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EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

Name: Jeanette Miller Pima Course: ​EDC274 Instructor: Eagleton, M.

Subjects: ELA & Topic: Text Features & Grade Level:2nd Duration:
Science Animal Structures 45 minutes
List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: Promethean board, pencils, 3 sheets of white
paper for each student, crayons or colored pencils, class library
Essential Question:
1. What are different animal structures? How do the structures function?
2. What are the sensory parts of an animal? How do the sensory parts function?
3. What do different animals do to defend themselves or survive? Why do they do that?
4. What ways do animal move around? Why do they do that?

Components Description of Plan

Content Standards 2.L2U1.9 Obtain, analyze, and communicate evidence that
Choose ONE science or social organisms need a source of energy, air, water, and certain
studies standard and ONE ELA temperature conditions to survive.
standard (RI, W, or SL).
2.RI.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print,
subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate
key facts or
information in a text efficiently.

Learning Objectives Content Objective: SWBAT create an animal that could live on earth.
▪ Write ONE content objective
that is ONE simple sentence ELA Objective: SWBAT create an animal that could live on earth using
with ONE carefully chosen text features to find evidence of that animal surviving.
▪ Write ONE ELA objective that
is ONE simple sentence with
ONE carefully chosen verb.
Est ENGAGEMENT Teacher will (TW): Students will (SW):
# of ▪ Describe how the 1. TW display a picture of a 1. SW pose answers to
teacher will captivate mythical creature and ask whether they think the
5 students’ interest. if students think this mythical creature could
▪ What questions should
animal could live on live on earth.
students ask themselves
after the engagement?
earth? 2. SW discuss objective with
2. TW state the objectives for their partner.
today. Today we will be 3. SW state the objective as
using our text feature a group.
research skills to create
an animal that could live
on earth.
3. TW have students talk
with their partner about
what they think the
objective is for today.
4. TW have students read
the objective that is
EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

projected next to the

mythical creature.
Est EXPLORATION Teacher will: Students will:
# of ▪ Describe the 1. TW will remind students 1. SW use the paper to
hands-on/minds-on about how animals use create a flipbook about
activities students will be adaptations to survive. their animal, and answer
Although mythical the following
▪ List “big idea”
conceptual questions
creatures may not be able questions:What are the
the teacher will use to to exist on earth, we can physical features of this
encourage and/or focus create animals that could. creature?
students’ exploration 2. TW talk about how Why are these features
▪ This is the heart of the scientists are finding new needed in this habitat?
lesson and should have species of animals What does this creature
the most minutes everyday. They will use eat?
assigned to it.
what they have learned What does this creature
about plant and animal do during the day? Or is it
characteristics and nocturnal?
adaptations to create a Does this creature have
new species and introduce any natural predators?
it to the world by creating 2. SW share their flip books
a flipbook. with a partner and discuss
3. TW show example of their animal before they
flipbook and where tell the class about their
appropriate sections of animal.
information should go.
4. TW ask questions to
students about how their
animals have adapted:
What are the physical
features of this creature?
Why are these features
needed in this habitat?
What does this creature
What does this creature
do during the day? Or is it
Does this creature have
any natural predators?
Est EXPLANATION Teacher will: Students will:
# of ▪ Student explanations 1. TW restate objective for 1. SW share their creatures
must precede teacher the lesson and remind using their flipbooks and
explanations. students that we are by stating how their
▪ List higher order thinking
creating a creature that animal has adapted to
questions to solicit
student​ explanations
can live on earth and has meet the objective.
and help them to justify specific adaptations. 2. SW interact with the
their explanations. 2. TW ask students to tell us objectives by thinking to
▪ Check for understanding how each students animal themselves how their
#1 has adapted to live on animal has adapted and
▪ Students MUST interact earth. then sharing their animal
with the OBJECTIVES. book.
EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

3. SW answer questions
after each created animal,
about how that animal fits
into our objective.

Est ELABORATION Teacher will: Students will:

