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This project report is submitted to
( Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Submitted by

Under the guidance of

(Guide) (Co-Guide)


(Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)


This is to certify that the project report on “DESIGN & FABRICATION OF

VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE” is bonafide work done by student of B.E
final year Mechanical Engineering of G.H.Raisoni Academy of Engineering &
Technology under my guidance in satisfactory manner and submitting to the
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering.

Prof. KAPIL.A. PAKHRE Prof. P. G. Charkha

(Guide) HOD
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
GHRAET, Nagpur GHRAET, Nagpur

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. S. R. Vaishnav
G. H. Raisoni Academy of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur



TURBINE” is our own work carried out under the guidance of Prof. KAPIL.A.

PAKHRE (Guide), & Dr A.B.DEOGHARE (CO-Guide) in the department of

Mechanical Engineering at G.H. Raisoni Academy Of Engineering & Technology,


We or anyone else for award of any degree has not submitted this work in the form or

in any other form.

Date: - Projectees




Understanding and completing the interesting task of “DESIGN & FABRICATION

OF VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINE” we see it is our duty to warmly thank all
those without whom this project would ever have been brought off the ground. To all
of we wish to convey heartiest gratitude.

We offer our gratitude and its our privilege to acknowledge indebtedness to our
esteemed guide Prof KAPIL.A.PAKHRE & Co-Guide Dr A.B DEOGHARE for his
constant encouragement and noble guidance without which this project would never
be completed, our association with him as a student has been extremely pleasant.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to Prof. P. G. Charkha (HOD,

Mechanical Engineering Department); Prof. KAPIL.A.PAKHARE (Project seminar
Incharge & Project guide), Dr A.B DEOGHARE (CO-Guide) and Mechanical
Department of G.H .Raisoni Academy of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur who is
source of inspiration for us.

Although we sincerely hope the work is free from inaccurate statements and faulty
judgment in interpreting data, we know this is too to hope. For these short coming we
offer our sincere apology.





Title Page 1
Certificate of Approval 2
Declaration 3
Acknowledgement 4
Table of Contents 5
List of Figures 6
List of Tables 7
Abstract 8

2 9-12
1.1 Overview
1.2 Objectives and Significance

3 13-38
Literature Survey

4 39-69
Design & Development

Chapter- 4 70-73
Results & Discussions

6 74-75
Conclusion and Future Scope of Study

7 Reference 76-77

List of figures : It shall indicate figure number, figure title and corresponding number.
The figure number should be decimal notation indicating the chapter number and
figure number in that chapter.

e.g. 4.6 refers to figure 6 in chapter 4. Any reference in the text should be given as by
quoting the relevant paras such “Fig.4.6”

Figure No. Title of Figure Page No.

29 Shaft 56

30 Mid Flange 57

32 Thrust Bearing 58

33 Gear Drive 59

37 Fabricated assembly 62

38 Generator 63

40 CAD Model of vawt 65


It shall indicate table number, table title and corresponding number. The
table page number should be in decimal notation indicating the chapter
number and table number in that chapter e .g.2.11refers to table 11 in
chapter 2. Any reference in the text should be given as by quoting the
relevant paras “Table 2.11”.

Table No. Title of Table Page No.

1 30
Cpschmitz-λA values for whirpool lossess

2 31
State-Wise & Year-Wise Wind Power Installed
Capacity (MW
3 32
Gross Wind Power Potential in the country

4 38
Savonius rotor CP improvements.

5 71
current , voltage and power produced by the
helical savonius vertical axis wind turbine


In these Master Thesis a review of different type of vertical axis wind

turbines (VAWT) and an preliminary investigation of a new kind of
VAWT are presented. After an introduction about the historical
background of wind power, the report deals with a more accurate analysis
of the main type of VAWT, showing their characteristics and their
operations. The aerodynamics of the wind turbines and a review of
different type on generators that can be used to connect the wind mill to
the electricity grid are reported as well.



The importance of the development of new renewable technologies to generate

electricity have impulsed the development of the wind turbines. Actually, in the
market exists a great variety of design of this kind of devices. Those designs have
certain characteristics that make them suitable for different uses. The characteristics
of the helical Savonius vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) have shown excellent
capabilities for the urban media, such as the ability to extract power from turbulent
winds and the generation of less noise and vibrations.

Nevertheless its positive characteristics, the efficiency of this kind of wind turbine is
behind the traditional horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). For that reason it is
important to develop a Savonius VAWT with a superior efficiency (power coefficient,

As the shape of the rotor its the responsible of capturing the kinetic energy of the
wind and convert it into mechanical energy, it must be modified in order to increase
the CP of the wind turbine. For that reason this investigation focused in the
optimization of the shape of the blades of the rotor. This optimization involved the
rotor profile shape, diameter and working velocity of it (tip speed ratio or TSR).

Savonius rotor is a unique fluid-mechanical device that has been studied by numerous
investigators since 1920s. Applications for the Savonius rotor have included pumping
water, driving an electrical generator, providing ventilation, and agitating water to
keep stock ponds ice-free during the winter . Savonius rotor has a high starting torque
and a reasonable peak power output per given rotor size, weight and cost, thereby
making it less efficient; the coefficient of performance is of the order of 15% . From
the point of aerodynamic efficiency, it cannot compete with high-speed propeller and

the Darrieus-type wind turbines. Various types of blades like semicircular, bach type,
Lebost type have been used in vertical axis wind turbine to extract energy from the
air, however, no attempt so far has been made to reduce the negative torque, and
increase the starting characteristics and efficiency with the changes in the air
direction. The use of deflecting plates and shielding to increase the efficiency has not
only made the system structurally complex, but also dependent of air direction. In
view of this, a distinct blade shape with a twist for the Savonius rotor has been
designed, developed and tested in the laboratory. Preliminary investigation has shown
good starting characteristics of the twisted blades.


Wind Power is the technology to obtain usable energy from the flowing wind source.
Wind energy has been used in many traditional technologies for centuries and has
come into widespread use where other power supply are absent such as in rural areas
and remote locations.

There is no shortage of wind derived energy on earth. Indeed the storage and flows of
energy on planet are very large relative to the human needs.

The amount of wind energy intercepted by the Earth every minute is greater than the
amount of energy the world uses in fossil fuels each year.

The energy in the winds that blow across the India each year could produce more than
16 billion GJ electricity-more than one and one and half times the electricity
consumed in India in 2020.

The main objective of our project to design the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine which
should generate the required electric power as per the wind speed available in region
of the central India. The turbine should run properly and efficiently in urban region as
well as in the rural region of central India.

According to our survey on central India wind characteristics the average wind speed
in region is 15 m/s as approved by Meteorological Survey Department of India,
Nagpur—which is suitable for helical savonius type vertical axis wind turbine
(VAWT). And design the helical profile of the vertical axis wind turbine which
should work efficiently in the wind speed available in central India. This turbine is
very useful for domestic as well as commercial purpose.



