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Page:1 TargetIIT - Online Test Series Part Test 1-1

Section-I: (questions 1-6, 18-29, 48-54)
Straight objective type with only one correct answer. +3 for correct answer, -1 for wrong
answer, 0 for not attempting
Section-II: (questions 7-10, 33-36, 55-59)
Objective type with one or more than one correct answer. +4 if all the correct answer are
marked, there is no negative mark in this section
Section-III: (quetion 11-13, 37-39, 60-63)
Reasoning type
If STATEMENT-I is true and STATEMENT-II is correct explanation of STATEMENT-I
mark (a)
If STATEMENT-I is true and STATEMENT-II is true but not the correct explanation of
STATEMENT-I mark (b)
If STATEMENT-I is true and STATEMENT-II is false mark (c)
If STATEMENT-I is false and STATEMENT-II is true mark (d)
+3 for correct, -1 for wrong, 0 for not attempting
Section-IV: (questions 14-17, 30-32, 40-43, 64-70)
Linked comprehension type. Answer the questions according to the information given.
Only one option is correct. +4 for correct answer and -1 for wrong answer, 0 for not attempting

For all other questions, instructions are given in questions itself

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Q1) Find

Lim (sinx - x)
x->0 x2
a) 1
b) -1
c) -1/2
d) Does not exist

Q2) A Function can be written as the sum of even and odd function
a) Only if Function is continuous
b) If the function is continuous and Differentiable
c) If the function has a symmetric domain around origin
d) Statement is always true!

Q3) f(x) = sin x (in Radian)

g(x) = [x]
If The number of points of discontinuities of composite function f(g(x)) in the interval [-2pi, 2pi]
is N while The number of points of discontinuities of composite function g(f(x)) in the interval [-
2pi, 2pi] is M

Then which is true?

a) N=M
b) N>2M
c) 2M>N>M
d) None of these

Q4) Period of sin x is 2.pi

period of {sin(x/2) - cos(x/2)}2 is also 2.pi
What is the period of their sum?

a) 2pi
b) pi/2
c) pi
d) None of these

Q5) For x in the interval [-10,5]

what is the maximum value attained by x2+2x-5
a) -6
b) 30
c) 15
d) 75

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Q6) x=a cost
y=b sint

find d2x/dy2
a) a/b2 cosec3t
b) -a/b2cosec3t
c) a/b cosec3t
d) None of these


In which of the following following, Can Rolle's theorem be applied? (All values are in radians
unless specified)
a) y= log x in the interval [1,5]
b) y=tan x in the interval [3,4]
c) y= |x| in the interval [4,5]
d) y=sec x in the interval [1,2]

Q8) Which of the following is strictly monotonic functions

a) x+sinx
b) (x+sinx)2
c) x+sin2x
d) None of these

Q9) Which of the following is a maxima for the functions given

a) 0 for -x2
b) a for a.sinx
c) a+1 for a+sinx
d) a for a (sinx+cosx)

Q10) Derivative of sin3x + cos3x is given by

a) 3sin2x - 3cos2x
b) -3 cos(2x)
c) 1 + 2sin2x - 4cos2x
d) 2 + 2sin2x - 4cos2x

Q11) Statement 1: Periodicity of sin(x/2).cos(x/2) is 2pi

Statement 2: Periodicity of f(x). g(x) is found by taking the LCM of their periodicities
a) b) c) d)

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Q12) Statement 1: Minima of y=x/(1+x2) (when x>0) is 1/2
Statement 2: derivative of y at x=1 is 0 and the value at 1 is 1/2
a) b) c) d)

Q13) Statement 1: 3-|x3| has a maxima of 3

Statement 2: For local maxima, derivative at maxima is 0. The second Derivative is -ve. These
are the necessary conditions for a differentiable function.
a) b) c) d)

Q14) For the comprehension given below, answer the questions that follow.

f(x)= lim Cos(n! 2. pi. x) n is an integer.


g(x) = lim Cosn(2. pi. x)


h(x) = lim {Cos(n . x) + 2} 1/n


Range of f = R1, Domain of f is D1

Range of g = R2, Domain of f is D2
Range of h = R3, Domain of f is D3

Question: Which of the following is not the whole Real Line?

a) D1 υ D2
b) R1c υ R3
c) D3
d) R2c υ R3

Q15) Which is true about R3 ?

a) It has 1 point
b) It has infinitely many points
c) It has 2 points
d) It is an empty set

