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The Standard for

Program Management
What is it and How can it help me?

Colleen McGraw, PMP

15 March 2007
ƒ Introduction
ƒ Contents and Context
ƒ Section 1 – The Program management
ƒ Section 2 – The Standard for Program
ƒ Section 3 – Appendices

21 March 2007 PMI Skyline Luncheon 2

ƒ Goal for this presentation
ƒ Overview
ƒ Context and Content
ƒ Why are we here?
ƒ Project Managers
ƒ Program Managers
ƒ Potential Program Management Professional
ƒ PDUs

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Contents and Context
ƒ What is The Standard for Program
ƒ Who is it for?
ƒ Where does it fit?

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The Standard for Program
ƒ …seeks to do for Program Managers what
the PMBOK® does for Project Managers
ƒ defines program management
ƒ describes the program management lifecycle
ƒ outlines program management processes
ƒ …introduces Program Management Themes
ƒ Benefits management
ƒ Program stakeholder management
ƒ Program governance

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Who is the audience for the
Senior Program Portfolio Project
Executives Managers Managers Managers

Managers of customers and

members of Project Team
project other
PMO office Members
managers stakeholders

Managers of
educators &
program consultants Researchers

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Where does it fit?
ƒ Inhabits the space
between PMBOK® and
Organizational Project
Management Maturity
Model (OPM3®)
ƒ Differs from Portfolio
ƒ strategic business
investment concept
ƒ includes programs,
operations, capital
Investments, etc. in
addition to programs

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Section I – The Program
Management Framework
ƒ Chapter 1 – Introduction
ƒ Chapter 2 – Program Life Cycle and

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Chapter 1 – Introduction
ƒ Contains
ƒ Purpose of The Standard for Program Management
ƒ What is a Program
ƒ What is Program Management
ƒ The Relationship between Program Management and
Portfolio Management
ƒ The Relationship Between Program Management and
Project Management
ƒ Program Management in Organizational Planning
ƒ Themes of Program Management

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Programs and Program Management
ƒ A Program is…
ƒ “…a group of related projects managed in a
coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not
available from managing them individually”
ƒ Program Management is…
ƒ “…the centralized coordinated management of a
program to achieve the program’s strategic benefits
and objectives.”
ƒ Projects, Programs, and Portfolios are

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Themes of Program Management
ƒ 3 Themes
ƒ Different from knowledge areas
ƒ Thread that runs throughout the program management life cycle
ÎBenefits management
ƒ “…the definition and formalization of the expected benefits a
program is intended to deliver.”
ÎProgram stakeholder management
ƒ Program Managers must “…understand the position
stakeholders may take, the way they exert their influence, and
the source of their power.”
ÎProgram governance
ƒ “…the process of developing, communicating, implementing,
monitoring, and assuring the policies, procedures, organizational
structures, and practices...”

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Chapter 2 – Program Life Cycle
and Organization
ƒ Program Life Cycle
ƒ Program Themes Across the Program
Life Cycle
ƒ Program Management Life Cycle

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Program Life Cycles
ƒ Discreet, overlapping phases
ƒ Manages outcomes and benefits
ƒ Contrast with project life cycles, which produce
ƒ “Phase-gate” concept
ƒ Senior Management oversight
ƒ 5 Program Management Life Cycle Phases

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Section II – The Standard for
Program Management
ƒ Chapter 3 – Program Management Processes
ƒ Themes in the Program Management Life Cycle
ƒ Program Management Process Groups
ƒ Common Program Management Process Components
ƒ Initiating Process Group
ƒ Planning Process Group
ƒ Executing Process Group
ƒ Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
ƒ Closing Process Group
ƒ Process Interactions
ƒ Program Management Process Mapping

