Some Fruit Characteristics of Wild Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) Genotypes From Southern Anatolia Region in Turkey

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International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-3, Spl. Issue-2 Sep.




Harran University Agricultural Faculty Department of Horticulture Sanliurfa, Turkey


Abstract- In this study, the fruits of ten wild grown pomegranate genotypes were sampled from Mardin province and
compared to standard cultivar ‘Hicaznar’ for some fruit characteristics including fruit mass, shape index, calyx length, peel
thickness, aril yield, juice yield, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and total
anthocyanin content. We found a wide variation for most of the searched characteristics both in wild genotypes and between
wild genotypes and cv. ‘Hicaznar’. The average fruit mass ranged from 138-204 g among wild genotypes and cv. ‘Hicaznar’
had 407 g fruit mass. The results showed that in general wild genotypes had lower aril and juice yields than cv. ‘Hicaznar’
but they have higher total phenolic content and antioxidant activity than cv. ‘Hicaznar’.

Keywords- Pomegranate, Biological activity, Fruit properties, Wild material

I. INTRODUCTION being the most common), aril color (ranging from

white to red), hardness of seed, maturity, juice
Pomegranate belongs to Punicaceae family and it content and its acidity, sweetness, and astringency3,5.
contains only two species, PunicagranatumL. and These variations are more visible in local genotypes
PunicaprotopunicaBalf. f. 1882. Punicaprotopunicais naturally grown in different parts of Turkey.
endemic to the Socotra Island (Yemen) and is the
only congeneric relative of P. granatumspecies In Turkey, particularly in southern Anatolia region,
currently is cultivated1. pomegranate sauce (Turkish: narekşisi) is used as a
The pomegranate is an ancient fruit with a wealthy salad dressing, to marinate meat, or simply to drink
history in legend, symbol, art, medicine and religion. straight. The people believe that wild and local
It is grown mainly in Mediterranean and Asia pomegranates have better quality properties for
countries including Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, pomegranate sauce production3.
Israel, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, India, China. Among these countries, Recent years have seen increased interest on the part
India, Iran, China and Turkey are main producer of consumers, researchers, and the food industry into
countries2,3. how food products can help maintain health; and the
role that diet plays in the prevention and treatment of
A high number of scattered pomegranate trees and many illnesses has become widely accepted.
shrubs on the borders of or within other fruit orchards
are reported in other Mediterranean countries, At the present time, considerable importance is given
including Greece, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia to functional foods, which, in principle, apart from
Herzegovina, and Montenegro, where the fruit is very their basic nutritional functions, provide
popular in local markets. Pomegranate is cultivated in physiological benefits and play an important role in
Central Asia and to some extent in the USA disease prevention or slow the progress of chronic
(California), Russia, and Japan for fruit production, diseases. There has been a virtual explosion of
and it is also grown as an ornamental tree in East interest in the pomegranate as a medicinal and
Asia3. nutritional product because of its multifunctionality
and its great benefit in the human diet as it contains
Turkey is one of the native lands of the pomegranate, several groups of substances that are useful in disease
which has been cultivated mainly in the risk reduction. As a result, the field of pomegranate
Mediterranean, Aegean and Southern Anatolia and research has experienced tremendous growth2,3,4
Northeast part of Turkey since ancient times.
Numerous wild, semi-domesticated and cultivated Pomegranate fruit has valuable compounds in
pomegranate plants are well adapted to different different parts of the fruit whose functional and
agro-ecological conditions in the country4. medicinal effects such as antioxidant, anticancer and
anti-atherosclerotic effects have been confirmed.
There is great variability among pomegranate Pomegranate juice is nutritionally an important
genotypes grown in different parts of Turkey in terms beverage since it is consumed frequently for its
of fruit characters such asfruit size, skin color phenolic compounds (such as anthocyanins, ellagic
(ranging from yellow to purple, with pink and red acid, phytoestrogenic flavonoids and tannins).

Some Fruit Characteristics of Wild Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) Genotypes From Southern Anatolia Region in Turkey

International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-3, Spl. Issue-2 Sep.-2016

