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Misaki Tiffany Shimizu October 3, 2018


Activity Title: Plastic Straw Building Date implemented: October 4, 2018

Curriculum Area(s): Language, Mathematics and Science

Developmental Level: Junior and Senior Kindergarten

Goals: In the 2016 The Kindergarten Program (TKP) section 1.2; children demonstrate active listening
and ability to respond to others verbally and non-verbally. Through the activity, children are able to
communicate amongst peers to build and designate roles amongst themselves. Section 4.1; children can use
variety of strategies to solve problems. In this activity this goal can be met by children experimenting with
the tools to create the tallest tower. Section 5.1; demonstrate respect and consideration for individual
differences. This goal can be met when the children learn sense of self and realize people can have different
ideas. The final goal is section 25.3 where the child is able to express their thoughts and share their
experiences with the class.
Physical Space & Set-up: On two different tables, materials are laid out.

Materials required:
- plastic straws
- tape

Student Grouping: Teacher Role(s): To show the example and guide

the child on the activity.
Observation/Context: Child A and B are sitting at the table during independent play. Child A reaches for
the legos to begin building. Child B soon follows Child A and places a lego on top of the structure that
Child A is making. Teacher comes and sits beside children. Teacher then inquires how they are planning on
making the structure bigger. Child A and B both look at each other and begin slowly placing the legos

Source: The idea came from the interest that the children had on building.

Previous Experience/Knowledge Needed By Children: Placing objects together to create a structure.

Misaki Tiffany Shimizu October 3, 2018
Beginning: 1. Teacher sets up activity aesthetically so the children are interested in doing the activity.
2. Teacher gathers children to the carpet.
3. Showcase what the activity looks like and demonstrates ways to engage with the activity.
3. Demonstrate an example using the materials.
4. Once the activity is explained, transition to free play.
Middle: 5. While the children are engaged in the activity, help assist children who need help with the
6. Ask and inquire about what their strategies are to building the structure.
7. Ask questions what their challenges were and how they overcame the challenge.
End: 7. When the children are finished, document their activity.
8. After they are finished slowly transition the children into the following activity.

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