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Familiar Concepts
ƒ Process Groups
ƒ Defined slightly differently than for Projects
ƒ Knowledge Management Areas
ƒ Processes are mapped to be consistent with
ƒ Inputs – Tools & Techniques – Outputs
ƒ Process Interactions
ƒ 39 Processes
21 March 2007 PMI Skyline Luncheon 15
Process Groups
ƒ Initiating Process Group
ƒ Defines and authorizes the program or a project within
the program and produces the program benefits
statement and benefits realization plan for the program
ƒ Planning Process Group
ƒ Plans the best alternative courses of action to deliver
the benefits and scope that the program was
undertaken to address
ƒ Executing Process Group
ƒ Integrates the projects, people, and other resources to
carry out the plan for the program and deliver the
program’s benefits
21 March 2007 PMI Skyline Luncheon 16
Process Groups
ƒ Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
ƒ Requires that the program and its component
projects be monitored against the benefit
delivery expectations and that progress be
regularly measured, to identify variances from
the program management plan.
ƒ Closing Process Group
ƒ Formalizes acceptance of a product, service, or
benefit/result; brings the program or program
component (e.g. project) to an orderly end.
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Processes (1)
ƒ Initiating Process Group
ƒ Initiate Program
ƒ Authorize Projects
ƒ Initiate Team
ƒ Planning Process Group
ƒ Develop Program Management Plan
ƒ Interface Planning
ƒ Transition Planning
ƒ Resource Planning
ƒ Scope Definition
ƒ Create Program Work Breakdown Structure

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Processes (2)
ƒ Planning Process Group (cont’d)
ƒ Schedule Development
ƒ Cost Estimating and Budgeting
ƒ Quality Planning
ƒ Human Resource Planning
ƒ Communications Planning
ƒ Risk Management Planning and Analysis
ƒ Plan Program Purchases and Acquisitions
ƒ Plan Program Contracting

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Processes (3)
ƒ Executing Process group
ƒ Direct and Manage Program Execution
ƒ Acquire Program Team
ƒ Develop Program Team
ƒ Information Distribution
ƒ Perform Quality Assurance
ƒ Request Seller Responses
ƒ Select Sellers

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Processes (4)
ƒ Monitoring and Controlling Process
ƒ Integrated Change Control
ƒ Monitor and Control Program Work
ƒ Resource Control
ƒ Issue Management and Control
ƒ Scope Control
ƒ Schedule Control
ƒ Cost Control
ƒ Perform Quality Control
ƒ Communications Control
21 March 2007 PMI Skyline Luncheon 21
Processes (5)
ƒ Monitoring and Controlling Process
group (Cont’d)
ƒ Performance Reporting
ƒ Risk Monitoring and Control
ƒ Program contract Administration
ƒ Closing Process Group
ƒ Close Program
ƒ Component Closure
ƒ Contract Closure

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Process Map
Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring and Closing
Integrated Change
Develop Program Control
Initiate Close
Management Plan Resource Control
Program Direct and Manage Program
Integration Authorize
Interface Planning
Program Execution
Monitor and Control
Transition Planning Program Work
Projects Closure
Resource Planning Issue Management and

Scope Definition
Scope Create Program Work Scope Control
Breakdown Structure

Time Schedule Development Schedule Control

Cost Estimating and

Cost Budgeting
Cost Control

Quality Quality Planning Perform Quality Assurance Perform Quality Control

Initiate Human Resources Acquire Program Team

Human Resources Team Planning Develop Program Team

Communications Control
Communications Communications Planning Information Distribution
Performance Reporting

Risk Management Risk Monitoring and

Risk Planning and Analysis Control

Plan Program Purchases

Request Seller Responses Program Contract Contract
Procurement and Acquisitions
Select Sellers Administration Closure
Plan Program Contracting

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Section III – Appendices
ƒ Appendix A – Reserved for Documenting Future Updates
ƒ Appendix B – Initial Development of The Standard for Program
ƒ Appendix C – Contributors and Reviewers of The Standard for
Program Management
ƒ Appendix D – Program Management Tools and Techniques
ƒ Appendix E – Benefits Assurance and Sustainment
ƒ Appendix F – Program Management Controls
ƒ Appendix G – Examples of Organizational Structuring of
ƒ Appendix H – Variance From or Extensions to Other Related
PMI Standards

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2nd edition Project
ƒ Knowledge Area development
ƒ Clarification
ƒ Unified Project Management Lexicon
ƒ Standards release schedule
And now…a message from our sponsor:

Volunteer for a PMI

Standards Project!

21 March 2007 PMI Skyline Luncheon 25


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