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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT)

(E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2017”, 09th April 2017

Automation in Petrol Bunk using RFID and GSM

Ms. Priyanka A.Gaikwad1,Ms.Shubhangi S.Wanare2,Ms.Pallavi S.Sonone3,
Ms.Pratibha K. Bahekar4, Prof.I.Y.Sheikh5
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering1,2,3,4,5
PankajLaddhad Institute of technology & Management Studies, Buldana1,2,3,4,5
Email:gaikwadpriyanka258@gmail.com1, shubhangiwanare95@gmail.com2, sononeps95@gmail.com3,

Abstract-Nowadays petrol pump are operated The hardware part of the system consist of arduino
manually we required more man power and it is Uno, RFID, GSM, LCD, relay, keypad and other
time consuming process. So we implemented electronic components. A centralized database
automatic petrol pump by using GSM and RFID. system is useful to allow fuel station to share same
This system can improve the fueling process in data about the vehicle and related account balance.
order to make it easier, reliable and secure. In this The additional features of the system is, it provide
case unauthorized fueling is prevented by assigning the information regarding the fuel level to the
a special quantity of fuel for registered vehicle owner. Added to that our system has smokesensor
depending on their type.In this system, all drivers that will detect every type of smoke in the
have a smart card called RFID card which can be respective area and infrared level sensor to sense
recharged by some points. The petrol pump is the fuel level available in the tank.
equipped with a smart card reader which reads the
amount in the card and will display it on the LCD. Index Terms - RFID Reader & Tag, Arduino Uno,

1. INTRODUCTION This project is made up by using arduino that controls

This is an era of digitalization. Cashless India is a the complete system components i.e. RFID card,
dream of our prime minister. Hence we have designed relay, motor. It also providesthe facility of onsite
the automaticpetrol bunk using RFID and GSM[1]. In recharge. The important featureof these projects is
case of traditional petrol pump, the driver of vehicle that it eliminates human interaction and avoids the
has to pay for fuel with cash money and may have to situation of black selling in absence of service man.
pay more than the dispensed fuel due to lack of small On the completion of transaction money is
money change. withdrawals from card and the balance is shown again
Now a day, most fuel stations are manually operated on the LCD display. When the balance in customers
which require more manpower and are time account is low, the process will not be carried out and
consuming. For placing fuel stations in a remote area, message will be displayed as “Low balance”. All the
it is so difficult to provide the good facilities to the details of date time and amount of petrol will be
consumers. Mass transit companies focus to include stored in the database when the fuel is dispensed.
qualities and latest technologies in their system
aiming to reduce the service manpower. Introduction
of technology in delivering the service has changed
the delivery service design. This includes self-service In the year 1883,sylvanius F. Bowser invented an idea
technologies like self-service fuel dispensers. This has drawn water from a well by using a wooden
been made possible by using computer and latest plunger.Around 1885, he used this idea in case of
technologies[2]. Older petrol pump systems were not
petrol pump and became founder of S.F.Bowser Pump
reliable enough. For example, in system with paper
recharges, there may be use of false coupons that are Company. At start the unit was very small consisting
very similar tothe original one. Again, We do not of storage barrel, the plunger,a hand lever and an
have the actual calculations or the amount of petrol upright faucet lever. This station got huge success and
that is dispensed on daily or monthly basis neither very soon it became a “filling station”[4]. In the year
how many paper recharge are circulating. The main 1890, he started to pump gasoline along with the
Aimof this projectis to provide validation to the kerosene and in this way the first gas pump was
customer and automatically regulate the start up and invented. The company S.F.Bowser continues the
Stopping of the tank valve in accordance with the
refining, improvement.This “filling station” was sold
amount requested[3].
to general stores in the year 1893.Before 1893, the

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT)
(E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2017”, 09th April 2017

motorist used to filled the vehicle tanks by using User can recharge thesecard at recharge points. When
“drum and measure” method. The gasoline was customer scratches the card through RFID reader, he
storedin big steel drum and kept at height above the will get his amount details on LCD screen then he has
to enter the amount of petrol which has to fill up in
ground. The cans would be feed by using gravity and
rupees [6]. Hence the amount will be deducted
they these canspour directly into vehicle tank by using automatically from the user card and the amount
funnels. The funnels were design properly so that it Details of customer will be displayed on the LCD
should not damage the engine or vehicle[5].This screen again.
process was quit lengthy, improper and
dangerous.After inventing “filling station pump” this The proposed system consists of four samples of
process become updated and people started to used RFID card. Out of which 3 cards are registered and
“filling station” to dispense the kerosene,petrol. When rest are unregistered. RFID card reader will accept the
card if it is authorized i.e. registered. Then it will ask
some other oil company issued mapped Gulf was the
for amount for the petrol to be dispensed. In this way
only one company that issued the map. After this the system will work.
various innovations made and the modern petrol When customer will swipe the unauthorized card i.e.
pump are developed which are treading now a unregistered card then reader will display the error
day.Apart from this we have added some new features message as the card is unauthorized. In these ways we
into the existing system such as smoke detection, have secured the system.
automatic payment using Smart card, indication of
fuel level etc. Hence this system is more efficient than
the existing once.

