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Treadmill Training with Partial Body Weight Support:

Influence of Body Weight Release

on the Gait of Hemiparetic Patients

1 S. Hesse, MD, 1 B. Helm, MD, 2

J. Krajnik, MS,
1 1
M. Gregoric, MD, and K.H. Mauritz, MD

Objective: To investigate the effect of body weight support on the gait of hemiparetic
subjects walking on a treadmill. Design: Survey. Patients: Eleven nonambulatory hemi-
paretic subjects. Methods: Subjects walked on the treadmill with full weight bearing
and with 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60% body weight support at constant walking veloc-
ity. Cycle parameters, symmetry ratios, and the kinematic EMG of several lower limb
muscles of the affected leg were recorded. Video-analysis served for assessment of pos-
ture and hip and knee angle displacement. Results: With body weight support the rel-
ative double support time decreased, the relative single stance period of the affected
limb increased, and the functional activity of the vastus and soleus diminished. The
activity of the gluteus tended to increase. Patients walked more upright and with less
hip and knee flexion. The extensor spasticity did not change and the qualitative acti-
vation pattern of all recorded muscles remained unchanged. Conclusion: Body weight
support did not less physiological gait. By reducing double support dura-
facilitate a

tion, body weight support resulted in a greater stimulus for balance training. The facil-
itation of gluteus medius is favorable with respect to training pelvic alignment. The
reduction of the activity of other antigravity muscles suggests a limit of 30% BWS
not be exceeded. Key Words: Hemiparesis—Gait—Treadmill training.

Introduction nonnmhulatory, hemiparetic suhjects, a

For chronic,
muttipte-basehne study and two single case design stul-
Trcalmill training with martial body weight: support iea (6-b’) showed that treadmill training with partial body
is a new treatmentapproach to gait rehabilitation of non- weight suppurt was more effective in resturation of gait
ambulatory paraparetic ( 1-4) and 11cI11lparcClC subjects abitity and walking vclocity when compared to regular
(5-8). As a task-specific training it allow practicing com- physiotherapy. In these studied, the amount of body
plete gait cycles with many repetitions instead of shingle weight support (BWS) was set according to clinical cri-
elements or preparatory maneuvers at an early stage of teria and varied from 5% to 45% of body weight.
gait rehabilitation. There is littlc knowledge on the effect of body
weight support on the gait of hemiparetic patients walk-
ing on a treadmill. In normal subjects, Finch and cowork-
ers reported decreases in percentage of stance, tutal dou-

ble-limb support time, and maximum hip and knee flexor

From 1Klinik Berlin, Department of Neurological Rehabilitation, Free swing tingle when walking with body weight support as
University Berlin; and 2 Rehabilitation Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. compared to full weight bearing. Other adaptations to
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Stefan Hesse, M.D.,
Klinik Berlin, Kladower Damm 223, 14089 Berlin, telephone body weight suppurt were a reduction in the mean burst
49/30/36503-105, fax 49/30/36503-222. amplitude of the muscles that are active during stance

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and an increase in the mean burst amplitude of the tib- Body Weight Support System
ialis anterior muscle (9).
This study investigated the influence of various Each subject was mechanically supported in a nod,
degrees of body weight support as compared to full weight ified parachute harness suspended by a set Of pulleys. The
bearing on the gait pattern of hemiparetic subjects walk- harness supported the subjects primarily about the pelvis,
ing on the treadmill. lower abdomen, and chest to avoid interfering with lower
The study should help to define a sensible range of limh movement. The system provided a preset degree of
body weight support while training hemiparetic subjects body weight support controlled by force transducers
on the treadmill and should also deal with objections of located between the harness and the pulleys.
some physiotherapists who fear that the support may

result in a &dquo;less physiological&dquo; gait pattern in hemiparetic

patients, mainly characterized by increased plantarflexor ExperimentnL Protocol
All suhjects wore shorts and their preferred shoes
without ankle-foot orthoses. Patients walked on the
motor-driven treadmill unsupported (FWB) and with a
Methods BWS of 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60%. The individually cho-
sen walking velocity was kept constant during all trials;

