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Feudalism Anticipation and Reaction Guide

Statement Agree Disagree Reader’s Perspective Before Reading Textual Evidence Reader’s Perspective After Reading

Kingdoms developed
after the fall of the
Roman empire led to
local communities
having more power
over themselves.


Knights were hired

to defend the
kingdom’s castle and
the king.


People were stuck in

the class that they
were born into.

Feudalism was a
system based on
honor and loyalty.


Nobles benefitted
more than serfs
under the system.

Source/Page #

Women under a
feudalistic society
had as much
influence if not more
than men when it
came to power,
work, and raising a

Source/Page #
Summary: After reading the text, did your opinion of the statements change at all? What part of the text or discussions with your partner helped
support your opinion or change your opinion about the statements? (3-5 sentence summary)













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