Writing 5

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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Katie Fasse Date: 11/12/18

Grade Level: 1st Subject/ Topic: Writing
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 20 minutes *The template will expand as text is added.*
Main Focus/Essential Questions: Writing
Brief Context: The students have written letters before but this time we will dive into the history of letters and more
about how to structure a letter.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: Writing skills
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments
Consider formative & summative tools
Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.
The learner will: I will assess learning by:
1. Write a letter to Mrs. leep 1. Reading their responses
2. Looking at their handwriting
Standards Addressed in Lesson: (Include full standard.)
With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions
from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
1 – H2.0.6 Compare life today with life in the past using the criteria of family, school, jobs, or communication.
Instructional Resources:

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement, Representation,
Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual accommodations you will make
in response to needs or interests of students.
I have considered my diverse learners. This is why we will be doing two different copies. The first copy will be a “messy
copy” where Mrs. H and I will then review to make things are spelled correctly. Then they will have a final copy which is
what they will show their parents


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building positivity! Reminding students not to blurt

CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: (Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self- regulation, etc.)

Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention: counting, “knock knock!”, “1,2,3, eyes on me!”, hands on
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students: saying names, touching, removing from group, chips

CONTENT MANAGEMENT: students decide what to write but come to Mrs. H and me to edit

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: normal set up with students at desks

Motivation/Opening/Intro: ( 5 minutes) Day one
- Sing criss cross to gather students in front of the map this time
- State that I live in Maine and that is where my parents are
- Point to where Michgan and Maine are on the map
- Say that it take about 20 hours od driving to get there
- Pull out phone
- Ask students if they know what this is- a phone
- And what do you do with a phone- talk to people, games, look stuff up, etc.
- Yup! I am going to call my mom in Maine right now
- Call mom and chat about Moose my dog for a little bit on speaker (maybe 2 minutes or so)
- Say that I was able to call and talk to my mom right now
- But phones weren’t always invented and people used to write letters
- People still write letters today but it talks longer for people to talk to each other using letters
- Right now we are going to write a letter for Mrs. Leep, a woman who goes to Mrss. H’s church who broke her
- Have any of you broken a bone? Does it feel good/- no!
- Exactly! We are going to write her get well soon cards and Mrs. H will get them to her
- Our messages will take a little longer to get to Mrs. Leep but I’m sure she will love it!

Day two (2 minutes)

- Say that today we are going to work on writing letters to Mrs. Leep!
- You can take out your messy copy of your letter and continue writing
- I will put the template on the board
- If you are done Mrs. H and I will edit it and you may write it on the clean paper
- Remember you only get one copy of the good paper! So use your best handwriting!!!

Development: (20 minutes) Day one

- Ask students if they know what is needed to write a letter?- who the letter is to, the message, and the ending
- Write on messy paper on the overhead, greeting, body (what you want to say), and the ending
- Ask students how we want to address Mrs. Leep
- Do we want to say Dear Mrs. Leep or To Mrs. Leep?
- Write down what the students say
- Ask students what our message should be to Mrs. Leep. Remember she broke her hip
- Write down one sentence like I’m sorry that your hip broke,
- Say we should end our letter with fell better soon or get better soon
- Write down what students say
- Ask if we should end our letter with from or sincerely your name here
- Write down what students say
- Say that this is our letter template
- I want you to write down what I wrote but to write 2 or 3 sentences by yourself about Mrs. Leep getting
better and her hip healing
- We will use a messy copy first and then use a clean copy after Mrs. H or I edit it
- Remember to use your best handwriting!
- Dismiss students to get messy paper and to star writing
- Help students as needed

Day two
- Pass back students papers
- Edit students papers
- Help students write words as needed or give them ideas for what to write
- Mrs. H will also help edit
- Once students are done with their messy paper copies then they can copy on the letter template
- Assist and help as needed
For early finishers- grab writing paper and tell me about your favorite game
Closure: (3 minutes) (both days)
- Have students put their messy copies in their work in progress or hand in their clean copies
- Dismiss students to their book clubs


EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: using other resources


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