Q16) Assertion- Reasoning type. (Refer Instructions for the choices)

Statement 1: D1 is not the whole of R

Statement 2: n!.x becomes an integer for only rational values of x for large enough values of n
a) b) c) d)

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Q17) Statement 1: D2 is the whole of R
Statement 2: |Cos(2.π.x)|≤1 for all x
a) b) c) d)

Q18) find the minima of Tan2(x-a)+Tan(x-a)+1/4

a) 0
b) 1/4
c) 1
d) None of these

Q19) What is the maximum area that an ellipse with parameter πC can have.
It is given that the area of ellipse is π. a. b
while the perimeter is π(a+b)
where a and b are some constants depending on the nature of the ellipse!

a) π.C2
b) π.C2/4
c) π.C2/2
d) Cant be determined

Q20) What is the range of:

√sin x + √cos x
a) [-2,2]
b) (-1,1)
c) [ - √2 , √2 ]
d) None of these

Q21) lim [x]+[2x]+[3x]...............[nx]

n→∞ n2
a) 1/2
b) does not exist
c) 1
d) None of these

Q22) Which of these is the maximum at x=5

a) {x}^2+[x]^2
b) {x}^4+[x]^2
c) {x}+[x]
d) {x}^6+[x]^3

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Q23) Which of these is the maximum
a) {x}+[x]
b) {x}^2+[x]^2
c) {x}^3+[x]^3
d) None of these

Q24) lim { tan( pi/4 - x ) } 1/x

a) 1
b) e
c) e2
d) None Of these

Q25) A horizontal Force F(t) = kt2 is applied on a slab of mass m kept on the floor. Which of
these show the friction acting as a function of time?



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Q26) A ball of mass "m" hangs from a string of length L. A very large mass M>>m hits the ball
horizontally and elastically with speed v.

Find the minimum v, such that the ball makes a complete circular rotation.

a) √5gL
b) √gL
c) √5gL/2
d) 0 (any small velocity will do because the mass is infinite)

Q27) A large enclosed volume somewhere in the space is filled with large number of particle
masses. They collide with easch other with e=0.9
1/100th of the fraction of the particles undergo colission every second. Assume the frequency of
colission are independent of the velocity of the particles. After what time will the energy of all
the particles become 1/2 of the initial velocity?

a) ln (2/0.999)
b) ln (2/0.99)
c) ln (2/0.9)
d) ln (2)

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Q28) A Rod 1 meter long is hinged at 1/3 meters from the top. It is under the action of gravity. A
ball of same mass as the rod comes and strikes it totally inelastically. at the bottom.

What should be the velocity of the center of mass after colission?

a) v/5
b) 4v/5
c) 2v/5
d) v

Q29) In the previous question, what should be the minimum velocity such that after colission,
the rod becomes horizontal?

given that Lg=3/35 (L is the length, g is the acceleration of gravity)

a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) None of these

Q30) For the questions 30-32, using the following answer:

In the image above, there are two blocks m at the top, 2m at the bottom. The coefficient of
friction between the two blocks is μ. While there is no friction between the floor and the bottom

A force F is applied to the top mass, what is the friction acting between the two blocks?
a) μmg
b) μN (N is the normal reaction between the floor and the base-block
c) F
d) None of these.

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Q31) In the question above, What will be the maximum acceleration of the block at the bottom?
a) μg
b) 2μg
c) 3μg
d) μg/2

Q32) if F=n.μmg (n >1)

What is the difference in the acceleration of the top block and the lower block.
a) μng
b) μ(n-1/2)g
c) μ(n-1)g
d) None of these.

Q33) Questions 33-36 Have Multiple correct options.

Two balls of equal mass make a head on elastic colission.

Which of the following is true?

a) Both move back with the same velocity

b) Impulse on both is equal to their initial momentum
c) Both exchange their velocity
d) Net Impulse is Zero. (For both balls)

Q34) A particle of mass m moves on the x-axis as follows: It starts from rest at t=0 from the
point x=0 and comes to rest at t=1 at point x=1. No other information is available about its
motion at intermediate times (0<t<1). If α denotes the instantaneous acceleration of the particle,
a) α cannot remain positive for all t in the interval (0,1)
b) |α| cannot exceed 2 at any point in the path
c) |α| must be ≥4 at some point or points in its path
d) α must change sign during the motion but no other assertion can be made with the information

