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Teacher: Elizabeth Otim Date: 11/07/2018 Time: 2:05-2:40 pm) Grade Level:


Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Donna Ruggles

Mentor: Mrs. Mary Gill

Topic: Shapes Patterns.

I. Content and Standards: VA

o NCTM Standards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13.

II. Prerequisites: know how to create a pattern.

o Vocabulary:

o Pattern: repeating something over and over.

o Shape: a shape is the way something looks or form.

III. Essential Questions:

o What comes next? Commented [Office1]: This is where I got the questions I
used when I was teaching.
IV. Instructional Objective:

 Students will identify, copy, and extend two-and three-element shape patterns. Commented [Office2]: Domain 3b. Using questioning and
discussion techniques. This is my objective of what students
will be learning. This is the content I taught my students as
V. Instructional Procedures: well. Students identify that “square, circle, square” is a
pattern because it repeats itself. I made a pattern on the
carpet and asked students to copy the patterns. Most of the
a. Before: 5 minutes
advance made a three-element shape pattern.

1. Invite students to the carpet.

2. Explain lesson and what students are going to learn by saying: “Today, we will

learn about shape patterns.” I will ask students: “What is a shape patterns?” I

will call on one student to share answer. Commented [Office3]: Domain 3a. Communicating with
students. I clearly communicate and I explained what they
are going to learn today and what they are going to do
3. I will explain the different activities students will participate in to help improve when they are back at their table.

their understanding of shape patterns. Commented [Office4]: What students will do.
4. I will read a book Patterns by Michele Koomen.

b. During: 30 minutes:

1. I will model a shape patterns using animal toys with different shapes. Commented [Office5]: Domain 3c: Engaging students in
learning. This is the part where I explain and then show
students what I made. I showed them a simple shape
2. I will ask students to make a shape pattern using a magnet blocks on the white pattern using squares and circle. I asked students what
comes next.
board and then read it to the class. Commented [Office6]: Domain 3d: Using assessment in
instruction. Student copy what I made. Students also
participate in reading shape patterns and help finish a shape
3. I will show Students how I did mine on the board and then students will copy pattern together. This went well because students helped
the students who got stuck creating a pattern up.
what I did.

4. Students will practice creating shape patterns with their math group during math


5. Activity #1: Patterns with shape worksheet. (Two tables).

6. Activity #2: Making shapes with magnet shapes on the white board. (Two tables).

Notes: Two table are going to participate in different activity to practice

creating shape patterns during math group and then they will flip flop

instead of rotating. Commented [Office7]: Domain 3e: Demonstrating

flexibility and Responsiveness. Students are engaged in
different activity that involve creating shape patterns.
C) After: 5 minutes Student discussed their shape with a teacher and then
create a different shape patterns. During math centers, I
1. Think and Discuss: When you see a pattern, how do you decide what had the opportunity to assesses student’s ability and how
they create their shape patterns.

shape would come next? (I identify the order of shapes in the The special needs students had a little problem creating
shape pattern but the help of a teacher, they understood it.
I also gave them extra practice.
I asked students to make multiple shapes patterns and then
2. How could you describe the shape of a pumpkin? (Round, curvy…). asked them to read it to me.

What about a flower? (pointed, curvy, and round). Commented [Office8]: Overall lesson was successful.
Afterward, they shared what they learned about shape
patterns. I review with them that a pattern repeats itself
3. Transition for snack. and the pattern must be complete

VI. Materials and Equipment:

 Pencil

 crayons

VII. Assessment/Evaluation:

 Complete activity and share.

 Show different ways of ordering shape patterns.

VIII. Differentiation:

 Different activities.

IX. Disabilities:

 Special education instructional assistant will be in the room to help with special

needs students.

 Modeled shapes pattern to students and have him or her copy it.

 Start activity with manipulative then worksheet.

 Will work closely with student. Commented [Office9]: I had Special Ed. Assistant in the
classroom to work with special needs students.

X. English Language Learners (ELLs):

 ELL Instructional Assistant will be present in the room to work with a


 Modeled shapes pattern to students and have him or her copy it. Have

students practice showing another way or organizing shapes pattern.

 Work closely with students.

XI. Technology: none

XII. Self-Assessment:

 Thumb up if you understand shape pattern?

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