Physical: What Is Physics?

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The word physics is derived from the Latin word physica, which means "natural thing."
"The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of
physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of
a science that deals with matter and energy and the way they act on each other in heat, light, electricity,
and sound
a science that deals with the facts about matter and motion and includes the subjects of mechanics, heat,
light, electricity, sound, and the atomic nucleus

a: the physical processes and phenomena of a particular system

b: the physical properties and composition of something

What Is Physics?
Most people hear the word 'physics' and run for cover. But it's not just for rocket scientists! You are surrounded
by physics all the time, and whether you realize it or not, you use physics every day. Physics, the study of
matter and energy, is an ancient and broad field of science.
The word 'physics' comes from the Greek 'knowledge of nature,' and in general, the field aims to analyze and
understand the natural phenomena of the universe.
One thing that may come to mind when you think of physics is the many scientific laws, which are statements
describing phenomena that have been repeatedly tested and confirmed. This is actually an important part of
physics. Physicists perform and repeat experiments, sometimes ad nauseam, to formulate these laws and
explain how our universe works. These laws (such as gravity and Newton's laws of motion) are so thoroughly
tested that they are accepted as 'truths,' and they can be used to help us predict how other things will behave.

What Are the Branches of Physics?

While there are more branches sprouting up as science and technology progresses, there are generally 11
branches of physics. These are as follows.

Importance of physics in our daily life

In our daily life we hardly find a device in which laws of physics are not involved.
 Pulleys are used to lift heavy loads.
 Electricity is used to get light,heat and mechanical energy that drives fans and electric motors.
 Means of transportation such as car and aeroplanes,domestic appliances such as air
conditioner,refrigerators,vacuum cleaners,washing machines and microwave oven etc.
 The means of communication such as radio,TV,telephone and computer are the result of applications of
physics.These devices have made our lives much easier and faster and more comfortable than the past.
 Computer is the invention of physics.

Branches of Physics
1. Classical physics
2. Modern physics
3. Nuclear physics
4. Atomic physics
5. Geophysics
6. Biophysics
7. Mechanics
8. Acoustics
9. Optics
10. Thermodynamics
11. Astrophysics

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