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Mahapatra et al.

, J Womens Health, Issues Care 2013, 2:5
Journal of Women’s
Health, Issues & Care

Case Report a SciTechnol journal

Cut-section was grayish white with solid to mucoid areas (Figure 1).
Glomus Tumor in Vulva with Microscopic examination revealed tumor cells arranged in sheets in

Uncertain Malignant Potential a hyalinized mixed stroma (Figure 2). The monotonous round cells
had indistinct cell borders, pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, round central
Smita Mahapatra1*, Asaranti Kar2, Tushar Kar3 and Upasana nuclei (Figure 3). The cells were arranged around the blood vessels at
Das2 the periphery of the tumor (Figure 4). There was no cellular atypia
or mitosis. It was histopathologically diagnosed as glomus tumor in
vulva. Again for further confirmation, immunohistochemistry (IHC)
was performed. The tumor showed positivity for smooth muscle actin
Glomus tumors of female genital tract are rare. Herein we (+++) (Figure 5) but it was negative for cytokeratin. Thus, diagnosis
report a case of glomus tumor in the vulva in a 39 years female was confirmed as glomus tumor in vulva. Considering the size of
presenting with a 4 cm painful vulvar growth. The mass was
totally excised. The histopathological diagnosis was supported the tumor more than 2 cm, the final diagnosis of glomus tumor with
with immunohistochemistry and considering the size of the tumor uncertain malignant potential was given. On follow up for duration
more than 2 cm, the final diagnosis of glomus tumor with uncertain of 12 months, the patient had responded to the treatment, there was
malignant potential was made. After the excision, the patient had no further recurrence of the tumor and she was symptom free.
no recurrence, on follow up. To the best of our knowledge only very
few cases of glomus tumor with uncertain malignant potential have
been described in vulva till date.
Glomus tumor; Vulva

Glomus tumor is an unusual, benign soft tissue tumor arising
from neuromuscular cells of the glomus apparatus which function
Figure 1: Gross measuring 3×2×1 cm, cut section showing grayish solid to
as temperature regulation via arteriovenous shunting of blood. It is
mucoid areas.
found in deep dermis of the extremities [1]. They can occur anywhere
in the body and are occasionally found in gastrointestinal, respiratory
and female genital tracts. In the female reproductive tract, glomus
tumor has been described in the external genitalia [2,3], vagina [4,5],
uterine cervix [6] and myometrium [7]. We are presenting this a
case as of glomus tumor in vulva with uncertain malignant potential
which is extremely rare.
Case Report
A 39 year female presented with a painful swelling in vulva for
the last six months. The swelling was 4 cms in diameter, firm, with
overlying skin being normal. The swelling was clinically diagnosed
as bartholin’s cyst. In pervaginal (PV) examination, there was no Figure 2: Tumor cells are arranged in sheets surrounding blood vessels in a
hyalinized mixed stroma (H&E, X400).
abnormal discharge/bleeding, no history of amenorrhea, cervix
was parous and fornices were free. Introitus was normal and no
abnormality was detected in vagina. Her hematological parameters
were within normal limit. The mass was completely excised and was
submitted for histopathological examination.
Grossly, it was smooth, well circumscribed and of 3×2×1 cm3 size.

*Corresponding author: Dr. Smita Mahapatra, Department of Transfusion

Medicine, S.C.B. Medical College, N-1/256, IRC Village, Nayapalli,
Cuttack-753007, Orissa, India, Tel: 91-9437094138; E-mail: doctorsmita@
Figure 3: Monotonous tumor cells with central nuclei and pale eosinophilic
Received: February 28, 2013 Accepted: September 06, 2013 Published: cytoplasm (H&E, X400).
September 11, 2013

All articles published in Journal of Women’s Health, Issues & Care are the property of SciTechnol, and is protected by
International Publisher of Science, copyright laws. Copyright © 2013, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved.
Technology and Medicine
Citation: Mahapatra S, Kar A, Das U, Kar T (2013) Glomus Tumor in Vulva with Uncertain Malignant Potential. J Womens Health, Issues Care 2:5.