Q35) Which of the following is true

a) Earth as a reference frame is Inertial frame
b) Earth frame is non inertial because the earth is rotating
c) There is no known "strictly" Inertial frame. Hence the earth is also non inertial
d) Earth frame is non inertial because the earth is revolving

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Q36) Which of the following is true about coefficient of restitution?
a) Restitution is used in energy conservation equation
b) It can be applied to any point
c) It is applied with respect to the velocity of the center of mass only
d) It is always less than equal to 1

Q37) Assertion Reasoning Questions

Statement 1: A ball strikes a wall at an angle of 45 degree to the normal. The coefficient of
restitution is "1" The Ball loses energy after collision.
Statement 2: This is because friction is non zero!

a) b) c) d)

Q38) Statement 1: Work done by friction when a man walks is zero (No slipping!)
Statement 2: This is because the man moves in the perpendicular direction to the force! No the
dot product F.ds becomes zero
a) b) c) d)

Q39) Statement 1: A ball moving in a circular path with fixed speed has constant acceleration
Statement 2: The force acting on a ball moving in circular motion at velocity v is always in the
inward direction with magnitude v2/r
a) b) c) d)

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Q40) For the questions 40 to 43 Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow

A train moves on the circular path of Radius R as shown in the figure for infinite time. It never
stops! So does a honey bee.

The velocity of the train is r meter per second.

The velociy of the bee is 2rSin(1/2) meter per second.

The honey bee travels in a path such that it meets the train again as shown in the figure. It keeps
doing this eternally.

Q40 After what time interval will the bee and the train meet?
a) 1/2 Seconds
b) 1 Second
c) 2 Seconds
d) Pi Seconds

Q41) When will the distance travelled by the train be equal to two times the distance travelled by
the honey bee?
a) 10 seconds
b) 100 seconds
c) 1000 seconds
d) Never.

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Q42) After how many bounces with the train, will the bee finally reach the original position.?
a) 6
b) 44
c) 2.22/7
d) None of these.

Q43) What is the maximum distance between the bee and the train at any time?
a) Keeps increasing with time so it becomes infinite after a long time.
b) It is indeterminate.
c) Changes with time, it will be finite. But cannot be found
d) None of these

Q44) For the Questons 44,45 and 46. See this below and mark all relevant options.
(All 3 quesitions are right here!)

An elastic thread is attached to two masses on each side The maximas of the quantities in Table 1
will not depend on which of the quantities in Table 2? There is no friction between the masses
and the ground.
S1, S2, V1, V2, a1, a2 are the positions, velocities and the acceleration of the individual masses.
The reference is taken at height 0 from the ground
Table 1

44) Total Energy

45) Velocity of the CM
46) Seperation between Masses

Table 2
A) d(S1 - S2)/ dt
B) d(V1 - V2)/ dt
C) d(a1 - a2)/ dt
D) acceleration due to gravity

a) b) c) d)

Q45) Refer Q 44!

a) b) c) d)

Q46) Refer question 44!

a) b) c) d)

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Q47) Single Correct Answer: (5 marks)

A lift starts to accelerate upwards with an acceleration g from speed 0

A ball is dropped by a man in the lift from a height 1 meter simultaneously.

The ball collides elastically. What will be the maximum height attained by the ball in the ground
a) 1 meter
b) 2 meters
c) 1/2 meter
d) 5 meters

Q48) Section-I: Straight Objective type

90 gm of a metal reacts with 40 gm of oxygen to form metal oxide. The metal oxide requires 10
ml of 1/3 N of oxidizing agent to oxidise to M5+. The molecular weight of the metal is
a) 72
b) 18
c) 54
d) 36

Q49) A dissociate in parallel to form B and C. A to B follow zero order reaction

while A to C follow first order reaction. The rate constant for the zero order reaction is K and for
first order it is 2K.
The time time taken to complete the reaction is (initial concentration of A is a)
a) ∞
b) (1/K)ln(1+2a)
c) (1/2K)ln(1+2a)
d) (1/K)ln(1+a)

Q50) In Hexagonal close packing X occupy all the lattice positions, Y occupy 2/3 tetrahedral
holes and Z occupies 1/3 octahedral holes. The empirical formula of the compound is
a) X9Y8Z3
b) X2Y3Z
c) X2Y2Z3
d) X3Y4Z

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Q51) In a container oxygen and hydrogen are present. Some weight of gases escapes. Now same
weight (gas escaped) of methane is added so that the total pressure of the mixture remains same.
The weight percent (of gas escaped) of hydrogen escaped is
a) 3.33%
b) 6.66%
c) 1.67%
d) 13.36%

