Gratitude Journaling

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Gratitude Journaling

Week 1

- Post 1 (October 15): After such a long and chaotic day at work I found myself with
sometime to go to the gym. Which is always the highlight of my day and sometimes
difficult to find time for. In the middle of the workout I felt a rush of energy and a
piece of clarity as if I took a deep breath of fresh air. I could feel all my worries and
frustrations being let go and feeling like I could do anything. This is one of the many
reasons why I love working out and try to go everyday. Even if it is only for 30
minutes, I always feel better afterwards.

- Post 2 (October 17): Today during lecture we discussed intrinsic and extrinsic factors
that motivate us and it reminded me of some of the reasons I'm going to school. The
extrinsic factor that I wrote down was my family. My family has always pushed me to
be my best version while giving me all the support and love when I feel at my worst.
And for that I am eternally grateful for them and their support towards my long and
emotional journey to graduation. Without their own sacrifices I wouldn't be where I
am today, they have made me who I am, and have given me a life where I am grateful
for so much and for that I will always strive to be better for them

- Post 3 (October 18): Today I completed my first service learning day for my public
health rotation and I loved it! I was a bit nervous going in because I hear people saying
how this rotation can be boring but I am so grateful for the nurse that I am paired with.
Today was my first day meeting with her and she has such a great energy about
herself, her passion for her job makes me excited for all the events and tasks we have
to do. Being with her gave me new perspectives on different situations and I truly look
forward to my future service learning days now

Week 2

- Post 1 (October 22): Towards the end of a long shift at work, me and a co-worker were
talking about our personal lives and as I was talking I realized how much this person
knows about me and how long we have known each other. This co-worker of mine
means a lot to me and I am really grateful for her. She has always helped me out at
work, always letting me work whenever I want or can. But also for always letting me
vent to her. She'll give her two seconds every now and then but mostly she just listens
and I never feel her judging me. She's someone that I can trust and to be a stable role
model for myself. I only hope that I give her the same comfort she gives me

- Post 2 (October 24): Today I am grateful for my future/career. While in lecture today
we were discussing how important it is to know why you want to go into nursing but
also to have the right intentions about going into nursing because if your heart isn't in
it, you won't last long within the career. Watching the videos in class and discussing
how influential nurses are made my heart happy and got me excited all over again to
start my career. I chose nursing because I had an interest in medicine but mostly
because the interaction with people. I have always wanted a career where I can help
others in any way I could and knowing I get the opportunity to do that makes me so
happy and grateful on where I am going

- Post 3 (October 27): This morning I got up early to take my graduation photos and this
process made me extremely grateful for all the friends I have made while in nursing
school. They helped me get all my stuff ready for my photos, helped me get ready with
hair and make-up, while getting ready themselves to be in my pictures. They took time
out of their day and put a lot of effort in something for me and I can't thank them
enough. I am grateful for their continuous support and friendship that I hope to have
long after school ends

Week 3

- Post 1 (October 29): Today is my first day off of work in the last month and I am
incredibly grateful for it. I feel so relaxed but am also being so productive. Ever since
the end of my Preceptorship I have been working as much as I can because I wasn't
able to during my preceptorship. Which is helpful financially, but physically and
mentally it has been kind of exhausting. I feel behind on school work at times and
don't find time to take a breather for myself. So I am grateful today for the people at
work who helped me get this day off so I can get my sanity back just for a little bit

- Post 2 (October 31): Today (and everyday) I am grateful for my Hispanic heritage. In
our public health class we discussed culture and although we talked about the negative
side of how culture is not truly or completely represented within our healthcare
system, I am so proud of where I come from. I am grateful that my family provided me
with my Hispanic heritage and the cultural aspects that came with it. The family values
and traditions is what helped me grow into the person I am today. I think Hispanic
families have built resilience from the struggles of how society can treat us and I
believe that I am a strong and independent individual because of it

- Post 3 (November 2): Today I think what well was me and Gabby's productivity during
our Public Health Clinical hours. I was a little nervous to spend 6-8 hours straight on
working on all the tasks we needed to get done. But to my surprise we actually got a
lot done and we didn't really stop doing what we needed to. Granted, we still have a lot
more work to do but I am proud of our process today and really hope the rest of our
project goes just as productively

Week 4

- Post 1 (November 6): Today I am grateful for volleyball. Last night I went to play sand
volleyball with some friends and got talking about sports we use to play and it
reminded me of all the years that I spent playing. The memories of both in school and
in club, the friends I made along the way with the experiences I got. I wish I could still
play all the time but nevertheless, I am incredibly thankful that I got to experience that
kind of passion and competitiveness for something I love to do so much.

- Post 2 (November 7): Today I am grateful for my classmates. I have been pretty
stressed lately about almost anything and everything that is happening around me. But
while talking to some classmates today made me come back down from my whirlwind.
They made me feel not so alone in my current decisions and that was such a relief in
itself. It makes me happy to know that I had the privilege to know some amazing
people while in nursing school, and hope to continue to keep in contact with them.

- Post 3 (November 9): Today was my last day wearing my U of A scrubs and it was so
bitter sweet. It is just a weird concept to think that I will never wear my navy blue
scrubs with my enormous student nurse patch on the side of my arm, again. However,
it makes me so happy to think that I am just that much closer to to graduating and
becoming a nurse. I am incredibly grateful for the education, experiences, and people
that I have met along this nursing school journey and would not trade it for the world

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