2.1 Wind Turbine

A wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical
energy. If the mechanical energy is used to produce electricity, the device may be
called a wind generator or wind charger. If the mechanical energy is used to drive
machinery, such as for grinding grain or pumping water, the device is called a
windmill or wind pump. Developed for over a millennium, today's wind turbines are
manufactured in a range of vertical and horizontal axis types. The smallest turbines
are used for applications such as battery charging or auxiliary power on sailing boats;
while large grid-connected arrays of turbines are becoming an increasingly large
source of commercial electric power.

FIG. 1 Wind Turbine

2.1.1 History of wind turbine

Windmills were used in Persia (present-day Iran) as early as 200 B.C. The wind wheel
of Heron of Alexandria marks one of the first known instances of wind powering a
machine in history. However, the first known practical windmills were built in Sistan,
a region between Afghanistan and Iran, from the 7th century. These "Panemone" were

vertical axle windmills, which had long vertical drive shafts with rectangular blades.
Made of six to twelve sails covered in reed matting or cloth material, these windmills
were used to grind grain or draw up water, and were used in the grist milling and
sugarcane industries.

Windmills first appeared in Europe during the middle ages. The first historical records
of their use in England date to the 11th or 12th centuries and there are reports of
German crusaders taking their windmill-making skills to Syria around 1190. By the
14th century, Dutch windmills were in use to drain areas of the Rhine delta.

The first electricity generating wind turbine, was a battery charging machine installed
in July 1887 by Scottish academic James Blyth to light his holiday home in Marykirk,
Scotland. Some months later American inventor Charles F Brush built the first
automatically operated wind turbine for electricity production in Cleveland, Ohio.
Although Blyth's turbine was considered uneconomical in the United Kingdom
electricity generation by wind turbines was more cost effective in countries with
widely scattered populations.

FIG.2 James Blyth's 1891 windmill

A forerunner of modern horizontal-axis wind generators was in service at Yalta,
USSR in 1931. This was a 100 kW generator on a 30-metre (98 ft) tower, connected
to the local 6.3 kV distribution system. It was reported to have an annual capacity
factor of 32 per cent, not much different from current wind machines. In the fall of
1941, the first megawatt-class wind turbine was synchronized to a utility grid in
Vermont. The Smith-Putnam wind turbine only ran for 1,100 hours before suffering a
critical failure. The unit was not repaired because of shortage of materials during the
war. A forerunner of modern horizontal-axis wind generators was in service at Yalta,
USSR in 1931. This was a 100 kW generator on a 30-metre (98 ft) tower, connected
to the local 6.3 kV distribution system. It was reported to have an annual capacity
factor of 32 per cent, not much different from current wind machines.

2.1.2 Types of Wind Turbine

Basically there are two types of wind turbine, which are differed by orientation of
their axis the types are:-
1. Horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT)
2. Vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT)


1. Horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT)
Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) have the main rotor shaft and electrical
generator at the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are
pointed by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor
coupled with a servo motor. Most have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation of the
blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to drive an electrical generator.

Since a tower produces turbulence behind it, the turbine is usually positioned upwind
of its supporting tower. Turbine blades are made stiff to prevent the blades from being
pushed into the tower by high winds. Additionally, the blades are placed a
considerable distance in front of the tower and are sometimes tilted forward into the
wind a small amount.

Turbines used in wind farms for commercial production of electric power are usually
three-bladed and pointed into the wind by computer-controlled motors. These have
high tip speeds of over 320 km/h (200 mph), high efficiency, and low torque ripple,
which contribute to good reliability. The blades are usually colored light gray to blend


in with the clouds and range in length from 20 to 40 metres (66 to 130 ft) or more.
The tubular steel towers range from 60 to 90 metres (200 to 300 ft) tall. The blades
rotate at 10 to 22 revolutions per minute. At 22 rotations per minute the tip speed
exceeds 90 metres per second (300 ft/s). A gear box is commonly used for stepping up
the speed of the generator, although designs may also use direct drive of an annular
generator. Some models operate at constant speed, but more energy can be collected
by variable-speed turbines which use a solid-state power converter to interface to the
transmission system. All turbines are equipped with protective features to avoid
damage at high wind speeds, by feathering the blades into the wind which ceases their
rotation, supplemented by brakes.

2. Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)

Vertical-axis wind turbines (or VAWTs) have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically.
Key advantages of this arrangement are that the turbine does not need to be pointed
into the wind to be effective. This is an advantage on sites where the wind direction is
highly variable, for example when integrated into buildings.

FIG.5 Helical VAWT

The key disadvantages include the low rotational speed with the consequential higher
torque and hence higher cost of the drive train, the inherently lower power coefficient,
the 360 degree rotation of the aerofoil within the wind flow during each cycle and
hence the highly dynamic loading on the blade, the pulsating torque generated by
some rotor designs on the drive train, and the difficulty of modelling the wind flow
accurately and hence the challenges of analysing and designing the rotor prior to
fabricating a prototype.

When a turbine is mounted on a rooftop, the building generally redirects wind over
the roof and this can double the wind speed at the turbine. If the height of the rooftop
mounted turbine tower is approximately 50% of the building height, this is near the
optimum for maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbulence. It should be
borne in mind that wind speeds within the built environment are generally much
lower than at exposed rural sites

Another type of vertical axis is the Parallel turbine similar to the crossflow fan or
centrifugal fan it uses the ground effect. Vertical axis turbines of this type have been
tried for many years: a large unit producing up to 10 kW was built by Israeli wind
pioneer Bruce Brill in 1980s, the device is mentioned in Dr. Moshe Dan Hirsch's 1990
report, which decided the Israeli energy department investments and support in the
next 20 years. The Magenn WindKite blimp uses this configuration as well, chosen
because of the ease of running.

2.1.3 Types of VAWT

There are main four types of vertical axis wind turbine.
1. Darrieus wind turbine
The Darrieus wind turbine is a type of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) used to
generate electricity from the energy carried in the wind. The turbine consists of a
number of aerofoils usually—but not always—vertically mounted on a rotating shaft

or framework. This design of wind turbine was patented by Georges Jean Marie
Darrieus, a French aeronautical engineer in 1931.

The Darrieus type is theoretically just as efficient as the propeller type if wind speed
is constant, but in practice this efficiency is rarely realised due to the physical stresses
and limitations imposed by a practical design and wind speed variation. There are also
major difficulties in protecting the Darrieus turbine from extreme wind conditions and
in making it self-starting.

