WWW - 11 28 2018

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Partnership WWW 11.28.

2018 GR: Principal not bound if agent exceeded

Q1: All contracts executed by agent in excess of
authority are void. Exc:

False Ratification by Principal

Estoppel by Principal

Q2: Agent may disregard the instructions. Authority by Necessity

True. Act is beneficial to the principal

Principal signed in blank the document

Q3: Agent may sell to himself the object to

which he is obliged to sell.
Ratification – the principal accedes to the act of
False. the agent that was unauthorized. In effect, the
act of the agent is the act of the principal. It
cures the defect.
Q4: Agent is not liable for acts of sub-agent
Elements of Ratification:
appointed by the principal.
1) Capacity and power to ratify
2) Knowledge of material facts
3) Ratify in its entirety
4) Acts capable of ratification
Q5: Once in writing, principal can never claim 5) Must be done in behalf of principal
that the agent exceeded his authority.

Illustration 1:

Principal gave the Agent jewelries to show the

Q: Obligations of the Principal buyer. What kind of agent Is he?
1) To comply with the obligations contracted by Commission agent because he has in him the
agent within the scope of his authority. possession of the jewelries.
2) To advance necessary funds for execution of On his way, he hit a pedestrian. Who will be
agency advanced to the agent. liable for the medical expenses?
3) To reimburse agent for advances made by In torts, the principal is civilly liable while the
him. agent is civilly liable and criminally liable.
4) To indemnify agent for damages he suffered In our case, the pedestrian may claim from the
in execution of agency without fault or principal and agent.
negligence on his part.
When he arrived at the house of the buyer, it
5) Compensation of agent paid. was too dark, he couldn’t see the buyer. “Kung
ipasiga nimo ang suga, mu palit ko.” So, he
fiddled with the wires and got electrocuted. ha? I deliver dayun.” Principal says “Ill deliver
Who will now bear the expenses? in 30 days”. Is he obliged to deliver?

Agent alone. Motivation-Deviation Test. Yes. Estoppel.

Motivation – the agent’s desire to do acts is for

Ratification vs. Estoppel
Deviation – there must be no extreme deviation
Ratification is retroactive. Estoppel is proactive.
from the normal conduct of an employee.
Ratification, the substance is the confirmation
The agent failed the deviation test. Fiddling with
to the unauthorized acts. Estoppel, the
wires = extreme deviation because THERE WAS
substance is the inducement of 3rd parties.
BEHAVIOUR. Ratification rests on intent. Estoppel rests on
But, if the agent was an electrician, principal is
liable since there would be no deviation in this Ratification, there is intention. Estoppel, intent
case. “Ipasiga ra? Nadisgrasya lang.” doesn’t matter.

Rule: In estoppel what happens? What is estoppel?

Agent and Principal solidarily liable for torts Bar that precludes from asserting or denying an
provided it passes the motivation-deviation established fact.

Illustration 2:

If the principal authorized the agent to sell his

property for P1M. But agent sold it for only
900k. Is principal obliged?

No. Agent acted in excess of his authority.

But if principal nevertheless accepts the 900k?


However, when he accepted the 900k, he told

the seller I’ll deliver only ½.

Invalid. Must be ratified in its entirety.

Illustration 3:

Agent authorized to sell for P1M. Sold it again

for 900k. Buyer called the principal “boss, 900k

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