Tópicos em Língua Inglesa I AV2 ALUNO/A: Francisco Adelino de Assis Araújo de Lucena

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ALUNO/A: Francisco Adelino de Assis Araújo de Lucena

I. Complete the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb: open(s), speak(s), take(s),
do(es), cause(s), live(s), play(s), close(s), live(s), wake(s) up.

a) Ann plays hand ball very well.

b) I never take coffee.

c) The swimming pool opens at 7:00 in the morning.

d) It closes at 9:00 in the evening.

e) Bad driving causes many accidents.

f) My parents live in a very small flat.

g) The Olympic Games does take place every four years.

h) They are good students. They always do their homework.

i) My students speak a little English.

j) I always wake up early in the morning.

2. Tradução: excerto do livro Intelectual Opium

Profoundly moralistic in regard to the present, the revolutionary is cynical in action.
He protests against police brutality, the inhuman rhythm of industrial production,
the severity of bourgeois courts, the execution of prisoners whose guilt has not been
proved beyond doubt. Nothing, short of a total ‘humanization’, can appease his
hunger for justice. But as soon as he decides to give his allegiance to a party which is
as implacably hostile as he is himself to the established disorder, we find him for
giving, in the name of the Revolution, everything he has hitherto relentlessly
denounced. The revolutionary myth bridges the gap between moral intransigence
and terrorism.

Profundamente moralista contra o presente, o revolucionário é cínico na ação.

Ele protesta contra a brutalidade policial, o ritmo desumano da produção
industrial, a severidade dos tribunais burgueses, a execução de prisioneiros de
quem a culpa não foi comprovada ao ponto de eliminar todas as dúvidas.
Nada, fora uma “humanização” total pode apaziguar sua fome de justiça. Mas
se decide aderir a um partido tão impiedoso quanto ele próprio contra a
desordem estabelecida, perdoará, em nome da revolução, tudo que
denunciava com tanta constância. O mito revolucionário lança uma ponte entre
a intransigência moral e o terrorismo.

3. Assista ao video atenciosamente e escreva em inglês quais as razões por que o

comunismo não é tão odiado quanto o nazismo?


Reason 1#: There is, simply put widespread ignorance of the communist record.
And since the left dominates academia, almost no one teaches communism’s
evil history.

Reason 2#: The Nazism carried out the Holocaust. The communist killed for
more people than the Nazism, but never matched the Holocaust in the
systemization of genocide.

Reason 3#: Communism is based on nice sounding theories; Nazism is not.

Intellectuals in general- including, of course, the intellectuals who write history-
They dismiss the evil of communists as perversions of “true communism”.

Reason 4#: Germans have thoroughly exposed the evil of Nazism, have taken
responsibility for them, and have attempted to atone for them. Until Russia and
China- and Vietnam, and Cuba, and North Korea- acknowledge the evils their
countries committed under communism, communism’s evils will remain less
known than the evils of the German state under Hitler.

Reason 5#: Communists murdered mostly their own people. The Nazism, on
the other hand, killed very few fellow Germans. “World opinion” deems the
murder of members of one’s own group far less noteworthy then the murder of

Reason 6#: In the view of the left, the last “good war” was World War II. Until
the left, and all the institutions influenced by the left, acknowledge how evil
communism has been, we will continue to live in a morally confused world.
4. As horas em inglês

2:35 = Twenty-five to three

5:40 = Twenty to six

7:50 = Nine to eight

9:55 = Five to ten

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