FIG.6 Darrieus Type rotor (VAWT)

2. Giromill
Darrieus's 1927 patent also covered practically any possible arrangement using
vertical airfoils. One of the more common types is the Giromill or H-bar design, in
which the long "egg beater" blades of the common Darrieus design are replaced with
straight vertical blade sections attached to the central tower with horizontal supports.

FIG.7 Giromill type rotar (VAWT)

3. Savonius wind turbine

These are drag-type devices with two (or more) scoops that are used in anemometers,
Flettner vents (commonly seen on bus and van roofs), and in some high-reliability
low-efficiency power turbines. They are always self-starting if there are at least three

The Savonius wind turbine was invented by the Finnish engineer Sigurd Johannes
Savonius in 1922. However, Europeans had been experimenting with curved blades
on VAWT type wind turbines for many decades before this. In 1551 in Sebenico,
Italy-born Bishop of Czanad, who was as well an engineer, wrote 1616 the book
Machinae novae, containing several VAWT-type wind turbines with curved or V-
shaped pallets. None of his or any other earlier examples arrived the state of
development made by Sigurd Savonius. In his Finnish biography, there is mention of
his intention to develop a turbine-type similar to the Flettner-type, but autorotationary.
He - so tells the biography - experienced his rotor on small rowing vessels on lakes in

his country before he died on lung infection in early age of 46. There are no results of
his particular investigation known, but Magnus-Effect is confirmed by König

FIG.8 Savonius type rotor (VAWT)

4. Twisted Savonius
Twisted Savonius is a modified savonius, with long helical scoops to give a smooth
torque. This is mostly used as roof wind turbine or on some boats. This turbine has
less vibrations as compared to the other vertical as well as horizontal axis wind
turbine. And produces high and consistence torques. In his Finnish biography, there is
mention of his intention to develop a turbine-type similar to the Flettner-type, but
autorotationary. These are drag-type devices with two (or more) scoops that are used
in anemometers, Flettner vents (commonly seen on bus and van roofs), and in some
high-reliability low-efficiency power turbines. They are always self-starting if there
are at least three scoops.

FIG.9 Twisted savonious type rotor

2.2 Wind turbine Aerodynamics

The fundamental theory of design and operation of wind turbines is derived based on
a first principles approach using conservation of mass and conservation of energy in a
wind stream. A detailed derivation of the “Betz Equation” and the “Betz Criterion” or
“Betz Limit” is presented, and its subtleties, insights as well as the pitfalls in its
derivation and application are discussed. This fundamental equation was first
introduced by the German engineer Albert Betz in 1919 and published in his book
“Wind Energie und ihre Ausnutzung durch Windmühlen,” or “Wind Energy and its
Extraction through Wind Mills” in 1926. The theory that is developed applies to both
horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines.

The power coefficient of a wind turbine is defined and is related to the Betz Limit. A

description of the optimal rotor tip speed ratio of a wind turbine is also presented.
This is compared with a description based on Schmitz whirlpool ratios accounting for
the different losses and efficiencies encountered in the operation of wind energy
conversion systems. The theoretical and a corrected graph of the different wind
turbine operational regimes and configurations, relating the power coefficient to the
rotor tip speed ratio are shown. The general common principles underlying wind,
hydroelectric and thermal energy conversionare discussed.

2.2.1 Coefficient of Power (Cp) of wind turbine

The coefficient of power of a wind turbine is a measurement of how efficiently the
wind turbine converts the energy in the wind into electricity.

Bnw you already know how to calculate the amount of electricity a wind turbine is
producing, and you also know how to calculate the total power available in a given
area of wind. To find the coefficient of power at a given wind speed, all you have to
do is divide the electricity produced by the total energy available in the wind at that

Wind turbines extract energy by slowing down the wind. For a wind turbine to be
100% efficient it would need to stop 100% of the wind - but then the rotor would have
to be a solid disk and it would not turn and no kinetic energy would be converted. On
the other extreme, if you had a wind turbine with just one rotor blade, most of the
wind passing through the area swept by the turbine blade would miss the blade
completely and so the kinetic energy would be kept by the wind.

2.2.2 Betz limit

Albert Betz was a German physicist who calculated that no wind turbine could
convert more than 59.3% of the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy
turning a rotor. This is known as the Betz Limit, and is the theoretical maximum
coefficient of power for any wind turbine.

FIG.10 Betz Limit

In the diagram shown above, the wind turbine converts 70% of the Betz Limit into
electricity. Therefore, the Cp of this wind turbine would be 0.7 x 0.59 = 0.41. So this
wind turbine converts 41% of the available wind energy into electricity. This is
actually a pretty good coefficient of power. Good wind turbines generally fall in the
35-45% range.

FIG .11 Power Vs Wind Speed

This graph shows two power curves (1). The graph shows the actual power produced
at various wind speeds by a Bergey XL1 (1 kW rating) wind turbine. It also shows the
theoretical power in the wind at these wind speeds. When the wind blows at 28 mph,
the Bergey turbine produces about 1,200 Watts. At the same wind speed, you can see
that there is theoretically about 6,000 Watts of power in the wind. So, to find the
coefficient of power for the Bergey, divide 1,200 by 6,000. The Bergey XL1 has a Cp
of about 0.2 or 20% at 28 mph winds.

2.2.3 Tip speed ratio of wind turbine

The Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) is an extremely important factor in wind turbine design.
TSR refers to the ratio between the wind speed and the speed of the tips of the wind
turbine blades.
If the rotor of the wind turbine spins too slowly, most of the wind will pass straight
through the gap between the blades, therefore giving it no power. But if the rotor
spins too fast, the blades will blur and act like a solid wall to the wind. Also, rotor

blades create turbulence as they spin through the air. If the next blade arrives too
quickly, it will hit that turbulent air. So, sometimes it is actually better to slow
down your blades.

Wind turbines must be designed with optimal tip speed ratios to get the maximum
amount of power from the wind.

FIG.12 Betz criterion

Remember that the Tip Speed Ratio of a wind turbine is an essential factor to how
efficient that turbine will perform (2). This graph to the right shows the relationship
between tip-speed ratio (TSR) and the coefficient of power (Cp).

2.2.4 Wind Power

The wind is a source of renewable energy that has been used by several ancient
cultures to pump water and grind grain. Now, this resource is used to produce
electricity using wind mills also called wind turbines (WT). This devices are capable
of extracting power from the wind and there are different kinds of WT’s that are
going to be described on the next section.

To define the total power of the wind, first it is needed to understand the kinetic
energy of the wind that is expressed by below equation . This expression defines that

the kinetic energy is the half of the mass times the square velocity of the wind.
As the energy transfered in time is equal to power, the mass from the last equation can

be changed to mass flow as shown in the below equation .