Subjects it ranged from 0.22 to 0.35 111~5. The constant gait veloc-
ity allowed isolation of the effect of BWS on the gait pat-
The study, which was approved by the local ethics tern of hemiparetic suhjects. To avoid fatigue, patients

committee, included I I 11en1lpareCIC subjects (six men, rested on a chair placed on the treadmill hetween each
five women; mean age 51 years with a range from 28 to trial.
64 years; six patients suffered from right and five patients
from left hemiparesis). Etiology was ischemia in the ter-
Gait AnaLysis
ritory of the middle cerebral artery in nine and supra=
tentorial intracranial hemorrhage in two.
Gait analysis was performed for each loading con-
During ground level walking, seven patients still dition (i.e., FWB, BWS 15‘%,, 30%, 45%, 60%). Cycle
needed intermittent support of one person to help with
parameters (cadence, stride length, step length, stance,
balance and four patients required verbal supervision
or standby help from one person without physical con-
swing, and double support durations) were recorded with
the help of overshoe slippers incorporating conductive
tact. None of them suffered from additional orthopedic
areas in the region of the heel and forefoot (the walk-
or neurologic gait impairments. Severe disturbances of
ing surface of the treadmill was conductive as well).
cognition or communication were additional exclusion Symmetry ratios for stance, swing and step-length, and
relative durations of double support (% cycle) and sin-
All subjects were habituated to the experimental
gle stance of the affected limb (% stance affected) werc
protocol by walking for 20 minutes on a motor driven calculated.
treadmill (variable speed control, speed range 0.01-2.25
Electromyographic activity was detected by Ag-
m/s) unsupported (FWB, full weight bearing) and with AgCl surface electrodes (diameter, 8 mm), which were
various degrees of body weight support (BWS) at their attached 2 cm apart on the muscle bellies (output signal
preferred speed. All patients who participated in the sampled 800 Hz) after conventional skin preparation.
study could walk unsupported and with a BWS of up to The impedance was checked and kept below 10 kQ.
60% on the treadmill at constant speed, which was indi-
Recordings were obtained for the following muscles on
vidually chosen. When walking unsupported, the the subjects’ paretic side: tibialis anterior, soleus, biceps
patients remained secured in the harness. A higher femoris, vastus lateralis, gluteus medius, and erector
degree of BWS was either not tolerated or required a spinae. Signals were preamplified with standard elec-
reduced walking velocity. If necessary, swinging of the troencephalographic Oxford Metric preamplifiers (type
paretic limb was assisted by a therapist sitting by the 8515) attached to the limb.
paretic side in four patients, the therapist was instructed All signals (i.e., contacts, EMG measurements) were
to assist as little as possible and not to change the degree gathered and amplified to the range of 0-5 V by a data
of assistance with BWS. Otherwise, the patients were logger worn by the patient, and signals were transmitted
excluded from the study. via a cable to a personal computer. The data were sam-


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pleu using a Keithley 64-channel card (type 1801) and adjusted alpha value (p < 0.01) whenever the preceding
displayed online to ensure that the sampled data were uf Friedman two-way analysis of variance was significant.
acceptable quality. Self-adapted Asyst software was used
to archivc data.
EMG data were digitally filtered (band-pass, 10 to 5~

300 Hz), rectified, averaged over at least 12 strides, and Results

time-normalized to the mean cycle duration set to 100%.
To quantity the physiological and functional activities Tempo7-al Data
of the recorded muscles, mean values of the non-low
passed signals were calculated over the following inter- The mean cycle parameters are listed in Table 1.
vals of the cycle duration, set to 100% (according to the BWS had no effect on cadence, stride length, stance, and
adult muscle phasic activity chart published by Shriner’s swing duration. There was a trend toward decrease of
stance and increase of swing duration. The relative dou-
Hospital, San Francisco) (10): from 60% to 100% (tib-
ble support declined constantly with BWS, and the val-

ialis anterior), from 20% to 50% (soleus), from 80% to

110% (biceps femoris), from 90% to 130% (vastus later- ues with 45% and 60% BWS differed significantly from

alis), from 90‘%~ to 140°~, (gluteus medius), and from 0% those with FWB. Thc relative single stance period of the
to 20% (erector spinae). For the soleus, the so-called pre- affected limh showed an opposite trend: the values
mature activity was also calculated in the interval from increased continuously with BWS and differed signifi-
90% to 110%. Electromyographic data were gathered cantly from FWB with 45% and 60% BWS.
within one hour, so that the comparison of absolute EMG
activities within subjects was appropriate assuming stahle
rccording conditions. Sy7ni7iet7--v Rations
Additionally, the patients were videotaped during all
trials for
subsequent qualitative assessment of posture, The mean symmetry ratios for stance, swing, and step
maximum hip and knee flexor swing, and extensor stance length are listed in Table 1. BWS had no effect on them.