Q52) The molecule having the highest bond strength is

a) N2
b) N2-
c) N2+
d) N22-

Q53) The ratio of energy of electron in H (in nth orbit) and He+(in mth orbit) is X then the ratio
of the radius of orbits(n : m) is
a) 1/2X
b) X/2
c) 1/4X
d) 4/X

Q54) For the reaction PCl5→PCl3+Cl2 the total pressure of the system at any time 't' is P1 and the
pressure at infinite time is P2
a) Kt=ln[P2/2(P2-P1)]
b) Kt=ln[P2/(P2-P1)]
c) Kt=ln[2P2/(P2-2P1)]
d) Kt=ln[P2/(2P2-P1)]

Q55) Section-II: Multiple correct answers

Which of the following pairs have identical shapes?

a) AlCl3, SO3
b) BeCl2, CO2
c) SF6, XeF6
d) XeF2, CO2

Q56) Which of the following quantum numbers are not permitted?

a) n=3, l=3, m=2, s=1/2
b) n=4, l=0, m=1, s=1/2
c) n=3, l=1, m=-2, s=-1/2
d) n=2, l=1, m=1, s=-1/2

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Q57) The electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p6 of an element can be it its
a) ground state
b) cationic form
c) excited state
d) anionic form

Q58) Equal weights of methane and oxygen are taken in a container, then
a) pressure exerted by methane is two third of the total pressure
b) moles of oxygen is twice the moles of methane
c) pressure exerted by oxygen is two third of the total pressure
d) pressure exerted by methane is twice the pressure exerted oxygen

Q59) When Volume of a ideal gas becomes twice, then

a) temperature may decrease and pressure may increase
b) temperature may increase and pressure may decrease
c) both temperature and pressure may increase
d) both temperature and pressure may decrease

Q60) Section-III: Reasoning type

STATEMENT-1: At high altitudes cooking takes place faster

STATEMENT-2: At high altitudes water boils at temperature higher than 100°C
a) b) c) d)

Q61) STATEMENT-1: There are two lone pairs in XeF4, still it have zero dipole moment
STATEMENT-2: The shape is symmetric
a) b) c) d)

Q62) STATEMENT-1: The rate constant of the reaction does not increases on addition of
STATEMENT-2: The rate constant varies according to the Arrhenius equation K=Ae-Ea/RT
a) b) c) d)

Q63) N2+O2→N2O5
5.6 gm of N2 and 14.4 gram of oxygen is taken and react to form N2O5
STATEMENT-1: The weight of N2O5 formed is less than the sum of weights of nitrogen and
oxygen taken
STATEMENT-2: Some of the O2 will not react as N2 is the limiting reactant
a) b) c) d)

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Q64) Section-IV: Linked compresension type

This is a comprehension for Questions 17-19

Consider a unit cell in which atoms will occupy all corner points, all face centres, body centre
and also all edge centres of the cube.

The no. of atoms in the unit cell is

a) 4
b) 7
c) 12
d) 8

Q65) The radius ratio of the voids (rvoid/ratom) is

a) 0.366
b) 0.414
c) 0.225
d) 0.732

Q66) The packing fraction of the unit cell is

a) 52.33%
b) 68%
c) 74%
d) 81.33%

Q67) This is a comprehension for questions 20-23

A sample of 20 ml 0.1 M MnO2 solution is taken. In this solution 10 ml of KI solution and 3

millimole of K2Cr2O7 is added. KI in the solution is reduced by both MnO2 & K2Cr2O7. The Mn2+
formed again is oxidised by K2Cr2O7. The MnO2 left is oxidised to form Mn+7. No KI, MnO2 and
K2Cr2O7 is left
So the reactions taking place are
The I2 formed requires 30 ml of 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate solution in another titration

The molarity of KI in the original KI sample is

a) 0.1 M
b) 0.3 M
c) 0.2 M
d) 0.6 M

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Q68) The weight% of KI reduced by MnO2 is
a) 33.33%
b) 66.67%
c) 50%
d) 75%

Q69) Weight% of MnO2 oxidised by potassium dichromate is

a) 25%
b) 60%
c) 50%
d) 40%

Q70) Weight% of K2Cr2O7 used in the oxidation of KI is

a) 11.11%
b) 16.67%
c) 22.22%
d) 20%


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