Due that the mass flow is equal to the volumetric flow times the density,
The total power of the wind can be expressed as follows,

2.2.5 Performance Analysis

The total power of the wind stream is proportional to the air density, cross section
area of the swept frontal of the wind turbine perpendicular to the air flow, and the

wind speed. Of which can be written as,

The mechanical power (pt ) produced by the wind turbine is a functions of tangential
force and rotational speed of axis and is equal to

The power coefficient (cp ) of a wind turbine is explained as the mechanical power
output from that turbine divided by the total power accessible in the cross section area

of the wind stream input to the wind turbine.

The torque coefficient (cq ) is analysis by the defined as the dividing of power
coefficient of a wind turbine by the tip speed ratio (l) of the turbine.

2.2.6 Losses in wind turbine
1. The profile losses: In equation the resistance force was neglected. This can be
considered using,

where ε is the number of slip(slide) and can be expressed as the ratio of the uplift

force coefficient of the chosen profile CL to resistance force coefficient CD which is

The end losses: In the end of a blade, there takes place on airflow from the lower side
of the profile to the upper side. Coupling with the airflow coming to the blade, this
airflow generates a gradually widening. In the calculations, this can be considered as

The whirlpool losses: According to the Betz theory the wind does not change before
and after the turbine plate. However the air mass encountering the blade changes its
direction. The whirlpool losses can be calculated by Cpschmitz -λA diagram given
by Schmitz [2] if the same profile is used throughout the blade. The Cpschmitz -λA
curve is given in Figure 1 and the numerical values associated with this diagram in
Table 1.

Blade number losses: In a turbine with more than four blade, the air movement
through blades gets complicated and its theoretical analysis can not easily be made.
Therefore, the theory of Glauert-Shmitz previously mentioned applies to the turbines
with four our less wind turbine blade.

Fig 13 Cpschmitz-λA curve

Having considered all the losses mentioned, the power factor given in Eqn.6 becomes;

TABLE 1 Cpschmitz-λA values for whirpool lossess

2.3 Wind power potential of India
The Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) estimates that there is a
potential of around 90,000 MW for the country, including 48,561 MW of wind power,
14,294 MW of small hydro power and 26,367 MW of biomass In addition, the
potential for solar energy is estimated for most parts of the country at around 20 MW
per square kilometer of open, shadow free area covered with 657 GW of installed
The total potential for wind power in India was first estimat¬ed by the Centre for
Wind Energy Technology (C-WET) at around 45 GW, and was recently increased to
48.5 GW. This figure was also adopted by the government as the official estimate.

2.3.1 State-Wise & Year-Wise Wind Power Installed Capacity(MW)

A total Wind Power capacity of 8748 MW has been installed in the country, till 31st
March, 20 08.

TABLE 2 State-Wise & Year-Wise Wind Power Installed Capacity (MW)

2.3.2 Gross Wind Power Potential in the country
Gross wind power potential in the country has been estimated at over 45,000 MW,
based on the areas having wind power density of 200 Watts per square meter or more
and assuming land availability in potential areas @ one percent and land requirement
@ 12 hectares per MW.

TABLE 3 Gross Wind Power Potential in the country

2.3.3 Wind Characteristic survey for central India

As our project is based on the working of wind turbine in central India . So to do the
survey of wind characteristics of central India we chose the Nagpur region to study
the wind characteristics. We had done the survey of Nagpur region as it is situated in
the center of central India. The data of wind speed got to us is of morning 0830 HRS
IST and evening 1730 HRS IST.
Below there is wind rose diagram according to which the survey has been done. THE
wind rose diagram is of Nagpur region of Period 1981-1991.
FIG 14 Wind Rose Diagram of 0830 HRS IST (morning 8:30) Nagpur Region of
Period: 1981-1991

FIG 15 Wind Rose Diagram of 1730 HRS IST (evening 5:30) Nagpur Region of
Period: 1981-1991

2.4 Helical Savonius vertical axis wind turbine
This investigations focuses on the Savonius WT. This kind of device was invented by
a Finnish engineer called Sigurd J. Savonius in 1922 and it was patented in 1926. It is
classified as a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) although it can be installed
horizontally or diagonally also. Aerodynamically its principle is based on the
difference of the drag force that the wind exerts over the two blades whose profile its
similar to an “S” (See Figure 2). The force difference is generated because when the
air gets in contact with the blades one of those is concave and the other is convex
according to the wind direction. This cause an effect that will try to move both blades
in different directions but because the force exerted over the concave blade is superior
that the force exerted over the convex blade the rotor will rotate.

FIG 16 Typical profile of a Savonius WT rotor.

The change of the rotor shape according to the wind direction when the rotor is in
movement will cause a cyclic load. In order to avoid that kind of behavior it was
developed the helical Savonius. With the helical shape it is assure that a constant load
will be applied to the electric generator, the vibration will be eliminated and the WT
will be able to start with any wind direction.

2.4.1 Efficiency of rotor

The efficiency or CP of a WT is defined as the total power extracted by the device
over the total power of the wind, as expressed on the equation below.

As the power of the wind can be expressed with the equation 4 and the power of a
rotating body is equal to the torque times its angular velocity, the equation 6 can be
expressed as follows.

As the optimization of the CP is the main objective of this investigation, in this

section it is shown the main improvements made to the Savonius WT according to
this characteristic since the beginning of this technology.

On the Figure 3 it is shown the CP of the most common types of WT’s in which this
parameter variates according to the TSR. This is because each wind turbine has an
optimumworking velocity, this velocity is called tip speed ratio (TSR or λ) and it is

FIG 17 CP according to the TSR for the most common WT’s.

the relative velocity of the tip of the blade according to the wind velocity regarding to
the equation below. For the Savonius WT the TSR is around 0.8 to 1.

On the last Figure it is clear that the Savonius rises at a maximum CP over 30%
compared with the 45% of the HAWT’s. In the same Figure, a theoretical limit called
the Betz’ law is shown. This limit was determined in 1919, and it affirms that the
device can extract a maximum of 59.26% of the wind energy.

It must be clear that the limit shown in Figure 3 shows the Betz limit for propeller
type WT, so this diminishing of the CPmax at lower TSR is only for HAWT’s.

The Betz law supports the fact that the WT needs to take energy from the wind, this

involves taking out velocity from it. So if you take velocity from it, the mass flow rate
over the WT rotor will decrease and this will impact negatively in the power output.
So there is a tradeoff between the velocity taken out from the air and the mass that
passes through the rotor. This tradeoff is satisfied at its optimum point when the wind
velocity at the outlet is 1/3 times the velocity of the inlet and these reaches the CPmax
shown on Equation .

