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The project looks closely at the nature of the form and the activities that occur at an urban street

at different times
and thus how human interactions are shaped by these factors. Upon examining the inhabitants of this Hanuman
Singh road, Asarwa- the shop owners and the residents behind these shops, their economy and thus their life style
was one governing factor in the design development. The residents were predominantly former mill employees who
lost their jobs due to closing of the mills and where now thus dependent on various daily wage labor jobs or some
form of household industry. Thus the design looks at enhancing their economic prospects by strengthening the
household industry and the street would thus become the market for selling the said wares. The underutilized library
shall also be defined as a new typology that resounds more with the nature of the residents who now currently shun
away from it. The other new typology defined here is the shop and residence typology that offers various
combinations of ownership thereby giving a more varied street edge. The proposed densification due to the impetus
of new transport corridor in this area has been taken into account for the new typology to regulate the growth.

The site is located on one of the busy urban street of Asarwa that holds shops, public building, warehouses and
residences. The project responds to the nature of these built forms and its activities occur at various duration of a day
and night. Henceforth making the front and the back of the urban street an edge for human interactions. The study of
various inhabitants of this street- the shop owners and the residents behind these shops, their economy and thus
their life style was one of the governing factors in the design development. The residents were predominantly former
mill employees who lost their jobs due to closing down of the mills and are now depending upon various daily wage
labor jobs or some form of household industry. The new street design will provide them an opportunity to sell their
products. The underutilized library will become a new public building typology that would attract the adjacent
neighborhoods to conduct different activities and interactions. New mixed use typology that includes shops and
residences will offer various options of ownership which further defines its street edge. The designed typology will
also regulate the projected increased density due to the proposed transport corridor.

This studio was conducted by Professor Rajive Kadam and Manan Singal during the monsoon semester 2013-14.

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