angles and mode of initial contact of the paretic limb by

two independent raters.
Electromyographic Activity
Statisticnl Analysis The mean values of activity are presented in Table 2.
BWS had no effect on the activity of the tibialis anterior,
For comparison of different loading conditions within hiceps femuris, and erector spinae. The functional activ-
patients, pairwise Wilcoxon tests were performed with an ity of thc soleus muscle (20-50%) decreased cuntinuuusly

Table 1. Gait cvcle pnramemrs LlI1J s)’11I 11IC 0&dquo;)’ rutu~s

Means ± SD; FWII: full weight hearing; ~‘: ;ignificant difference versus full weight hearing (p < 0.01 )

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Table 2. Muscular acci1’Ît)’

Means ± SD; FWB: full weight: hearing; *: significant difference versus full weight hearing (p < 0.01 )

with BWS, and the values with 45% and 60% BWS dif- limb, the relative single stance became significantly
fered significantly from FWB. The premature activity of longer. During this
period the body weight is carried and
the soleus muscle (90-110%) did not change with BWS.. balanced by the paretic limb so that its extension might
BWS consistently reduced the activity of vastus through- have provoked a greater need fur balance during tread-
out all BWS trails compared to FWB (Figure 1). For the mill training of hemiparetic subjects with BWS.
gluteus medius, there was a trend toward increased activ- When walking at ground level, patients with an
ity up to a BWS of 45% (Figure 2). The qualitative pat- equivalent gait impairment and walking velocity spent
tem of activation remained unchanged in all muscles. more time on both feet (34-S0(){), cf. Table 3) (11) as

compared to our patients walking either unsupported or

with BWS on the treadmill. The moving surface itself
Hip and Knee Angle D!Sp!acement and even to a larger extent BWS seem to dynamize the
gait pattern of hemiparetic subjects, thereby providing
With BWS, patients tended to walk with a more a high training stimulus for impaired equilibrium

upright posture reflected by an increased hip and knee reflexes.

extension at mid-stance. At the same time BWS resulted The symmetry of gait remained constant with BWS.
in less hip and knee flexion during swing. In some If BWS produced dysfunctional dynamic gait patterns,
patients the mode of initial contact of the paretic limb then the quality and safety of gait would have suffered.
changed from forefoot or flat foot with FWB to planti- This did not occur. The harness provided the patients
grade or heel contact. With BWS of 60% or even 45%, with a feeling of security.
patients tended to walk tiptoe, particularly with the non- The observed gait phase changes are in accordance
affected limb. with a study by Finch et al., who reported a significant
reduction of stance and double support with BWS in nor-
mal subjects walking on a treadmill (9). The authors
argued that BWS lifted the subjects up and minimized
Discussion the vertical displacement of the center of mass, thus
reducing the ground contact times of both feet.
Spatio-Temporal Parameters This notion is supported by the observed kinematic
changes in this study: the patients walked with a more
With BWS, relative double support decreased con- upright posture and flexed their hip and knee less dur-
stantly, resulting in a decline of the stance and a prolon- ing swing. Some subjects also changed their mode of ini-
gation of the swing period of both limbs. For the paretic . tial contact from either fore- or flatfoot with FWB to

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Figure 1. Averaged and with respect to the gait cycle normal- Figure 2. Averaged and with respect to the gait cycle normal-
ized activity of the left M. vastus lateralis of a left hemiparetic ized activity of the right M. gluteus medius of a right hemi-
subject walking on the treadmill full weight bearing (FWB) and paretic subject walking on the treacllnill full weight bearing
with 30% and 60% body weight support (BWS). The basogram (FWB) and with 30% and 60% body weight support. The baso-
symbolizes the foot contact phases of the left lotver limb. gram symbolizes the toot contact phases of the right lower limb.

plantigrade or heel contact with BWS up to 45%, result- Electromyogr-nphic Activity

ing in a more physiological manner of weight acceptance.
With 60% BWS however, patients tended to walk tiptoe. With BWS, the functional activity of soleus and
This amount of weight support must therefore be regarded vastus lateralis decreased constantly with significant
as unfavorable. changes at a BWS of more than 30%. Both muscles are

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