As an example, the power of a 10m/s wind that passes through an area of 1m2 has
approximately a power of 612.5 watts. From this total power of the wind, if the most
efficient WT is built, it will be able of extracting only 363 watts according to the Betz

2.4.2 Evolution of the Savonius wind turbine

It is known that in order to maximize the CP it is needed to modify the shape of the
rotor because it is the responsible of capturing the kinetic energy of the wind and
convert it into mechanical energy. For that reason the profile of the rotor is the
principal point of interest, while the diameter may be a factor that can improve the

In order to improve the efficiency of the Savonius WT there have been different
investigations. All of this investigations have focused in shapes using profiles with a
constant thickness in order to make them easy to manufacture. In the Table 1 are
shown the principal improvements made to the CP modifying the rotor profile.
The typical Savonius rotor consists in two semicircular buckets and has been
improved on a couple of investigations. These projects claim that they have obtained
shapes with superior CP’s.
The first formal research in this field was made by Blackwell in 1977. The
improvement consisted in the creation of several one meter diameter wind turbines
with two and three buckets and different overlaps. This investigation carried out by
the prestigious SANDIA laboratories concluded that the optimum ratio
overlap/diameter was between 0.1 and 0.15 reaching a CP of approximately 26.5%.

TABLE 4 Savonius rotor CP improvements.

One research was made by Valdès and Ramamonjisoa (2006) in which the optimal
shape was obtained using an algorithm that modified the shape of the device. This
shape modification was limited to semicircular blades in order to manufacture them
with oil drums. On this investigation the design variants for improving the CP were
evaluated with a mathematical model that described the behavior of this WT.
Another research was made by Menet and Bourabaa (2003). They made variations to
the overlap/diameter ratio in order to increase the CP. The CP on that investigation
was obtained through a CFD analysis which is not detailed in the publication. The
range of values evaluated for the ratio was 0.1 to 0.5 and they concluded that the
optimum performance was obtained at a ratio overlap/diameter of 0.242

.Fig 18 a) Savonius wind turbine b)Helical Savonius wind turbine, c) Savonius

rotor profile.



3.1 Design and Material selection

The designing and the material selection procedure which is being carried out in
project work is reverse engineering.

3.1.1 Design of shaft for VAWT

3.1.1 Deflection
Several different methods were used in order to evaluate the shaft design for different
criteria. In order to evaluate the stiffness of the shaft, it was modeled as a cantilever
beam, the forces acting on the beam being the drag force Fd acting on the shaft due to
the surface area of the blades attached to it and the reaction force Rb of the bearing on
the fixed end of the shaft. This model is pictured in the figure that follows. Modeling

the helical blades as a rectangle of equivalent area and assuming the wind strikes their
surface area orthogonally and is evenly distributed, the drag force was calculated
using the following equation.

This force is in Newton’s and corresponds to a wind speed of 30mph (13:42m=s2), a

density of air (ρ) of 1:168kg=m3, a drag coefficient for a at plat in a perpendicular
ow of Cd = 1:28 and a surface area of A = 2:25m2. The velocity used was chosen
because it was designated as the average upper limit of wind speed in the intended
areas of use for the wind turbine. Wind speeds above this should merit the prototype
turbine having its blades removed or the entire package be removed and testing
stopped. A production turbine would be designed to withstand higher wind speeds.

Having calculated the force that acts on the shaft, the maximum deflection can be
Calculated by the following equation.

FIG 19 Free-body Diagram of Shaft

Since the quantities a and l are known, only Young's modulus, E and the area moment
of inertia, I, are unknown. A plot was then made that displayed the deflection of the
shaft as a
function of Young's Modulus. This was done for multiple inertias corresponding to
multiple solid and hollow shafts (see figure below). Once a shaft diameter is
calculated for a particular material (E), it can be checked against this plot to see if it
meets deflection criteria.

3.1.2 Sizing the Shaft: Using the Maximum Shear Stress Theory
Utilizing the methods found in Fundamentals of Machine Elements by Hamrock,
Schmid and Jacobson (Ch.11, p. 436-456), the shaft was sized according to the

MSST. The equation for shaft diameter (equation 11.17, p. 441) is presented here.
The safety factor (ns) was chosen to be one as the model already was already a
conservative estimate of the forces on the shaft. Sy is the yield strength of the material
and is 97 MPa for aluminum (Al 2014) and 207 MPa for steel (AISI 1040). M and T

are the static moment and dynamic torque, respectively, acting on the shaft. The static
moment was calculated using the free-body diagram of Figure 1 to determine the

reaction force Rb = Fd. A moment diagram was then constructed and the maximum
moment determined.

The maximum torque the shaft would transmit can be found from the relationship
between power and rotational speed. Since torque is merely power divided by the
rotational speed, the torque will be at its maximum value for its maximum power
output with minimal rotational speed. Maximum power will occur at maximum wind
speed (30mph). It will be assumed that electronic controls will either allow the shaft
to spin freely or activate mechanical breaking to slow the shaft if wind speeds are in
excess of 30mph. Power is given by the following equation.

FIG20 Shaft Deflections

α is the efficiency of the turbine in extracting power from the wind and was assumed
to be 0.20. This is a higher value than most normal vertical axis turbines in order to
deliver higher theoretical power and thus higher torque. The radius used in this
equation is half the diameter of the blades (d = 1.5m; r = 0.75m). The velocity and
density of air are the same values used in equation 1. A minimum rotational speed of
100rpm was then assumed for the turbine. Under these conditions, the resulting torque
is calculated.

Since the torque is tiny in comparison to the moment, it is clear that the moment
should dominate the diameter calculations. This is another reason why the MSST was
chosen over the other model, the Distortion Energy Theory. The differences are so
small between the two that either could be used. Now, all of the different elements of
equation 3 are known and the minimum shaft diameter can be determined for both
materials. The entire process of generating the numbers used in the MSST.

3.1.3 Result
According to the above values & calculation we determined that the value of diameter
of the shaft . This final design featured a shaft made of solid steel with a diameter of
d=0.75"= 19.05mm
Therefore, selecting standard shaft available d=22mm

3.2 Profile Design of Helical Savonius vertical axis wind turbine

Constructing the Models in Geometry Expressions:

Both a top view and a side view of the wind turbine were made. The following
paragraphs state each step in the mathematical process of constructing them (but not
specifically how to do it in Geometry Expressions). The first, and easiest, part of
modeling the twisted Savonius wind turbine is making a 2 dimensional top view. The
twist of the turbine is constrained as theta, the rotation of the turbine is X (which
allows us to animate the turbine as if it's spinning in the wind), and s and t represent
how far up and around the blade a certain pair of points are. We can ―fill in‖ the

entire blade by constructing traces. Traces are essentially the path along which a
certain line, curve, locus, etc. moves traced out a given number of times through a
certain interval. In other words they are the path of a line, locus or curve as a
parameter (usually a point proportional along a curve) changes. These parameters all
stay consistent between the different models and the traced surfaces method is also
used in the side view model. Note that in this project I assume that the Savonius wind
turbine's blades have a semicircular cross section (horizontally). This is often the case
with Savonius turbines but some have cross sections that are more elliptical. Here is
the entire construction process of the top view:

FIG 21 Basic User Interface of Geometry Expressions

First, 4 circles are drawn and their radii are constrained to be ‗r‘. Next, the
intersection point of 2 circles is created and line segments are drawn from the point of
intersection to the centers of the circles. The intersection point is set to (0,0) and one
of the line segments‘ direction is constrained at X. Next, the angle between the line
segments is set as theta. Then, 2 points are added to each of the 2 circles being used
right now, which will leave 3 (the first is added when the circle is drawn). Arcs are
drawn between 2 of the points on each circle. On the first circle, the arc endpoints are
constrained to be proportional along the curve at X and X+pi, the third point is X+t.
The same is done on the other circle, but with theta added to each constraint and the
endpoints oriented so the arc faces the opposite direction. This entire process is
repeated with the other two circles, and the intersection point from before is
coincident with the new intersection so that all four circles intersect in the same place.
The angle between the line segments is still theta, but now the angle between one of
the new line segments and the corresponding old one is pi radians instead of a
direction of X. See the screenshot image (figure 12), right.

Everything but the arcs and the points constrained by t are hidden. Line segments are
drawn from one of these points to the next one, rotated at theta. Points are placed on
each line and constrained to be proportional at s. The locus of these new points is
taken, from 0 to pi through parameter t. The trace of each ellipse is taken through the
parameter s, from 0 to 1. This will make the blade shape appear. Next, the trace of
each of the new line segments is constructed, through t from 0 to pi. Now the blade is
completely filled in with a grid. Using different colors can enhance the model
additionally. Using the animation exporter feature (unreleased), an animation can be
created of the turbine spinning as if in operation or an animation of twisting the
turbine can be created by varying theta. An interesting geometric proof from this
model is in Appendix B.

FIG 22 Fully constrained top view model.

The side view model is constructed in pseudo-3D by basing the frame on ellipses
which act as tilted circles in Geometry Expressions. With this model, the traces give
the appearance of an actual twisted Savonius turbine, and when the X variable—

which controls the spin—is animated, a video of the wind turbine operating in the
wind as it would look from the side is produced. The ability of Geometry Expressions
to create semi-transparent surfaces out of traces allows both blades to be seen as they
are spinning which is especially useful for trying to study and understand the shape.

To build the model in Geometry Expressions, three ellipses are drawn first. The
equation of each is constrained so that two ellipses are always tangential to each other
and the third ellipse and the first two ellipses rotate within the third as X is varied.
The following equations are used to constrain the ellipses, with all of the letters and
symbols being used as ellipse parameters except for X which controls the general

FIG 23 Completed Top View Model

Next, points are created on the smaller ellipses as they were in the top view and with
exactly the same constraints. When all six points have been drawn and constrained,
the entire drawing is copied and pasted. The only apparent difference is that the
constraints are thicker. Dragging each of the ellipse equations, one of each is revised
with a minus ht in the y section like this:

When all three ellipses are duplicated below the original ones at a distance of ht, theta
is added to every constraint right next to the X (except in the outer ellipse equation) as
in these equations:

As before, line segments are drawn from the top set‘s t points to those on the bottom.
Then a point is placed on each line segment and constrained to be proportional at s.
Finally, loci and traces are constructed as before. The final figure (14, right) can again
be animated, in operation or twisting.

As will be seen in the results section, geometric constraints require that multiple
sections of blade are necessary in a turbine for it to be twisted the full. 180o, which
necessitates a slightly extended procedure for construction. Four sections identical to
that already described are twisted 45o or pi radians, and stacked to form this more
effective design. The properties requiring the stacking process will require it for
development of a new method of blade construction also, but fortunately this requires
little extra work, only creating four separate sections and stacking them. To create the
visual model of the full, stacked turbine, five sets of rotating (with X) ellipses were
created instead of two. The variable ht was again used to distance all of the elliptical
sections, but this time in fractions so the sections would be spaced evenly.

All of the proportionally constrained points on the small ellipses remain, but are all
twisted by a fraction of theta (along with the small ellipse equations) so that each
layer moves theta/4 radians farther around the turbine as X and theta are varied.
Though the construction process is very long and tedious, the side view model can be
fully built in about 45 minutes even with all 5 elliptical sections using a method with
refined keystrokes. Discovery of this method was also very difficult because of the
difficulty in constraining the figure in a tilted, elliptical view. The result, figure 15,
right, is worth the effort because it allows one to conceptualize the turbine‘s shape,
especially when it is animated; an easy possibility on a fast computer thanks to the

time consuming use of the variables X and theta.

FIG 24 The basic side view “3-D” model twisted (theta) about 120o and rotated
(X) about 30o.

In addition to building and observing a computerized model of the twisted Savonius

wind turbine, I also developed a method which allows one to create the turbine from a
flat piece of material without specialized equipment. As is the case with a sphere, the
shape of the twisted Savonius blade cannot be unrolled into a flat shape (like a
cylinder can be) because of the relations in its three-dimensional cross sectional

planes. Instead, I used triangles based on control points and line segments taken from
the top view model, then incorporated the vertical dimension, a, with the Pythagorean
Theorem to create a flat surface with inner fold lines that can be erected into the blade
shape by folding in opposite directions. I will briefly explain the process of doing this
using 4 sections to approximate, but this method was expanded to include
approximations of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28 and 32 sides. While the full side
view model can be constructed in 45 minutes, the higher approximations can take
upwards of 3-4 hours to complete, each
Figure 16, left, shows the most basic frame for the top view of the turbine, with all of
the constraints. The circles represent the top and bottom cross-sections of the model
and the variables theta and ‗r‘ are used for the angle of twist and the radius of the
circle, respectively; no other variables from the other models were used. Points were
constrained around the first half of each circle at even intervals; for the 4 side
.approximation this was at 0, pi/4, pi/2 and 3*pi/4. The second (left) circle was

FIG 25 The full side view model

constrained identically but with theta added to all of the points. A point was
automatically placed at pi for both of the circles because the angle between the circles
was theta and the direction of the lower circle radius from which the angle between
the circles was theta was constrained to be 0. Next line segments were drawn between
the corresponding points (1 on circle 1 to 1 on circle 2, etc.) and on points going
between (2 on the first circle to 1 on the second, etc.). These ―diagonal‖ lines
between differently constrained points were colored differently in all of the models to
reduce confusion (see figure17, right).

