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Time Table PMR

Week Date Course Topics Retail Marketing Course Topics MarCom Course Topics e-Commerce Project Assignment
4&5 Introduction to marketing
1 Introduction to retail marketing Introduction to Ecommerce
Sept communication

2 12 Sept Sosialisasi PMR assignment & Time Table

-The role of IMC in marketing Konsep E-Marketplace, Retailing

Retail market strategy and
3 Process Electronic Commerce: Product dan
Multichannel Retailing
-Media planning and strategy Services
18 & 19
Advertising : -Broadcast media
Sept Types of Retail, Location and Online payment basics,Online security
4 -Print Media
- Store Layout issues,
-Support media
16 & 17 Data Collection and Analysis
Customer Service and Customer Direct Marketing & Integrasikankonsep-konsep e-
5 Okt
Relationship Management internet/interactive media commerce
Retail Pricing and Customer Sales promotion Konseppembuatan website dengan
Behavior Personal selling HTML
Konseppembuatan website dengan
7 Retail Challenges and STP Publicity & Public relation
16 & 17
8 Mid term exam Mid term exam Mid term exam

9 24 Okt Progess Report and discussion

sub question 1
Progess Report and discussion
10 31 Okt
sub question 2
Progess Report and discussion
11 6 Nov
sub question 3
Progess Report and discussion
12 13 Nov
sub question 4
Progess Report and discussion
13 21 Nov
sub question 5
Progess Report and discussion
14 28 Nov
sub question 6
15 5 Des Presentation
16 12 Des Report

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