negative for these. In our case, the tumor was negative for cytokeratin.
In haemangiopericytoma, there is presence of mixture of spindled and
epithelioid cells, staghorn vessels and indistinct cell borders which
are negative for muscle specific marker actin which was positive in
our case. The possibility of intradermal nevus and melanoma were
excluded due to absence of proliferation of melanocytic cells.
Rarely, when glomus tumors exihibit large pleomorphic nuclei
without increased cellularity and mitotic activity, they are referred
as symplastic glomus tumors. The atypical changes are due to
degenerative changes. Glomangiomatosis which is a rare and benign
Figure 4: Tumor cells arranged around blood vessels have centrally located morphologic variant of glomus tumors show infiltrative growth of
nuclei with pale cytoplasm (H&E X 400). vessels whose walls are invested by glomus cells [12].
Majority of glomus tumors are benign which are cured by
simple local excision. It is diagnosed as malignant when large in
size (>2.0 cm), deep location or moderate to high nuclear grade and
increased mitotic figures (>5/50 high power fields) or the presence
of atypical mitotic figures. In malignancy, the metastasis exceeds
25% [12]. Glomus tumors with uncertain malignant potential are
diagnosed when they exhibit any one of the following features; high
mitotic activity with superficial location, large size, deep location.
Thus, considering the size of the tumor more than 2 cm, our case
Figure 5: Immunostaining positive for smooth muscle actin (IHC). was diagnosed as glomus tumor with uncertain malignant potential.
Glomus tumor is typically immunopositive for actin, occasionally
for desmin [13], thus actin and myosin immunohistochemical stains
Discussion highlight benign glomus tumor than malignant counterpart, whereas
Glomus tumor was initially described by Masson in 1924 typically opposite is true for vimentin [14].
involving the skin of the hand and especially the subungual region of Simple surgical excision is curative as seen in our case which was
the finger [8]. This tumor is a small benign neoplasm derived from followed for 12 months and was found disease free. The previous
the specialized cell of the glomus body, intimately associated with and reported case of vulvar glomus tumor of 3 cm diameter had a disease
surrounding arteriovenous anastomosis. The most important site is free survival for more than 10 years [15]. Though rare while dealing
the subungual region, deep dermis and subcutis of upper and lower with painful vulvar growth, glomus tumor has to be kept in mind
extremities, where arteriovenous anastomoses are numerous. Glomus for the better management of the patient Local recurrence may occur
tumor arising from female genital tract is rare. In vulva less than 10 after incomplete excision.
cases have been reported in English literatures mostly as isolated case
reports [9,10]. These tumors arise in females in 27-53 years age group
with size being 1.0 cm or smaller. The patient with vaginal tumor of 1. Shugart RR, Soule EH, Johnson EW Jr (1963) GLOMUS TUMOR. Surg
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5 cm size is present with vaginal bleeding [4]. The vulvar and clitoral
lesions are painful, but other glomus tumors are incidentally detected 2. Jagadha V, Srinivasan K, Panchacharam P (1985) Glomus tumor of the
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during hysterectomy.
3. Sonobe H, Ro JY, Ramos M, Diaz I, Mackay B, et al. (1994) Glomus tumor of
Glomus tumor is typically composed of 3 components: glomus the female external genitalia: a report of two cases. Int J Gynecol Pathol 13:
cells, vasculature and smooth muscle cells. Again, they can be 359-364.
subcategorized as solid glomus tumor with poor vasculature and 4. Spitzer M, Molho L, Seltzer VL, Lipper S (1985) Vaginal glomus tumor: case
scanty smooth muscle component, glomangioma with prominent presentation and ultrastructural findings. Obstet Gynecol 66: 86S-88S.
vascular component and glomangiomyoma with prominent vascular 5. Moldavsky M, Stayerman C, Turani H (1998) Vaginal glomus tumor presented
and smooth muscle component. Out of this solid tumor is the as a painless cystic mass. Gynecol Oncol 69: 172-174.
commonest (75%) followed by glomangioma and glomangiomyoma 6. Albores-Saavedra J, Gilcrease M (1999) Glomus tumor of the uterine cervix.
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7. Borghard-Erdle AM, Hirsch EF (1958) Glomus tumor of the uterus. AMA Arch
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hemangiopericytoma, intradermal nevus and melanoma can be a
8. Van Geertruyden J, Lorea P, Goldschmidt D, de Fontaine S, Schuind F, et
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nodular hidradenoma may show uniform aggregates of epitheliod Hand Surg Br 21: 257-260.
cells in a myxoid stroma with variable number of blood vessels. But, in 9. Katz VL, Askin FB, Bosch BD (1986) Glomus tumor of the vulva: a case
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at the periphery of the tumor as seen in our case lacking ductular
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immunohistochemically stain for cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic
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antigen and epithelial membrane antigen, while glomus tumor is 1452.

Volume 2 • Issue 5 • 1000120 • Page 2 of 3 •

Citation: Mahapatra S, Kar A, Das U, Kar T (2013) Glomus Tumor in Vulva with Uncertain Malignant Potential. J Womens Health, Issues Care 2:5.


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Author Affiliations Top

Department of Transfusion Medicine, SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Orissa,
Department of Pathology, SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Orissa, India
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SCB Medical College, Cuttack,
Orissa, India

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