Once the circles were completed, the symbolic lengths of every line segment were
calculated. Each of these equations represented the adjacent side of a right triangle,
which appeared as a line in the top view. The variable ‗a‘ was used to represent the
vertical, adjacent side which appeared as a point in the top view. The remaining side
of the triangle, the hypotenuse, needed to be found, and then used to constrain line
segments in the unrolled shape. Fortunately, the Pythagorean Theorem allows this to
be done: the theorem states that in a right triangle with the adjacent and opposite sides
being a and b and the hypotenuse being c:

FIG 26 Basic top view framework for building triangle approximations

FIG 27 Full frame for line calculations in the top view

Now, because the calculations represent the b side, the calculations must be squared,
a2 must be added and then the square root of the total must be taken to find the
constraint, representing the c side. If this process is completed incorrectly for any line
segment, the rules of triangle side length constraints will not be fulfilled and the
unrolled figure will be reduced to a single line—the one that was improperly
constrained. Therefore, it is best to slowly work through the figure and make one
calculation, incorporate the variable a and use the resulting expression to constrain the
unrolled line segment before moving to the next line segment. One side of each
unrolled triangle doesn‘t need to have a incorporated into it: the 4 sides that sit at the
top and bottom of each blade. These constraints are copied directly from the
calculation of the symbolic distance between any two consecutive points on the same
All of the expressions are laid out systematically as constraints on the actual unrolled
shape. Figure 19 shows the progression of the unrolled figure as more and more of the
triangles are added with color coding showing their relations to the circles. The first
―vertical‖ side of the first triangle, left to right, uses the first black line‘s equation on
the circles: from point 1 to point 1. The short bottom side uses the unchanged distance
between two consecutive points on the same circle. The last side of the triangle (also
the first side of the next) is the first colored line, from point 2 to point 1. I find it
useful to make these line segments colored on the unrolled model as well, because
they are folded in the opposite.

FIG 28 The Unrolling Process, in progress for the 4 side approximation

direction of the black lines. The constraint process continues until all of the lines on
the circles have been used, and the last vertical side, representing a point on the top
view, is simply a, because the adjacent side is equal to 0. After all of the constraints,
point labels, etc. are hidden, the unrolled figure is reflected about the last side,
constrained as a, which is also constrained to be oriented vertically.
Constraints in the figure can again be animated, but the only
logical one for this figure is theta, the twist. Appropriate ranges for all the variables
should be input, I used 0 to pi for theta and locked a as 1.83/4 and r as 1/4, the aspect
ratio used by previous researchers (Saha, 2005). At times the aspect ratio was rounded
to 2:1 for simplicity purposes. Creating a polygon with all of the outermost side
lengths allows for a real calculation of the shape‘s area. Unfortunately a symbolic
output, which would be extremely useful for analyzing shape. changes in terms of
height, radius and theta changes, does not seem to exist in a finite form, because
Geometry Expressions cannot complete the calculation after 5 minutes (it usually
takes milliseconds) and the partial equation it gives is immensely long. The completed
4 sided approximation is right in figure 20 and the others are found in the results.

3.3 Details of components
1. Shaft
Length: - 1900mm,
Diameter: - ϕ22 mm

2. Circular mid Flange

L X B:- 30 X 30
Thickness: - 11mm

3. Bearing (Top & Bottom)

Inner Diameter: - ϕ60mm
Outer Diameter: - ϕ72mm
Thickness:- 12mm

4. Bearing (Flange)
Inner Diameter: - ϕ22mm
Outer Diameter: - ϕ40mm
Thickness: - 12mm

5. Bigger GEAR
Diameter: - ϕ 300mm

6. small GEAR
Diameter:- ϕ 70mm

7. Generator pulley
Diameter: - ϕ 10mm

8. Generator
6V DC output, 0.5 Amp

9. Helical Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Diameter: - ϕ 750mm
Length: - 1200mm
Helix angle: - 42 °


1750mm ϕ22mm

FIG. 29 Shaft


Raw material:-EN-8/Bright Steel

Diameter: - 20 mm Length: - 1900mm


11mm ϕ 200mm

FIG. 30 Flange

Raw material:-Mild steel
L X B: -30 X 30 Thickness: - 11mm


ϕ 60mm



FIG.31 thrust (top and bottom)

Inner Diameter: - ϕ60mm
Outer Diameter: - ϕ72mm Thickness: - 12


ϕ 127mm



For LARGE GEAR- ϕ300 mm

For SMALL GEAR –ϕ70 mm
Raw material:- NYLON


ϕ 750mm


FIG 34 Helical Savonius (VAWT) rotor


Diameter: - ϕ 750mm
Length: - 1200mm
Helix angle: - 44 °


FIG 35 Stand assembly

Gear Drive Bearing Blade Stand


FIG. 36 Fabricated stand


FIG. 38 Generator

6V DC output.

3.4 Fabrication

1. According to the wind turbine specification the stand in fabricated.

2. The Gear is mounted on the shaft at the respective distance from the bottom

3. The thrust bearings are mounted on the top and bottom flange & ball bearing on

4. The axis of shaft is set properly and the whole assembly is mounted on the stand.

6. The complete rotor profile is made with an required angle of helix.

7. The generator is connected to the shaft with the leather belt.

8. The generator produces the voltage at particular rpm got to it by the helical
savonius vertical axis wind turbine rotation.

3.5 CAD Model of Helical Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

FIG. 40 CAD of rotor

3.6 Application
(i) Wind Pumps The livelihood and well-being of people, animals, and crops
depends on a reliable, cost-effective supply of clean water. Mechanical wind water
pumping machines have been used to pump water from wells for centuries. The
technology of modern mechanical water pumpers is relatively simple, the
maintenance requirements are modest, and the replacement parts are not difficult to

The mechanical water pumper is the best option in some circumstances. However,
because it must be placed close to the water source, it is often unable to capture the
best wind resources.

A wind electric pumping system overcomes some of the problems with the simple
wind water pumper. This system generates electricity, which, in turn, runs an electric
pump. Wind electric pumping systems allow greater siting flexibility, higher
efficiency of wind energy conversion, increased water output, increased versatility in
use of output power, and decreased maintenance and life-cycle costs.

(ii) Stand-Alone Systems for Home and Business

In many places, wind power is the least-cost option for providing power to homes and
businesses that are remote from an established grid. Researchers estimate that wind
produces more power at less cost than diesel generators at any remote site with an
average wind speed greater than about 4 meters per second. The applications for
electricity in households range from operating small household appliances to
refrigeration and freezing, heating, cooling, and lighting.

The accompanying table gives an estimate of a wind turbine's output, based on wind
speed and rotor diameter, in watthours/ day.
The amount of power that a turbine produces depends heavily on the wind speed at
the turbine height. System designers must weigh improved performance of the wind

turbine at higher tower heights against the increased cost and difficulty of installing
higher towers.