The aim of this study is to determine the some fruit genotypes and also between wild genotypes and cv.
characteristics in wild pomegranate genotypes. ‘Hicaznar’ in terms of most of the physico-chemical
properties (Table 1 and 2).
Wild pomegranates showed fruit mass between 138 g
2.1. Materials and procedures (MAR-05) and 204 g (MAR-01), respectively. The
The study was conducted in Mardin province, Turkey national cultivar ‘Hicaznar’ had fruit mass 407 g.
in 2014. Firstly, the spots of naturally grown wild This result indicating that cv. ‘Hicaznar’ had 2-2.5
pomegranates were identified. The fruits were folds higher fruit mass than wild genotypes.
harvested at maturity phase and the harvested fruits
were immediately taken into sample cups to prevent When we look at inside of pomegranate fruits, aril
moisture loss, transferred to laboratory and stored at - and juice yield of wild genotypes were between
20 C0 until analyses. The samples were subjected to 35.8% (MAR-04) and 42.6% (MAR-07);55.4%
analyses as quickly as possible. (MAR-01) and 66.1% (MAR-06) (Table 1). The
cultivar ‘Hicaznar’ had 57.4% and 71.9% aril yield
Ten fruits from each genotype were randomly
and juice yield, respectively.
chosenand measured. Data were collected on physical
including fruit mass (g), calyx length (mm), peel
thickness (mm), aril yield (%), fruit juice yield (%) It is clear that cultivated pomegranates generally had
and chemical including soluble solid content (SSC higher fruit mass, aril and juice yield that those
%), total acidity (TA, %). characteristics was improved in pomegranate
domestication process. Al-Said et al.10reported big
differences among the pomegranate cultivars and
Total phenolic content expressed as mg GAE per 100
g fresh fruit, total anthocyanins mg cyanidin 3- wild pomegranates both aril yields and fruit mass.
They reported average 187 g fruit mass in wild
glucoside equivalent per 100 g fresh fruit and
pomegranate and between 390-424 g fruit mass in
antioxidant activity (DPPH, %), respectively.
pomegranate cultivars. On the basis of aril and kernel
The wild genotypes were each given an MAR
texture, cv. Hicaznar may be considered more
(Mardin province in the region) number. Fruit mass
was measured by digital balance. Peel thickness was suitable for fresh consumption while all wild
determined in mm by digital caliper. genotypes will be more suited for juice extraction due
to their ‘hard’ seed texture. Overall, these results
indicate that the ten wild pomegranate genotypes and
Flesh parts of fruit samples were used to assess the
cv. ‘Hicaznar’ can be classified into two groups of
soluble solid content (SSC), titratable acidity, total
‘soft’ (cv. ‘Hicaznar’; low seed hardness and
phenolic content, antioxidant activity and total
toughness) and ‘hard’ (all wild genotypes; high seed
anthocyanin content. Soluble solid contents (SSC)
were determined by extracting and mixing one drops hardness and toughness). High juice content is a
desirable attribute in pomegranate production. There
of juice from the each fruit into a digital
were moderately significant differences in the juice
refractometer and displayed as %. Titratable acidity
content of the wild and cultivated pomegranates, with
was determined according to procedure of AOAC6.
cv. ‘Hicaznar’ having the highest amount of juice
For extraction, an aliquot of aril slurry was extracted than the wild genotypes (Table 1). Further
with buffer containing acetone, water and acetic acid examination of the aril toughness and juice content of
(70:29.5:0.5 v/v) for 1 h in the dark. Total phenolic pomegranate genotypes suggested that genotypes
which have lower aril toughness contained more juice
content (TPC) was determined using the colorimetric
per unit mass of aril. This information could be useful
Folin–Ciocalteu method7. Antioxidant activity
determined by DPPH method and the procedure in the early screening of existing wild genotypes,
particularly for juice production.
described by Brand-Williams, Cuvelier and Berset8
was followed. Total anthocyanin content was
estimated by Giusti and Wrolstad9. Shape index, calyx length and peel thickness of wild
genotypes were between 0.89 (MAR-04)-1.01 (MAR-
07); 13.8 mm (MAR-06) and 15.1 mm (MAR-01);
2.2. Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis of data was done according to 3.9 mm (MAR-07)-4.2 mm (MAR-03). The cultivar
SPSS using statistical software. Data were analyzed ‘Hicaznar’ had 1.04, 22.4 mm and 4.0 mm shape
index, calyx length and peel thickness, respectively
by Statistical Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and
(Table 1).
differences among means were determined for
significant at P<0.05 using LSD test.
Soluble solid content (SSC) of wild pomegranate
genotypes were between 13.8 % (MAR-02) and
15.4% (MAR-08) indicating a little bit lower than cv.
‘Hicaznar’; however, the wild genotypes had
As shown in Table 1 and 2, there were statistical
differences (p<0.05) between wild pomegranate significantly high total acidity (between 2.11-2.33%)

Some Fruit Characteristics of Wild Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) Genotypes From Southern Anatolia Region in Turkey

International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009, Vol-4, Iss-3, Spl. Issue-2 Sep.-2016

than cv. ‘Hicaznar’ (Table 2). Low sugar and high Table 1. Pomological characteristics of wild
titratable acidity of fruit juice in wild genotypes, pomegranates
resulting in a lower sugar:acid ratio or maturity index
(SSC:TA) and classified all wild pomegranates as
sour taste. However cv. ‘Hicaznar’ classified as
sweet-sour. This very low sugar:acid ratio explains
the characteristic ‘sour’ taste of the wild
pomegranates juice. The acidic taste and related
flavour are some of the important attributes of
pomegranate juice, which contribute to its strong
appeal in the food and beverage industry. In this
regard, the wild genotypes represents a diversity in
local pomegranate genetic resource with very low
sugar:acid ratio that is suited for formulation of a
wide range of food and beverage products.

Total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and total

Table 2. Chemical and antioxidant characteristics
anthocyanins in fruits of wild pomegranate genotypes
of wild pomegranates
and cv. ‘Hicaznar’ are shown in Table 2. The amount
of total phenolic content (TPC) varied between 187
(MAR-05) and 211 (MAR-09) as mg gallic acid
equivalent (GAE) per 100 ml juice and total
anthocyanin content were between 13.8 (MAR-04)-
15.9 (MAR-07) as mg cyanidin 3-glucoside
equivalents/l of fruit juice among wild pomegranate
genotypes and was lower compared to cv. ‘Hicaznar’
(Table 2). Variability among wild genotypes and cv.
Hicaznar was great for antioxidant activity as well
(Table 2); MAR-09exhibits good antioxidant capacity
and is an effective scavenger of several reactive
oxygen species, primarily due to its high levels of
phenolic content. SSC: Soluble Solid Content; TA: Titratable Acidity;
TPC: Total phenolic content
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Some Fruit Characteristics of Wild Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) Genotypes From Southern Anatolia Region in Turkey

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Some Fruit Characteristics of Wild Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) Genotypes From Southern Anatolia Region in Turkey


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