# of ▪ Describe how students 1. TW restate the questions 1. SW answer the questions
will develop a deeper to students about how about how their animal
understanding of the their animals have was created and how their
adapted: What are the animal adapted.
▪ What vocabulary will be
introduced and how will
physical features of this
it connect to students’ creature?
observations? Why are these features
▪ How is this knowledge needed in this habitat?
applied in our daily What does this creature
lives? eat?
▪ Check for What does this creature
Understanding #2
do during the day? Or is it
Does this creature have
any natural predators?
Est EVALUATION & Closure Students will:
# of ▪ How will the teacher 1. SW present their completed flipbooks to the class.
know that ALL students 2. SW show understanding of the creating creature concept in
have achieved the their completed flipbook using text features from the class
lesson objectives?
library books to help their creation.
▪ How will all students
self-assess their
3. SW re-engage with the objectives by restating the objective
mastery of the that is projected next to the mythical creature that could not live
objectives? on earth.
▪ Check for
Understanding #3
▪ Students MUST
re-engage with the

Checks for Understanding 1.SW write in their flipbooks.

(CFU) 2.SW interact with a partner.
▪ List at least THREE quick, 3.SW answer and think to themselves.
informal strategies that you
used to check understanding
throughout the lesson​.
▪ CFUs should be varied (i.e.,
self-check, verbal check,
written check).
▪ CFUs go in the STUDENT
column, not the teacher
Assessment Options Pre- and Post-Assessment of Objective:
▪ Describe how you will pre- and Students will complete morning work to show understanding of
post-test students’ concepts. Students will take an assessment after concepts.
EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

understanding of the objective

before/after this lesson/unit. Alternative Assessment Options:
▪ Pre- and post-assessment Students will give verbal examples of text feature elements and
should be identical or nearly
verbally describe their animal and how it has adapted.
▪ Alternative options for diverse
learners should also be
Differentiation Options Content – Scaffold: Review of the previous grade level standard will be
Describe how you will reach used to begin to understand that different parts of a book have specific
diverse learners who need information. Define that text features have different attributes.
scaffolding or extra challenge by Students will describe how animals need specific things to live on
varying the:
▪ Content – WHAT they are
Content – Challenge: Students will use different text features to find
▪ Process – HOW they are information in a text and give written information about the adaptation
learning it of their animal, including specific reasons for adaptation.
▪ Product – WHAT they will
produce to demonstrate Process – Scaffold:Students will use pictures to help them decipher
mastery of the objective between different text features, and use these pictures to draw their
Process – Challenge:Students will work in groups to identify and use
different text features to answer and solve questions regarding the
validity of recently found species.

Product – Scaffold:Students will produce a picture sort to demonstrate

Product – Challenge:Students will produce a chart that shows what
information they needed to find and where they found that information.
Students will explain why the text feature is the best way to find that
information and validate the findings.
​ ​ Century Learning
21​st​ Technology:
Describe how you will incorporate
technology and/or the 4 Cs: Critical Thinking: Students will need to decipher between text features
▪ Critical Thinking to determine the best text feature to use to find information in a book.
▪ Creativity
▪ Collaboration
▪ Communication

Collaboration: Students will work together to compare their flipbooks

before discussion with the class.

Communication:Students will need to participate in discussions with

partners and the class to determine uses of text features.

Additional Information/Appendices (insert materials/links/screenshots here):

Creative Educator (n.d.) Retrieved from​.
EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template

Flipbook Sections:
1. Image of creature in habitat
2. Title page with name of animal and scientist(s) who discovered it
3. Description of habitat and images to support description
4. Description of creature’s characteristics and image with labels
5. Description of creature’s predators and prey (diet)
6. Story of how the creature was discovered (narrative writing)

Many units of inquiry are designed to build initial knowledge separate from the conceptual frame with

the goal of gradually working toward conceptual understanding; the result is that students focus on information

in isolation from the frame (Short, 2009). This is how Short describes the difference between Project Based

Learning and Inquiry Learning. Inquiry Learning focused on the questioning of why things are happening or

what we are curious about that topic. Project Based Learning takes these questions and puts them into a project

inspired format. Students question and then produce a project based upon answering these questions. Kids show

what they learn as they journey through the unit, interact with its lessons, collaborate with each other, and

assess themselves and each other (Wolpert-Gawron, 2015).

EDC274 5E Lesson Plan Template


Short, K.G. (2009). Inquiry as a stance on curriculum. Retrieved from​.

Wolpert-Gawron, H. (2015). What the heck is Project-Based Learning? Retrieved from​.

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