thor of three ous international conferences over the
versity in 1985. He has spent his entire books, and has years. A member of the SMPTE, he
professional life at the Pfiilips written numer- currently serves on the Board of
Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, ous papers in Editors of the SMPTE Journal. He is a
where he currently holds the position the field of opti- Fellow of the AES, lEE, and IEEE,
of Research Fellow. In addition, he is cal and mag- and serves as a governor of the AES
adjunct professor at the Institute of netic recorders. and the IEEE Information Theory
Ex"perimental Mathematics, Essen Immink has received many awards Society. In 1996 he was elected to life
University, Genfany. for his part in the digital audio and membership in the Royal Netherlands
Dr. Immink ~as contributed to the video revolution. He was recognized Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of
design and develppment of a variety of with the AES Silver Medal in 1992, the highest honors that can be accorded
digital audio recorders, such as the the lEE Sir J.J. Thomson Medal in a scientist or engineer.
compact disc, compact disc video, 1993, the SMPTE Poniatoff Gold

SMPTE Journal, August 1996 489

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