(iii) Systems for Community Centers, Schools, and Health Clinics

A larger system can provide power to a centralized community center, health clinic,
or school. A power system for a health center can enable the storage of vaccines and
radio communication for emergency calls. A power system for a school can provide
electricity for computers and educational television, video, and radio. Community
centers often find that, in addition to the benefits of the power, such as lighting and
cooling, the "waste energy" can be used to charge batteries or make ice for sale to

Extending the distribution lines to individual homes and creating a “mini-grid”

increases the convenience of the power system to the community. The United States'
National Renewable Energy Laboratory is involved in exploring a new concept that
may significantly lower the cost &/or improve the performance of village systems: the
"high-penetration" diesel retrofit system. A substantial amount of diesel fuel could be
saved with a control strategy and system architecture that allows shutting down the
diesel generator when the wind is sufficient to carry the load, and uses short-term
battery storage to reduce diesel start-ups during instantaneous lulls in the wind.

The energy requirement and equipment size calculations are similar – on a larger
scale – to those for the stand-alone system. The best-designed systems will use as
much power as possible directly, instead of storing it in batteries. This reduces initial
cost and complexity while delivering the wind's energy in the most efficient way.
Using some or all of the turbine's output to pump water, grind grain, or run other loads
not dependent on utility-grade electricity reduces the need for batteries for storage of
constant-frequency AC power

(iv) Industrial Applications The number of dedicated industrial applications for
wind power continues to grow. Small wind power systems are ideal for applications
where storing and shipping fuel is uneconomical or impossible. Wind power is
currently being used for the following applications:

• telecommunications
• radar
• pipeline control
• navigational aids
• cathodic protection
• weather stations/seismic monitoring
• air-traffic control
Wind machines in industrial applications typically encounter more extreme weather
than home power systems and must be designed to be robust with very minimal

(v) Grid-Connected Power The cost of utility-scale wind power has been steadily
declining throughout the last decade. Today, in good wind regimes, wind power can
be the least-cost resource. Thanks to these positive economic trends and the fact that
wind power does not produce any emissions, wind power has been the fastest-
growing energy source in the world for the past few years. Wind power can help
diversify a country's energy resources and can bring construction and maintenance
jobs to the local community.

In large-scale wind power applications, there are two keys to developing the most
cost-effective projects: wind speed and project size. Since the power output is so
highly dependent on the wind speed, differences in one meter per second can mean
differences of a cent or more per kWh in the cost of electricity production. Wind
projects are also subject to scale economies. In general, given the same wind speed, a
large project will be more cost-effective than a small one.

3.7 Advantages & Disadvantages
The helical Savonius presents advantages over the HAWT that makes them capable to
be installed on urban media. Some of the advantages are the following:
- It doesn’t generate noise because the velocity of rotation doesn’t exceed the
wind velocity.
- It doesn’t generate vibrations because of its helical shape and this allows them to
be installed on buildings.
- It is safe with the animal life because its blades seems like solid objects.
- It doesn’t need to be oriented to the wind (omni-directional)
- It can generate electricity with turbulent winds due to its omni-directional capacity.
- Starts at 1 to 3 m/s (10.8 km/hr, 7.75 MPH).
- Low maintenance as consequence of its low working speed and its few mobile parts.
- It can be manufactured with low cost materials and processes
- It can be installed in any position (but only the vertical is omni-directional).
- It can be installed on places with low average speeds as 4.5m/s (excellent for urban

FIG. 41 VAWT advantage over HAWT

On the other hand, the disadvantages are:
- Less efficient than the HAWT.
- The helical model has a complicated geometry.
- The general idea is that this is an obsolete technology.
- The actual market offers this kind of device at very high prices.



Table 5 current , voltage and power produced by the helical savonius vertical
axis wind turbine

FIG.42 Generated voltage, ampere and power with respect to the wind speed


Need identified for the mentioned project work was that to obtain optimum level of
wind energy as compared to other conventional method. Hence, the design and
fabrication of Helical Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine is the need of time for
central India. The ultimate aim of fabrication is to increase the efficiency of the
turbine by obtaining fine curves on profile of turbine and contribute to the power
production rate at marginal increase in the cost.

A successful survey of wind characteristics is carried out under best available

condition for ten years consecutively each day at 0830 HRS IST and 1730 HRS IST
by Meteorological department of India, Nagpur for central India. From the above
result it is clear that this vertical axis wind turbine produces remarkable amount of
voltage as per the wind speed available in central India. Thus, the conclusion is drawn
that the Fabrication of Helical Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine is capable of
producing electricity at a higher rate than that of conventional method.

Moreover , during working on the major subjects of mechanical engineering such as

machine design and computer aided design, we both shared all together the
experience the designing and fabrication of shaft, pulley , selection of generator ,
bearing, flange ,V-belt etc. which definitely helped to grow our practical knowledge
in today’s scenario of atomization and latest innovations.

So, it brings hope that this project can bring about the successful innovations and
further development in the power production field from wind energy which is going
to prove to be a vast resource for the man kind as compared to other conventional
Resources available today and future.


From the above results it is clear that the voltage produced with the Helical Savonius
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine is more than other vertical axis wind turbine. The voltage
produced is around 18 Volts which is satisfactory according to our design profile.
This because we had selected the helical profile of savonius type of wind turbine. and
having the helix angle 42° which is producing the required torque to rotate the turbine
and generate the electricity.

Hence considering the today scenario of continuously increasing the need of power ,
we have very limited source of power generation and we cannot depend on non
renewable sources of energy available today. Hence, from the conventional and
nonconventional sources of energy available today wind energy is the only resource
that is available to unlimited quantity.

Thus we conclude from the above discussion that we can generate electricity from the
wind energy. Although , it has high establishment cost as its profile is difficult but
have very less maintains and drawbacks . This leads to conclude that using wind
energy is the need of time and serious research and development should be down in
this field.



1. The future scope for the further development is to design the blades of the
helical profile more which can produce more efficiency in less wind speed.
2. The less rpm generator should be made so that it can generate the electricity in
less wind speed.
3. More efficient gear box should be made so that proper torque and rpm is
produced in less wind speed.
4. Helical savonius wind turbine can be used as domestic purpose in urban
conditions of India.
5. The turbine should be design so that it can with stand high wind speed.
6. The fourth edition of the Global Wind Energy Outlook shows that wind power could
supply up to 12% of global electricity by 2020, creating 1.4 million new jobs and
reducing CO2 emissions by more than 1.5 billion tons per year, more than 5 times
today’s level. By 2030, wind power could provide more than 20% of global
electricity supply.
7. An elegant method of describing average wind speed , duration and direction
on the single graph is known as wind rose diagram it depicts the compass
bearing from which the wind comes from all 16 direction along with the
average wind speed and duration in an year



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10. , Helix Wind A Global renewable energy
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1. - 11900/-
2. 2 2750
Gear making
3. 450
Battery 1
3 220
LED lamp 1
4 3 950
5 - 100
Wiring, switch, etc.
TOTAL 16,370


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