Fig. gives the overall system design of automation in
petrol bunk, which consists of following hardware.
1] GSM
2]RFID Reader & Tag

Fig.1 System design diagram.

These project mainly categories into two parts:

1. Customer part
2. Database system
In the first part the customer will enters into the
petrol pump. We have used automatic gate system by
using servo motor and PIR sensor. PIR sensor will
detect the human being and open the gate
automatically by using servo motor.Then customer
will use smart card including user verification code.

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT)
(E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2017”, 09th April 2017

4.1 ALGORITHM systems also reduce the manpower. In any case if the
(1) Start. customer tries swipe with the unauthorized card the
(2) Vehicle enters a fuel station. RFID system will reject the card. In this way we have
(3) RFID reader is waiting to get a tag. secured the system to obtain the best result. RFID tag
(4) Data simultaneously send to arduino. must be used of good quality.
(5)Turn on fuel dispenser display allow amount of (1) The system allows customers to pay just for the
fuel. amount of fuel they get and prevents illegal sale of
(7) Display the customer balance on LCD. fuel by assigning a predefined amount of fuel within a
(8) The amount will be deducted automatically from specified period of time.
the user card. (2) By using this system, an individual can obtain
(9) After filling petrol, turning off the the fuel pump. many useful records like, the amount of petrol
(10) End. dispensed in a particular station, the no. of regular
customer depending on their type of vehicle and many
other important information.
(1) It is the real time authentication system. REFERENCES
(2) Man power is reduced because of automated self-
service. [1] Kulkarni Amruta M. and Taware Sachin S. – Embedded
(3) Robbery of the fuel is avoided due to RFID security system using RFID and GSM module (International
Journal of Computer Technology and Electronic
system use.
Engineering )
(4) It is highly sensitive system.
[2] Behera Susanta K. and Ali Farida A. – Automatic
(5) Data communication over long distance is fuel pump control system using embedded system
possible due to GSM system. (International Journal of Computer Technology and
(6) These system is more secured in nature because Electronic Engineering ) April 2013
we have used the smoke sensor to prevent any [3] Kapse Sagar Sudhakar, Abhale Amol Anil, Kudake
accidental situation. Chetan Ashok, Shirsat Shravan Bhaskar. (International
Journal of Emerging Technology and Electronic
6. RESULT Engineering)
[4] S. K. Singh – Industrial Instrumentation and Control
In this system we have used RFID reader for swaping Tata McGraw Hill.
the RFID card. We have used LCD display for [5] Dr. A. D. Shaligram – Sensors and Transducer.
displaying the amount and. For typing amount and pin [6] A. K. Sawhney – Electrical and Electronics
we have used keypad dnd for dispensing the fuel there Measurments and Instrumentation
is dispensing system.
Author’s Profile:

Ms. Priyanka A. Gaikwad.

Pursuing Bachelor’s Degree in
Electronics & Telecommunication. Engg
final yearfrom PLITMS Buldana, SGBAU
Amravati, Maharashtra State, India.

The system accepts the authorized RFID card. The

system operates by the arduino receiving value from Ms. Shubhangi S. Wanare.
the keypad which represents customer request. And Diploma in (E & TCEngg) fromMSBTE,
customers get the accurate amount of the fuel. Mumbai.Pursuing B.E. (E&TC Engg)
final year from PLITMS, Buldana.
SGBAU Amravati, (MS), India.
This system is a lot more automotive and is able to
make the human life easier. In this work the RFID
system dispenses the accurate amount of fuel. These

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT)
(E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2017”, 09th April 2017

Ms.Pratibha K. Bahekar
Pursuing Bachelor’s Degree in
Electronics& Telecommunication. Engg
final yearfrom PLITMS Buldana,
SGBAU Amravati, Maharashtra
State, India.

Ms.Pallavi S. Sonone
Diploma in (E & TCEngg)
fromMSBTE, Mumbai.Pursuing B.E.
(E&TC Engg) final year from PLITMS,
Buldana. SGBAU Amravati, (MS),


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